1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 812 European Strategy

(The last chapter was screened, and the plot is as follows: Regarding the history and specific circumstances of Section 301 and countervailing, the leadership of Yuanxin unified their thoughts and understandings, and at the same time enhanced the rationality of the plot - mainly to tell everyone how awesome their opponents were in 2001 , at the end of the chapter, Mr. Shan responds and goes to Europe.)

Hearing Su Yuanshan suddenly say that he was going to a country he had never been to, Wen Xiaoqian was startled and asked again.

Ah? Are you going to Paris?

Well, let's go to Paris. Su Yuanshan took a few slow breaths, paused and pondered for a few seconds: No, I won't book the tickets for the time being, please contact me first... No, let me think about it.

After saying that, Su Yuanshan sat back on the sofa again.

Wen Xiaoqian stopped talking and sat quietly in front of Su Yuanshan.

After following Su Yuanshan for so many years, even if she has no discernment, she can still see that Shan, who was omnipotent in the past, was always a little panic - she grew up with Yuan Xin's aura and Su Yuanshan's aura. , in her consciousness, Yuanxin is powerful, full of power, has friends all over the world, and has national support - it is a giant ship that others cannot imagine.

And because she was involved in Su Yuanshan's personal wealth, she knew how terrifying the capital Su Yuanshan could use...

Therefore, she looked calm on the surface, but deep inside she was in a turbulent state.

You contact Li Zekai and ask him to go to Paris to wait for me first, and then inform Mr. Zhang of Deyuan to contact Soitec and STMicroelectronics... and tell him that I am ready to go there.

Su Yuanshan opened his eyes and said while thinking: Then tell Zhang Xiaolong to prepare too.

Okay. Wen Xiaoqian stood up immediately.

Go ahead, let me make a few calls first.

As Wen Xiaoqian left, Su Yuanshan also picked up the red phone and dialed a number.

Of course he believed that the big bosses above had the ability to mediate this conflict to the best of their ability - they were certainly much better than a diplomatic layman like him, but Su Yuanshan was still a little uneasy.

Even though Yuanxin has made such great progress over the years, when Su Yuanshan was describing the future, many experts still jumped out and made extremely correct remarks such as Don't be too ambitious, Don't be rhetorical and Be down-to-earth.

This is not very good, especially when Yuanxin has led a group of interest groups to go overseas and has already opened a hole from the economic level in Southeast Asia... (I really dare not write it, I will see you in this chapter.)

During the phone call, Su Yuanshan elaborated on his views and plans as a leading company in the domestic technology industry - Yuanxin hopes to take a strong stance and go to Europe, especially country F, to take a look.

After pondering on the phone for a long time, I finally told him that I could give it a try. After all, the old mayor, Mr. Chirac, was an old friend. (see notes)

——Of course Su Yuanshan knew that he was an old friend, and in later generations, he was known as the last leader who embraced the new doctrine. At the same time, he loved Eastern culture very much, was good at cultural diplomacy, and sought the glory and prosperity of Country F. dignity.

Just last year, this old friend visited HZ. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, he did not go to the provincial capital - in fact, in history, Mr. Jacques did visit the province - because he was a fan of Li Bai.

Su Yuanshan planned to go there in person this time and invite the old man to come to the provincial capital to have a look.



A week later, with the news broadcast of 301 activated and the diplomatic rhetoric everywhere, Su Yuanshan and several officials also boarded a passenger plane to Paris with a soon wind.

Together with him, there are Bao Ruxin, Deyuan's president in charge of supply chain management, and Zhang Xiaolong, CEO of Dexin Network, the former Yuanxin Internet Center.

After arriving in Paris, Orange Chairman Li Zekai personally greeted him at the airport.

When he saw the officials who were traveling with Su Yuanshan, Li Zekai's eyelids jumped a few times. He wanted to go up and say hello and get acquainted, but in the end he forced himself to hold back.

However, Su Yuanshan saw Li Zekai's thoughts and took him to introduce him, and then the two groups separated.

The commercial vehicle passed through the busy streets and drove to the hotel that had been booked in the city center.

After getting off the car, Su Yuanshan and his group went straight to the presidential box on the top floor.

Naturally, Xiao Li specially ordered this box for Su Yuanshan.

Su Yuanshan sat down first, then signaled Wen Xiaoqian and others to leave with the translator, and then said to the three people who sat down one after another.

We all met each other on the way here, so we won't continue to exchange pleasantries.

As he spoke, he looked at Li Zekai with a smile: Have Mr. Li heard the news?

Li Zekai also smiled and nodded: I heard the news not long after I received your call.

Well, although I am generally optimistic about the outcome of the domestic response, there are some things that I have to think more about and find an extra way out.

In the past ten years, or even since the establishment of Yuanxin, we have been deploying in Southeast Asia and have not taken good care of the European market. This is a mistake in our decision-making.

Su Yuanshan first reviewed himself, and then said: But looking at it now, it's not too late to come here. At least there is a development direction and retreat for us.

The other three people all nodded in unison, but there was more meaning in Li Zekai's eyes.

——The reason is very simple. Even though Su Yuanshan fully supported Orange in the past year and became a shareholder second only to Hutchison Whampoa, the relationship between the two was a cooperative relationship, not a superior-subordinate relationship.

This time Li Zekai came to Paris, essentially, to do Su Yuanshan a favor.

After all, Orange started its business here, and Lao Li’s family is familiar with all aspects here.

Then let's discuss tomorrow's schedule first. Mr. Li... Su Yuanshan said and looked at Li Zekai.

That's right. The leaders of the business department here will come to Orange for inspection tomorrow...

Li Zekai took out a small notebook to show his caution while introducing the arrangements for the next few days - he knew that the ultimate goal of Su Yuanshan's trip was not as simple as meeting a few officials, but to talk about the big picture with the big boss Business.

This batch of business may involve billions or even tens of billions of dollars in real money investment!

Note that this is not an M\u0026A, but a pure industrial investment.

Just thinking about it makes people gasp.

...But based on my observations and contacts, there is also some caution here. After Li Zekai finished speaking, he added: Of course it is just my personal opinion and is for reference only.

Well, thank you. Su Yuanshan had been listening carefully and smiled when he heard the words.

Next, he briefly chatted with Bao Ruxin and Zhang Xiaolong about tomorrow's arrangements. When Li Zekai started to raise his wrist to look at his watch, he decisively stopped the conversation and said that would be the end of the day.

Mr. Bao, Mr. Zhang, please rest first. Mr. Li... please stay.

Li Zekai, who had already stood up and was about to leave, was slightly startled when he heard this.



Mr. Li, please sit down.

After sitting down again, Su Yuanshan looked at the little superman with a smile and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

To be honest, he really admired Li Chaoren a little - after Yuanxin tried to seize food from the tiger's mouth and drained the bottom of the cauldron, which made Orange sell himself, Li Chaoren was still able to accept Yuanxin's proposal, and then chose to cooperate with Yuanxin. Make orange...

This can only be said that Lao Li is really what he said, he is indeed a businessman, the kind of pure man.

Because at that moment, with the loss of the right-hand person responsible for executing the sale of Orange, the only option for Orange to maintain its value and vitality was to cooperate with a powerful underlying supplier like Yuanxin.

Subsequent facts also proved that, in addition to being unfavorable to the traitor Huo Jianning, Lao Li cooperated extremely happily with Yuanxin, and even persuaded Xiao Li in front of him to take charge of the entire expansion of Orange.

Now two years have passed, with the strong support of Yuanxin, orange's business in Europe has developed extremely rapidly. In the British Isles, it has directly become a three-legged party from the position of the third in the British Isles.

Now Vodafone and Mannesmann have already shaken hands and made peace, and it was even rumored that the two parties were going to merge... But Orange is not panic at all - because it has already made a false shot and directly opened up the second largest market in Southeast Asia through the channel of Far Core. battlefield.

If Orange was just a small operator based in Europe before, then Orange now has signs of being a multinational telecommunications giant.

The net worth is naturally not comparable to the 100 billion Hong Kong dollars back then.

It can be said that the reason why Su Yuanshan and Li Zekai are sitting here like friends is entirely because of orange's performance in the past two years.

Mr. Li, I heard that you graduated from Stanford Computer Science Department?

Su Yuanshan pushed the tea cup in front of Li Zekai and looked at him with a smile.

After the initial shock, Li Zekai calmed down and nodded with a smile: Yes, but I did not continue my studies.

Su Yuanshan hummed softly: No wonder Mr. Li could think of the Cyberport project.

Li Zekai's eyes suddenly flashed, and a resentment that had been disappeared in his heart for a long time suddenly appeared...

He admitted that the young man in front of him, who was more than ten years younger than himself, was a genius and more powerful than himself - a professor in his twenties who had two doctorate degrees. Even if he was a bit weak, he was recognized by the academic community. Why? Maybe an ordinary person?

But he still believes that in the Cyberport project, Su Yuanshan was unkind, Yuan Xin was unkind, and he was special and powerful! The kind that is so strong that it makes people uncomfortable!

He must admit that if it weren't for his old man's sharp gaze... let alone cooperation, he might not even be able to resolve his grudges.

I don't mean anything else. I simply think that Mr. Li is one of the few talented entrepreneurs in the world who can understand technology and business. Without Mr. Li's initial planning for Cyberport, HK Cyberport would not be the same today. It’s going so smoothly.”

Li Zekai's eyes flashed again. When he saw that Su Yuanshan spoke extremely sincerely, the unhappiness in his heart suddenly disappeared. He smiled and shook his head and said: Mr. Shan is joking. The main reason is Yuanxin's appeal and the strong foundation of the Internet Center. Support and motivation.”

But it's always difficult to draw a circle. Su Yuanshan smiled and looked up at the wall: For example, if you look at this map of country F, where do you think a cyberport similar to it should be built - oh no, build a Silicon Valley. More appropriate?

Li Zekai was startled again.

Indeed, he knew that Su Yuanshan wanted to copy the provincial science and technology city in Europe this time, or the HK Cyberport, but this kind of thing... shouldn't be asked like this on this occasion.

But since Su Yuanshan asked, if he answered that he didn't know, it would be looked down upon.

So Li Zekai also looked at the map and said: Whether it is Cyberport, Silicon Valley, or a software park in a provincial capital, if you want to succeed, you must play the role of science and engineering universities, and country F is no better than in China. It can be directly supported by policies to build an industrial base out of thin air. It is necessary to take into account the cluster effect of existing technology companies - for example, Paris has created a technology industry area similar to Silicon Valley.

Su Yuanshan's eyes lit up: Well, that's good!

Li Zekai smiled slightly: So if I were to choose, I would definitely not choose the city we are staying in now, but I would go to Lyon.

Su Yuanshan praised: Look, I said you have first-class vision, but you are still humble... I also want to go to Lyon.

As he spoke, Su Yuanshan walked to the map with great interest: Look, Lyon itself has dozens of universities, and it is an old industrial base and the electronics and computer industry is also very developed. But the degree of integration is not high, at least not as good as the capital... …”

Well...Mr. Su. Li Zekai saw that Su Yuanshan was getting more and more excited as he talked. After enduring it for a few times, he finally couldn't help but said, Are you really planning to copy the Cyberport model here?

I really want to.

However, the multilingual environment here... is too complicated. Li Zekai shook his head as he spoke: In our opinion, Europeans are all foreigners, but these foreigners speak completely different words. Language, writing, As a result, whether they are in the software industry or Internet companies, they are destined to be unable to grow. Moreover, access between countries is also difficult...

“It’s really difficult to grow bigger if you base yourself locally.”

After all, it is easy to unify the currency, but it is difficult to unify the script, but multiple languages ​​​​can solve these problems very well. Su Yuanshan turned around and smiled slightly: As for the access speed... you may have been away from front-line technology for a long time, like Europe This kind of geographically isolated place, distributed server layout and CDN content distribution, completely eliminates the need to consider access issues.

The country under our feet and its leader want to lead the entire European land. If he can truly realize the dominant role of IT and Internet technology in the future... I think everything should be easy to say.

After saying that, Su Yuanshan raised his chin at Li Zekai and said with a smile: How about it? Do you want to take a share?

Me? Li Zekai was startled again.

Yes. Su Yuanshan walked up to Li Zekai, sat down again, and looked at him with a smile.

As the saying goes, it is better to resolve enemies than to make enemies. Xiao Li is a man with great abilities and vision, as evidenced by Orange's current status.

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