1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 807 The Crying Child

A fact that has to be admitted is that after EDA separated from Yuanxin, even with Su Yuanshan's forward-looking development arrangements, and Jiang Qingchuan has always abided by the teachings, Xiao Gui and Cao Sui still lost their core technology development strength.

To make up for these forces, Zhiyuan EDA must recruit the world's elites to maintain its dominance.

When it comes to elites, the one with the most is undoubtedly Silicon Valley.

Therefore, the Silicon Valley branch, the first overseas branch of Zhiyuan EDA, is responsible for a large number of research and development tasks while being responsible for business.

To put it bluntly, Zhiyuan EDA is the first domestic technology company to “harvest” global intelligence.

In the past few years, Zhiyuan has been going smoothly, and the established EDA developers are constantly looking for teeth. The root cause is here - the Silicon Valley branch has poached too many outstanding employees from the same industry, and absorbed all kinds of geniuses. Creativity and intelligence. Therefore, its influence within the Zhiyuan EDA group is also growing. If we only look at its technical contribution, it is no less than the provincial capital headquarters.

“With our constant high-paying strategy to poach people, only Synopsys can barely compete now, and then they also felt the crisis... Just at the beginning of the year, Synopsys merged with Cadence and has the same complete front-end and back-end as us. ability.

Then a month ago, Synopsys suddenly sued us for stealing trade secrets... We were careless.

Yes. Su Yuanshan nodded. He knew why Jiang Qingchuan said careless - because it is normal for colleagues to sue each other. As long as there is poaching, no one's behind will be clean. , the worst case is just a counterclaim, and it will basically be settled out of court.

A beaten-up second-in-command like Synopsys sues the boss. According to common sense, it is nothing more than a ploy.

Then what? Su Yuanshan continued to ask.

Then I went to the branch yesterday to arrest someone, and they quickly admitted it.

Su Yuanshan raised his eyebrows: Fishing? Or framed?

Now I don't know whether it was fishing or frame-up. The main problem is that I have exchanged emails with the other party. Jiang Qingchuan sighed, and there was some regret between his eyebrows.

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and frowned. After a moment of silence, he said softly: Be specific.

The person who was arrested was a pre-imitation designer who was poached in the second half of last year. He has very strong business capabilities. You know that I have been doing the pre-imitation part before, so he talked to me about his work at Synopsys - the pre-imitation part of Synopsys has always been No worse than us, even better, which is also the purpose of recruiting him. Then he asked me if he could just use his previous code.

Where can I find such a good thing that I can still use the old code after moving? Besides, this code is written into the kernel, who cares?

Su Yuanshan: ...Yes - so, he did it?


Then who means you to step down?

IBM. They told me that if I didn't leave get out of class, I would most likely be involved, and if I left get out of class, I would be able to escape unscathed.

Su Yuanshan closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

After getting the email, it was confirmed that Jiang Qingchuan was the messenger, which meant that there was no point in worrying about whether he was being fished or framed.

According to the long-arm jurisdiction law there, Jiang Qingchuan, the main envoy, can be directly targeted.

Seeing Su Yuanshan closing his eyes and meditating, Jiang Qingchuan stopped talking and waited while holding the tea cup.

Last night, he thought about it for a long time, and even thought about simply stepping down and just choosing people from the existing management team. But shareholders said that after this incident, they no longer trust the current management.

At present, Zhiyuan's equity has been extremely dispersed due to its listing. For example, Yuanxin only holds less than 3%... And although the major shareholder is still a state-owned asset, because it is listed in the United States, the second shareholder IBM You can easily increase your holdings anytime and anywhere.

——If there is really an invisible hand coordinating the encirclement and suppression of Zhiyuan, then anything is possible.

After a long silence, Su Yuanshan opened his eyes and said softly: Don't worry, let's analyze it.

First of all, I thought that the so-called 'return of technology' was based on their use of policies to encourage the return. I didn't expect that they wanted to rely on robbing... Well, okay, that's not important.

Secondly, although they can get the majority of the shares, because of the VIE, the control has always been on our side. In other words, they can make money and give them peace of mind. This is the reason why you were originally The main reason to push it out.”

But now, they are not satisfied with the peace of mind that comes from making money and majority shareholding. They also want to take the management into their hands - which means that they want to tear up the VIE. And to tear up the VIE, they have to start with the management team.

So there's this whole thing about you and the management team.

Su Yuanshan spoke slowly, analyzing the intention of the invisible hand step by step.

Jiang Qingchuan kept nodding.

Su Yuanshan breathed out gently, with a smile on his lips.

But they seem to have forgotten that you are still a corporate legal person.

...I am the corporate legal person. Jiang Qingchuan was slightly startled and said with some confusion: Everyone knows that, right?

No, they don't know. The legal person... is sometimes used to take the blame. Sometimes... it's quite useful. Su Yuan breathed out again: Don't worry, this matter can't be kept private. It will be solved below - believe it or not, even if you want to give in, you will be stopped by the relevant departments just by changing the legal person.

Jiang Qingchuan: ...

Don't worry. You go back first. I'll make an appointment with the capital and ask a few friends what they think.

Hearing this, Jiang Qingchuan finally breathed a sigh of relief and stood up: Okay, I'll wait for your news.

Hmm... But you have to be prepared to leave. Su Yuanshan looked at Jiang Qingchuan and saw the latter was slightly startled. He smiled and then added: If you leave Zhiyuan, there is Yuanxin.

... Jiang Qingchuan was startled again and smiled bitterly: I want to go back to Yuanxin, but if I just come back like this... isn't it a bit too much? And what will Zhiyuan do after I leave?

Su Yuanshan smiled slightly: Well, Qu Hui is very strong. She can curse, but you can't.



After sending Jiang Qingchuan away, Su Yuanshan immediately called Yang Guangliang and told him about the trouble Jiang Qingchuan encountered here. and asked him to give a suggestion.

After listening to Su Yuanshan's description, Yang Guangliang, who is now the deputy leader of the Economic and Trade Department of the Development and Reform Commission, was stunned for a long time. He, who was always quick to speak, did not give an opinion for a long time.

In the end, Yang Guangliang cautiously told Su Yuanshan to wait for news from him.

Then Su Yuanshan is waiting for news.

Frankly speaking, Jiang Qingchuan was still a little too gentle - if it were Qu Hui, he would have directly sued Gang a month ago.

Sure enough, half an hour later, Yang Guangliang called Su Yuanshan back and asked him to tell Jiang Qingchuan not to worry about anything else and directly find a reason to counter-sue Synopsys - and not just Synopsys, but all related EDA colleagues.

Moreover, the place of prosecution was in the provincial capital.

Su Yuanshan did as he was told.

Immediately afterwards, he told Su Yuanshan that this matter was probably very fishy and it would be best for Jiang Qingchuan to go to the capital.

Well, thank you, Brother Yang. What if I can't get through?

If you have something to do, just come here. If nothing happens, forget it. EDA is a company named by the Science and Technology Commission, and it can't be manipulated by others. After a pause, Yang Guangliang continued to smile and said, You should also tell Mr. Jiang, Let him run up to the top when he has nothing to do, especially the competent departments and trade departments. In the future, whether it is a dispute or export policy... it will be beneficial to have leaders caring about him.

Haha, thank you Brother Yang for your advice. I'll tell him later.

Okay then - will you come over?

Well... then I'd better come here. As you put it, it seems that I haven't seen the leader for a long time, and I also want to go to BOE to have a look.

Hahaha, okay, then I'll tell the boss first?

Don't...what if I can't leave again? It would be a big sin if you don't give in to the boss then.

Yeah, that's true.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yuanshan rubbed his eyebrows and asked himself about his work arrangements for the next few days. After confirming that he had nothing particularly important, he hung up the phone to Jiang Qingchuan, and then called Yang Guangxin, saying that he and Yang Guangxin Lao Jiang went to Beijing together.

Of course, when Jiang Qingchuan goes to Beijing, in addition to meeting Yang Guangxin, he should also meet with the leaders of the Foreign Economic and Trade Committee. As long as this matter can be raised to a political level, then it will depend on how the two sides argue.

After all... At this time, although the old beauty's methods are a bit dirty, she still wants to face her.

Two days later, Su Yuanshan and Jiang Qingchuan went to Beijing together. The two of them met up with Qu Hui, who had been stationed in the capital for many years, and had lunch together. During the period, Qu Hui immediately opened her eyes in anger after hearing some people's persuasion to Jiang Qingchuan, and she just put her down. The next sentence, If it were me, I would just ask him to climb alone for me, which made Su Yuanshan laugh and Jiang Qingchuan laughed bitterly.

For this kind of thing, you have to be tough and refuse to admit it. If you are soft from the beginning, you will be really passive.

Dinner was eaten with Yang Guangliang. As the powerful middle-level member of the Development and Reform Commission, although Yang Guangliang concealed it well, he did act relatively relaxed. Unknowingly, he still exuded a sense of guanwei... which made Jiang Qingchuan, who was not used to dealing with leaders, quite uncomfortable. .

This also proves that Lao Jiang is indeed a master of technology and is qualified as a technical leader. But when it comes to complex situations, he is indeed a bit lacking - not even as straightforward as Qu Hui.

As a woman, Qu Hui naturally has advantages, and her character can make many conspiracies and schemes useless.

During the dinner, Yang Guangliang didn't mention too much about the matter itself. He kept chatting with the two of them and reminiscing about old times throughout the whole process. It was only when the meal was about to be finished that he told Jiang Qingchuan, don't worry, just say it directly and without reservation. Said - including whether there is shit under the buttocks, what kind of shit there is, etc.

After all, if parents want to make decisions for their children, the most important thing is to know what their children have done. Don't worry about it. When both parents are arguing with each other, you end up hiding certain facts and others take them out. Too passive.

Regarding this, Jiang Qingchuan almost patted his chest and said that he was really innocent and this time it was an innocent disaster.

The next day, Su Yuanshan and Jiang Qingchuan went to somewhere at the same time. He first accompanied Jiang Qingchuan to the upper department, introduced him to the person in charge, and then trotted to the leader's office in a blur.

He spent half the morning in the leader's office. After reporting to the leader on Yuanxin's recent performance and ongoing projects, he focused on addressing the climate agreement. Among them, it is implemented in the development and utilization of new energy. In particular, we must compete with the West in technologies and markets for water, wind, photovoltaic and other energy sources.

Su Yuanshan used the current memory chips in the semiconductor market to illustrate the photovoltaic energy industry model.

Currently, the most high-end memory chip design processes and technologies are actually developed by Samsung and Micron. However, after being acquired by SK Telecom, Hyundai Electronics, which is now Hynix, has suddenly emerged relying on its strong production capacity and is invincible in the mid-to-low-end market. Not to mention constantly squeezing Samsung's spotlight, they even teamed up with Samsung to directly kill NEC... Seeing that the situation was not good, NEC also fought back and directly joined forces with Calendar, Mitsubishi and other down-and-out nobles to establish Bilda.

But Bildad... put it this way.

——If the people of Niguo don’t get rid of their ink problem for a moment, they will not be able to stand up for a moment in the field of technological products that are updated very quickly.

In addition to the memory chip market, the same is true for the LCD panel market - in terms of technology, BOE is not the strongest. In terms of laboratory technology, both Lao Mei and Ni Guo have their own unique skills.

You know, BOE is just a study group formed by an alliance of several underachievers in LCD panels.

And this study group is now relying on forcefully throwing money at it to expand the market regardless of cost. And ultimately relied on cost and shipment advantages to occupy nearly one-third of the LCD panel market share.

If nothing unexpected happens, it will firmly occupy the top spot in terms of shipments next year.

And this also completely eliminated the idea of ​​other companies in Niguo wanting to transfer technology to the island and create an adopted son to compete with BOE and Samsung.

He also said that the semiconductor industry on the island, following the widespread transfer of board and card factories to the mainland and Hong Kong, the wafer fabs being overwhelmed by Deyuan, and Huajing competing for survival in the mid- to low-end, another industry has been Killed right in the cradle.

——Although the island has not been affected by the Asian financial crisis, since 1997, its trade growth has almost entirely come from mainland transactions. And in the field of science and technology, it has completely lost its voice and competitiveness.

Maybe, we'll see him come back soon. Before leaving, Su Yuanshan smiled at the leader.

The leader coughed, slapped him hard on the back, and told him to stop talking nonsense and do his job.

At noon, Jiang Qingchuan stayed in the ministry, while Su Yuanshan went directly to BOE. While having a meal, he also wanted to have a good chat with Lao Wang.

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