1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 809 New Challenges

It stands to reason that ducks are prophets of spring river water warmth. Zhiyuan was targeted by the United States. The semiconductor industry should have been the first to feel something was wrong, but he didn't expect that it was the Internet people who felt it first.

Well, tell me. Seeing that everyone had stopped chatting, Su Yuanshan also pulled up a stool and sat aside, asking Shi Dazhu for his opinion.

Shi Dazhu sat in front of Su Yuanshan, pondered for a few seconds and then said: In the past few years, we have conducted targeted research on Laos, the United States, and even the entire developed world. Not only market research, but also cultural background and historical traditions. …It draws heavily on the opinions of international relations academic circles and experts on various international issues.”

Su Yuanshan was slightly stunned. He knew that this guy had a strong ability to understand people's hearts. He even traveled around the world to do research before starting the game, but he didn't expect that his research would be so in-depth...

The conclusion is?

The conclusion is that the Angsa people have very strong execution capabilities, especially the Lao Americans. As a young country, they have extremely strong ability to act. If they make up their mind to do something, they will definitely do it, not just Shouting slogans to scare people—unless their purpose is to shout slogans and scare people.”

Obviously, the return of science and technology is not a slogan, but a major governance line and direction. The elites of Western society have clearly realized that for the first time they are at a disadvantage in terms of their ability to realize new technological fields.

After saying this in a deep voice, Shi Dazhu raised his head and looked around at everyone.

The number 24 present basically represents at least half of the influential forces in domestic IT and Internet companies - the remaining half is under the influence of Yuanxin.

According to the latest Internet company rankings, more than half of the top ten Internet companies in the world are related to China. Not to mention the three giants Newbook, EM, and ESO, even Zhalang.com has taken root in North America. …As for the software, I beg you, Kingsoft seems to be the number one software company in Asia and the fifth in the world, right?”

No, no, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun, they are still too strong... Qiu Bojun quickly became humble, but judging from his slightly reserved expression, he should be in agreement.

After all, compared to the same period in history, WPS has really survived and is competing with office. Later, Kingsoft, which received a super gift package of overseas genuine office software, successively developed financial and CRM customer management system, purchase, sales and inventory system, etc... Coupled with the fact that Xishanju has caught the PS Express, today's Jinshan is no longer the same.

While being modest, Qiu Bojun also glanced at Su Yuanshan with some emotion - five or six years ago, when Microsoft wanted to sign a middle layer agreement with Kingsoft, Qiu Bojun asked Su Yuanshan for his opinion. At that time, Su Yuanshan told him, The country needs a NB software company, but now, except for Kingsoft, other companies don't seem to have this potential.

Just this sentence made Qiu Bojun's blood boil. Then he rejected Microsoft's request, and instead followed Su Yuanshan's suggestion, and used the software sales channels that Yuanxin had built when promoting EDA to aggressively enter the Western market. After making a little profit, he immediately invested in the development center in Silicon Valley. .

Nowadays, Kingsoft is similar to Zhiyuan EDA. Although the headquarters is in the capital, foreign employees account for at least half of the number. This allows Kingsoft to acquire talent and intelligence while also greatly improving its English language ability. Coupled with the local language of Nihan, which attaches great importance to Asia, Kingsoft's influence in the commercial software field in Asia even exceeds that of giants such as Oracle and SUN.

After all, when it comes to learning foreign languages, no one is more active than the Chinese.

Faced with Qiu Bojun's modesty, Shi Dazhu just smiled slightly, and then said: In short, in terms of domestic industrialization and influence of IT and the Internet... and our country... well... don't mind if I say something.

Su Yuanshan looked at him with a smile, and he roughly guessed what Shi Dazhu was going to say.

Shi Dazhu paused, looked around, and sighed: It doesn't match the status and current situation of our country.

Everyone also looked around, and their eyes were filled with tall buildings and tens of thousands of technology companies.

And all of this has come from scratch in the past ten years. It is no exaggeration to say it is a miracle.

So, President Bu felt that President Ke's policies towards us in the past few years were too appeasing and too gentle, and he wanted to be stronger. So Zhiyuan was investigated.

Shi Dazhu finished speaking in one breath and looked at Su Yuanshan seriously: Mr. Shan, be vigilant... Today is Zhiyuan, tomorrow it may be Yuanxin.

Su Yuanshan couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw Shi Dazhu's heart in boxing.

Then he nodded with emotion: Well, thank you, Brother Zhu. But I think that compared to Yuanxin, everyone here is actually in more trouble... After all, the situation on Yuanxin's side is much more complicated, and even if it wants to target us, it's a bit of a turtle. Bite the bastard.”

What Su Yuanshan said is true - just kidding. From the day he founded Yuanxin, he has been wary of the West all the time. Now ten years have passed, Yuanxin has formed a complicated cooperative relationship with Asia and the giants in the west, whether they are competitors or partners.

If you want to repair Yuanxin, you must first see whether the partner agrees.

Others here are more attached to the Western market. To put it bluntly, they make money in the Western market... It would be too easy to fix them.

Actually, we're okay. Liu Xiang took over at this time. Once he woke up from his addiction to the game, he immediately resumed his usual analytical skills. At this time, he said with a smile: The Internet is still at a low ebb. Unless Mr. Bu goes crazy, and unless Wall Street has no influence on Washington, the Internet industry will not May be targeted.”

The same applies to the gaming and IT industries. The big trend in the future is that the Internet, IT, and software are not separated. The big guys who are trapped on Wall Street are counting on our industry to achieve an early breakthrough... How can we be allowed to do it? Let's not do it to us. It’s useless... The Internet is about brains and creativity. If we mess with it, will they be able to come up with good ideas? There’s no reason!”

After listening to Liu Xiang's analysis, Su Yuanshan carefully looked at it from his perspective and found that it was indeed the case.

Historically, China has almost always followed the West and been led by the West.

But now, even if the situation is not reversed, at least in terms of creativity, China can be compared with the West.

This can only be said that with the rise of Yuanxin and the flapping of butterfly wings, the domestic environment and soil have changed too much - just to give a simple example, historically, in 1994, which domestic institution dared to do angel investment? Not to mention angel investment, even bank loans are extremely tight. It seems that giving you a loan is a great gift... and you have to go through the back door and give kickbacks. As a result, a large number of bad debts were generated.

But not only has Yuanxin established an investment institution since 1993 and 1994, the software park here has also been led by the government to set up a support fund. And as Yuanxin continues to pay dividends, and with the establishment of HK Cyberport... Now in China, the angel investment funds made by the big guys of Yuanxin alone are almost three digits, with tens of billions of funds. .

The flow of capital is driven. When they noticed the flow of domestic capital, Wall Street capital also took advantage of the opening opened when the country joined the WTO to enter the country - capital does not care about anything else, as long as it can make money in and out, It's about to come in.

As a result, so much money poured into the technology field, which naturally gave birth to countless entrepreneurial companies, which also helped domestic Internet companies survive the cold winter in disguise.

If we take action against several leading Internet companies born in China during the Internet winter, it will undoubtedly make the Internet industry worse, and may even affect the entire information industry known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution... ...Then this pot is really big.

Well, what Lao Liu said makes sense. Su Yuanshan pondered for a few seconds and then nodded: Indeed, this time Lao America is mainly targeting technology research and development companies rather than innovative companies. After all, they can copy innovation. , and then there’s the product market.”

In technology research and development, we can rely on technological investment to enhance our ability to resist risks. But the product market... this is a bit difficult to deal with. After all, our domestic market is still too small and we don't have enough say... To put it bluntly, now we are more It’s the Western market that needs it, not the West that needs our market.”

Yes, we were sued for anti-dumping last time... Shi Dazhu nodded quickly with a serious look on his face. It seemed that the low-priced mobile phones of Giant and Zhongxin when they were investigated in the west three years ago left a big shadow on him.

The product market can only take one step at a time, ah... The main reason now is that our country is too poor and has insufficient purchasing power. Although it is an emerging market, short-sighted politicians will always make developments that go against history for the sake of short-term interests and the voice of the short-sighted people. Regular choices...

Su Yuanshan sighed and came to a conclusion on the opposite side's technology reshoring policy.

Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Let's talk about mobile Internet. Su Yuanshan looked at everyone and smiled slightly: Let's put confidentiality first - Yuanxin will launch a product next year that will change the entire industry and even history. Um…well, it’s a cell phone.”

Its birth will push the mobile Internet into the fast lane.

After the gathering at the Caotang Hui, Su Yuanshan stayed in the science and technology park throughout June, busy planning the architecture of the next generation processor.

He plans to directly adopt the ZEN architecture.

AMD has helped Yuanxin carry the pressure for so long, and it’s time to... end its historical mission.

Moreover, Su Yuanshan came from Intel. Of course, he knew that Intel had already begun to build the Core architecture. If he followed suit... it would smell like plagiarism.

Now that the telecore is so big, there is no need to do those little tricks.

Of course, he did not forget to pay attention to Zhiyuan's situation after work, but since his last visit to Beijing, there has been no new news - of course, it is also possible that the relevant departments have contacted the other side. , but it is not convenient to make it public.

Anyway, it's calm on the surface.

Even IBM did not look for Chiang Kai-shek again.

But Lao Jiang was a little disturbed, and although he was told not to be anxious or panic, Su Yuanshan told him to prepare to retreat to the second line and return to Yuanxin - he said that he wished he could return to Yuanxin , but he has been engaged in EDA for so many years, what else can he do when he returns to Yuanxin?

It would be meaningless to have the title of president at that time.

Therefore, Lao Jiang quickly convinced Qu Hui and sent Qu Hui directly to Silicon Valley.

——Because Su Yuanshan said that Qu Hui is more suitable to face challenges than him.

Su Yuanshan was well aware of Lao Jiang's petty thoughts, but he let him go. After all...he can't forcefully persuade others to delegate power, can he?

Lao Jiang is a bit indecisive and is not easy to deal with big scenes, but he is also more susceptible to his own influence. This can be regarded as a drink and a peck.

After Qu Hui went to Silicon Valley, the first thing she did was to hold a plenary meeting and introduce herself very forcefully. Then he told everyone that the Silicon Valley branch will communicate with the headquarters R\u0026D center next.

This communication method treats the team as a whole and does not take into account individual will. If anyone is unwilling, they can directly apply for resignation.

She naturally followed Chen Jing's lead in this step - in order to weaken the influence of Shantou forces, Yuanxin directly conducted exchanges and exchanges at various overseas bases. Of course, Yuanxin was much gentler and fully considered personal wishes and arrangements.

Now Yuanxin's communication strategy has been implemented for more than a year, and the effect is obvious-the situation where the brothers and sisters were brothers and sisters has been directly stifled. This then gave Yuanxin more of an international temperament.

So Chen Jing also began to emphasize in public that Yuanxin is not a mainland company, but it just happens that its headquarters is located in the mainland.

As for whether Qu Hui's measures are effective, and whether they can directly eliminate the alone team in Silicon Valley, it remains to be seen what the consequences will be.

In late June, Su Yuanshan finally identified his doctoral candidates - two in total. Among them, Jiang Chao is a master of applied physics from P University, and the other is from Oxford University - this is the first graduate student from a prestigious overseas university.

Moreover, this Bruneiton classmate also has a close relationship with Su Yuanshan.

He is a graduate student who was the review editor of Su Yuanshan's first Nature article.

Xiaoyu, you take the two juniors for a walk first. Gan Xiaoyu was one of Su Yuanshan's first batch of master's students. Although she had graduated long ago, she still stayed in Yuanxin's laboratory - when she graduated, Su Yuanshan could not take Dr. , so she studied for a Ph.D. under Lao Lu, the head of the physics department of the Department of Electrical Engineering.

This... Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that Lao Lu is not the material to teach a master's degree trained under Su Yuanshan. She is just trying to get a degree so that she can continue to receive Su Yuanshan's guidance.

Okay. Gan Xiaoyu, who had refreshing short hair, smiled at the somewhat restrained Jiang Chao and Wen Leiton: You two, what you are going to come into contact with in the future are the rising stars in the semiconductor industry, so you must be mentally prepared.

Are we going directly to the laboratory? Jiang Chao and Wen Leiton looked at each other. He had chatted with this top student from Oxford before and admired this guy for spending three months directly in order to apply for Su Yuanshan's Ph.D. Then he mastered the listening and speaking skills in Chinese.

No, let me take you for a ride first. The far core is very large so that you don't get lost in the future.

Seeing the three of them chatting and walking out of the office, Su Yuanshan just smiled and then continued to be immersed in work.

After a while, a message from Li Mingliu popped up in the lower right corner.

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