As a high-tech enterprise in semiconductor, communication technology, and consumer electronics, Yuanxin does not have an entertainment department - I am afraid that even if Su Yuanshan can convince Chen Jing, it will not be able to pass the test of Duan Yongping and Xi Xiaoding... Entertainment business, and Yuanxin's temperament The sense of dissonance is too strong.

Yuanxin is not involved in entertainment, only Su Yuanshan does it himself.

Because after reviewing history, he deeply felt how inconspicuous and strong the impact of developed countries on developing countries through excellent TV, movies, games and other media. Let’s not talk about the history of Niguo animation defeating Hong Kong comics and sweeping the mainland.

Even the Bang Kingdom started the Korean Wave with the help of handsome guys and beauties... Well, Su Yuanshan must admit that the TV series in the Bang Kingdom are indeed good.

As for the West, they relied entirely on Hollywood and games to pass on their narrative techniques.

This kind of subtle influence is more difficult to detect than pulling up banners and posting big-character posters...

Historically, with the European and American markets occupying the mainstream of computer game rooms, with the WCG being full of games from the Lighthouse Kingdom, with the popularity of a series of fantasy films such as Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, and a series of science fiction films such as Star Wars , in the first outbreak period after the Internet experienced a cold winter, WOW naturally ushered in a big explosion.

——You know, the character styles in the Warcraft series are completely incompatible with the mainstream domestic aesthetics.

This is the power of culture.

In this life, Su Yuanshan wanted to stop him.

At the very least, try to stop it.

HK Film can be regarded as a master in the domestic film industry. But we must realize that this old master's skills are a bit insufficient now.

Su Yuanshan picked up the tea cup, took a sip of tea, looked at Director Xu and smiled and said: I grew up watching Hong Kong movies. When I was a child, I didn't feel anything, I just felt that the fights were lively. After I grew up, I slowly discovered that in During the golden period of Hong Kong films, there were so many bad films produced in the Hong Kong film market... and I can actually watch them.

The words made everyone laugh, and Director Xu also laughed a little sheepishly. Although he dared to pat his chest and say that he didn't make a bad movie, now that Director Shan is obviously complaining about the entire HK film industry, he has no choice but to suffer along with it. .

Director Xu, in the past two years, the Hong Kong film industry has been saying that its golden period has passed and that it needs to transform, but no one can say with certainty how to transform. Well, some people say that they should learn from Hollywood, but what should they learn? How should they learn? ?Where to learn? There is no route at all, just like a chicken that has been knocked unconscious.

Famous actors are all going to Hollywood. Some are successful, while others are unknown. But even if they succeed, will it help HK movies? No...why? Because their success is based on Hollywood Using Western narrative techniques - to put it bluntly, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is specially customized for Hollywood audiences.

So what should we learn? Learn Hollywood's narrative techniques, learn the Hollywood film industry...

At this time, Goldfinger suddenly raised his hand and said, Mr. Shan, let me interrupt.

Su Yuanshan looked at Jin Shouzhi and smiled: Old Jin, tell me.

Well, it's not so much the narrative techniques of Hollywood as the core of Hollywood movies. This is actually common and resonant between the East and the West. Goldfinger coughed lightly and said with a smile: As a screenwriter, more What I want to consider is to start with the industrialization of scripts - I have read several movie scripts. They pay great attention to the conflict of story and plot. It can even be said that they can advance the progress of the plot accurately to every minute... It's hard to say. To be polite, it’s a bit like the eight-part essay.”

But this is not a simple eight-part essay. Eight-part essays are embarrassing. The Hollywood script model is a summary based on statistics and analysis of audience tastes... It is an industrial assembly line model.

I won't talk about HK first. I'll talk about the Mainland. The Mainland is still obsessed with persuading people to perform Taoist performances... How can this be done?

As for HK, there is also an additional special effects production. The recent Shaolin Football, it is said that more than 400 special effects shots were used - ah, the so-called special effects are to bring fire to the football? I want to ask, what does this have to do with the industrialization of movies?

So the industrialization of movies, the scale of production, and the standardization of processes. From the writing of the script, the selection of the work team and actors, early preparation, mid-term shooting, post-editing to the final sales and distribution, everything must be realized by a professional team in strict accordance with the process come out.

Jin Shouzhi finished speaking in one breath, glanced at Director Xu who was silent and thinking, and smiled: What I mean is, if we want to do it, we must do it well. Start now and start with ourselves.

Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile.

Okay, let's eat first. Director Xu will take you to meet two friends in the afternoon to see what the special effects are.

Director Xu was thinking about Jin Shouzhi's words. He was startled when he heard the words, but he nodded immediately.



During lunch at the hotel, Jin Shouzhi talked about the film industry, the market prospects of domestic martial arts and fairy tales, the cultural heritage, the fictional universe, and even the current free creation on the forum...

There is a literature section in Xici Hutong. I always like to go to Xinfan when I have nothing to do. Now some people have started to follow popular fantasy novels... This is really a good phenomenon. Jin Shouzhi praised: I have always felt that once Readers begin to be dissatisfied with the status quo and begin to take action on their own, and creativity will be stimulated.

You mean ordinary people write novels? Zhang Jianjun was a big boss, and he didn't believe it when he heard this.

As long as there is a story and a world in your mind, as long as you can write, who can't write? Jin Shouzhi chuckled and said, Mr. Zhang, if you don't believe me, try it and quickly make up a story in your mind.

Zhang Jianjun coughed: How can I make up any story?

That's because Brother Zhang itself is a story. Su Yuanshan said with a smile: I agree with what Lao Jin said, who hasn't had a few daydreams? Writing down daydreams is a story. The longer the story, the longer it is. , if it’s shorter, it’s a short film, if the story takes place in a strange world, it’s fantasy…”

Mr. Shan said it well! Jin Shouzhi laughed.

Su Yuanshan shook his head, glanced at Director Xu again, and found that the other party didn't seem to take it seriously and just smiled slightly.

After lunch, several people returned to the teahouse. Not long after taking them, Su Yuanshan received a call. After Wen Xiaoqian went downstairs, she took Shi Dazhu and Liu Xiang to the tea room within a few minutes.

After briefly introducing the identities of the two to Director Xu, Liu Xiang was not polite and directly took out his notebook and greeted everyone.

Mr. Shan, Director Xu, and Mr. Zhang, let's see how it goes.

After opening the folder, he clicked on a video file, and then stood up and asked Su Yuanshan to sit. As a result, Su Yuanshan saw Director Xu standing at the back. After smiling, he pulled Director Xu to the chair and sat down: Xu Yuanshan Director, come and take a look.

As the video file started to play, a melodious bamboo flute sounded, and the screen was also filled with clouds and mist.

The sound of the flute was lingering, the clouds and mist gradually dispersed, and at the same time the camera slowly zoomed in, revealing a stretch of majestic and beautiful mountains.

Among the mountains, there is a valley with houses everywhere, like a peach paradise.

The video shows a close-up of a fairy-like herb-picking girl, and then the camera continues to advance, and at the same time, the sound of blacksmithing can be heard in the music.

After this scene appeared for more than 20 seconds, the sky and the music suddenly changed. The scene was a montage of black and white, showing an extremely evil scene of black mountains and backwaters. In the mountain gate, countless monsters appeared one after another. gush.

At this time, the picture turned into dark smoke, instantly submerging the beautiful valley before.

Amidst all the changes in music and images, the only constant is the sound of forging iron...

When the scene of the valley after the disaster reappeared, the outside of the valley had turned into a piece of scorched earth, and the girl who gathered medicine previously had changed her clothes and was forging a long sword with her companions.

Afterwards, the long sword was completed, and the girl stood on the long sword, rising in the wind, piercing the clouds, and faced a terrifying mountain-like monster in the black mountains and backwaters.

The scene freezes with the monster roaring and raising its claws, and thousands of sword energy flying behind the girl.

After the video was played, Liu Xiang touched Su Yuanshan lightly: Mr. Shan, how are you?

Although Su Yuanshan does not play games much anymore, he still occasionally looks at CG... There is no doubt that this CG is the main focus of the story.

Moreover, the level is online.

Very good, but why is there no character dubbing? Su Yuanshan looked at the modeling of the girl and the monster at the end of the screen, and praised: Shouldn't the name of your game pop up at this time? Why not?

It depends on Director Xu.

Director Xu... was already in shock.

Regardless of the standard, he could certainly tell that the beauty of this short three-minute scene was rare - no, he had never seen anyone play like this!

How much does it cost?

This part alone cost us three months and five million. Liu Xiang glanced at Director Xu and chuckled: Let it be a candidate for the early promotion of the new game... If the movie is successful, then we will call it Shushan. If it doesn’t succeed, then we can only call it Shanhai.”

Director Xu pursed his lips and took a deep breath.

He finally knew that these people were really not short of money.

It's a lot of pressure... Bosses. After taking a long breath, Director Xu stood up and looked at the people with a wry smile on his face.

Su Yuanshan sighed in his heart, but still smiled and said: It's okay, don't be stressed, as long as we abandon our inherent thinking, we will definitely be able to make a film. By the way, Mr. Shi, in addition to the field of science and technology, he is also involved in the Shanghai stock market. Doing special effects and motion capture, we can collaborate more in the future.”

After chatting for a while, Zhang Jianjun, Jin Shouzhi, and Director Xu left first, leaving time for Su Yuanshan and others.

Mr. Shan, is this Director Xu okay? The three people left. As soon as the door closed, Liu Xiang frowned and said hesitantly: I think it's better to ask Li An to take the photo.

After all, he prepared the story and script. We just happened to meet him and made a big bet... Su Yuanshan picked up the tea cup and said with a smile: You are calling for substitution at this time. This is not to burn bridges. This is Kill people and kill your heart!

But I think he seems to have no idea. Liu Xiang still frowned and looked at Shi Dazhu: Brother Zhu, don't you think so?

Shi Dazhu chuckled: Old Liu, we have too high demands on him.

Well, the requirements are not too high. Let's not talk about Meteor Butterfly Sword. We bought Yuquan later and only fully invested in it. But Shushan was positioned as a 3A level when the project was established last year, and online games and stand-alone games are developed simultaneously. ...Full 3D mode, my entire net worth has been put on it.”

Upon hearing this, Shi Dazhu suggested: Then we are going to give it to the back-up. Let's look for Li An and ask him to take a photo too? What does Mr. Shan mean?

It's okay, you guys are looking for it...I won't get involved. Su Yuanshan said, comforting Liu Xiang and said: Don't be nervous, Old Liu, the Meteor Butterfly Sword will definitely be fine, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is very influential.

Meteor Butterfly Sword will be released in collaboration with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Although it was only finalized last month, it has been discussed all along. During this period, Midstream International also made a lot of concessions and emergency production, and finally reached an agreement, and now it is urgently producing the beginning - the classic fight scene on bamboo.

Well, I can only hope to see if I can borrow this trend. If I can't... then WCG will be really difficult.

Liu Xiang said seriously: Mr. Shan, WCG is very important!


Su Yuanshan certainly knows that WCG is important, and this is the first WCG.

He had forgotten how many games there were in history.

But what he was able to confirm was that all of these games were from the Lighthouse Country—no exception.

In this generation, the domestic game industry has formed industrialization and scale in advance and formed industry alliances, so it has been able to greatly increase its voice in the WCG committee.

There are seven members of the WCG committee, and they are two of them.

As early as last year, the WCG organizing committee was planning to prepare for the first e-sports conference, but when it came to choosing which game... everyone had differences. According to the thinking of Western counterparts, one should choose based on popularity and competitiveness.

But as soon as it was proposed, it was rejected by the representatives of Ni Country, saying that selection should not be based on popularity, but should be based on region and competitiveness - this selection plan was also recognized by Liu Xiang and Shi Dazhu.

However, no matter what plan, competitiveness comes first.

As for domestic games, since they focused on the console market from the beginning, they have grown from cooperation with PS and hot sales. Therefore, I am good at console games rather than competitive games.

The only one that can break into the West and be popular is Fortress 3 launched by Giant - this is a product that competes with Quake III.

But relying on a hot-blooded fortress alone is obviously not enough...

Therefore, Liu Xiang acquired Yuquan International Studio and then strongly supported Meteor Butterfly Sword - in addition to his martial arts feelings, the mechanism of Meteor Butterfly Sword is also very suitable for confrontational combat.

We are delaying it now, but even if we delay it further, a decision will have to be made in September because the game will probably be before the end of the year, which is during the Christmas period.

If the sale of the Meteor Butterfly Sword fails... then obviously there is no reason to enter the competition in September. Liu Xiang was worried: Mr. Shan, it is about national dignity!

Su Yuanshan: ...

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