1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 813 Xiao Li’s introduction

Lao Li's family has proved with practical actions that they are indeed standard businessmen.

As long as there are benefits, even if there is any dissatisfaction, you can laugh away the grudges.

Hmm... Su Yuanshan likes to deal with this kind of people.

In order to prepare for the worst, Yuanxin must find a way out for the domestic technology industry, and this is also for Yuanxin itself. At this time, Europe... is the best and only choice.

The reason why Su Yuanshan was so nervous that he was a little panicked was simply because at this time, whether domestic or Yuanxin, there was no way he could compete with the West - those slogans of self-reliance and breaking through the blockade sounded exciting, but as long as he fought head-on... ...Then, in the past ten years, the domestic semiconductor and technology industries led by Yuanxin will shrink across the board. Not only will the good situation come to an abrupt end, but the allies that were finally brought together will instantly fall apart.

This is no joke, this is a foreseeable fact. By then, I am afraid that only Internet companies can barely survive, but they will certainly be applauded by Wall Street.

However, you can't just do nothing - there are a bunch of people standing on the fence around you waiting to see.

As a result, both the top management and Yuanxin set their sights on Europe at this time almost at the same time.

In Europe, as Su Yuanshan said, whether it is Yuanxin or other technology companies, they all choose to be high-end and go to Southeast Asia, and their influence is very small.

The only person Su Yuanshan could think of who had contact with him here and who was satisfied was Xiao Li, who had been staying in Europe for the past two years to develop Orange.

Brother Li, don't mind if I say something.

Seeing classmate Xiao Li stunned for a moment, Su Yuanshan smiled and said, Tell me, people like you and me, who already have enough food and clothing, and earn more money than they can spend in a few lifetimes, why do we still have to go to work every day? Just to watch. When the stock price rises, do you see the account number increasing?

Li Zekai came back to his senses and smiled: Of course not, but I don't dare to compare with Mr. Shan...

Same. Su Yuanshan didn't intend to argue that when money reaches a certain level, there won't be much money anymore. Only the poor will focus on who has more money than who, and who has become the richest man. Of course, he doesn’t want to convince Xiao Li to be an idealist with big feelings - he just hopes to convince Xiao Li from the business development model, which is a direction that has both commercial value and personal influence.

Didn't Maslow say that the highest need is the realization of self-worth?

Xiao Li's ambition and professionalism are there, but he has been a bit frustrated by Yuan Xin in recent years - maybe this is the reason why he went to Europe instead of staying in HK?

You know, I've been talking about what the future will be like, but a bunch of old Wall Street guys in the west always dismiss it, and then they talk about the Internet bubble to stop me... Haha, they didn't see it, before the Internet bubble exploded. Before, I cashed out more than 20 billion U.S. dollars. But it was them who coyly ended up playing themselves like retail investors chasing the rise and the fall...

Li Zekai naturally knew all about the investment banks that suffered during the stock market crash, so he also smiled and echoed: Tiger Fund.

Yes. Su Yuanshan chuckled: Brother Li, actually you also know that the Internet bubble will burst sooner or later - otherwise you wouldn't be in a hurry to sell Orange.

Li Zekai's eyes flashed, he was silent for a few seconds and then nodded with a smile.

Things have been going on for so long, so there is no need to hide these judgments anymore.

But Brother Li, have you ever thought about how long it will take for things to recover after this bubble? In other words, how long will it take for the situation to return to the previous situation?

Li Zekai pondered again for a few seconds and then shook his head: I only know that it can recover, but to what extent it will happen and how long it will take, I really can't judge - although we have also made low-end investments in the Internet industry in the past two years, but Overall, we are still conservative and don’t dare to be as generous as Yuan Xin.”

Well, it's right to be conservative. After all, there is a technology and information gap between you and us. Oh, I don't mean anything else. It just means that our layout of the Internet started seven or eight years ago. If you If you pay attention to our products, including past EDAs, you will find that Yuanxin’s products have always been the first in the industry to embrace the Internet. And I will not say that the CEO of newbook, the current number one comprehensive website, is our first Internet Center Director. , and the person in charge of EM for chat and communication is the deputy director... and the current portal tool website, the founder and CEO of eso is my wife...

Su Yuanshan paused as he spoke: When I say this, I mainly want to express to Brother Li that our attitude towards the Internet is not as simple as saying 'look good, look bad', but consider how to realize it. We have never doubted it. The Internet era will become a part of human life and cannot be escaped.

The reason why there are bubbles and bursts is because capital does not yet believe that technology can develop to such an extent. They believe that they will not be able to see such a future in their lifetime.

But what I want to say is that within 20 years, we can see the signs of such a future. By then, not to mention a market value of hundreds of billions, even a market value of trillions of dollars will not be uncommon...

Li Zekai's eyelids jumped when he heard Su Yuanshan talking about a trillion-dollar market value in an understatement - no wonder some people said that Su Yuanshan was bragging and stopped drafting.

Good guy, trillions of dollars. How many countries in the world have GDP exceeding one trillion dollars now? Not even ten...

The prosperity and development of the Internet are closely related to the Internet population - that's why we attach so much importance to Southeast Asia. This is why at that time, we did not hesitate to have a stalemate with you, but also had to focus on the strategy of the entire Asian region. The reason why we got Cyberport. Speaking of which, I didn’t apologize in person. That’s my problem.”


Hearing this, Li Zekai finally took a deep breath.

He was silent, a wry smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then turned into a faint smile.

Su Yuanshan is really too much of a science guy and too straightforward.

There is Silicon Valley in North America, there are digital centers in provincial cities in China, there are HK Cyberports in Asia, but in Europe... there is nothing. Li Zekai looked at Su Yuanshan: So Brother Su is planning to build a Silicon Valley in Europe?

Yes. Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile: So, Brother Li, you are familiar with this place.

Pursing his lips, Li Zekai seemed to be restraining himself from expressing his opinion in person. After looking directly into Su Yuanshan's eyes for a few seconds, he finally said softly: Can you let me think about it for a few days?




We are all smart people. Since we have already reached the point, there is no need to harp on it every day. On the second day, Su Yuanshan and Li Zekai never mentioned the matter. They just treated it as if nothing had happened and completed the work according to the existing formation arrangements. Contact and meeting with the commercial department of country F.

But Li Zekai chose to accompany him throughout the whole process.

On the third day, Su Yuanshan had some free time and walked around Paris with Xiao Li and Zhang Xiaolong. Bao Ruxin met with the heads of STMicroelectronics and soitec non-stop. Compared with the implication of Su Yuanshan and Zhang Xiaolong coming to draw cakes, Germany This time I came here to really talk about business.

soitec has wanted to become Deyuan's substrate supplier a long time ago, but under Deyuan's East Asia Semiconductor Triangle strategy, semiconductor materials and equipment have always been considered, not even domestic ones. Consider - in fact, in the field of semiconductor materials such as domestic photoresist and silicon wafers, it will take at least ten years to keep up with Deyuan's development.

STMicroelectronics has been hoping to cooperate with Deyuan for a long time.

Now Bao Ruxin, the supply chain president, came in person, obviously with the purpose of discussing business and releasing goodwill.

On the fourth day, Su Yuanshan officially met with the leaders of Country F and extended an invitation to visit the province.

The old friend naturally agreed happily.

//I won’t write about the meeting process.

At the same time, Li Zekai quietly boarded the plane back to HK.



Dad, brother.

It was still the study room of the Li family villa, and the three members of the Li family, father and son, were sitting in it.

Su Yuanshan and I talked a lot. I believe that this is a resistance and breakthrough for his basic base in China and Southeast Asia in the face of this Western launch of XXX in China. Li Zekai directly stated the purpose of Yuanxin.

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye will know this at a glance.

His Lyon Silicon Valley plan was very ambitious... I even suspected that he was doing chessboard deduction for a while. It was just a joke. But after contacting him, I discovered that he was not. He really regarded this breakthrough as a counterattack. A layout for the future...

Li Jiacheng listened carefully to his youngest son's description of Su Yuanshan, and then asked: Do you agree with his courage or his vision?

I agree with his courage and vision. Li Zekai was silent for a moment as he said that, and then he laughed a little self-deprecatingly: It's okay to disagree. He started from scratch and built a huge group like Yuanxin and Xinghai...who dares Are you saying I have no vision?

Hmm... Li Jiacheng hummed slightly and nodded slowly.

He looked at his younger son, who had obviously truly mature in the past few years, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional - this younger son has been very independent and self-centered since he was a child. He has the kind of self that makes him go east, but he insists on going west. the spirit of.

It was the same when I grew up. At first I was reluctant to go back to work in the family, so I had to find a class... to show that I was capable and that I didn't need to support myself at home.

And then, even if I set up a business, it would be a hammer in one thing and a stick in the other, and I didn't want to have anything to do with my family at all.

Until he grew up...until he was hit on the head by Yuan Xin with a stick.

And it’s even more obvious in the past two years.

From this point of view, as a father, he still has to thank Su Yuanshan.

Su Yuanshan has been talking to me a lot these days, or so to speak... He is explaining to me why he is so strong in HK. Li Zekai took a gentle breath and continued: Such unnecessary and meaningless words , in my opinion, there is absolutely no need to say it. But he said it very seriously and formally - in addition to showing that this person is a bit 'high-quality', my judgment is that he really hopes that I can join his Lyon plan.

At this time, Li Zeju interjected: You mean, he hopes to resolve your knot?

Yes. Li Zekai narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about the harmonious relationship he had with Su Yuanshan in the past few days, and laughed: This man is really a technical maniac.

Li Jiacheng looked at his youngest son's expression. There was no expression on his face, but he felt a little emotional in his heart.

——He also personally visited Yuanxin’s headquarters, and Su Yuanshan also said that he took the straight path.

Obviously, Su Yuanshan still applied this rule to his youngest son, and his youngest son... seemed to accept it.

So, dad, brother, tell me, should I accept his invitation?

As Li Zekai spoke, he looked up at his father and brother. His eyes... were filled with a little bit of expectation.

Li Jiacheng smiled slightly.

Zekai, haven't you already made up your mind? Can I still make you change your mind?

Hearing his father's words and seeing his father's expression, Li Zekai was suddenly startled. He immediately realized that... he came back to his father and brother to get support rather than advice.

Yes, Su Yuanshan has convinced him.

I have been staying in HK over the years. I have witnessed with my own eyes the redevelopment of HK in the technology field and the development of HK Cyberport - this means that Yuanxin's vision is correct and their choice is right. Because in terms of our ability to contribute to Hong Kong's technology industry, if the Cyberport plan had been given to us, we would have been completely unable to meet the conditions provided by Yuanxin. Li Jiacheng looked at his youngest son and said an old saying.

Li Zekai pursed his lips and nodded calmly.

At that time, his Cyberport plan mainly used the advantages of HK Freeport and the cheap rent of Cyberport to artificially recreate Silicon Valley. However, other supporting measures... It can be said that it is not as complete as Yuanxin, and it is definitely not as bold as Yuanxin. So big after taking over.

If nothing else, just seeing the Internet bubble burst might make him panic. Unlike Yuanxin, it took advantage of the bursting of the Internet bubble to support a large number of small businesses by buying the bottom.

Li Jiacheng continued: So, if the language problem of the Internet in Europe can be solved technically, it is not impossible for him to succeed again.

Yes. Li Zekai nodded again.

On the contrary, Li Zeju, who has always been calm, put forward a different opinion at this moment: But why has no one done it for so many years? Do you have to leave the opportunity to Yuanxin? You know, Europe is also an area where developed countries gather together.

Brother, in fact, the ambitions of the European Internet industry have been suppressed by Silicon Valley and China. They cannot compare with Silicon Valley, New Technology City, or even Cyberport in terms of innovation. Li Zekai explained softly, referring to the reasons given by Su Yuanshan.

No, the main thing is that free and undisciplined Europeans need someone to guide them. Li Jiacheng smiled and pointed out the crux of the problem.

Zekai, go.

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