1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 810 Frontal Confrontation

The PCI-E bus is having some trouble. Intel claims that the 3GIO standard they launched has the same technology and refuses to cooperate and dialogue with us.

The short sentence from Li Mingliu suddenly pulled Su Yuanshan back from his thoughts.

As early as four or five years ago, in order to break through the transmission rate of solid-state drives, Luo Ming, who designed the MP3 player at Yuanxin, came up with the third-generation I/O interface as a genius. Su Yuanshan's advice to him at that time was to take it step by step, starting with Serial ATA and taking his time step by step.

Later, Lao Luo also listened to it, and through the relationship brought by the previous USB bus rules, he quickly gained support from all parties. Even Intel was very cooperative and had the meaning of let's think of it together. Inside, it also provides a lot of technical support.

During that period, there was no doubt that it was the most glorious time for the external communication of Yuanxin Processor Department. It is not an exaggeration to say that we have friends all over the world.

The reason is very simple. At that time, the FarCore Tamron processor, although its name was very meaningful, felt that it was about to take off. But in fact, neither market influence nor strength can have the slightest impact on Intel.

In a sense, Intel is also happy to see Yuexin investing its energy in providing various free bus standards and technologies under the framework of the X86 architecture.

After all, proposing a new bus standard requires technology and time investment.

Of course, Intel is not unable to afford the manpower and material resources, and it will not stop investing in hardware systems and standards just because FarCore has proposed USB and SATA. But if Yuanxin invests too much energy and technology into this field with extremely low return rate, the gap in processors will naturally become wider and wider.

After the success of SATA, Luo Ming continued to work on his great idea about the third generation I/O interface.

He hopes to propose a bus standard that will allow all the interfaces of graphics cards, sound cards, and hard disks to be greatly upgraded and integrated... and what satisfies this is actually the current PCI.

After finding the reference object, Luo Ming's team continued their efforts. After three years, they finally came up with an upgraded bus standard based on traditional PCI at the beginning of this year, HFS.

One of the biggest differences between HFS and PCI is that PCI uses a shared parallel bus architecture, in which the PCI host and all devices share a common set of address, data and control lines. In contrast, HFS is based on a point-to-point topology, with separate serial links connecting each device to the root system.

Due to the similarity, Su Yuanshan later suggested that we simply change it to PCI-E.

So PCI-E, led by FarCore, was born.

But now, the status of the Yuanxin CPU department is also very different...

Su Yuanshan sighed softly.

In 2001... Qin Weimin happened to find him at that time and was planning to let him return to the country. He naturally knows that historically, Intel proposed the first version of the PCI-E specification in 2001. At that time, it was still called HSI, and later it was changed to 3GIO, and finally handed over to the Arapahoe Working Group, and finally named PCI -Express.

If we follow history, this year is when Intel first proposed 3GIO... But Su Yuanshan believes that because FarCore has successively developed USB and SATA in the past, Intel has more technical strength and energy to consider the next generation interface standard. So it is expected that 3GIO, or the genuine PCE-E, will appear significantly earlier.

Be specific. Su Yuanshan quickly replied with a few words.

I can't be more specific. It means that Intel wants to compete with us. In other words, it does not want us to continue to make system-level contributions under the X86 architecture.

Su Yuanshan frowned slightly.

There is no doubt that Li Mingliu's judgment is correct.

The proposal of a standard, even if it is completely free and does not charge patent fees, is extremely helpful to a company that provides underlying technology and equipment support. Because in addition to bringing you business reputation, it can also promote your own products and bring many partners.

For example, Yuanxin has established connections with several computer companies through a USB bus. At the same time, it also launched USB flash drives, promoting the development of the flash memory industry.

The same goes for SATA.

After PCI-E was proposed, Yuanxin's next step must be to promote its development in 3D graphics cards and solid-state drives, which currently have the greatest demand for data transmission. This is bound to be another move that surrounds Yuanxin with many hardware manufacturers.

Then the problem comes. In the past, the impact of Yuanxin processors was not on the table and could be ignored. Intel could ignore it. Now Yuanxin has taken the lead in entering the 64-bit dual-core... If Intel still can't feel the pressure... then Intel He had been killed by Mr. Sanders a long time ago.

Well, I understand. In this way, you can ask Lao Luo to come over sometime, and we can have a good discussion.


After closing the conversation window, Su Yuanshan looked at EM, which he had been using for chatting and communicating, and suddenly felt that EM, that is, QQ, was not suitable for office work.

Well, when will I remind Brother Xiao Ma to build a software specifically for office communication?

And it also needs to be point-to-point encrypted transmission without going through the server.

Luo Ming arrived very quickly. The next day, when Su Yuanshan was exchanging a paper with his two new doctoral students, Luo Ming had already got off the plane and headed straight to the office.

So Su Yuanshan had to ask the two of them to go back to the laboratory to find their senior sister.

Lao Luo, why are you here so quickly? Are you hiding from your sister-in-law? Su Yuanshan stood up, shook hands with Luo Ming, and joked with a smile.

For old friends like Lao Luo who have been working together since the Jiangdu Building days, Su Yuanshan has always been more open-minded and easy to communicate with, especially since Luo Ming is an honest person that Li Mingliu has always struggled to protect.

At that time, in order to mention Luo Ming's professional title and level, Li Mingliu even made a special trip to Su Yuanshan to express his bitterness, saying that he could not bully honest people.

Hey, Mr. Shan, you're not kidding. Luo Ming did look a little anxious and angry. There were a bunch of small bubbles at the corners of his mouth. His eyes were a little bloodshot, and he didn't hide his anxiety between his brows.

As soon as he sat down, he saw the teacups on the table. One cup was full, and he drank it in one gulp, regardless of whether someone else had mixed it with someone else.

Seeing Su Yuanshan keep shaking his head, Wen Xiaoqian quickly prepared a new cup of tea for him.

Where are your people? Seeing him barging in alone, Su Yuanshan asked curiously: What do you say when you are alone?

I came alone, why can't I explain clearly? The entire bus standard is all in my head. If you ask me to write down the algorithm, I can do it for you.

...You are awesome. Su Yuanshan looked at this guy and felt a little emotional in his heart - Lao Luo is a typical example of hard work and hard work that makes up for one's shortcomings.

No more nonsense, Mr. Shan, the PCI-E standard has condensed the hard work of dozens of us for more than three years, including the support and cooperation from various departments of FarCore. At the beginning of the design, we just wanted it to be It can once and for all solve the troubles of data communication and transmission for at least thirty years in the future - it can be infinitely upgraded from the underlying design.

Ok, I know.

So, we must push it. If we don't push it, then I can only lead the brothers to jump into the Huangpu River together. Although Luo Ming said something joking, the expression on his face really didn't look like he was joking. .


Su Yuanshan was speechless for a while.

Of course, he is definitely not worried about these people jumping into the river, but if their hard work is really ruined, let alone others, Lao Luo will at least be waste in terms of technology.

Now it is not easy for Yuan Xin to find a desperate Saburo with status and ability like Luo Ming. Even Li Mingliu, because he has always been pampered and is responsible for the management of the Shanghai R\u0026D Center, has gradually left the front line of technology.

Let's talk carefully, Lao Luo, have you got Intel's technical standards?

Not yet. They just said that they have standards similar to ours and they will be implemented soon. They also accused us of not communicating with them before designing the bus.

Bullshit... Su Yuanshan pursed his lips disdainfully: I remember you proposed upgrading the existing I/O interface a long time ago, right? And you also asked for opinions. Why didn't they say anything at that time?

Yeah...I'm a humble person. Luo Ming said with a self-deprecating smile: I can't compare to well-known laboratories in the industry.

Then the problem isn't with you, it's with them.

Yes, the problem lies with them, but the problem now is that Intel has made it clear that they want to use their voice and leadership in the PC field to suppress us... If their 3GIO really has the same ideas and speed as ours, then... ... When Luo Ming said this, he became even more anxious.

Instead of reinventing the wheel, it can be used not only in software development, but also in hardware development.

A simple example - now the USB interface standard has evolved to 2.0, which greatly increases the transmission speed of USB flash drives and almost directly eliminates floppy disks - except for some schools and individuals who still use floppy disks, enterprises , almost no one will use this backward storage device with neither capacity nor speed.

But if someone jumps out and says, he has also designed and developed a universal serial interface similar to the USB interface, which can also replace the floppy drive and can also connect keyboard, mouse, camera and other devices... and the speed is almost the same as USB2.0.

Do you think he will be beaten?

Well, he won't be beaten, but I guess no one will criticize him and call him mentally retarded.

Yes, under the same architecture, it is impossible for two buses with similar functions that occupy the main interfaces and resources to coexist. Su Yuanshan first nodded and acknowledged the fact of the 3GIO dispute with Intel.

Then he immediately gave Luo Ming a reassurance.

But we can't give in.

Luo Ming was obviously relieved after hearing this.

——He came here this time, seemingly alone, but in fact, he had a team behind him who had been working hard for a long time, and he even received personal guidance from two big guys, Li Mingliu and Gao Xiaodi.

Because everyone knows that Mr. Shan... how should I put it, sometimes it is easy to start from the big picture.

To put it bluntly, Mr. Shan likes to give profits to others.

Yes, it is no problem to stand in the corner of Yuanxin, make more allies, give up interests, and grow the market and industry together. But isn’t there a saying? When a component is discarded, a large number of screws are also discarded at any time.

From Yuanxin's perspective, a standard may not mean much, but from Luo Ming's perspective, it means the hard work of him and his team members over the years...

That phrase of collectively jumping into the Huangpu River was really their sentiment.

Therefore, before coming, Li Mingliu told him to just complain directly and nothing else. And Gao Xiaodi told him, if Mr. Shan doesn’t support you, just hold him and jump off the 15th floor...

Of course Luo Ming wouldn't or wouldn't dare to jump down, but there was no problem in saying it in his mouth.

Now that he heard that Su Yuanshan said he would not retreat, he was naturally relieved.

But, Lao Luo, you have to know that this means that in addition to competing with Intel in terms of processors, we also have to have a comprehensive confrontation with Intel in the guidance of various external devices.

Su Yuanshan first reassured Luo Ming, and then became more serious: The battle between standards and interfaces is followed by the battle between manufacturers and equipment. You have to come up with a plan to convince manufacturers to support it.

After hearing these words, Luo Ming blinked with a look of embarrassment on his face, and then fell into thinking again.

Seeing Luo Ming like this, Su Yuanshan couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

Let's start with solid-state drives and graphics cards. At the same time, support the YX architecture as soon as possible.

What do you mean? Luo Ming suddenly woke up: Let the solid-state drive drive the speed to the end?

Yeah. Moreover, you don't have to worry about the civilian market first - you can fool around with the needs of the civilian market. You mainly communicate with those who are engaged in servers and workstations first. If Intel doesn't bring our products, then we can just do it.

Su Yuanshan spoke calmly, with no hint of gunpowder in his tone.

——Even if Luo Ming doesn't come this time, he is still ready to fight Intel.

Nowadays, in the field of personal PC, Yuanxin has Apple and Sony as allies, and Meijie... it is simply its own family. These three have their own laptops based on the X86 architecture, and they all take the high-end route. Yuanxin can completely let them use PCI-E directly and replace the solid-state drive first.

——Yes, solid-state drives are also available in Yuanxin. And both in terms of technical strength and indicators, they are comparable to Intel.

On servers and workstations, Yuanxin also has allies like Chengdian Hi-Tech - no, it should be children. Yuanxin has shares in Chengdian Hi-Tech.

Chengdian High-Tech has completed the acquisition of Inspur and has become the first IT giant in China with product lines covering servers, workstations, personal PCs and other fields. Its market share has also firmly ranked first in the country.

Chengdian Hi-Tech supports PCI-E. If it can surpass other server manufacturers in data processing, it will be a huge advantage.

In addition, Yuanxin also has 3DFX, which is currently the number one team in the graphics card market.

——Even if 3DFX goes alone and says it does not support PCI-E, and then turns to support Intel's 3GIO, Yuanxin still has a silicon core team.

Then, it’s time to sound the clarion call for a full-scale confrontation with Intel.

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