1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 817 New Product Release

After learning that He Wei was going to do a joint advertisement with the gaming gang, Su Yuanshan was very impressed with her, and then personally called Liu Xiang from Midstream International and asked him to talk to He Wei in detail.

And Su Yuanshan also admitted that since the opportunity is rare, he must fight hard no matter the cost - relying on this time to completely defeat Intel, Su Yuanshan did not have that dream - in history, AMD changed from a massage parlor to an agricultural enterprise. , Didn't he linger on for a while, and almost lost his incense, but didn't he fight back in the end?

The vitality of these old processors is stronger and longer than anyone imagines.

What Su Yuanshan wants is to carve out a path in X86 so that YX processors can truly stand on the same level as the three CAI companies and increase the advantages of dual-core 64-bit. Su Yuanshan knows Intel too well. If you dare not promote multi-core After working hard on promotion and promotion, Intel dared to push its single-core capabilities to its peak, and then the whole world danced to his tune.

Then one core is in trouble, and seven cores are watching...

The trouble with multi-core optimization is all an excuse. Insufficient support and publicity and the fact that it can be used on a single core are the most essential reasons.

On September 20th, Su Yuanshan and Li Yinan took a flight to Niguo. They spent a week and signed multiple cooperation plans with NTT in the LTE system. Both parties promised to jointly launch them at the 3GPP technology conference next year. Multiple technologies in the LTE plan.

These technologies include OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing technology), MIMO (multiple in, multiple out, multi-channel multi-antenna system), smart antennas, multi-user detection, etc.

An interesting thing happened during Su Yuanshan's visit to Ni Guo - Siemens also came over, holding their TD-CDMA standard that was excluded by the International Telecommunications Commission because it was really uncompetitive, and wanted to cooperate with Ni Guo people. Of course, this does not mean letting them use 3G, but upgrading this technology and jointly launching the LTE-TDD standard.

Regarding this, Su Yuanshan did not make any comments - without being taken advantage of domestically, Siemens would really remain stubborn.

One thing to say, hybrid networking is indeed a very good solution, but it is a bit difficult for FarCore to take over LTE-TDD when it has mature FDD technology.

In the same way, after cooperating with Yuanxin and catching up with NTT, who is on the express train of technology, and letting him be the scapegoat again to engage in TD technology, isn't that making people look like fools?

After visiting NTT and securing cooperation and a batch of equipment orders, Su Yuanshan did not return to China immediately. Instead, he visited various business leaders in the semiconductor industry one after another as he did a few years ago. He said that no matter how the international situation changes, far away The friendship between Xinxin and everyone will last forever. The policy of make money together will never waver.

So, when he returned to China, it was already October 4th, just missing the National Day.

The next day also happened to be the day of Yuanxin’s annual autumn press conference.



When Yuanxin's new product launches were not very influential in the past, they were usually released on-site at various exhibitions. And this habit remains to this day.

Now, Yuanxin has formed the practice of publishing twice a year, one in May - the World Electronic Products Consumer Show, held in Shanghai, and the other in October, held at the Provincial Science and Technology New City Convention and Exhibition Center.

Except for these two times, at other times, in other areas, such as the Computer Show in Las Vegas, the Electronic Products Show in Berlin, etc., although Yuanxin has to rush, it is far less enthusiastic than in previous years. I can’t wait for Chen Jing and Su Yuanshan to I personally lead the team there... Nowadays, it's usually just a few mature products or unimportant new products. The team is also led by the heads of various second- and even third-level departments.

What needs to be mentioned in particular is that as board and card companies gradually move to the mainland and HK, and with the decline of the Hsinchu Industrial Park... the popularity and influence of the TB Computer Exhibition on the island are also far less than before.

So much so that Yuanxin was too lazy to bring the 0.13-micron Aolong 1G new processor to the TB Computer Show in July... As for what products it took...

Let's put it this way, it's very perfunctory anyway.

Duan Yongping sat in Su Yuanshan's office with his feet crossed, holding a manuscript in his hand and clicking in circles.

When talking about the TB Computer Exhibition, Duan Yongping said that he couldn’t figure out what the departments below took...

Haha, then I won't participate. Su Yuanshan didn't care at all. Anyway, with the rise of Deyuan, the living space of TSMC and UMC was continuously squeezed, and with the gradual transfer of board and card companies, the semiconductors on the island... Basically, he is already in his twilight years.

Well, in other words, at the beginning of their rise in semiconductors, they were overtaken by the front-runner from China.

But tomorrow is crucial, Mr. Shan. Duan Yongping shook the manuscript in his hand with a wry smile: If you hadn't come, I wouldn't be good at doing this kind of front-stage stuff... You would have pushed me away and published it on the shelves. My speech syndrome has not been cured even after several times... You said it would be okay if it was a mobile phone release that I am familiar with, but this time... we only don't have mobile phones.

Don't be afraid, Old Duan, I'm even more blind now. Don't refuse, we agreed that you will be responsible for the domestic affairs.

Su Yuanshan knew why Duan Yongping wanted to give up this time. Due to the craftsmanship, Yuanxin's real smartphone, Yidoo4, is currently in difficult labor.

If we insist on releasing it, of course that's fine, but if we can't get a mass-produced model, we can only use it as a concept phone to improve its quality...

Yes, the Yidoo brand was launched as a concept phone when it was launched, but after so many years, Yidoo has successfully transformed from a concept phone into a high-end phone. Output has also increased, driving other mobile phone manufacturers on the market to actively enter the era of large touch screens.

This means that since Yidoo4 is a real smartphone with a historical mission to change human's operation and imagination of mobile phones, it must take into account the subsequent market sales.

——Yuanxin does not plan to make too much hardware gross profit on Yidoo4 this time, so the pricing remains unchanged compared to the previous generation, and even has some reservations.

Yuanxin plans to hit the target in one step and push it to the price of 5,299 soft sister coins. As for profits, they all depend on cutting off the supply side.

This means that its popularity is completely predictable.

Of course, as an increasingly important autumn conference, Yuanxin cannot convince the public without bringing out some highlights, and it is contrary to Yuanxin's consistent slogan. Therefore, there are three main products in this year's conference.

The first one is naturally the highlight, the 0.13 micron Along64-bit dual-core processor with main frequency of 1G and 1.1. Thanks to the improvement of manufacturing process, Yuanxin's processor has finally entered the G era, and it is the dual-core G era. This It will undoubtedly give a boost to the processor market that is currently crazy about pursuing performance.

The second item is a brand new Xbook notebook. The processor it carries is still 0.13 micron, which is also a RISC-YX series processor that has entered the G era.

The third item is the highlight of this conference, the drone.

Under Su Yuanshan's constant urging, Ma Mengqi finally completed the complete system of agricultural drones and officially passed the test in various scenarios. Although he had started running channels very early, this is still the first time he has made his official debut. once.

In addition to agricultural and commercial use, small drones for personal fever purposes will also be displayed this time. The kind that allows you to take aerial photography anytime, anywhere...

None of these three products are related to mobile phones. Yuanxin's autumn conference is almost exclusively dedicated to Yidoo mobile phones. Especially at this year's spring press conference, Yuanxin's Vidoo feature phone has used a large screen - which means that there is not enough room for innovation and creativity left for Yidoo, which has increased people's expectations for this autumn release. Will pay attention.

If you cannot satisfy these audience friends, who are mostly members of the media, then you can imagine that the public relations department will probably scold you.

... Duan Yongping was speechless for a long time, and then he said: Let's make a plan. If the on-site response fails, someone must come to the rescue.

...No, old Duan, didn't you draw cakes? Su Yuanshan was also speechless for a while.

——In order to leave enough suspense, and to live up to the audience's expectations, after thinking for a long time and holding seven or eight meetings alone, the mobile phone division finally decided that it was necessary to let some news out in advance.

Now everyone thinks that Yuanxin is holding back its big move on its new mobile phone - yes, it is indeed holding back its big move, but if there is no movement at all, it will inevitably make people a little disappointed in Yuanxin.

Therefore, Duan Yongping's plan is to interact with the audience and show a short video at the end of the press conference in the form of BZW by the way.

The content of the video has naturally been designed and even the prototype of Vidoo4 has been completed.

But how to display it and to what extent it should be displayed is a technical matter... After repeated considerations, Duan Yongping decided to send out a black and white silhouette, which only needed to reflect the beautiful structure of Vidoo4.

No details are given at all. Anyway, it all depends on the back, and you can guess the rest.

But there is a problem with doing this, it is very likely that he will not be able to control the situation... So Duan Yongping thought that it would be good to replace Su Yuanshan with a sharper tongue.

...Okay, anyway, it will be yours if you encounter booing when the time comes. Duan Yongping saw that Su Yuanshan had a firm attitude, so he no longer insisted, but made a small threat.

Okay, count on me, I will definitely be there tomorrow night - but Lao Duan, I think you are really a little too worried. You didn't realize at all that when you connected the screen to the drone's signal, The screen shows the drone overlooking the entire Science and Technology New City, slowly flying into the conference venue, and then landing in your hands... How shocking this series of operations can be.

Su Yuanshan sighed as he spoke: Really, as long as you have a little understanding of flight control, you will know how difficult it is. This is definitely a world-class breakthrough.

If someone else had said this, Duan Yongping would probably read it as contempting his lack of understanding of flight control technology, but he and Su Yuanshan have been together for so long, so he naturally knows that Mr. Shan does... know a lot about technology. . If you compete with him, you won't be able to chat.

Okay, I believe you. Duan Yongping closed his notebook and took a long breath: Then let's settle it now. You will arrive on time tomorrow night.


After seeing Duan Yongping off, Su Yuanshan pulled out the PPT file from his computer. After reading it carefully, he found that there was no problem with the copywriting and the press conference process. It was just that a few of the videos used for promotion were not to his liking... That's not to say. It doesn’t work, but the standard could be higher.

This also shows that there is still a gap between Yuanxin, or domestically, and foreign countries in terms of advertising creativity.

But now there is no chance to change it, we can only talk about it next time.

Thinking of this, Su Yuanshan thought of the suggestion He Wei gave him half a month ago.

So he grabbed his cell phone and dialed Liu Xiang's number.

——Yuanxin’s commercials are not satisfactory, but the joint branding here must be done well.

The phone rang once and Liu Xiang picked up the phone.

Mr. Shan called, do you have any advice? Liu Xiang's voice was full of joy on the phone.

Tsk, tsk, you are so happy that the game is a big hit?

Hehe, it's not a big hit. But thanks to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, it's going quite smoothly in North America. We use Custom for our online battle platform in the west, and there are quite a lot of people online so far.

Congratulations in advance. Su Yuanshan smiled slightly.

Custom, from the beginning, followed the path of later generations of Steam, with a special emphasis on network services. At present, in addition to providing online online battle servers, it is also trying to cooperate with game developers for online purchases, and Patch online.

But Custom's current business scope is the same as that of later Steam, mainly targeting Western users. After all, we have to admit that the personal PC user base in the West is far larger than that in China.

At present, the domestic game crowd is mainly concentrated in Internet cafes, and domestic Internet cafes... Let's put it this way, the purpose of opening an Internet cafe is to make money. Of course, you can save money if you can... So except for online games, almost all stand-alone games are installed cracking game.

This situation made Su Yuanshan sigh. Sometimes... the rolling torrent of history really cannot be stopped by human power.

It is always said in China that piracy has ruined the stand-alone game industry, but how can we put it this way? At the beginning of the 20th century, how could the domestic consumption power and PC user base support the booming development of stand-alone games?

Fortunately, if the east is not bright, the west is bright. Nowadays, domestic game manufacturers have barely established a foothold in the West, and many game manufacturers have begun to enter the field of online games.

There are no pirated versions of online games.

Same joy, by the way, Mr. Shan... I have to be honest with you. After in-depth discussions with Mr. He, we feel that this joint advertisement... may not be rushed.

After a pause, Liu Xiang said with some embarrassment: It was too late for your dual-core solution. By the time you found us, the main body of the game had already been formed... Now to support dual-core, it would be no less than overthrowing and redoing... so……

So, I'm here to give you some advice.


Expansion pack, when the expansion pack is released, the structure will be overhauled.

Su Yuanshan paused: I spend money.

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