It was three days since Su Yuanshan returned to the Science and Technology Park.

In these three days, from the private sector to the government, from the stock market to the futures market, all reactions were the same as in previous lives.

If there is any difference, the overall performance of domestic media is more generous.

Hmm...this Qi can be understood as YYGQ.

Especially for New ATV, Wan Yongliang deliberately sent the injured reporter who was in Belgrade to New York on a starry night, and then made front-line interviews and reports.

Of course, the tone is certainly mourning and condemnation, but apart from the mourning, there is also more reflection - why is it a lighthouse?

In addition to ATV, newbook also followed up decisively under Su Yuanshan's personal intervention. However, compared to ATV, Newbook is not so weird. It not only broadcasts the latest number of victims and the list of victims 24 hours a day, but also urgently launched a mourning wall.

Three days have passed, and Newbook's popularity has soared, solidly consolidating its position as the number one Internet stock.

However, since the Nasdaq has fallen by more than 5% every day in the past few days, even if Newbook has such a big influence, it still sees little improvement in the stock price.

However, Ding Lei does not panic, because newbook has officially completed its comeback.

——In the past six months, Yuanxin has spent US$3 billion to become the major shareholder of newbook again.



After lunch, members of Yuanxin’s executive board went up to the top floor one after another.

As a new member, Ding Lei is also among them.

Chen Jing and Duan Yongping were chatting quietly, while Ding Lei greeted some acquaintances and sat next to Zhang Xiaolong.

Su Yuanshan was still talking on the phone downstairs, and everyone couldn't get into the topic, so they just chatted and drank tea casually.

Ten minutes later, footsteps sounded at the door, and Su Yuanshan quickly walked up to the top floor.

You guys...

Su Yuanshan saw that everyone's expressions were serious but relaxed, and some people even had a little gloating in their eyes. He coughed lightly and shook his head: First of all, we have to set the tone. For innocent people, , it was a disaster - we have received news that three employees of Xinghai Fund were killed there.

Everyone here remained silent - we can't express our condolences to Su Yuanshan, right?

From the perspective of ordinary people, this incident is nothing more than what it is. Whether it is pleasing to people's hearts or sad, it is difficult to consider it from a strategic level in the first place.

But the big guys at Yuanxin who faced the pressure were certainly not ordinary people - almost everyone learned from various channels that as those planes collided, all the pressure suddenly decreased.

The reason... naturally everyone understands it.

So far, the number of missing people has exceeded 6,000. According to the confirmed death toll... I am afraid that four to five thousand people will die this time.

Such heavy casualties are enough to make all policies and guidelines give way to revenge.

Let me talk about the news I just received. Some organizations have taken responsibility, and the other side has also passed a bill. And according to the news above us... well, frankly speaking, we are still a little confused.

But the higher-ups are cautious, and we cannot be cautious. Su Yuanshan shrugged as he said: As a company with sentiments and humanitarian concerns, it is necessary for us to get a good look first. So Carter went back first and gave some gifts to some people on behalf of Yuanxin. The victims’ families provide humanitarian assistance.”

Everyone suddenly realized when they heard this - they didn't see Carter, the global president, and thought that Carter was gloating about his misfortune.

Okay, without further ado, let's talk about our predictions for the future.

Su Yuanshan opened his briefcase, opened the folder, and cleared his throat.

First of all, we must admit that when all the emotions of the opponent are on revenge, it is a good time for us to take a breath and firmly stand our ground. But we also need to review.

In the past, although we have always been wary of Western technological blockades, that vigilance experience came from Ba Tong and WA. Therefore, although we have made a lot of plans and used many methods to avoid or circumvent We have passed WA’s restrictions... but we still underestimated the West’s determination to curb our development.”

Su Yuanshan said sternly: One code, one code. I personally express my deep sympathy and condolences to the innocent people over there, and condemn this kind of KBXJ, but in terms of the fate of our family and country, this is a great luck. So don’t get hung up on your mentality, just figure it out.”

Everyone laughed.

Indeed, it would be too superficial to gloat about someone's misfortune in person. After all, everyone has a good reputation, and at least political correctness is still required.

So, in the future, in addition to accelerating the use of products and technologies to occupy the opposite market, we must also consider that when the opposite side has finished its revenge, it will turn its attention to us again - therefore, we must beautify and seize the market in terms of technology and equipment, and at the same time develop New markets need to be developed simultaneously.”

Chen Jing had been listening carefully since he came up. When she saw Su Yuanshan lowering his head to drink water, she glanced at everyone and asked softly: How are the talks on the independent trade zone going?

——In the past few months, after realizing that the West is serious about it, the judgments and strategies made by the domestic technology industry and the top management have been consistent.

To sum it up simply, one center, two basic points.

——Focus on consolidating the Southeast Asian region, and develop independent trade in China and expand the European market as two basic directions.

It is currently in a pause phase, and it is not clear when it will be launched. After all, the top priority now is the death of so many people...

At this time, Li Mingliu finally couldn't help but snorted softly: So many people died in the Yugoslav Alliance in the Gulf.

So... many lines... forget it, let's not discuss this. Su Yuanshan coughed: Continue the meeting.

The top priority next is to promote desktop processors - I don't know if you have this feeling, but I do.

Su Yuanshan looked at the crowd and said seriously: Although everyone here has blossomed into various fields, in essence, the core Yuanxin is still a semiconductor company and a chip company.

As a chip company, our natural mission should be to defeat Intel!



After the meeting, Su Yuanshan and Ding Lei walked together, then chatted while returning to his office.

Ding Lei is obviously much more relaxed when he returns to Yuanxin - he wants money and status when he comes back, and he also has countless connections to rely on.

And more importantly, there is guidance.

After a long period of reflection, Ding Lei discovered that it was not without reason that Su Yuanshan was called the magic stick of the Internet.

In the past few years, Su Yuanshan's every pointer to newbook has brought newbook to a higher level. Whether it's email, community, or regional news cooperation... these are the businesses and ideas that make newbook bigger and stronger.

Even the initial Internet center was decided directly by Su Yuanshan.

You know, it was only 1995, when Yuanxin was still relying on the cash cow of VCD for development... Su Yuanshan dared to directly let him go to the Special Administrative Region to recruit troops with 20 million in cash.

Not to mention Newbook and EM, which are now independent from the Internet Center, even the Internet itself has gone public through backdoor transactions and completed its controlling stake in HK Telecom - all of this happened before the Internet stock market crash, which can be called a miraculous capital operation. .

But the cash cows of those years have long since disappeared without a trace - Yuanxin stopped the production and sales of SVCDs as early as 1997, and last year even stopped producing DVDs. The DVD department reorganized and transformed, moving towards smart home appliances advance into the field.

If there is anything left that remains, it may be the decoding chip - but that has always been in the field of Yuanxin's functional chips.

All this proves that every decision made by Mr. Shan is on point.

With such a strategic boss guiding him, Ding Lei doesn't have to worry about newbook's future development.

Brother, what's the stock price of newbook?

Su Yuanshan put down the folder, hooked his feet on the chair and sat in front of Ding Lei, looking at him with a smile and asked.

Not very good. Ding Lei shook his head and told the truth, but he couldn't help but joked: You don't want to sell it again, do you?

Ahem...I can't guarantee it. After all, you don't want to be a bastard if you have money. Besides, do you still care about who is the major shareholder of Newbook?

Why don't I care? Ding Lei glanced at Su Yuanshan and sighed: Newbook's performance in the stock market in the past two years... To be honest, it's thanks to my good mentality, old Ding. If I had a different mentality, I would have been a long time ago. I can’t bear it anymore.”

Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile.

This is really true.

Newbook's stock price once surpassed Microsoft, and Ding Lei also entered the top five richest people. You know, although he is the founder and the CEO of Newkook, in the final analysis, Newbook was born from Yuanxin, not him. personal. Therefore, although Yuanxin gave their founding team a high share of shares when they were later split, after several rounds of financing and equity incentives, Ding Lei’s shares were already very few.

Of course, there is no doubt that he is still the largest individual shareholder.

——In fact, Ding Lei has been holding on to newbook's shares and not cashing out, which is indeed one of the reasons why Su Yuanshan decided to buy back.

After all, if Ding Lei starts to cash out just to enjoy himself, it means that Newbook can really give up.

Let's get down to business, Mr. Shan. What you said today is that the next big strategic direction of FarCore is to confront Intel head-on. I agree with this with both hands. After all, confronting Intel not only means chip design, but also the fab process. Technology also includes servers, personal PCs, and even the memory field...Consumers only know Pentium processors, but we have a clear understanding of Intel's business.

But other businesses have to develop, right? You have said that the Internet will always be the future... Ding Lei chuckled. Today, he has a better mentality, so he can see the meat coming back.

Yes, but senior brother... I have something to say that you don't want to hear. Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded: You really don't understand the mobile Internet enough.

Huh? Ding Lei was slightly startled. After a moment, he thought of what Ye Rudai said at the beginning of the year when he held an Internet conference in the software park next door.

Ye Rudai suggested that everyone actively expand mobile Internet applications and markets, and cooperate with operators to make money from mobile users...

At that time, Ding Lei thought that Ye Rudai was trying to cheer up her husband... In addition, Newbook at the time was really bad, and he had no intention of developing mobile Internet, so it was shelved.

At this time, Su Yuanshan mentioned it again, which made Ding Lei have to be cautious.

After pondering for a moment, Ding Lei nodded slowly.

I first joined the mobile technology department. I can indeed understand that the mobile Internet will be the ultimate form of the Internet. Ding Lei pursed his lips, looked at Su Yuanshan, and said seriously.

But now, whether it is the PC industry or the Internet, there is still a huge market. It can even be said that... the market is far from rising. Ding Ling frowned slightly and hesitated: Is the mobile Internet really coming so soon?

Faced with Ding Lei's doubts, Su Yuanshan did not answer directly, but asked instead: Do you know the division of labor led by Yuanxin?

What's the meaning?

Although Yuanxin has so many presidents now, there are only a few people who can truly represent Yuanxin, right?

Yes. Ding Lei nodded immediately: You, Mr. Xi, Mr. Chen, Mr. Duan.

Mr. Xi is responsible for the entire science and technology park and the teaching and research strategy. I am responsible for the strategy. Mr. Chen is the chairman and is responsible for personnel. Mr. Duan is the CEO and is responsible for the business. Under these large divisions of labor, there are still different business divisions.

I am responsible for the entire semiconductor, Mr. Chen is responsible for the headquarters and administration, and Mr. Duan... is mainly responsible for mobile phones.

Su Yuanshan stared at Ding Lei and said softly: Besides mobile phones, which other specific business of Yuanxin is personally led by a CEO-level leader?

Ding Lei opened his mouth and was speechless for a while - Su Yuanshan was so concerned about the processor that he didn't even say that he had held a leadership position in the processor department, but only coordinated the work as an architect.

Mr. Duan and I have the same view. According to the latest brand survey, the impact of Yuanxin mobile phones on Yuanxin's brand has exceeded 70%.

In other words, if you do a market survey, among the people who know Yuanxin, 70 out of a hundred people think that Yuanxin is a mobile phone manufacturer!

Over the past many years, Yuanxin has been working hard to advance wireless communication technology and at the same time apply all the most advanced technologies to mobile phones. This has created the Vidoo and Yidoo brands that can overpower all Western and Chinese brands.

Su Yuanshan looked at Ding Lei with a half-smile but not a smile: Brother, you don't think that I vigorously develop the mobile Internet just to promote mobile phones, do you?


It's impossible even if you think about it. Su Yuanshan smiled: Because the mobile Internet is the foundation for the popularization and development of smart phones - on the other hand, it is right to vigorously promote mobile phones in order to welcome the mobile Internet.

But... the user base of the current mobile Internet is not large. As a trend-setter of the traditional Internet and a person who has been on the rich list, Ding Lei will naturally not be easily persuaded.

But he develops quickly!

Su Yuanshan blinked: In the blink of an eye, mobile phone users are up. In the blink of an eye, the opportunity is gone.

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