1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 804 Core Policies

Liu Xiang's worried words about national dignity really amused Su Yuanshan.

Midstream International was the first time Yuanxin entered a small game studio in Caotanghui after it moved to the Science and Technology Park in 1993. It had no more than five employees... Later, after receiving an angel investment from Yuanxin, it successively I released several hit games on PS, and then they started to take off quickly.

After so many years, they continued to recruit people and grew at a speed visible to the naked eye in the science and technology park. In terms of scale, they have become the number one game developer in the country.

And what makes Midstream International different from Kingsoft and Giant is that he doesn’t like to engage in other things, he just likes to make games – “If I wanted to make money, I would have gone into real estate a long time ago.” This is a famous saying he has always said.

However, it has to be said that Liu Xiang of Midstream International is indeed one of the few people who can share the same language and influence as Su Yuanshan in the gaming field, or who can most clearly understand the future and importance of the gaming industry.

Let's not talk about national dignity for now, Brother Zhu, Lao Liu, since WCG is positioned as a video game competition, it is on the same level as the World Cup, Olympic Games and other events...

At this point, Su Yuanshan stopped and coughed: Well, it's world-class anyway.

Then, for the sake of fairness, I also agree to select games based on regions. Therefore, the Asian region must have the least two games - the population of the Asian region accounts for two-thirds of the world, including us and Ni Guo, Third Brother, Countries with emerging gaming and software industries like Bangguo... based on population, Asia should have the most!

That's what I said too. Shi Dazhu said with a smile: But Steven said, then you guys should start an ACG, Asian e-sports.

Asian eSports?

Su Yuanshan was startled when he heard this, and then he became quite angry and said, Holy crap... who is this person?

Liu Xiang chuckled, and said first with a hint of complaint: This person is the head of the publishing department of EA. The games listed are all developed by the United States. They claim that they are the highest in terms of competitiveness and popularity. And the games are the highest. Among players, the proportion of English-speaking people is the highest and most popular...

Su Yuanshan: ...

Damn, this person is so racist! - How did you resist him?

I can't resist...because this product doesn't come with EA games, it's all from other companies.

... Su Yuanshan was speechless again: Then why did he get two more places?

Because I said we will solve the competition venue and expenses. Shi Dazhu smiled and said: Mr. Shan, this is the first time we do this. We don't know how much it will cost... but I believe the money will be well spent, right?

Okay, it's really worth it. After hearing this, Su Yuanshan probably thought about the bloody turmoil in WCG's game selection, and couldn't help but shook his head slightly: You are sponsoring this money?

We can't... we don't have enough influence. Shi Dazhu chuckled: Although everyone has their own differences, there is still a consensus that this first session must be done well... so...

Su Yuanshan had been nodding in agreement, but when he saw the two people looking at him, he suddenly realized the real intention of these two people to find him.

After all this nonsense, are you trying to take advantage of yourself emotionally?

So you're just going to find someone to take advantage of?

I've said that, I've said it. Liu Xiang laughed and said: Mr. Shan, the sponsorship fee is just a drop in the bucket for Yuanxin, but it will cost us our lives.

That's right. Shi Dazhu also echoed: Mr. Shan, in order to rely on sponsorship to achieve sustainable hosting in the future, in addition to providing a fair and just game environment, there must also be a complete selection process, generous rewards and logistical support... In short, it is necessary to make it grand...

We even plan to use the Science and Technology City in the provincial capital as a permanent processing venue to promote it to the world... So the money is really expensive to spend... We are indeed still a little short.

Su Yuanshan nodded slightly: Well, when it comes to saving face, we are indeed world-class.

Ahem...it's not about saving face anymore, the main thing is to be willing to invest.

It's still about saving face. Su Yuanshan smiled, nodded quickly and said, Okay, you name it, I will agree to it directly for you under one billion yuan.

Shi Dazhu and Liu Xiang looked at each other, and both of them were overjoyed at the same time: Two hundred million yuan would be enough!

...It doesn't really cost a billion, right? Su Yuanshan glanced at the two of them: Do you really think I was taken advantage of?

——But to be honest, if the effect of one billion yuan can be achieved, Su Yuanshan really doesn’t mind paying the one billion yuan. Of course, the management of Yuanxin must have objections, and he can only subsidize a little in his personal capacity.

The reason is simple. As long as WCG is successfully held, it will kick off the professionalization of e-sports. The industries involved and the subsequent influence are completely beyond the reach of one billion yuan.

And if nothing else, Yuanxin, a sponsor that can provide a complete set of hardware solutions, can rely on the development of WCG and the entire gaming industry to push Yuanxin's processors and subsequent graphics cards to a new level of market acceptance.

This alone makes it well worth the money.

——Those who play games can really affect the brand's status.

Okay, you make a budget. As for Meteor Butterfly Sword... let's put it this way, Old Liu. After the joke, Su Yuanshan said seriously: Whether a game sells well and is accepted by players ultimately depends on the game itself. Come up. You can't make a piece of shit and then spend a lot of money to tell people all over the world that this is a cup of chocolate... This won't work, the players will scold you.

Yes, yes, but you still have to shout... Everyone knows that Mr. Shan is the one who speaks in the game publishing circle of Lighthouse Country... Liu Xiang chuckled and said, So, I have to trouble Mr. Shan to say hello.

... Su Yuanshan looked at this guy, dumbfounded.

You don't know Davidson?

We're not very familiar with each other, and we used to make console games, and now we want to open up the second battlefield in the PC industry... Let's find a heavyweight to help us. Hehe...

...Okay, I'll send him an email. Su Yuanshan said and glanced at Shi Dazhu again, provoking: Brother Zhu is a big customer of Davidson, don't you want to find Brother Zhu?

Shi Dazhu: ...

After getting down to business, the three chatted again about the future of the gaming industry, especially Liu Xiang. He accurately predicted that with the WCG promulgating heavy prizes, a group of professional players might be born specifically to challenge e-sports. .

To achieve acceptance by the world, especially by people with traditional thinking in this country, in addition to cultural dissemination, we must start from the aspects of influence and national justice...

Fortunately, Su Yuanshan had reminded Shi Dazhu and others a long time ago that the Game Industry Association has been promoting the decontamination of games over the years, and the effect... seems to be okay.

The main thing is that the mainstream media must recognize it. If a heavyweight media like CCTV can report and broadcast it with great fanfare... then it will have a huge positive impact on the game. Liu Xiang said and looked at Su Yuanshan with a burning gaze: Mr. Shan, dont you agree?

Well, yes. Okay, okay, stop talking about it... Su Yuanshan raised his wrist and looked at the time, then stood up with a smile: You guys will tell me when you decide, and I will go and run for you. Let’s work together to make this first WCG a success.”

They both stood up at the same time and shook hands to say goodbye.



Ye Rudai went to Silicon Valley, and Su Yuanshan only had a nanny left in his villa in HK. He simply passed through the house and went directly to Sun Xihui's house not far next door.

On the way back, Wen Xiaoqian endured it for a long time, but finally couldn't hold it back anymore and asked Su Yuanshan, is he so enthusiastic about WCG and these gamers because he likes games?

To be fair, Wen Xiaoqian's confusion is quite reasonable - because Su Yuanshan usually has very little time to play games. A few years ago, he could still level up with a few senior brothers and play Imperial Red Alert every now and then. Now I haven’t even clicked on the game icon.

Su Yuanshan told her patiently that WCG was held in the provincial capital. In a country that urgently needs to show itself to the outside world and prove itself, it is undoubtedly a grand event. As long as it is done well, it can attract the attention of people around the world. At the same time, those players from all over the world are also the best positive promoters...

As for games, according to the progress of human technology and living standards, they will be closely related to everyone in the future. They are a booming industry that belongs to the future and does not depend on anyone’s will.

The next day, Su Yuanshan visited Mr. D.

The two parties naturally started chatting at Cyberport, and also talked about the technology industry, especially the future of the Internet industry. Naturally, Su Yuanshan did not hide anything from Mr. D, but directly told him that the Internet winter was about to pass, one year at the latest. .

Su Yuanshan's words undoubtedly had a reassuring effect on Mr. D's ears.

After all, the past few years have proven that Su Yuanshan's judgment in the field of science and technology is accurate.

Moreover, several investment institutions led by Yuanxin have never given up their support for entrepreneurial Internet companies, especially the support of mobile Internet-perhaps they want to compete with 3G in Bangkok to see who has the fastest 3G progress. , HK Telecom's 3G network is advancing very quickly, and full coverage of the 3G network will be completed in one month at the latest.

The coverage of 3G network is accelerating, so the next step is to apply applications under 3G network. Internet speed alone without applications is still empty talk.

Therefore, Yuanxin pays special attention to investing in small businesses that focus on mobile platforms. And Yuanxin is also preparing for the developer conference - the latest YOS has reached the most critical period. It will be paired with Yuanxin's highest-security Yidoo mobile phone, completely bringing the field of handheld communication devices into the era of smartphones.

In the end, the two naturally couldn't help but talk about Hong Kong's economic situation, especially real estate.

Because he followed Su Yuanshan's advice, HK has been allocating large amounts of land - in addition to building large-area public housing, there has also been commercial land for sale. Although the price is not high, at least some people dare to build houses, instead of building houses like Those who speculated in land ten years ago would hold on to the land and wait for the value to rise.

The reason is very simple, because with the promulgation of the talent arrival policy in Hong Kong, which is also one of the core supporting policies of Cyberport, and one of the core policies to make Hong Kong a talent center in Southeast Asia, with the rapid development of Cyberport , as high-income people continue to arrive in Hong Kong...

These people obviously will not live in public housing - because public housing has a residence year limit.

As a result, instead of continuing to slide towards the bottom, HK's holidays have stabilized at a very subtle line - on average, it is about RMB 40,000 per square meter.

This price is high or low, or low. But for those middle class people who were worried about the continued decline in housing prices and the collapse of housing prices, this is already an acceptable price.

It can be said that after experiencing the financial crisis, today's HK is not only the first to get up among the little dragons and tigers in that lap, but also the fastest to get back on the track!

In today's Hong Kong, not only are technology companies driving the booming economy, but people's livelihood is also extremely stable.

Mr. D will naturally have a better future.

At noon, Su Yuanshan went directly to the Special Administrative Region after visiting Mr. D.



Where's my sister-in-law?

At the gate of Hongyuan Technology Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Su Yuanshan shook hands with Jiang Qingchuan, who had not seen each other for a long time and was now slightly put on weight, and then the two touched each other's shoulders again.

I'm going to have a baby. Jiang Qingchuan pulled Su Yuanshan towards the factory: Have you eaten yet?

I ate in the cafeteria with Mr. D. You can treat me to dinner tonight. Su Yuanshan glanced around and saw the strangers everywhere, feeling extremely emotional.

He and Chen Jing came to see this land together back then.

——I still remember when Chen Jing was still a college student, and then her brother wanted to break out from the pursuit of a group of rising stars on the island and find another way out. So I thought of developing in the mainland. But I have no money...

Fortunately, Chen Daohua found Lin Yonggu, the former head of the design department of UMC. Because of his relationship with Yuanxin, they got to know each other again, and then they created Meijie (Special Zone).

Now, Lin Yonggu has already left UMC and became the technical CEO of LMC. And UMC...the former largest wafer fab on the island has long been in decline.

But Meijie (SAR) is thriving.

Now Meijie has already embarked on the professional path of designing boards and peripheral products for the PC industry, becoming the largest electronic products company in the special zone. Meijie's factory has long been merged into Hongyuan - it used to be called Yuanxin Manufacturing Center.

As a labor-intensive enterprise, Hongyuan's campus is so large that it looks like a street after entering. Moreover, the environment is excellent. If he could not see uniformed employees after get off work at any time, Su Yuanshan would probably think that he had walked into a certain university.

On the side of the road, Su Yuanshan and Jiang Qingchuan got into a bright red convertible sightseeing car. The driver turned the key and the sightseeing car quietly headed towards the workshop.

Seeing Su Yuanshan slightly stunned, Jiang Qingchuan laughed.

how about this car?

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