1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 808 Asking means asking for them all

There are prerequisites for overtaking in corners. That is, we can no longer touch others to cross the river, and we can no longer chase after others. In that case, we will always be on the same track as others and smell their shit behind them.

Su Yuanshan and Wang Dongsheng were walking in the park, which was getting warmer. Although what they said was a bit indecent, it was true.

So to overtake, we have to open a new track ourselves.

Wang Dongsheng had been listening carefully to Su Yuanshan's nagging. At this time, he nodded with deep understanding. After thinking for a while, he asked: For example, Yuanxin vigorously develops the new energy industry?

Yes. However, if we look at the new energy industry from its roots, it is a path that developed countries have already gone through long ago. It's just that the time was not ripe at that time and there was no way to continue to play, so it was temporarily stranded. We took advantage of a loophole. Su Yuanshan said with a self-deprecating smile: Damn it, speaking of these booming technology industries, all their roots are in the west. We just went a little more radical on the road to industrialization, and it was a coincidence.

It means that others have developed technology, and we have learned from it and made it an industry. Wang Dongsheng laughed: No wonder the other side wants to call technology backflow.

Yeah... no wonder so many people knelt down towards the west.

Su Yuanshan shook his head and sighed.

In the field of science and technology, strength is the most important thing. Without the lofty sentiments and ideals of those returning pioneers and technology tycoons decades ago, the more you learn about Western technology, the easier it will be to be shocked.

Su Yuanshan must come here this time. In addition to taking a look at the R\u0026D center and BOE, and chatting with the leaders, he also wants to see what the current attitude and understanding of the senior management towards the west side is.

Now that Jiang Qingchuan has not come back, Su Yuanshan doesn't know what the department's attitude is, but judging from the boss's performance, he is essentially more angry.

After all, it had only been less than two months since the plane crashed, and high-level exchanges between the two sides had been suspended. Even in the early and mid-1990s, no matter how high the relations and expectations were for the other side, the West had made a few random mistakes in recent years. Several things happened that really ruined the reputation and stimulated the nerves.

Back to BOE, in the past few years, we have built up the market by developing memory chips. This is a good thing. Don't pay attention to other gossips about not having advanced technology and raw materials and equipment being controlled by others. If we take the entire technology world With the expansion of industry, we will find that the world also follows the rules of industry, academia and research. In the past, the west was leading in terms of research, education, and industrial realization. But now, we can enter the stage of industrial realization. , it’s an advantage, it’s an advantage, you should be proud of it.”

Yeah. Wang Dongsheng nodded again.

So, whether it's OLED or MiniLED, don't worry about which direction is right. Anything that can achieve large-scale industrialization is right. If it's not possible, we want them all.

Wang Dongsheng coughed: Mr. Shan, we are not as wealthy as Yuanxin and dare to walk on two legs.

Old Wang, you underestimate the market and influence of LCD panels in the future. Don't look at the commotion of plasma panels now, talking about brightness, angles, audio-visual enjoyment. Just the fact that technology cannot cover the needs of the entire industry is enough. Get rid of it. In three to five years at most, LCD displays will enter a period of explosive growth. And the technology will evolve enough to compete with plasma panels.

Well, we are pretty sure about this. Especially in terms of the diversification of application scenarios, LCD panels have great advantages.

Yes, so don't make a choice. Su Yuanshan stopped and said seriously to Wang Dongsheng: The bigger the company is, the more afraid it is of choosing, because it will be difficult to turn back if you make the wrong move - I especially admire some Ni countries for this. Enterprises, they actually thought that the world was 20 years ago and they could dominate the market, and they dared to put all their wealth on plasma panels...

Well, maybe when they established the Plasma Panel Alliance, they still had a passion for 'fighting' and thought it was an all-out war with LCD panels. Su Yuanshan said with a disdainful smile: It's really naive. .”

But Mr. Shan, isn't it also an option for us to make LCD panels?

It's different. LED is a general direction. We can judge based on the development and application of technology that it must be the future. But which direction it will go in the end, no one dares to make a conclusion. Su Yuan smiled Get up: At least I don't dare to make a conclusion.

Seeing that Wang Dongsheng was still hesitant, Su Yuanshan couldn't help but pat him on the back.

Come on, don't be afraid to invest, walk on two legs! If you need money, come to me.



At five o'clock in the afternoon, Su Yuanshan returned to the courtyard office of the design center on time. When he entered the room, Jiang Qingchuan had been waiting for a long time.

How long has it been? Su Yuanshan put down his briefcase and smiled at Jiang Qingchuan, who was drinking tea and looking at the office.

With the development of the economy, housing prices in the capital have also risen, and the investment value of this kind of courtyard house has been rising steadily. It is really enviable that Yuanxin can keep three of them in one go.

This is Jiang Qingchuan's first time coming to the design center, so he is a little unfamiliar.

We've only been here a while ago. Jiang Qingchuan picked up the tea cup. The steam on it was warm, and he said with a smile: It's still the first tea, it's still hot.

Okay. How was the conversation? Su Yuanshan dragged a chair and sat directly in front of Jiang Qingchuan without any hesitation, looking at the other person with burning eyes.

Seeing Su Yuanshan asking about business as soon as he came up, Jiang Qingchuan pursed his lips and became serious: I introduced all the situations, especially the situation of the Silicon Valley branch.

Then what? Has the ministry provided an analysis?

No, it just makes me feel at ease. Jiang Qingchuan shook his head, and he saw that the corners of Su Yuanshan's eyes shrank slightly, as if he was a little dissatisfied.

After a few seconds of silence, Su Yuanshan continued to ask: Have you analyzed it for the ministry?

After analysis, we said that this is part of the return of execution technology. They will first target us, and then extend it to all technology companies, either tightening cooperation or forcing us to withdraw from the market. The so-called stealing of business secrets is nothing more than It’s just an excuse for the other side to want a famous teacher.”

Su Yuanshan continued to think.

These analyzes were of course discussed by him and Jiang Qingchuan - let's put it this way, he is not an expert on the West Side issue now, but at this point in time, except for the so-called hawks, no one understands the West Side more clearly than he does How shameless it is to be unreasonable. Because in the past few years, the West has been instilling reason in them.

Not only do you speak truth, but you also speak of “justice”!

Now it seems that the ministry does not attach great importance to Jiang Qingchuan's analysis - of course, it may also be due to long-term habits that it is not convenient for the ministry to express its position.

Just when he was silent, Wen Xiaoqian knocked on the door gently and raised her cell phone to Su Yuanshan.

Wait a minute, I'll take a call.

Su Yuanshan stood up, took the phone from Wen Xiaoqian's hand, glanced at the number and walked out the door.

Brother Yang, it's me.

Well, Xiaoshan. Has Mr. Jiang arrived at your place? Yang Guangliang smiled on the phone, and it sounded like there was good news.

I've just arrived a while ago, and I just came back. Su Yuanshan walked outside the corridor and said softly: Brother Yang, I heard what Lao Jiang meant, but it seems that the higher-ups didn't pay attention...

Who said it wasn't taken seriously? Yang Guangliang asked back: The greetings were sent directly to your province, and then the ministry is considering communicating with the military to see if it can be contacted with the plane.

Su Yuanshan was startled: Plane?

Yang Guangliang exhaled softly, his voice a little low: Well, you forgot about the South China Sea two months ago - the EP-3 is still in our hands.

Su Yuanshan suddenly took a breath.

How could he forget.

But then, he realized that if he really wanted to talk about it in connection with the airplane, it would prove that the superiors really took it seriously.

At the very least, pay attention to ambition.

I understand, thank you, Brother Yang.

You're welcome. I'm calling you just to reassure you. I know you've always been cautious about the west... After saying that, Yang Guangliang laughed, somewhat self-deprecatingly: Mom, I'm okay with you too. The impact has become a bit unpopular.

Hahaha, Brother Liang, you are not influenced by me. You have a burning gaze, a piercing eye, and a far-sighted vision. As soon as he was in a good mood, Su Yuanshan immediately began to flatter him eloquently.

Well, he didn't have any psychological burden when filming - Yang Weichang, Yang Guangliang, Yang Yiwen, the relationship between this family and him has long gone beyond friends and partners, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are relatives.

Bullshit. Yang Guangliang laughed loudly: Okay, let's stop talking about this first. Our department is also involved in this matter. I will let you know any progress at any time.

After a pause, Yang Guangliang said meaningfully again: And I also know that you are actually worried about Yuanxin. You have taken so many measures a year ago... Although you are prescient, in my opinion, you are still a bit too cautious. ——If nothing else, don’t you know the weight of Yuan Xin and the weight of Su Yuanshan?

Su Yuanshan quickly said a few words of modesty.

The two chatted for a while and then hung up the phone.

Back in the office, Su Yuanshan smiled slightly when he saw Jiang Qingchuan's expectant face.

It's okay, let's hold off for now.


But since there is a problem with the Silicon Valley branch, Lao Zhu can no longer stay there. Su Yuanshan took a deep breath and said solemnly: Let Sister Qu Hui go over, she always stays here in the capital. She is almost becoming a non-staff member of the Capital Precision. How can this be done? She is the technical president.

When the Silicon Valley company was established, Qu Hui was the first to set up the business. She is determined and has strong execution ability. Identity and gender are special - I have to say that female business leaders have subtle benefits in Silicon Valley. Specifically, this is reflected in the fact that Carly has been domineering and invincible over the years, and no one dares to mess with her...

Later, when the Silicon Valley branch was set up, Qu Hui came back and started working with Capital Precision to develop a dual workpiece platform.

Let Sister Qu Hui go to Silicon Valley and correct the atmosphere. Don't do anything here, and return to the essence of technological breakthroughs. At the same time, you must also speed up the layout and expansion of the Internet. From now on, I see, sales Revenue from copyrights will definitely drop by half, and the rest will come from various value-added services.”

Su Yuanshan finished speaking in one breath, and Jiang Qingchuan listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

Seeing this, Su Yuanshan couldn't help but sigh a little in his heart - Lao Jiang, who had followed the rules and followed Cao Cao, was too easy to follow. After all these years, he is still moving step by step along the route he planned at that time.

But after thinking about it, Su Yuanshan could accept it. This means that he can still influence Zhiyuan.



In late May, Su Yuanshan returned to the provincial capital first.

Then, before he returned to the provincial capital, Shi Dazhu sent an invitation to this year's gathering of the Thatched Cottage Club. He also said that this year’s Cottage Meeting should be held early no matter what, so that arrangements can be made in advance for the second half of the year.

This made Su Yuanshan quite speechless, but he was also very pleased.

So, I chose a festival for all the children in the world, and more than 20 people gathered in the thatched cottage.

The location is still on the top floor of the Giant Building.

Mr. Shan, come and have some fun.

As soon as Su Yuanshan showed his head, the sharp-eyed Liu Xiang thrust the notebook into him.

Su Yuanshan looked down and saw a battle scene from a game being displayed on the screen.

Hmm...Meteor Butterfly Sword.


Su Yuanshan took the notebook and sat aside, somewhat dumbfounded, and saw Han Sui laughing at him across from him.

Mr. Shan, your opponent is me.

But the question is how to play this? There is no mouse.

It's in keyboard mode, simulating a PS controller.

Su Yuanshan coughed and familiarized himself with the keys carefully, and the character started to move.

Liu Xiang watched him operate the character while explaining it to him.

Well, Lao Liu, it's useless for you to tell me like this... Is it difficult to get started?

Of course, Su Yuanshan knew about the Meteor Butterfly Sword, and had also played it... Of course, if it hadn't been for the unusual significance of this game now, he would not have had any interest in it.

Well, he has no interest in games anymore.

In my memory, Meteor Butterfly Sword is very difficult to get started and guide. To put it more simply, the budget is not enough... The degree of completion is actually not high - only the core combat functions and ultimate are perfect.

But a game obviously cannot just focus on its core mechanics. If it is too difficult to get started, no matter how good the mechanics and creativity are, it may leave a good reputation, but it will be impossible to spread it.

It was a bit difficult to get started at the beginning. I argued with the producer a few times and added a lot of budget, but I finally got it out - why don't you play it from the beginning?

At this time, Shi Dazhu coughed lightly: Old Liu, wait a minute.

Following Shi Dazhu's reminder, everyone looked at Liu Xiang with a smile - this guy was the most enthusiastic about games among the group of people, and he was almost obsessed with it.

If he is not stopped and Mr. Shan agrees, then today's thatched cottage may not be used as a product trial meeting for him.

When Su Yuanshan heard this, he took his hands off the keyboard and looked at Shi Dazhu with a smile.

He really didn't have the heart to play games anymore.

We have all heard about Zhiyuan. Shi Dazhu pulled up a stool and sat next to Su Yuanshan, his expression gradually became serious: Mr. Shan, this matter is not simple.

Su Yuanshan was slightly startled, and saw everyone looking at him worriedly, and even Liu Xiang closed his notebook.

A sudden realization dawned on him.

Obviously, these Internet trendsetters have clearly smelled the news.

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