1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 802 Shushan

The night on Long Island is incredibly beautiful - it creates a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere under the world's top capital.

Su Yuanshan guessed right, Qin Si really liked living here.

The three women were wandering on the street. Helen probably guessed that Su Yuanshan was not an ordinary person, so she thought that Qin Si was Su Yuanshan's secretary or assistant, or simply... something like that. After all, she had been in contact with Qin Si once or twice. Oh, she didn't see how unattainable Qin Si's status was.

Of course, having money means having money.

I really like the ice tea here. Qin Si walked slowly, looking at the lights extending in front of her: I have a drink every time I come to New York. Do you want a drink?

Okay. Helen nodded first and approached Qin Si after a moment: Miss Qin, someone is following us.

Qin Si was slightly startled. Seeing Helen keep winking at her, she couldn't help but look back.

Don't look back... quickly find a shop and go in. Seeing that the two of them were actually looking back, Helen became anxious and pulled the two of them into a nearby coffee shop.

Qin Si and Wen Xiaoqian remained silent, and after following them into the house, Helen immediately found a seat against the wall and sat down.

Not long after, a man and a woman followed into the coffee shop. After the two of them glanced at where the three of them were, they sat down not far away.

It's them. Helen lowered her voice and nervously took out her phone: Do you want to call the police?

Qin Si and Wen Xiaoqian looked at each other, with smiles rising in their eyes.

——These two people are naturally Qin Si’s security members.

As an oriental woman with incomparable wealth, if she wants to hang out here, if she doesn't have a bodyguard or something, she will be worried about eight times a day.

Smiling and shaking her head, Qin Si said softly: Helen, this is security. Don't worry.

Security? Personal bodyguard?


That you……

Well... let me introduce Su Yuanshan to you. Qin Si smiled slightly and softly introduced Su Yuanshan's identity to Helen.

Obviously, this kind of teenage legend story is always the best conversation starter.

I have known him for so many years, and what amazed me most about him was not his technical ability, but his vision, especially the way he looks at people. He values ​​your boyfriend. In addition to his sympathy as a scientist, he also I believe Teacher Zhang will shine brightly.

Helen was holding a cup of coffee. When she heard that Su Yuanshan was a genius physicist who was very likely to win the Nobel Prize and was the founder of a giant like Yuanxin, she was extremely shocked.

At this time, she heard Qin Si say that Su Yuanshan had a good vision and that Zhang Yitang would definitely achieve something. Although she felt a little excited, she still said: Old Tang has lost his mind. Besides, he is so old.

Jiang is very old. Qin Si smiled and said: So, he will definitely try his best to invite Teacher Zhang to return to China.

Hmm...it seems so. Helen forced a smile.

Helen, from the look in Teacher Zhang's eyes today, I can see that he is very attentive to you. So... you go back to China with him. Qin Si looked at Helen who was gradually stunned, and smiled slightly: HK, the capital, Shanghai, provincial capitals, special economic zones - any of these cities can make arrangements for you.

I... Helen was in shock for a moment.

If you like an atmosphere similar to Changdao, then go to HK. Qin Si keenly observed Helen's expression and said softly: Su Yuanshan's children were born in HK, including me, and I will also be waiting for delivery in HK in half a year.

Are you pregnant? Helen looked at Qin Si in disbelief - there was no sign of pregnancy at all.

Well, it's only about ten weeks, so you can't tell. Qin Si glanced down and chuckled: I don't think the permanent resident status in HK is much worse than the green card obtained by Asians here.

Helen pursed her lips and slowly fell into silence.

After you go back, in addition to providing long-term housing, there will also be a settlement allowance of 200,000 US dollars. At that time, you may want to open a teahouse or restaurant, or chat with friends every day, go shopping, drink coffee and play mahjong. ...Anything is fine. Qin Si smiled: Anyway, I know that there are many families of scientists in Yuanxin who like to get together for parties. I am so envious of their lives.

Helen didn't speak, just blinked, with a trace of yearning in her eyes.

Early the next morning, Su Yuanshan returned to Silicon Valley first, stayed in Silicon Valley for another two days, and then returned directly to HK.

During this period, he did not rush Zhang Yitang, but kept in touch with Tang Puqi - Tang Puqi was indeed on Yuanxin's talent return list, and because he worked for Intel, his priority was still quite high.

Looking at the relationship between the two, Su Yuanshan felt that... as long as the two internal agents, Tang Puqi and Helen, were persuaded, it would not be a big problem to recruit Zhang Yitang back.

——As Qin Si said, on the one hand, he laments Zhang Yitang's frustrations, and on the other hand, if Zhang Yitang returns, it will also send a very clear signal. That is, the motherland mother will always open her arms. (I won’t go into details here, everyone understands it. Lao Zhang’s matter... is a bit complicated, and there are different opinions...)



HK, Liuxiang Tea Room.

In a luxurious box on the top floor, Zhang Jianjun was holding a teacup and crossing his legs, listening helplessly to the two people in front of him discussing the script.

The person holding the script in his hand is named Jin Shouzhi. He is the deputy editor-in-chief transferred from ATV. It is said that in the industry... well, he is not well-known.

Sitting opposite Jin Shouzhi was the famous Director Xu.

Well, he is the one who directed Butterfly Lovers and won the Academy Award.

Director Xu, as the employer and producer, we are actually very reluctant to interfere with the script of the creator. After all, you are professionals, and the work is also your hard work. If we interfere, firstly, we will be suspected of being an outside leader and an expert, and secondly... This behavior is really disgusting.”

Jin Shouzhi took the script and said seriously to Director Xu.

Director Xu laughed quickly: What did Mr. Jin say? We would love it if you could put forward different opinions from different perspectives.

But having said that, Director Xu's eyes showed the emotion of you are a layman leading an expert.

He is indeed a little dissatisfied with Jin Shouzhi - this man is only in his early thirties, but he holds a high position in ATV. At the same time, he also has great power because of the relationship between ATV and Dingxin Media.

The investor of The Legend of Shushan that Director Xu is planning to shoot this time is Dingxin Media.

It stands to reason that as a management company, inserting one or two actors, or even appointing a protagonist is a routine operation, and as a director, I also tacitly agree to the existence of this phenomenon. As long as he is not the kind of person who is determined to praise a newcomer with a special status but terrible acting skills, Director Xu will accept it.

But Dingxin Media is different...

He didn't block people - okay, he did block people, but the people he blocked were all big guys who are famous for their acting skills. This is simply a conscience - but instead changed the script!

This was hard for Director Xu to accept.

After all, planning to shoot Shushan has been a dream of his for a long time. Now he is a little grateful that Dingxin Media can support her without any bargaining, but he is also annoyed that Dingxin Media has stretched its hands too far and even has to control the script.

This script was written by him.

Well... let's put it this way, Director Xu. Jin Shouzhi paused and said seriously: What I see from the script is that you want to present a complete story to the audience in just 90 minutes or 120 minutes. The world of Shushan.

um, yes.

Moreover, there are countless intertwining and opposing emotions.


There is also resistance and sublimation, fate and reincarnation...

Frankly speaking, the idea is good, but it is not suitable to be expressed in 120 minutes. Jin Shouzhi said seriously: Director Xu, do you know why I volunteered to film Shushan when I heard about it?

Mr. Jin, tell me. Director Xu took a breath, held back his dissatisfaction, picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

Because I have read more fantasy stories than Director Xu - or in other words, in the film industry, no one knows more about Western fantasy and the world of Eastern fantasy and heroes than me.

At the same time, Shushan is also one of my favorite oriental stories. Well, I won't talk about these subjective judgments, I will talk about objective judgments. Jin Shouzhi completely ignored Director Xu's dissatisfaction and just said seriously: Director Xu , what do you think is behind Shushan after our guaranteed investment of 80 million yuan? Do we think that just in Hong Kong, on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and in the three places, Shushan’s reputation alone can recoup our investment?”

Director Xu was slightly startled after hearing this and was speechless for a long time.

Indeed, when he heard that Dingxin Media had given a budget of 80 million yuan, Director Xu himself was confused - in his budget, in order to present a landmark world of fairy tales to the audience, there must be a world-class Special effects production, and this cost is the bulk of it.

But no matter how big it is, Director Xu's budget is still around 50 million yuan, because this is his optimistic estimate of the box office. No more, and the investment may not be recouped.

Unexpectedly, after the discussion, Dingxin said directly, Fifty million is not enough, I will give you 80 million first - listen, such a loud tone is worthy of being called a nouveau riche.

What is that? Director Xu came to his senses and took a serious look at Jin Shouzhi, then looked at Dingxin's boss Zhang Jianjun beside him.

Zhang Jianjun waved his hand: Lao Jin, tell me.

Well. Director Xu, if we distribute this drama overseas. It will not only bear the martial arts and fairy tale dreams of our generation, but also carry our fairy tale world to the world, making the whole world aware of it. , we have more than just kongfu...

The foreign fantasy blockbuster Lord of the Rings is already in preparation for filming. Their budget for the trilogy is guaranteed to be US$250 million.

Director Xu blinked and said nothing.

Director Xu, let's rewrite the script and learn from Hollywood. We naturally lack the advantage of language in cultural communication, so the language of the pictures must be correspondingly simpler, otherwise people will only understand the scene after it is filmed. There are special effects flying all over the sky...what’s the point of that?”

Jin Shouzhi paused as he spoke: Okay, personally speaking, I think the special effects flying all over the sky are not bad as long as they are done well and the lenses are used well. It is also pretty good-looking.

His words immediately made Director Xu and Zhang Jianjun laugh, and the atmosphere became more relaxed.

I'm telling the truth. Didn't Mr. Shan say the same thing? Domestic movies should stop doing those 50-cent special effects. If you want to do it, do it well... Build up the strength in terms of hardware first, and then talk about the rest. Jin Shouzhi shrugged and sighed again: Director Xu, really, the story should not be so brainless, there should not be so many subplots, reincarnation should not be so obscure, there should not be so many emotions, and it should be straightforward...

Xianxia and martial arts are the only themes we can currently use to compete with the fantasy and magic world of Hollywood. There is no room for failure in this drama!

Furthermore, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon only used martial arts to slightly open a crack in the door last year in the West. If we don't pursue the victory and pursue it, but only look at the country, wouldn't it be...a waste of a great situation?

After listening to Jin Shouzhi's nagging, Director Xu was silent for a few seconds and was speechless for a while.

He didn't expect that this play would actually take on a historical mission?

Yes, he does intend to make a landmark film - who doesn't have this kind of ambition?

But Jin Shouzhi's words undoubtedly put more pressure on him out of thin air.

Okay, I'll try to change it.

Well, let's take it as a reference together. Don't worry, Director Xu, we have the same understanding of the world in Shushan, but we're just going to reorganize the story of this world.

Jin Shouzhi smiled slightly and felt comforted.

He knew he couldn't push Director Xu too hard, otherwise what would happen if he ran away without inspiration?

At this time, Zhang Jianjun raised his wrist and glanced at the time, then stood up: You continue chatting, I will pick up a guest.

Jin Shouzhi immediately said: Is it Mr. Shan?


...Mr. Shan is really happy.

Zhang Jianjun looked at Director Xu who was a little nervous and smiled slightly: Haha, he is not elegant, but he is really looking forward to this movie.

Ten minutes later, Su Yuanshan and Wen Xiaoqian arrived at the teahouse under the leadership of Zhang Jianjun.

After briefly listening to the introduction of the current script, Su Yuanshan frowned slightly.

Sure enough, the script of Mr. Xu is really the same as history...

Well, frankly, he could see it. But this play, as Jin Shouzhi said, has a historical mission.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film just last month after it hit theaters in the West.

This means that Eastern elements combined with Western narrative techniques can enter the Western market.

The game industry, which has always been focused on the cultural aspect, will naturally not let this opportunity go - on the day Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon won the award, Yuquan Studio, a subsidiary of Midstream International, won the co-branding rights for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The stand-alone martial arts game Meteor Butterfly Sword, which can be connected to the Internet, will be released simultaneously globally at the end of April.

Director Xu, Shushan must be filmed well. We have time, but what we lack are opportunities. If we miss it once, the opportunity may be gone. Su Yuanshan looked at Director Xu and said solemnly.

Money really doesn't matter - as long as you can make it have the influence of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, then even if the current investment is increased tenfold, we can accept it - because there will be a lot of game development behind it. Shang will wait.

The film industry should never be fought by one person.

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