1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 816 The First Horn

As for the number of users you mentioned... let me tell you some data. There are now more than 40 million 3G users worldwide, and they are increasing at a rate of 3 million every month. Among them, network data is used, that is, accessed through mobile devices. About a quarter of Internet users.”

In other words, there are currently 10 million mobile Internet users in the world - equivalent to the global Internet population in 1995. Then I ask you a question, if you were to go back to 1995, would you choose to enter Internet industry?”


Facing Su Yuanshan's question, Ding Lei was dumbfounded.

Does this need any more nonsense?

The reason why you ignore the mobile Internet now is essentially because you have entered a comfort zone. Su Yuanshan said with a smile: You can tell yourself whether it is true or not.

Comfort zone... Ding Lei muttered this uncommon-sounding but extremely pleasant word silently. After thinking for a few seconds, he said to Su Yuanshan: I can understand it, but it's not easy to summarize.

Let's put it this way, in the current PC Internet field, or in the portal website, you are the boss who takes responsibility and can do whatever you want - even if the ship is broken, there are three thousand nails, this is the comfort zone.

Ding Lei nodded: Well... if you exclude the factors in the current general environment, indeed, I have to admit that Newbook is not afraid of the challenges of similar websites. After all, in addition to being influential, we have never given up on innovation and breakthroughs. .”

You see, it is easy for people to stay in their comfort zone and not come out, or in other words, unable to come out - so much so that it is difficult for you to believe that the mobile Internet will catch up from behind in the future, or you believe that when the mobile Internet arrives, you can still rely on With the existing achievements and experience, it is easy to do whatever you want in the new field. But... Brother Ding, as early as eight years ago, when the first submarine optical cable in China was connected and could be connected to the Internet through Niguo... Yuanxin held a meeting held a conference on Internet thinking, and under this tone, your Internet Center was born, and then newbook, EM, was born.

It was also at that time that both Xinghai and Yuanxin launched angel investments in the Internet industry at the same time - otherwise, do you think we were able to earn tens of thousands of times in revenue when the bubble was at its peak? Of course it was because we were in time. Early. In the same way, why were we able to retreat before the Internet bubble? Because our own returns are ridiculously high and scary. We are an investment fund, not a hedge fund. There is no need to play with our heartbeats on the cusp of the storm and count every minute. Into the earnings.”

“And all this is possible because... we have Internet thinking.”

Su Yuanshan looked at Ding Lei: Brother Ding, the mobile Internet is coming, or it has already come, but do you have the thinking of mobile Internet?

Ding Lei: ...

I also want to tell you news that MediaTek has completed the design of a low-power integrated baseband 3G processor based on the YX architecture. Our retained YX architecture authorized design team has also established a project for low-end integrated chips, coupled with the production capacity of LCD screens As the technology matures, within two to three years at most, smartphones will begin to snowball—whoever dares not to keep up will perish.”

Ding Lei: ...

Finally, LTD... or the key technologies of 4G network, we have already selected two out of four. In just three to five years, we will be able to launch commercial 4G solutions and equipment. And don't forget, wired network terminals + wireless Routing gateways can also support mobile Internet access - currently the cheapest wireless router can be purchased for 300 yuan.

So, you haven't heard the footsteps yet?

Wen Xiaoqian sent Ding Lei directly to the corridor door, then passed through the secretary's room outside and returned to Su Yuanshan's office.

Just now, she had been sitting nearby and listening to the exchange between the two - to be precise, it was Su Yuanshan's unilateral guidance, or teaching Ding Lei.

She really had to be convinced by this.

Seeing something strange in Wen Xiaoqian's eyes, Su Yuanshan raised his chin slightly: What?

It's nothing, I just feel... Mr. Ding's attitude is quite good. Wen Xiaoqian held it in for two seconds and then used an expression that would not offend anyone.

Su Yuanshan suddenly became happy: You are afraid that you want to say that I am like a student, right?

Um...it kind of means that.

We can't do it without him. Su Yuanshan shook his head, returned to his desk, lay on the chair, and let out a long sigh: He is the leader of the Internet company. If you don't talk him through, let him If we truly realize the importance of mobile Internet, our YOS ecosystem will have much less content, and newbook will also lose the opportunity to enter the mobile Internet.

Is the mobile Internet really that fast? Wen Xiaoqian blinked. She raised her phone and asked seriously: Now we mainly use mobile phones to send and receive emails, communicate when necessary, or browse the web... …In terms of experience, it’s far less comfortable to use than a PC.”

That's because today's mobile phones are inherently uncomfortable to use. Their first attribute is mainly for making calls, not for work or leisure and entertainment.

...Work is actually not very convenient.

Yes, the screen is too small. But you also know that the design center has several confidential projects, all of which will be subversive creations...

Su Yuanshan took another deep breath, closed his eyes, and frowned, but then he opened his eyes and his eyes became firm.

——The climax of the mobile Internet may appear ten years later regardless of personal will, but he must unveil the curtain of the mobile Internet in advance.

YX architecture processor, multi-touch capacitive screen, lithium battery, camera, 3G... These winds were blown by him step by step, or borrowed, and now he has quietly completed the layout.

No one realizes what will happen when these elements come together.

Perhaps, the only obstacle is that people are not that rich yet...it can only be promoted from developed countries and regions.

Xiao Qian, help me get ready. I'm going to Ni Country. Well... inform Li Yinan and we'll go there together.

After finishing speaking, Su Yuanshan picked up the phone and dialed He Wei's number.



An hour later, He Wei walked out of Su Yuanshan's office.

Although she was not a member of the executive board, the meeting report of the executive board was immediately sent to the senior executives above the vice president of each department. As the president of the marketing department, she naturally got it.

When she saw that this year's strategy was to launch a full-scale war with Intel, she immediately realized that she was probably going to be busy again.

Therefore, according to her understanding of Mr. Shan, she directly postponed the regular meeting that was to be held this afternoon, and discussed the marketing of the Aolong series processors with several middle and senior leaders of the marketing department who were promoted from the backbone of the business. The plan was discussed.

Sure enough, before everyone could say a few words, Mr. Shan's call came...

Mr. He.

He Wei was walking towards the elevator while thinking, when suddenly Wen Xiaoqian ran over and called her.

He Wei stood still: Hey, Xiaoqian, what's wrong?

Mr. Shan asked me to tell you that if possible, it is best not to fail this time - because the opportunity is fleeting. Wen Xiaoqian coughed lightly and imitated Su Yuanshan's tone: Xiaoqian, I don't I have the nerve to put pressure on her face to face...but I still have to explain it, so I’ll trouble you to make a trip.

Pfft... He Wei couldn't help but laugh after hearing this, but then she became serious. After pondering for a few seconds, she nodded and said, Tell Mr. Shan, I know.

Okay! Come on! Wen Xiaoqian raised her fist, smiled at her and nodded, then turned around and went back.

He Wei closed her eyes, let out a long breath and walked into the elevator.

How could she not know that this was a God-given opportunity - the pressure of the previous few months suddenly disappeared, but if she did not seize the opportunity to push the Aolong processor to the same market and brand position as Intel, then when the West gradually settled down After the incident, his eyes will definitely return to the mainland.

——Don’t place your hopes on the kindness and mistakes of your opponents. This is an iron rule she has set for the marketing department.

Since the unified understanding of Yuanxin is that the west cannot accept the rise of the mainland, especially the rise of the technology field, then sooner or later the storm will come again.

Let's continue the discussion.

Back in the office, her deputy, Vice President of Marketing Chen Guobing, was presiding over a small meeting. When he saw her come back, Chen Guobing handed her some of the ideas he had discussed before.

Mr. He, we have thought about it. For ordinary users, in addition to recommendations from machine manufacturers and installation stores, the biggest recognition of the brand actually comes from advertisements, especially TV advertisements.

He Wei took the document and saw that the records of these people were extremely sloppy. There were only two words in the entire article - advertisement.

We have made comprehensive statistics on Intel's marketing methods in the past ten years a long time ago. Even when Intel was leading the entire X86, its advertising efforts were quite large... and in this way it established itself as the performance king of the X86 architecture. And the image it represents. After a pause, Chen Guobing smiled self-deprecatingly: Well, it is indeed the image of X86.

He Wei smiled slightly and motioned for Chen Guobing to continue.

“We have kept a low profile before and followed the path of channel recognition. Coupled with our preferential profit-sharing policy, we have maintained a certain market share. But we must admit that the brand recognition of ordinary users can give the brand opportunities. Manufacturers and assemblers bring positive effects. For example, our previous cooperation with Chengdian Hi-Tech has achieved relatively good results.

He Wei frowned slightly when she heard this. After pondering for a few seconds, she shook her head and said, Chengdian High-tech is not representative. Their success of personal and commercial computers... is largely due to us.

Chen Guobing was startled for a moment, then nodded: Yes, I was negligent.

——Whether it is reciprocating a favor or internal digestion, as long as there is no problem with the quality of Chengdian Hi-Tech, the purchase of the Yuanxin series alone is enough to keep it alive.

Even though Yuanxin seemed to be powerless under the pressure from the west some time ago, domestically speaking, it is a well-deserved towering tree with branches and leaves touching various subdivided technological fields.

These fields all require the use of computers.

And with the improvement of the international and domestic status of Electronic Science and Technology, the originality of Chengdian High-Tech is naturally getting better and better, completely worthy of those well-known institutions such as Chinese Academy of Sciences, P University, T University and so on. A brand with a school background.

Coupled with a complete after-sales network and store sales system, it is natural for Chengdian Hi-Tech to become the No. 1 company in the country.

He Wei nodded and continued to ask: But I still agree that advertising is very important. But how to do it and how hard it is is a college question. Have you thought of any good ideas?

The following people looked at each other, but Chen Guobing nodded and said: When you went to Mr. Shan just now, we sorted out the technical cooperation plan given by the processor department itself - this is a big deal.

Yes, it is a conservative 100 million U.S. dollars, and there is no cap on the pure money-giving operation. Mr. Shan told me that it will be implemented in detail next month.

Yes. Chen Guobing nodded again: In advertising, in addition to the independent processor brand promotion, we have only done bundled promotions with complete machine manufacturers such as Chengdian Hi-Tech... So...

Hearing this, He Wei's eyes suddenly lit up: You mean, promote it together with the software?

Yes. Chen Guobing chuckled: But the trouble is, these are all biased towards industry software, and they do not advertise... We can only say that on the cover of the software itself, there is something like 'Perfectly matched with Along processor' Promotional slogans such as specific optimizations for Along processors are equivalent to co-branding - I guess this will cost a lot of money.

No, Lao Chen, please open your mind a little bit. He Wei clapped her hands gently. She took a few breaths and then laughed: It doesn't mean you can't be on TV - don't forget, there are some in the optimization plan. More than a third are game developers!”

Games can be shown on TV, and there are also games that have been shown on TV.

He Wei's eyes became brighter as she spoke more and more, and she said hurriedly: Yes, I remember that domestic shooting games were played in the west. The one from Giant...and Mr. Shan is related to the domestic game industry, oh no, it is related to the entire game industry. All are good, otherwise we wouldn’t be cooperating with game companies to carry out targeted optimization.”


I have to ask Mr. Shan again! Try to persuade several game companies to come up with some good advertisements... Let's do a joint promotion.

At this time, director Wu Bin, who had been listening carefully, suddenly interrupted: Mr. He, ask for Liu from the middle class! Their Meteor Butterfly Sword is going to be on TV in the west.

Meteor Butterfly Sword? Is it a remake of the TV series? He Wei was stunned subconsciously, and then realized that she was speaking vernacular: Oh no, is it made into a game?

Well, I heard that the release is pretty good. But Lao Liu doesn't think it's interesting... after all, it's going to be on WCG.

What is WCG?

...World E-Sports Conference

...Okay, I'm behind the times. He Wei coughed: But it doesn't matter. Since Mr. Shan is optimistic about games, let's start from this aspect - Do you want to sponsor the e-sports conference? Use processing appliance brand to sponsor.”

Yes...and it is said that we have already sponsored it, in the name of Yuan Xin.

He Wei immediately shook her head: No, sponsorship advertising must be implemented on the product to be effective. I'll tell Mr. Shan!

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