1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 806 The big stick is raised

Su Yuanshan's words made Ma Mengqi suddenly alert.

Wait, wait! Ma Mengqi reached out to stop Wen Xiaoqian and looked at Su Yuanshan nervously: What do you mean?

It's not interesting, I'm just putting some pressure on you. Su Yuanshan chuckled, walked out from behind the desk, pulled a chair and sat across from Ma Mengqi.

Boss, don't look at me like this. I'm a little panicked - I just came back from the fields in Beidahuang. Can you let me take a breath?

Huh? Are agricultural drones available? Su Yuanshan was slightly surprised.

Didn't it be reported to the police? Ma Mengqi was also a little surprised.

Then the two of them looked at Wen Xiaoqian at the same time, who was carefully holding tea leaves. Hearing this, he shrugged helplessly: You came too fast, I guess Mr. Shan didn't see you coming.

Okay. Su Yuanshan's briefing was indeed biased towards international and domestic events and industry news. Major events such as a successful Olympic bid should be put first: Tell me, what is the result, and what are the future arrangements? .”

When he mentioned this, Ma Mengqi immediately became energetic and proud: It's completely OK, and we left two units for the farm to let them try it out for free and help with testing and feedback.

Su Yuanshan nodded slightly and added: But please note that the atmosphere of bureaucracy in the farm is a bit heavy, and agricultural drones are a new gadget and the cost is high. It would be boring to be retained only to be 'provided'... ”

I know, some of my classmates came from there. Ma Mengqi said with some emotion: To be honest, the farm modernization in Beidahuang is already the highest level of mechanization in the country. I remember the primary school textbook The illustration on it is from their place... But now I look at it and find that the model of joint sowing and harvesting has not improved for many years.

Su Yuanshan smiled: Actually, the whole world has not made much progress. The big farmers in Texas only have one more plane to spray pesticides.

Yeah, so I asked them to use it vigorously. Anyway, it is charging, and it is also a public appliance. I guess I can get a lot of first-hand information - when the big farm data comes in, we will be different from the small areas in the Chengdu Plain. After comparing and synthesizing the farmland, we plan to put it on the market directly to the west.

Okay. Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile.

Seeing this, Ma Mengqi breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: Mr. Shan, look, our Jingwei is technically in the shape of a crusher. You said that such a product has entered Texas, and those cowboy uncles Why don’t we rush to fly it? No matter how cheap an agricultural aircraft is, it’s still more expensive than a drone, right?”

Yes. Su Yuanshan nodded again.

Ma Mengqi chuckled: So you said, I enjoy the treatment, is that okay? Obviously no problem!

Yes. No problem, no problem at all - didn't I let you enjoy it? Su Yuanshan nodded again, and then smiled: However, you still forgot the task I assigned you before.

Ma Mengqi was startled, and then he understood what Su Yuanshan was talking about.

Su Yuanshan told him a long time ago that he wanted to engage in drone swarm flights, or rather... performances.

But after he put it into practice, he discovered that that thing...

Mr. Shan, please give us some time. Our team is still exploring. Ma Mengqi smiled bitterly and shook his head: It's a bit difficult at the moment.

is it hard?

It's really a bit difficult. Ma Mengqi shook his head, picked up the teacup, and blew on the tea foam.

Su Yuanshan's expression gradually became serious. After pondering for a few seconds, he said softly: Old Ma, do you know what is the most difficult thing about starting a business?

What is it? Ma Mengqi answered casually. He looked up and saw Su Yuanshan's serious expression. He was stunned for a moment and then put down the tea cup and became nervous.

Despite the fact that he and Su Yuanshan were always laughing and joking, they had no concept of superiority or inferiority at all - in terms of level, there were still several levels between them. But deep down in his heart, he admired Su Yuanshan immensely.

After all, Yuanxin's technical staff have a famous saying - the closer you get to Mr. Shan, the more you know that Mr. Shan is inaccessible.

Seeing Su Yuanshan looking at him seriously at this time, he immediately felt a little uneasy.

Even Wen Xiaoqian on the side stopped smiling and prepared documents for Su Yuanshan with some seriousness.

For technology companies, the most difficult thing about starting a business is not specific things such as technology, capital, or whether the business is good or bad. It's...not knowing whether the direction is right.

Wen Xiaoqian was deep in thought on the side. After a moment, she nodded slightly and looked at Ma Mengqi again. The latter frowned, thought for a few seconds, nodded and said, Well, Yuan Xin's direction is right.

No, the direction of the business that Yuanxin is currently involved in may not necessarily be right. But with the size and influence of Yuanxin, it is possible to break through the direction - create applications without applications. Su Yuanshan continued seriously: You might I’m a little dissatisfied, why do I have to ask you to fly drones in swarms - because it seems like this has no other use except for commercial performances.”

But you know, as long as we realize it, it means that we have mastered the flight control technology to perfection, and it means that it has the most obvious way and method of publicity.

Since you have built a drone, you must believe that drones have an extremely wide range of application scenarios. They are by far the most ideal carrier to break through space limitations in the future society. Drone delivery, Food delivery, garbage disposal, agricultural, commercial, industrial, military use - with the camera, it can put people's eyes thousands of miles away, with the robotic arm, it can put people thousands of miles away, realizing true wireless Impossible.

But that day, we can't wait, we need to make it come early, quickly.

Then what to do? Su Yuanshan continued to ask, but before Ma Mengqi could answer, he continued to himself: Using it for military, agricultural, aerial photography, and firefighting is only part of its application scenarios and belongs to the market. Promotion, not marketing communication – think about it, how many technologies are in these fields that are not understood by the public?”

Too many! Too many technologies seem to be born only for application scenarios. As for drones, in order to become consumer-grade products, it is obvious that they cannot only rely on these 'production, development', etc., which are particularly valuable in the eyes of ordinary enterprises. Promoted by application scenarios, it cannot even be promoted by the small circle of aircraft model enthusiasts...

There needs to be big news and big scenes to bring it into the public eye.

Su Yuanshan finished speaking in one breath and took a deep breath.

The Olympic bid was successful yesterday. Although there are still 7 years until the opening ceremony, I hope that within three to five years, I will be able to see your drones perform a picture scroll in the air, or even evolve into an animation. And use it in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, let the world... take a look.

Ma Mengqi's mouth gradually opened, with a look of surprise on his face - using a drone to perform animations in the air?

That's the mission for your team.

Stop making it difficult.



After seeing Ma Mengqi off, Su Yuanshan took a long breath.

He knew that this was a bit counterproductive to the drone industry, but now was the time when foreign countries began to involve various flight control technologies. If Ma Mengqi could not develop the technology here, it would be inevitable that some people would make irresponsible remarks in the future. And allowing cluster control to appear in advance will obviously have a great stimulating effect on the consumer market of drones.

The Olympic opening ceremony is still fresh in Su Yuanshan's memory. Lao Mouzi likes to create big scenes, so Yuanxin will support him in big scenes.

Then looking at the briefing, Su Yuanshan recently focused on looking at what actions will be taken due to the backflow of technology in the west, but after looking around, he found that no substantive measures were taken.

But this does not mean that we can sit back and relax - there are still four or five months, or if the butterfly wings flicker, it may be a year and a half. Su Yuanshan does not dare to bet the future on probabilistic events.

Mr. Shan, the weekly sales of Vidoo10 are out. Wen Xiaoqian looked at the computer and quickly sent a report to Su Yuanshan: This year seems to have declined a bit, and the reviews are not very good.

Yeah. Su Yuanshan looked at it and saw that global shipments were 150,000 units a week.

This number is about 3,000 units less than the same period last year. If you take into account the growth of economic growth and users, then the sales of Vidoo10 of Yuanxin have declined this time, and the decline has been serious.

It's okay. Mr. Duan, Mr. Chen and I don't have high hopes for the sales of Vidoo 10. If we can maintain 150,000 units, it's already considered good.

Wen Xiaoqian was slightly startled, endured it for a few moments, and then asked, Why don't you have hope?

Because... in terms of design, it is a mobile phone with nothing new. Apart from enlarging the screen, there is no breakthrough in functionality. Of course, after the screen is enlarged, it is a breakthrough in itself... It's just that It’s just that users don’t buy it.”

From the publicity of the press conference, it also leaves enough suspense for the next generation of Yidoo mobile phones. To put it bluntly, it is a tool that serves Yidoo 4. It is... a necessary sacrifice.

Wen Xiaoqian: ...

Su Yuanshan chuckled and said: No matter how talented the designer is, there is no guarantee that every mobile phone will have a beautiful design.

Well... that's true. But I also think that this is a matter of opinion - I think Vidoo10 is very good, and it is not without new ideas. At least its interface provides OTG support. By the way... it seems that someone is planning to use OTG Connect the controller to your phone and it becomes a PSP.

Su Yuanshan was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then said happily: Who is such a genius? What a great idea.

Uh... I saw it on the forum. I forgot who said it, but everyone is encouraging him to do it quickly.

Haha, then you can reply to a post on my behalf, saying that this project can be started directly, and it can also get internal investment... Su Yuanshan smiled while looking at his buzzing mobile phone.

When the time comes, just let internal investment start businesses.

After he finished speaking, he picked up the phone and just glanced at the name, when a bad feeling suddenly flashed through his heart.

This call was from Jiang Wanchao.



Ah...I kind of doubt whether our company has F13I.

In Su Yuanshan's office, Jiang Qingchuan, who had not seen him for a long time, said something shocking to Su Yuanshan as soon as he arrived.

Fortunately for Su Yuanshan, this sentence shocked Wen Xiaoqian a little unclearly - this kind of scene that can only be seen in TV movies would be a bit too scary if it appeared in reality, right?

Haha, don't be nervous, and even if there is, it's normal. Su Yuanshan sat next to Jiang Qingchuan. Although he was joking, there was no joking expression between his eyebrows, and he was very cautious.

In order to win the crown of the semiconductor industry, Yuanxin decisively sold the EDA department on which it made its fortune, and also invited the Eight-Nation Alliance to come and invest in shares.

At the beginning of the investment, both parties adopted a VIE system, allowing the founder team to have complete control over Zhiyuan EDA.

VIE, Variable Interest Entities (VIEs), also known as agreement control, does not control the actual operating company through equity but achieves control and financial consolidation of the actual operating company by signing various agreements. .

In the past seven or eight years, shareholders have maintained their influence and psychological advantage over EDA, and because the registration, legal persons, and employees' taxes and fees are all in the mainland, Jiang Qingchuan has always been able to sit back and relax, not considering controlling the company at all. The problem. Instead, you can focus all your energy on business expansion.

Now in the past few years, Zhiyuan EDA has become the undisputed leader in the industry. It is invincible in the fields of design and simulation, and has won most of the global market share... Even though the United States has so-called objections to several other established traditional EDA companies. Support, but still unable to compete with it.

This... I really don't blame the opponent for not living up to expectations, I just blame Zhiyuan for acting like a hooligan.

——There are currently only two top wafer fabs in the world. One is Intel, which only produces its own products, and the other is Deyuan, which serves the world and manufactures for the entire industry.

As for Deyuan, and the Zhiyuan family... let's put it this way, if Zhiyuan EDA is Yuan Xin's remarried mother, then Deyuan is Zhiyuan's granddaughter.

Deyuan, a professional foundry, has been using Zhiyuan EDA. Needless to say, the consequences?

Be specific, what did you say? Su Yuanshan looked at Jiang Wanchao and said softly: Don't tell me, the other side will launch an investigation against you.

Well, we just launched an investigation. Jiang Wanchao also said softly: You want me to step down.

Su Yuanshan raised his eyebrows: What about the person who takes over?

Recommended by the shareholders' meeting.

Absurd. Aren't the state assets 51%?

“After it goes public, it’s gone.”

No, even if there are no state assets, or even if there are traitors, no one in your founder team can give orders. Su Yuanshan's eyes became a little sharp, and he said softly: Old Jiang, you have to know that your group of people are all It’s no problem. You must be hiding something from me.”

The no problem here naturally refers to loyalty to Zhiyuan, or... Yuanxin.

But Jiang Qingchuan became silent after hearing this.

Su Yuanshan's eyebrows gradually flattened. Could it be that there was a traitor in the middle? Want to seize Jiang Qingchuan's power?

After a long silence, Jiang Qingchuan sighed: I thought about it all night and found that the problem should be with the Silicon Valley branch.

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