1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 811 301, Countervailing

You're not going to jump off the building with me now, are you?

Seeing Luo Ming's relieved look, Su Yuanshan joked.

Ahem, cough, cough... Mr. Shan, this is a big joke. Luo Ming coughed several times and laughed: It's true, Lao Gao, he is the one who catches ghosts, and he is the one who releases them. He is the one who comes up with bad ideas. He, he was the one who made the snitch.”

But having said that, Luo Ming still knew that for his own affairs, everyone at Yuanxin Shanghai Science and Technology Park was helping - Gao Xiaodi's words obviously meant that he and Su Yuanshan had talked privately.

Haha, that's right. Su Yuanshan glanced at the time and stood up: I won't keep you here anymore. You will have a rest first, and then confirm the progress and plan to see how to maximize the advantages of PCI-E. Come out, and the headquarters will coordinate with you when the time comes.

Okay, thank you Mr. Shan.

After seeing Luo Ming off, Su Yuanshan thought for a while and then called Duan Yongping and invited him to sit in his office for a while.



Five minutes later, Duan Yongping arrived at Su Yuanshan's office on time.

Su Yuanshan was already sitting in the reception area and had even made tea.

Old Duan, sit down.

Yes, Mr. Shan. Duan Yongping chuckled and sat down facing Su Yuanshan. He couldn't help but be a little confused - since he started to serve as CEO, Su Yuanshan had only a handful of opportunities to communicate with him alone. The few private exchanges the two had had were mostly discussions on certain personnel appointments and dismissals.

From this point of view, Su Yuanshan has indeed done an excellent job. He is not at all like a domestic entrepreneur who started from scratch - Mr. Shan restrained his desire for power very well and delegated the power to him. partners, while also giving them enough respect.

Old Duan, are you aware of the recent incidents in the United States targeting mainland technology companies? Su Yuanshan pushed the tea cup towards Duan Yongping and asked with a smile.

Yeah. I've been keeping an eye on it. Duan Yongping nodded.

To use a currently fashionable saying, Su Yuanshan is one of those hawks and nationalists who has been wary of Laos and the United States for a long time. Duan Yongping had to admit that under Su Yuanshan's long-term influence, he would indeed pay special attention to Lao Mei's every move.

This time, before XBS came on stage, they called for the return of technology, and Yuanxin immediately held a meeting of executive directors. To be honest, none of the strategic departments at the national level were as active as Yuanxin.

This kind of behavior, at the time, was undoubtedly a threat to everything, but the facts proved that Su Yuanshan's judgment was correct.

For the time being, there are no signs of targeting Yuanxin. After all, we have always followed the rules and been very cooperative. Su Yuanshan smiled and shook his head, mocking himself: We are even going to separate the YX structure.

Duan Yongping was slightly startled, and immediately asked in a deep voice: President Shan, have you decided to separate the YX architecture?

Well, I'm just telling you this. Su Yuanshan was silent for a few seconds and then slowly exhaled: Mr. Qin is my senior brother. He will definitely agree to consider the overall situation, but I can't make the plan... so I just It’s time to trouble the enterprise.”

Duan Yongping lowered his eyes, pondered for a few seconds and then nodded slowly: Okay, sooner or later we will score.

After a pause, he asked again: But I have always felt that we can delay it until it is against us... we can use this as a bargaining chip.

Well, I thought so before. But now it seems that sometimes we can advance and retreat at the same time.

With that said, Su Yuanshan told Duan Yongping his thoughts.

——Although the current technology return strategy does not specifically fall on Yuanxin, it is definitely not possible to regard the head-on collision between Intel and Yuanxin as a formal encirclement and suppression of Yuanxin starting from Intel. Incorrect.

The interests in other places can be transferred, but when it comes to Intel, there is no concession at all.

This may seem like a simple standard battle, but at its heart it is a battle for status and influence. It is a key battle that determines who is qualified to lead the X86 architecture in the new century.

As a company, Yuanxin must try its best to avoid being involved in competition between countries - although this is impossible even if you think about it - but Yuanxin still has to make its own attitude, that is, she is a pure company , a technology enterprise that is driven by technology and serves the world and mankind with technology.

Well, if we take a step back first, split the YX architecture, and show that we will not use our advantages in the YX architecture to monopolize, and then engage in a head-on confrontation with Intel, the notorious monopoly king under many.

In the semiconductor industry, Intel is the flag of the opposite party, and even the flag of the entire technology field. If we cut down the flag of the opposite party, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Su Yuanshan held the tea cup with a very serious expression: I can say responsibly that when the time comes, you will see all kinds of monsters and monsters coming out to dance.

Duan Yongping's brain has been thinking rapidly from a business perspective since Su Yuanshan revealed his plan. When he heard this, he was startled: What kind of monster?

Everything you can think of - such as those who badmouth us, those who pour cold water on us, such as various targeted policies - don't forget how Niguo Semiconductor was forcibly suppressed by the United States.

Didn't you say that Ni Guo is your son... Duan Yongping coughed and said with a smile, How can we sign a semiconductor agreement?

They can definitely pull allies to retain the market and restrict us.

Then according to what you say, how can you defeat Intel?

So we have to be quick. Su Yuanshan clenched his fist and said, We have to stun Intel before it can react. We will launch a comprehensive attack from the desktop market to the server.

And you have to be willing to spend money.



In mid-July, Yuanxin held its third quarter executive director meeting. At the meeting, all executive directors collectively approved the split of the YX structure and announced the plan to the public the next day.

Similar to the original splitting steps and methods of the EDA department, after the YX structure was split off, it still maintained the VIE system in which the founder team controlled the company. And extended an olive branch to various cooperative enterprises.

This stone stirred up a thousand waves, and people from all walks of life came to Yuanxin one after another.

Naturally, Su Yuanshan would not meet these people. If he had that time, he might as well read one more paper.

In late July, Yuanxin R\u0026D Center held this year's Science and Technology Committee meeting. If nothing else happens, Qin Weimin will attend the Science and Technology Committee meeting for the last time.

Although I voted in favor of the split, I still feel... Xiaoshan, your move is a bit dangerous. Xi Xiaoding sat up straight on the recliner, glanced at Qin Weimin first, and then said sternly to Su Yuanshan: The matter with Zhiyuan is not over yet, you are using the same trick again...

Well, it mainly depends on the attitude. Su Yuanshan breathed out softly and said with a smile: We show our attitude to show that we are worthy, and it also shows our trust in the VIE structure.

As for Zhiyuan, the other side is obviously a little confused now.

——No one expected that Qu Hui would enter Silicon Valley directly and vigorously, and directly and vigorously carry out team exchange activities in Silicon Valley. As a result, unless employees of Zhiyuan are prevented from leaving the country, and engineers from the mainland are prevented from entering the country, the Silicon Valley branch's idea of ​​​​going alone was instantly shattered.

——Even if we call for the return of technology, we can’t stop employees from other companies from leaving, right?

Therefore, the main point of contention against Zhiyuan is still on infringement, especially when there is clear evidence. The attitudes of both parties are very tough and will not give in.

Moreover, Zhiyuan is not a vegetarian. He spent a lot of money to hire a team of lawyers from the United States to respond to the lawsuit and counterclaim. And tried to elevate this matter to politics.

Let's not talk about this first. We will discuss technology. Su Yuanshan chuckled, picked up the tea cup, took a pleasant sip, and smiled at Qin Weimin: Senior brother, I will ask you to take care of me in the future.

Get out of here. Qin Weimin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: Kick me out now, I haven't found a place yet.

It's okay. Ask Mr. Xi to tell the management committee that you will get half of the newly built building.

After hearing this, Xi Xiaoding patted his chest in a rare move and said, This matter is still on my shoulders.

Actually, it's not a matter of land. Qin Weimin knew that relocation was all trivial. He smiled and said seriously: The biggest problem is how the YX architecture will go in the future, and how our next team will cooperate.

The road will follow the established multi-core route, integration route, and process technology. Don't you think so, Lao Liang? Su Yuanshan looked at Liang Mengsong with a smile.

Liang Mengsong smiled and nodded, a little reserved: The process technology can only be said to give more possibilities and upper limits for chip design, but how far a chip can be achieved depends on your design ideas.

After finishing speaking, Liang Mengsong picked up the tea cup, took a sip and held it in his hand. He stopped talking and just looked at everyone with a smile.

Among the seven people here, he is the oldest, but he is the latest one to enter - not to mention the talented young man Su Yuanshan present, even the oldest Qin Weimin is only 36 years old this year.

From an engineer's perspective, those who have made groundbreaking achievements and taken charge of a department before the age of 36... these people are all the elite among the elite.

And I, at 36 years old... am still just a supervisor. In just a few short years, he has made successive leaps and become the technical president of the world's largest professional foundry. He has also entered the Yuanxin Science and Technology Committee, which is the highest-level technical personnel organization in the field of science and technology so far. .

What is the platform effect? This is called the platform effect.

Xi Xiaoding smiled and took over the words: Then it goes back to that sentence - it's just a matter of brains, who is afraid of whom?

After hearing this, Su Yuan was startled for a moment, and then laughed.

Everyone also laughed, except Liang Mengsong who was a little confused.

Those present, because they were both in the Shanghai stock market, Li Mingliu and Gao Xiaodi were much familiar with Liang Mengsong. Seeing that he was a little confused, Li Mingliu explained with a smile: Mr. Liang, I know that when Yuanxin was founded, Mr. Xi How did you get in?

Huh? How did you get in?

I was fooled by these words - it was what Mr. Shan said to Mr. Xi. Li Mingliu said and glanced at everyone with emotion: It's been ten years.

Yes, exactly ten years. Su Yuanshan sighed, and then watched Wen Xiaoqian push open the door and almost trot towards him holding a document.

Mr. Shan, the United States has approved countervailing applications for my country's mobile phones, computer products, color TVs and many other electronic products, and has also launched a 301 investigation!

Wen Xiaoqian took a few breaths and handed a warm typed copy to Su Yuanshan.

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