1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 814 Everything is ready

In the second half of the trip to country F, Su Yuanshan and his party went to Lyon. With the warm reception of the local government, they visited several famous universities in Lyon and gave a speech on where science and technology should go.

In his speech, Su Yuanshan proposed that under the general trend of human civilization moving towards peaceful development, technology will bear more of people's challenges and expectations for a better life and the unknown of the universe rather than serving war. As an enterprise that emerged during peacetime, Yuanxin will spare no effort to realize this ideal.

In order to encourage students to actively participate in the field of science and technology, Yuanxin will allocate hundreds of millions of dollars as an award fund to focus on funding ideas that realize a better life and efforts to protect the world's environment. At the same time, he also welcomed students from the University of Lyon to come to his alma mater for exchange and study in the Department of Electrical Engineering...

So much so that at that time, some students asked if they could apply for his graduate degree...

After staying in Europe for less than half a month, Su Yuanshan returned to China.

Su Yuanshan had just returned to the office when Chen Jing came to the door.

Although Su Yuanshan was in country F and communicated about his itinerary, intentions and progress every day, many things had to be explained in person.

After all, Su Yuanshan has opened the way, and it is up to her to take the lead in the next step.

After the meeting, Chen Jing also gave a brief introduction to the current situation - of course, even without introduction, Su Yuanshan was always paying attention.

It will be easy to deal with if we have to talk. Su Yuanshan rubbed his eyebrows, a little tired, but still had a relatively relaxed smile on his face: It is best to delay it for ten or eight years, and then we can focus on development.

You dream. Chen Jing coughed: Give us ten years, and I'm afraid Intel will be able to beat a drum with all its bones.

Hey, Sister Jing, are you also full of confidence in our processor? Su Yuanshan held up the teacup and crossed his legs.

Hearing Su Yuanshan call her Sister Jing again, Chen Jing was startled for a moment, and then a smile appeared on her lips: We have obtained the advanced Windows XP system. According to internal evaluation, Aolong is the best match for Microsoft's latest operating system. …It’s a match made in heaven.”

Su Yuanshan was stunned when he heard this, and then he was overjoyed. He raised his tea cup and pointed it towards the west: Here's to Gates!

Pfft... Why do you seem to be honoring someone who has passed away?

Ahem...it's okay. Gates doesn't like our behavior. Anyway, just thank him.

After saying that, Su Yuanshan took a long breath.

——I have to say that Gates is really a clever guy. At first, he was trying to find a balance between Yuanxin and Intel, but Su Yuanshan slapped him in the face... and then he reluctantly agreed. But later, when I saw that Yuanxin had built up the momentum of Aolong so much and signed contracts with many brand-name mobile phone manufacturers, this guy was no longer conservative and began to fully cooperate.

It is foreseeable that if Intel cannot come up with a multi-core processor that can kill the Aolong dual-core before the latest Windows system is launched, or within a short period of time, then WinXP+Along will become a complete machine manufacturer and The golden partner among assembly machine shops.

Even the lines, Yuan Xin has already thought about it.

According to the latest information, in addition to the glue dual-core released last year, Intel seems to be unable to come up with a true dual-core processor that can compete with Aolong in a short time.

And even if it is taken out, Yuan Xin is not afraid.

Because Yuanxin's 0.13 micron process has matured and has been used in the 1G Aolong processor - this is the real killer of Yuanxin's October press conference.

By then, Yuanxin will continue to use its excellent architecture and mature process technology to fully reach the peak performance of desktop processor platforms.

After briefly chatting about the domestic situation, the two got down to business.

The situation in Europe is indeed very complicated. Even if Li Zekai agrees to host the software park, we still have to face the environment there. Su Yuanshan took a deep breath and said softly: But the decision-makers over there seem to be unable to understand How important will the Internet and IT technology be in the future?

Is that why you invited me?

Well, so when the people over there come over, we must be ready and show them what a world science and technology center looks like... Su Yuanshan paused and suddenly picked up the phone: I thought of something If it’s okay, give Mr. Xi a call.”

Chen Jing: ...fight.

Su Yuanshan chuckled and dialed Xi Xiaoding's landline.

——Before coming back, when he took the time to chat in the group, he saw Xi Xiaoding’s wife complaining that the wait at the traffic lights in the development zone took too long, often lasting eighty or ninety seconds, and that there were too many people and too few people. ...Those who ran the red light were not in trouble, but it was a pain for a good, law-abiding driver like her.

Mr. Xi, my wife said a while ago that traffic lights are inhumane... Do you have any thoughts?

Xi Xiaoding was a little confused by Su Yuanshan's confused question: Are you back? What do you think? Should I change my career to become a traffic policeman?

...I mean, aren't you cooperating with vehicle license plate recognition? You can develop smart traffic lights. For example, when there are few vehicles, the green light time will be shorter. When there are many vehicles and the road is congested, the green light time will be longer. One thing - it can’t be mechanical anyway.”

... Xi Xiaoding was silent on the phone for a few seconds: I understand, I can do it - but why did you suddenly think of this?

Because I want to make the development zone more technological and smart. Okay, let's talk later. I'll talk to Mr. Chen first.

Su Yuanshan said and hung up the phone.

Chen Jing couldn't laugh or cry - how could there be such a corporate leader?

Speaking of which, I have to temporarily prepare something to show to the European gentlemen... to make them envious and shocked. Su Yuanshan stared at the void in front of him, and waved his hand after a while: Forget it, I can't think of it for a while. , hold a meeting tomorrow to collect collective wisdom, and then do some temporary face-saving projects.

Speaking of this, Su Yuanshan thought of drones again - if drone formation flying could be accomplished, what an awesome technology demonstration it would be!

In short, it is to make them realize that compared to the new technological cities, not to mention Lyon, even Paris has fallen behind... If they do not catch up, they will lose their right to speak in the future.

Chen Jing nodded: Well, what next?

Then we also need to assist Deyuan to invest in Soitec. On the one hand, it will give a little sweetness to the semiconductor industry in Country F. On the other hand, it will also serve as a reminder to some partners in Country Ni to let them know not to mess around.

As for STMicroelectronics, the progress of the cooperation is still being discussed. Maybe Deyuan will authorize some processes to them, but I think the head of the technology department of country F seems to want Deyuan to build a wafer factory...

Going to country F to build a wafer factory? I'm afraid it will be difficult...

The difficulty is not that difficult, but Deyuan's current investment is only enough to build a factory in one place. If it is really built in France, it will no longer be possible to start construction in Silicon Valley. Su Yuanshan shook his head and sighed: There is no other way. Deyuan still has to prepare for the worst and make some contributions to Silicon Valley. Otherwise, if they become shameless by then, they may not even sell etching equipment.

Well, what then?

Not so much... Finally, there is Li Zekai. This person is really capable, but he is too commercial. Su Yuanshan breathed out softly and laughed: You will find out if you have been in contact with him many times, this person It’s really thoughtful. The grasp of interests is extremely accurate - but when we are a technology company, especially an ecological chain company, we cannot place too much emphasis on interests.”

Someone has to remind him all the time, otherwise I'm worried that that person will turn the software park into real estate if the situation turns bad.



*(To be honest, being blocked is really frustrating, and I don’t dare to write many plots at all.)

A week later, Su Yuanshan received news that he would visit the provincial capital in late October.

When he learned the news, Su Yuanshan let out a long sigh - there was a lot of time left for him to do face-saving work, and there was still time.

Moreover, from the bottom of his heart, he is still looking forward to the birth of the World Trade Center as promised.

As long as it hits, everything will get better instantly...

However, now he does not dare to show any slack at all - because the current domestic actions are extremely frequent, and it is obvious that dealing with this challenge is regarded as the main battle.

Not to mention the last time officials went to Europe, a few days after Su Yuanshan returned to China, a low-key meeting on the East Asian Economic Free Trade Zone was held in Shanghai.

This meeting is the first formal negotiation that led to this matter two years ago.

Judging from the information obtained by Su Yuanshan, it is obvious that the two parties want to take advantage of the critical opportunity of finding a breakthrough in the mainland to do something help in times of need in order to obtain the maximum benefits from the negotiations.

Su Yuanshan had no comment on this - he only hoped that the officials from both sides responsible for promoting and negotiating the free trade area would be in good health.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it’s the beginning of school. Although Su Yuanshan stares at the calendar day by day, when the calendar turns over Teacher’s Day, and then turns over the 11th, 12th, and 13th… he still hasn’t received anything from the World Trade Center. information. This made Su Yuanshan feel calmer from anxiety.

Now that history seems to have been rewritten, let’s face it head-on.

HK, Sun Xihui’s villa.

A cocktail party for more than forty people was being held.

Lina, are you still used to being in HK?

Su Yuanshan raised the wine glass to Qin Si's close assistant and asked with a smile.

Shred it. It's okay, but it can't compare to New York. Lina is just forty this year, but she looks almost fifty years old - she is a typical Wall Street female elite, tough, pragmatic, and resolute. He looks very capable, but he is getting old quickly.

As a multinational investment institution, Xinghai Fund naturally has an office in the World Trade Center.

And these people are all people from the World Trade Center office.

——With the mentality of saving those around him first, Su Yuanshan made an excuse and asked all these people to come to HK on the 10th, leaving only a few on duty.

Of course, this excuse is not unexpected - because judging from the situation in the past four years, Oaktree Capital in HK cannot compare with the elites in Manhattan in terms of professionalism. Therefore, Su Yuanshan made a suggestion to Sun Xihui and asked her to invite Xinghai The team from the fund came over to have a chat.

It is said to be communication, but it is actually training.

Faced with this request, Qin Si didn't think much and directly pulled Lina's team over, but she stayed there.

Oh, you are such an incomparably correct nonsense. Su Yuanshan shook his head with a smile, and looked at each other and smiled at Sun Xihui.

Lina, cheers. I wish you all a safe journey tomorrow. Sun Xihui also raised her glass.

——Although Xinghai Fund and Oaktree Capital are both members of the same family, they can’t stay here forever, not to mention that the trip is only scheduled for five days.

Tomorrow is the day for these employees working in the World Trade Center to return.

Cheers. Lina and Sun Xihui touched each other and drank the wine in one gulp. She turned around and put the wine glass on the waiter's tray, and then clapped her hands at the young men and women who were already in place.

Girls and boys, the good times are coming to an end.

——Because they are all female business leaders, the number of men and women in Xinghai Fund is evenly divided, which fully confirms the old saying that men and women can work together without getting tired.

Hearing Lina say that she was ready to break up the meeting, a group of people put down their wine glasses and said goodbye to their friends from Oak Capital next to them.

In the past five days, they have indeed discussed a lot in the fields of capital operations and corporate investment, and they have formed a friendship with each other.

I'll have the convoy come over. Sun Xihui also put down her wine glass, walked aside and took out her mobile phone.

Just when she was about to dial, her phone suddenly rang.

She looked at the call and smiled slightly: Qin Si, morning.

Sister Sun, something happened! Qin Si's voice was trembling, and the background was full of noise.

What's wrong? Amidst the noise, Sun Xihui heard someone screaming and crying, and her whole body immediately became nervous.

Just now, the plane...the World Trade Center...

Qin Si almost cried as she stammered the shocking news to Sun Xihui.

Sun Xihui was stunned for three seconds. When she looked up, she saw Su Yuanshan also picking up the phone.

After a while, cellphones started ringing throughout the room—almost every employee of Xinghai Fund had their cellphones ringing.

Amidst the ringing, Su Yuanshan looked at the call in shock, and a stone fell heavily in his heart.

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