1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 818 Foreign Language Advantages

In Yuanxin, there is a very subtle fact - even though Yuanxin has long been ahead of domestic companies in terms of administrative and business structure, it is not inferior to its counterparts in international large companies. It has long since broken away from the limitations of entrepreneurial explosive companies. But because the founder's reputation is too high, his ability is too strong, and he is really a monster... Therefore, Yuanxin's senior executives have some tacit understanding.

——On the premise that Yuanxin has maintained sufficient interests and development, everyone does not mind Su Yuanshan being willful in certain areas.

——After all, the executives have no pressure from shareholders, and they are all aiming to achieve greatness for Yuanxin.

When there is spare energy, there is nothing wrong with wasting a little for the development of the entire industry and the development of models. Losing is nothing more than a matter of money, while making a profit is not only a matter of money, but also a matter of market and status.

What do upstarts desire most? Of course, it is the status of the world - this sentence is perfectly applicable to Yuan Xin at this time.

Su Yuanshan has a good grasp of the mentality of the senior management, so he also abides by the rules tacitly - Yuanxin executives are all a group of big guys who are very knowledgeable and can understand and keep up with his own strategic thinking.

If they were offended, Su Yuanshan might not even have time to put his butt on the chair, let alone take time to read the paper.

He doesn't have that much desire for power and control.

Mr. Shan, why don't you just invest in us? Liu Xiang agreed on the phone - Mr. Shan is very wealthy and wants to promote multi-core optimization scenarios, so he is naturally eager to do so: Anyway, sooner or later we will go public. Before going public, we Definitely need to raise money again.”

Okay, come from Yuanxin or Xinghai?

Then it's up to you.

... Su Yuanshan smiled: Well, if you plan to list on Nasdaq, I will ask Xinghai Fund to support you. If you plan to list on HK, just hand it over to Oaktree Capital.

Okay, then it's settled?

Well, it's settled. By the way, there will be a press conference at 8 o'clock tomorrow night. Do you have a ticket?

Yes, I asked Mr. He for a bunch, and by the way, they also asked for a lot for Brother Zhu. According to Brother Zhu, I wanted to get it directly from you. I asked you why I have the nerve to call you for such a small thing. You think so... …”

Haha, why are you embarrassed? I'd love for everyone to come and support me. I'm going there tomorrow too. We'll meet and talk then.


After hanging up the phone, Su Yuanshan ordered Wen Xiaoqian to file the contents of the call and give it to He Wei, so that He Wei could do it with confidence.

Including the matter of investing in Midstream? Wen Xiaoqian had sharp ears and listened clearly to the phone call just now, and asked immediately.

Well... let's not mention that for now, and He Wei is not in charge of investment. What's more, I have to ask Mr. Huo whether it is better for Yuanxin to take a stake, or for Xinghai to hold a controlling stake. It doesn't matter. Money is a matter of structure.”

Yeah, okay. Wen Xiaoqian nodded immediately.

The Xinghai here naturally does not refer to OCSS Xinghai Technology, but to Xinghai Fund. In a sense, Xinghai Fund is Su Yuanshan's personal - or in other words, a private equity fund led by him and Western technology giants such as Gates.

As for Oaktree Capital, it is also closely related to Xinghai Fund - it was jointly established by Xinghai Fund and Sun Xihui's Zhenhua Ocean Trading. In addition to being a market maker, Oaktree Capital currently also established Kexin Bank, which is operating in Hong Kong. And the surrounding areas vigorously develop consumer banking services.

Moreover, Kexin is actively contacting and negotiating with the domestic central bank to prepare to launch business in the country. According to gossip, it is said to be going very smoothly. It is estimated that it will not take long for Kexin to successfully build a pilot bank in the country. However, the scope of business is unknown... There is a high probability that it will be lower than several major national banks.

After all, everything else is easy to say, banks are no joke.

Such a complicated controlling party will have various impacts, and it needs to be considered in the long term.



In the afternoon of the next day, Su Yuanshan originally planned to wait until he had dinner in the cafeteria and then walk there directly, but unexpectedly he received a call from Shi Dazhu at three o'clock in the afternoon, asking him if he was free. If so, he should go there and sit for a while, brothers. All are there.

Seeing that this small gang was about to start again, Su Yuanshan was naturally reluctant to refuse - seeing that the Internet economy was about to recover, and these people would all be great IT industry bosses in the future, how could he be willing to refuse?

So at 3:30 in the afternoon, Su Yuanshan arrived at the convention and exhibition center on time and went up to the business club on the 11th floor.

The clubhouse on the eleventh floor was a bowling center. When Su Yuanshan walked in and saw the posture, he knew that Shi Dazhu must have reserved the court.

This guy obviously knew that the pressure from the west might not come again for a while, so he was extra happy.

A group of people were sparsely watching at the edge of the three lanes at first. Seeing Su Yuanshan enter, Qiu Bojun, who was slightly fatter, handed the bowling ball to him: Here's a shot.

I'm not afraid of you laughing... This is really my first time playing this. Su Yuanshan pinched the ball as he saw on TV, but he felt that he couldn't get enough of it.

It's okay, you can just throw it randomly. The only thing you need to pay attention to is to let go - just don't throw yourself into the fairway.

... Su Yuanshan squeezed the ball and really threw it randomly. The bowling ball rolled past in a cloud of smoke and finally missed the bowling pin.

No, this thing hurts my shoulders a bit. Su Yuanshan squeezed his shoulders, stepped back and laughed: Let's play golf next time, that thing is easy.

Is there golf here in the industrial zone? Shi Dazhu walked over at this time and asked with a smile.

There must not be one in the urban area. It seems that someone is repairing it in Shuangliu. Liu Xiang is a local expert. He immediately took the words and blinked: And it is said that it is hosted by Boss Huang, the richest man in the provincial capital.

The richest man in the provincial capital?

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned for a moment, then laughed strangely, and then everyone looked at Su Yuanshan.

Dare to talk about the richest man in front of this person... I'm afraid it's a bit too much.

Not to mention Su Yuanshan, even Shi Dazhu's current wealth cannot be compared to that of a real estate boss who has benefited from the rise in housing prices in the entire provincial capital due to the revitalization of the science and technology park.

...Ahem...we still have to respect the rich. Su Yuanshan coughed and said with a smile: It is said that Boss Huang gave their company the year-end bonus last year in cash from a pickup truck... It is really inhumane. ah.

Shi Dazhu smiled and said: Pickup truck to bring cash? Isn't it better than the dividends of any shareholder of Yuanxin?

No matter how much you compare, the cash for a pickup truck is still tens of millions or hundreds of millions. Su Yuanshan spread his hands: Our shareholders who paid the most dividends last year did not even exceed 100 million.

Everyone: ...

Okay, okay, let's not talk about this. Su Yuanshan realized that he was showing off his wealth a bit too much, and waved his hands with a smile: Everyone is gathered together today. Don't you really want to play bowling? I see you have all booked the place. …”

Shi Dazhu nodded: Well, let's talk while playing ball. But since you don't like playing ball, why don't we change places? Let's go upstairs to drink tea?

It's okay, I can learn a lesson. I'll take a look at you first.

Now that Su Yuanshan is here, the group of people also came to the rest area, each pulled out a chair and sat down.

After all, this gathering, which is not the annual gathering of the Caotang Club, is extremely important to the entire domestic IT and technology industry.

Because timing is important.

If we say that when the Caotang Hui was first established, everyone still actively participated in the Caotang Hui for the sake of money to give Yuanxin face. After so many years, everyone has long realized that the rise of Yuanxin is really not due to luck...

There is no one present who is more informed than Su Yuanshan's senior management, has a longer-term strategic vision than Su Yuanshan, and has a sharper sense of smell than him - this is the consensus of everyone present.

Su Yuanshan also knew this very well.

Therefore, without waiting for anyone to ask, he said directly: 914 will have a long-term impact. We all know the same about this - in fact, you don't need to ask for information from me. You will know the attitude of the domestic authoritative news media. Senior officials A consensus has been reached.”

Then Shi Dazhu immediately asked: Does it mean that all the previous 301 and countervailing measures have been cancelled?

Not sure. Su Yuanshan pondered for a few seconds, shook his head, and said softly: We must be aware that DG doctrine is determined to kill me... They may have greater revenge to avenge. Half the time is too busy, so it will be temporarily shelved - if it were me, I would also pause, not cancel, and turn this set of punches into a long-term threat that is raised in the air but does not fall down.

The Sword of Damocles?

Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded: Although it is not appropriate, Lao Mei obviously means that... So, since we have all been frightened, if we are still as reckless as before, then we are a bit lacking.

Everyone was silent and nodded.

Frankly speaking, everyone here counts, as long as they develop well, they all rely on going out to sea, and this sea naturally refers to the Pacific Ocean.

Whether it is an Internet company or a software and game company, the North American market has been their most important battlefield in the past few years - even Niguo people are clearly aware of this. Not to mention that Microsoft has also launched the Xbox game console.

Didn’t you see that when Microsoft first heard rumors that it was going to launch a game console, Sony’s boss Ken Kutaragi rushed to the provincial capital in a hurry. Why? Naturally, it is to win over the people in the provincial capital game development circle...

But if the situation really goes back to what it was before 914, then this group of people will really be... uncomfortable.

So I traveled to many places in the past two months, first to Europe, and then to Ni Country immediately after 914 - Mr. Chen is still in Bang Country and has not come back. Why? Because we can no longer put our eggs in one basket inside.

Shi Dazhu glanced at everyone, and finally asked in a deep voice: Does that mean that Yuanxin really wants to recreate Silicon Valley in Europe?

Yes, and no. Su Yuanshan knew what these people were thinking, and said softly: Let me ask you a question - if you want to set up an Internet company or software in Europe that targets multiple languages ​​such as French, Italian, German and English, etc. Enterprises...well, in short, they are service enterprises. In your opinion, which nationality is the best for the CEO?

After finishing speaking, Su Yuanshan looked at everyone with a smile.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion - according to common sense, they are naturally British. After all, English is Esperanto, so there is no need to resist.

But if the problem was really that simple, then Su Yuanshan wouldn't have said it.

None of the above-mentioned countries are good. ZG has the best talents. Liu Xiang replied leisurely: Only we can truly balance the situation in a bowl of water without favoring any party.

Yes! Only us! Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile.

So, when Mr. Chirac comes to visit the provincial capital, everyone must be well prepared! Let the old gentleman see how many miracles we have created in this remote country - he will definitely think that in country F On this piece of land, as long as we give support, greater miracles will definitely be born!”

Then what's left is for us to convince the old man that the current technological development in the Science and Technology New City is the technology that will dominate the future.

Su Yuanshan looked at everyone: Actually, if you don't come to me, I plan to make an appointment to chat with you. In the past, we entered North America, but now it's time for us to enter Europe as a team.

What about Ni Country... oh, what about the independent trade area? Shi Dazhu nodded first, and then asked immediately.

We are still talking about it, but there are many things involved, and the location of the landing will definitely require grabbing some resources, especially Internet resources. Su Yuanshan said calmly: Let me say it shamelessly, we must admit one thing. We are now The success of the new technology city and software park in which we live has a lot to do with the rapid development of Yuanxin.

Everyone nodded - this is an undisputed fact, there is nothing to be shameless about.

But from a geographical perspective, after we joined the WTO in the past two years, the coastal economy has suddenly been on the fast track... and it is foreseeable that once this speed increases, a huge siphon effect will be formed. For example, two triangles.”

Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta.

Speaking of this, Su Yuanshan paused and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Many years ago, he told the leaders about the trend of the economic circle, and now these two obvious economic areas are taking shape towards his prediction...


So, the higher-ups are also aware of this problem, so they proposed the development of the western region this year, right? Shi Dazhu frowned and asked again.

Yes! So, as far as the new science and technology city is concerned, maintaining innovation and vitality, seizing the opportunities of the western development, and actively expanding outwards are the only magic weapons for the provincial capital Silicon Valley to avoid decline just after its rise.

In other words, no matter where the free trade zone is located or what preferential treatment it provides, our roots are here. Su Yuanshan nodded his toes as he spoke: It cannot be shaken.

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