1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 805 Weili Machinery

Good guy, your electric car landed earlier than my electric car? What kind of battery did it use?

Su Yuanshan patted the driver's shoulder and signaled him to stop. He and Jiang Qingchuan stood outside the car and looked at it carefully.

This kind of closed-road sightseeing car is no better than his pure electric car, so there is no need to worry about lack of market - the only worry is that the cost will affect the purchase.

Of course, the most important thing is that the design and manufacture of this thing is not difficult. After all, there are no requirements for closed roads. You don’t even need to have a license plate. Even if you only have four wheels, you can still run.

We use lithium batteries ourselves, but when they are launched on the market, there will be two versions, one lithium battery and one lead-acid battery. Jiang Qingchuan smiled and put his arm around Su Yuanshan's shoulders. He knew that his junior brother had been sparing no effort in promoting lithium batteries and explained : “We are just testing the waters to see if pure electric vehicles can work, so we should be conservative first.”

Well, it's better to be conservative. But senior brother... I tell you, it will definitely work. Su Yuanshan breathed out softly and said with a smile: You guys can find connections and go to tourist attractions, zoos and botanical gardens, etc. Once it runs, there will definitely be sales.”

Yes, Lao Wang and I also think about it this way. You build high-tech products over there, and we build low-tech ones here. Now we are sightseeing cars, and the next step is electric bicycles, electric motorcycles, electric three-wheelers... …”

Well, yes, electric motorcycles are good... Su Yuanshan laughed and got on the car again.

Before moving from cars to pure electric vehicles, if there are low-end priced vehicles that open up the market and concepts first, then the resistance to promoting electric vehicles will be much smaller.

After all, compared with the previous life, today's battery industry is at least two or three years ahead. The early emergence and popularization of electric vehicles is a matter of course.

After getting on the bus again, the car drove directly into a factory deep in the park.

They did not enter the front-line workshop, but sat down and waited for a while in the workshop office. It didn't take a moment before two engineers in their early thirties hurried into the office.

Mr. Shan, why are you here in person? The speaker was Chen Yongming, one of the employees Duan Yongping brought over from Xiaobawang. When Lao Duan was in charge of the foundry, he was the backbone of the business. Later, when the foundry was divided, After soliciting opinions from key employees, Chen Yongming thought for a long time and finally chose to leave the foundry and return to Yuanxin.

After returning to Yuanxin, Chen Yongming began to assist Duan Yongping in charge of the mobile phone business. Now a few years later, he has become the vice president of Yuanxin and the product manager of the Yidoo series of concept mobile phones. He is fully responsible for the design, production and sales of the Yidoo brand. coordination.

The other person was also brought here by Lao Duan. Wang Hao, who stayed in Hongyuan because he was reluctant to leave the production line, was considered to have changed the family. However, Jiang Qingchuan did not treat him badly. Now Wang Hao has become Hongyuan's technical vice president, a perfect right-hand man.

Since Yidoo bears the historical responsibility of Yuanxin to open the truly intelligent screen of mobile phones, these two people are responsible for it personally, which can be regarded as the ultimate effort.

Come and see you. Su Yuanshan shook hands with Chen Yongming and Wang Hao and asked them to sit down, but his eyes remained on the document bag in Chen Yongming's hand.

When Chen Yongming saw this, he naturally knew that Shan always couldn't wait to see the true face of Yidoo4. He smiled slightly at that moment, opened the document bag, took out a dark mobile phone that exuded the luster of glass, and handed it to Su Yuanshan.

He saw that when Su Yuanshan saw the actual mobile phone, his eyes lit up!

He couldn't help but exhale softly, and at the same time he was filled with emotions.

There is no doubt that the appearance of this phone is the most beautiful in his opinion.

Its front and rear are pure glass, with a typical sandwich structure in the middle and a metal middle frame that is also painted black.

Its edges and corners are just right, and it feels just right in your hand.

Su Yuanshan held the phone and calmed down for two seconds before clicking the circular return button in the middle.

no response.

Mr. Shan, it hasn't been turned on yet, but nothing happens when it is turned on. The system hasn't been adapted yet. This is just a prototype for assembly line production... Chen Yongming explained.

Yeah, it's okay. Don't worry, I still have at least a year for you. Su Yuanshan took a long breath.

History is really a bit of a coincidence.

This Yidoo 4 is surprisingly similar in appearance to the historical Apple 4 - except that the edges and corners are a bit more rounded, and the positions of the side buttons are different.

Even the proportions of the home button and the upper panel are the same.

This shows that Yuanxin’s mobile phone design team has indeed developed an “advanced” aesthetic style and standard after so many years.

At this time Jiang Qingchuan nodded and said: Now it seems that it will take at least half a year to achieve mass production. After all, the standards and requirements of this mobile phone are too high. Even our industry chain is a bit overwhelmed now, and the suppliers are complaining. It won’t last long. Then it will take another three or four months to increase production capacity... almost exactly one year.”

Jiang Qingchuan laughed and said with some emotion: To be honest, excellent products and designs can really drive upgrading of technology and standards in the entire industry chain. Your family, Sony's family, and Apple's family, The three of you alone have improved the standards and standards of domestic manufacturing so much.

Haha, isn't there a saying? People are all forced out. Su Yuanshan laughed and returned the phone to Chen Yongming: Old Chen, it seems that you have to work hard.

It's okay. In fact, I'm not working hard. It's Wang Hao who is working hard. Chen Yongming glanced at his former colleagues and said humorously: Also, General Chiang took care of me and arranged for me to have the same office. I am returning to my parents' home and living in a comfortable place. I'm used to it. Wang Hao, on the other hand, has been urged by me all day long, and just now he said he wanted to fight with me.

Wang Hao hadn't spoken much, and he wasn't good at chatting either. He smiled and said, Are you trying to push people away? Are you trying to push people away? You designed the motherboard to be so small and have low fault tolerance... It's easy. Do you know that you can cause cerebral hemorrhage in people?

Didn't Mr. Jiang just say that it was because of our high requirements that we led you to upgrade...

...That's Mr. Jiang giving you face. So according to what you said, if you draw a Star Destroyer for me, it will also help us upgrade our technology?


Seeing the two people bickering, Su Yuanshan and Jiang Qingchuan laughed at the same time.

While smiling, Su Yuanshan asked about the situation again to see if there was anything he needed help coordinating. The answer was that the LCD panel driver still had some problems after testing, and I hope BOE can fix it again.

Su Yuanshan naturally agreed to this.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yuanshan took the battery sightseeing car directly to Suoxin next door. He was very satisfied with the new enterprise Fuchuan Motorcycle jointly established by Wang Chuanfu and Jiang Qingchuan, but the name and trademark... were a bit off. .

Judging from the style of the name and trademark, it is obvious that Wang Chuanfu came up with this name.

Because the logo design is a circle with the two letters FC alone inside.

Wang Chuanfu’s explanation is that the simpler the product and trademark are, the better, so that people can remember them at a glance. After all, Fuchuan Motorcycle is aimed at the low-end market, so there is no need to get all the bells and whistles.

Hmm...makes sense.

——Su Yuanshan finally understood where the BYD car logo came from.

After chatting with Wang Chuanfu for two hours about the fast charging standards and future development directions of lithium batteries, the group gathered briefly in the evening. The next day, Su Yuanshan focused on the Weili Machinery jointly invested by Yuanxin and Sony.

Weili Machinery's initial investment was 200 million yuan, funded by Yuanxin and Sony Decibel, each accounting for 50% and 49%. The person in charge is Sony's Fujio Matsuda.

In the past four years, Fujio Matsuda has been staying in the Science and Technology Park and Pandora, speaking Chinese brokenly and fluently. Fujio Matsuda has the common ink mark problem among Japanese engineers - of course, they are generally called craftsman spirit. If this spirit is used in other fast-moving consumer goods or products that iterate extremely quickly, it will undoubtedly fall behind - a typical example is that NEC is losing ground in the memory chip market today, while advocating fast, accurate and ruthless products Hynix, relying on SYD's strong financial strength, built factories aggressively, quickly conquered cities and occupied large areas of the DRAM memory shipment market.

But it also depends on the situation. If this cautious spirit is used in extremely precise, non-mass-produced, non-consumer goods fields... such as precision machinery, it will be an advantage.

Niguo's machine tools, industrial robot arms and other basic productivity machinery are undoubtedly at the top level in the world.

At present, Weili Machinery is making very fast progress, and the first CNC machine tool from Yamazaki Mazak is ready. Sony is actually still a little worried about hitting the red line, but as of now, it seems that it has not encountered any obstacles. It was quite reassuring.

Weili Machinery, which was born with a golden key, obviously has no shortage of orders, but they can't take care of it at the moment because the procurement of Yuanxin Automobile Department moved into the factory a month ago...

After all, whether it is a robotic arm or an electric vehicle, they are all part of Yuanxin, and they are naturally responsible for supporting brotherly enterprises.

After staying in the special zone for almost a week, Su Yuanshan visited various departments and companies, and met with several leaders before setting off for Shanghai.

He stayed in Shanghai for three days. He didn't wait for the leader to come back. He felt that it was boring, so he went back to the Science and Technology Park directly.

Time entered May, and the May Day holiday continued to be popular. At the subsequent Shanghai Consumer Electronics Show, Yuanxin released Vidoo10 - this time, Vidoo10 was rarely equipped with a full-screen resistive screen, which caused everyone to exclaim. . I thought I was at the wrong place.

Because before, the Vidoo series of mobile phones were equipped with partial screens, and only the most high-end Ydioo was equipped with a full screen, reflecting the high-end atmosphere and class.

Not enough. When Duan Yongping swiped his phone, everyone realized that Yuanxin had also exhausted its talents and started to plagiarize with MOTO.

——Motorola released a slider phone a few years ago.

Although Yuanxin has made the keyboard and screen very thin this time, and it looks about the same thickness as the Yidoo released in previous years, it still cannot hide the fact that it is a slider phone.

However, this also gave everyone attending the press conference more expectations - since Yuanxin uses full screens on low-end models such as Vdioo, what will the high-end concept model Yidoo look like?

Can't Yidoo also come up with a sliding cover by then?

You know, Yidoo has long been able to achieve full-screen operation and comes with a stylus - so many people are a little dismissive of Yidoo's positioning as a smartphone, because it essentially does the work of a PDA, not so much It's a mobile phone, rather it's a smart PDA that can make calls.

After all, Yuanxin's Yidoo does have higher configurations and is faster than all single-function PDAs on the market. It is no exaggeration to say it is a small computer.

May 16, Su Yuanshan’s office.

As a boss with many things to do, Su Yuanshan now has less and less time. Compared with Duan Yongping, Chen Jing and others, in addition to taking care of Yuanxin, he also has to focus on all Yuanxin-related industries and industries. Even industries that don’t overlap need to take note...

To say that he is busier than ZL is not an exaggeration.

Therefore, as early as two years ago, Yuanxin's senior management adopted a briefing system. The board of directors is responsible for collecting and sorting out relevant information from various departments and fields according to the different areas that each CEO is responsible for, and preparing a briefing for submission.

This kind of working style was jokingly called by Su Yuanshan as the working style of a leader of the Lighthouse State.

Compared with Duan, Chen and others, Su Yuanshan's briefing was thicker.

Turning on the computer, Su Yuanshan opened his briefing system on time - and the first item was, my country's application for the 2008 Capital Olympics was successful.

Seeing this title, Su Yuanshan was stunned for a moment, and then smiled knowingly.

The Olympics is something that has not been done but is something that is desperately wanted to be done. But if it is done... that's it. Domestically, too, there were two major obsessions in the 1990s, one was the WTO and the other was the Olympics.

Then, Su Yuanshan thought of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in later generations. After a moment, he picked up the phone and called Ma Mengqi.

Ten minutes later, Ma Mengqi appeared in his office on time.

Good morning, Xiaoqian. Ma Mengqi is already a regular visitor to Su Yuanshan's office, and he has a cheerful and active personality, which belongs to the same type as Gao Xiaodi, so he is very open-minded - Su Yuanshan likes this kind of subordinates who are capable and capable. He is also straightforward, and there is no need to use any leadership skills or scheming, just say what you have to say.

Good morning, Mr. Ma. Wen Xiaoqian took out the cup and went to get the tea when she was stopped.

Wait a minute, I want the one on the right. Ma Mengqi pointed to the right, glanced at Su Yuanshan, and said with a proud look on his face: Don't fool me.

Wen Xiaoqian: ...

Su Yuanshan was continuing to read the briefing and did not raise his head when he heard the words: Let him soak.

Oh. Wen Xiaoqian took out the legendary and noble mother tree Dahongpao.

Ma Mengqi was overjoyed: Hey, thank you Mr. Shan for allowing me to enjoy the treatment of a department leader.

Well, yes. How can a horse run and not eat grass at the same time? Su Yuanshan moved the mouse after hearing this, stood up and walked out from behind the desk.

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