1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 801 Everything can be arranged

Su Yuanshan returned to his seat, and everyone was waiting for him with their chopsticks.

Why don't you eat? He picked up his chopsticks and asked with a smile after sitting down again.

Qin Si had been observing the exchange between Su Yuanshan and Teacher Zhang, who was from P University. At this time, as Su Yuanshan returned, Teacher Zhang also changed tables and turned his back to everyone.

Hearing this, she smiled slightly: Waiting for you to invite people over, I'm ready to ask you to get the menu - it seems that this teacher Zhang doesn't appreciate it?

No, he's waiting for a friend. Su Yuanshan picked up a piece of fish fillet and said, Let's eat.

Well, the temperature is just right for eating now.

Yes...I can't eat boiled fish in hot water because I'm so impatient. Su Yuanshan said with a hint of self-mockery and started to use his chopsticks.

The other three looked at each other and said no more.

——Obviously, Mr. Shan is a little frustrated.

Since Mr. Shan was frustrated, it was not easy for everyone to ask. They just casually chatted about the food here. However, during the conversation, Qin Si was still curious about the identity of Teacher Zhang - she had been in contact with Su Yuanshan for so long. , she knew Su Yuanshan’s character very well.

Both his vision and ambition are ridiculously high. He is the kind of true technology leader who can chat and laugh with any business leader, even the top BOSS, at any time.

Let's put it this way, whether it's Wall Street, Silicon Valley or China, a group of people are waiting in line to communicate with Su Yuanshan...

It's a pity that this guy ignored them all. His meeting arrangements were all based on his personal preferences - he would meet those he liked, and those he didn't like. Even if there was an important business cooperation, at most he would just push it to Chen Jing or Duan Yongping.

In contrast, it is very thought-provoking that Teacher Zhang led him to introduce himself in person.

Especially his sentence I can't eat boiled fish in hot water if I am impatient is even more confusing.

After thinking about it, Qin Si said softly: Helen and I had a good chat. Why don't we let Helen come and get to know us?

Su Yuanshan did not comment, raised his head and asked: Helen doesn't know your identity, right?

Qin Si smiled and shook his head: What kind of identity do I have... At most, she thinks I am a financial professional.

Qin Si said with emotion: One thing is better here. As long as you want, you can live like an ordinary person at any time without too many scruples, and no one will mind.

After hearing Qin Si's words, Wen Xiaoqian and Fu Zhenhua became silent, and Su Yuanshan also lowered his head to eat.

Well, the national mentality. Su Yuanshan put a piece of ribs into a bowl and wiped his mouth with a piece of paper: We have led the world for so many years. If we don't even have this mentality, then we will lose the title of World Police.

Some people like this kind of environment and mentality, and that's okay. But we can't pretend to forget or don't know that in the long history, our ancestors have had this kind of mentality more than once. We can't think that we will never do it again. You can’t have this mentality.”

You have it.

Su Yuanshan smiled lightly: If we work hard from generation to generation, things will always get better little by little.

Okay, let's not talk about this, let's eat.

Qin Si smiled when he heard this, and then saw a Chinese man in his forties walking into the restaurant. He first said hello to Helen, and then walked to Teacher Zhang's seat.

Senior brother.

Pu Qi. Where are the younger siblings and the little girls? Zhang Yitang stood up, shook hands with Tang Puqi, and glanced outside the door.

I came here on a business trip, and they didn't follow me. Tang Puqi wore glasses, but he couldn't tell that he was polite - mainly because his figure was a bit bulky and strong.

Sister-in-law is still busy?

Well, we don't care about her, you order. Zhang Yitang pushed the menu to Tang Puqi and laughed.

Tang Puqi, his junior in the Department of Mathematics at P University, worked at Intel. Two years ago, he came to him with a math problem. After he helped solve it, Tang Puqi helped him find a teaching position at the University of New Hampshire. Although he was only a lecturer, he was better than A part-time job is much more stable.

This time, he took advantage of Tang Puqi's business trip to treat his family to a meal.

By the way, there is another person behind... uh... Zhang Yitang looked back and identified Su Yuanshan's identity in a few sentences: An electrical engineering graduate who had an exchange experience at P University, now works at Yuanxin.

From the Department of Electrical Engineering? Tang Puqi asked when he heard that he was in Yuanxin: How old are you? If you are young, you need two brushes. I heard that Yuanxinka's graduates from the Department of Electrical Engineering are very tight in recent years. The threshold for general departments is very high.”

I'm in my twenties, I think I work in a laboratory of Yuanxin. I was just invited to go to Yuanxin's Academy of Mathematical Sciences to have a look... Zhang Yitang laughed: You said that for a technology company like Yuanxin, he I’m afraid that establishing a mathematics academy will only involve the numeracy part, right?”

Now Tang Puqi was really surprised.

Working in a laboratory in your twenties means that you are in the technical direction, and you can invite people to visit the Yuanxin Institute of Digital Sciences... Then this person has a very deep background, at least he must be one of the big guys from Yuanxin Only if you are a graduate student or something like that.

At this moment, the young man at the table in front of him turned his head. When he saw himself and Zhang Yitang, the young man smiled gently and then turned around.

Zhang Yitang also turned around: Would you like to get acquainted?

Then he saw that Tang Puqi's expression became a little unusual.

Pu Qi?

Senior brother, what is this man's name... and has he introduced him?

Su Yuanshan, do you know him?

... Tang Puqi took a deep breath, and his whole expression became extremely weird.

He knew more than anything.

Su Yuanshan, the founder of Yuanxin, is a young genius who is famous in Silicon Valley. He obtained Ph.D.s in physics and electronics at the age of 23, and became a full professor at the age of 25. Some people question him, and there are quite a few. After all, his father is an academician and the dean. ,headmaster. But most of the people who question it are laymen.

A true insider, anyone who has read his papers knows that this person's papers are so excellent and his ideas are so advanced that, let alone domestic experts, there is no professor in the world who dares to say he can do it. better.

In the overseas study circle, especially in the semiconductor circle, Su Yuanshan is recognized as a strong man.

In comparison, I, the former top scorer in the college entrance examination and the genius of the Mathematics Department of P University, is really...

Senior brother, you really don't know him?

Tang Puqi lowered his voice and took several deep breaths before calming down.

Very famous? Zhang Yitang was slightly surprised.

...The founder of Yuanxin, senior brother! And I heard from a few physics buddies that he might win the Nobel Prize.

... Zhang Yitang was really shocked now.

Nobel Prize! Or physics?

Also, the founder of Yuanxin?

I met him once... Tang Puqi clenched his fists and hesitated: Forget it, it was just an acquaintance at a gathering of foreign students in Silicon Valley a few years ago. Maybe he has forgotten it and won't go. Say hello.



Although I am amazed at Su Yuanshan's genius and achievements, whether it is Zhang Yitang or Tang Puqi, they all have their own pride and integrity. Naturally, they will not rush to curry favor with a big boss like businessmen do. Fan.

Just make eye contact and show kindness to each other.

The two discussed more about why someone like Su Yuanshan came over and took the initiative to get to know Zhang Yitang.

Zhang Yitang had calmed down, picked up a peanut with chopsticks and put it into his mouth, and said cheerfully: I guess I heard some rumors or something...

Not necessarily, senior brother. Tang Puqi shook his head: Mr. Xiaoshan is a true talent. Many people from Silicon Valley go back, and he meets them in person, and then arranges them very well. I heard that several Yuanxin science and technology parks, regardless of Whether it’s software or hardware, it’s no worse than Silicon Valley.”

What talents do I have?

Senior brother, you are a mathematical genius, you are recognized as such.

Haha, I'm half alone, accomplishing nothing, and I'm just in the direction of numbers. To the enterprise, I'm not even worth half a dime.

...I have to say it fairly. There are indeed many scientists in Yuanxin, especially mathematicians, who have never produced results, but they are still well paid and have no pressure. It can be said that they are completely providing for their retirement. Tang Puqi has considered He returned to China, so he inquired clearly: If you really get into Yuanxin, it will indeed be more leisurely than in college.

The main reason is that I'm too embarrassed to eat idle food. Zhang Yitang shook his head again.

Seeing that Zhang Yitang was still optimistic and persistent, Tang Puqi stopped talking and turned the topic to Helen.

Then how soon will you and your sister-in-law get married?

...We just talked for a short time, and we didn't even mention this matter.

Hey, let's finish it early!

Tang Puqi was chatting when he saw that Su Yuanshan's table had finished eating. After a while, Su Yuanshan walked up to him with a smile on his face.

Hello, Senior Brother Tang.

Su Yuanshan stretched out his hand and looked at Tang Puqi, who was as tall as Tang Wenjie - it was precisely because of this that he remembered the top scorer in the college entrance examination in Hunan Province 20 years ago, Tang Wenjie's family.

Ah, Mr. Shan.

Now that Su Yuanshan has come to the door, Tang Puqi can no longer pretend not to know him. He stood up and said with a smile: I saw you eating, I'm sorry to disturb you.

At this time, Zhang Yitang also stood up and shook hands with Su Yuanshan again.

Haha, it's nothing. Su Yuanshan knew it well and didn't mind. He thought about it and said, Otherwise, it's a rare encounter. How about I invite the two senior brothers...and Miss Helen to have tea tonight?

Zhang Yitang and Tang Puqi looked at each other. Although they were still surprised by Su Yuanshan's enthusiasm, they could not refuse and could only nod with a smile.

Okay, let's go to the teahouse opposite. I'll go and set up an outpost first. I'll come over when you have time after eating. Do you think it's okay?

After Su Yuanshan finished speaking, he saw Qin Si walking towards the manager's office.



Half an hour later.

Zhang Yitang and the others were led by Wen Xiaoqian into the box where Su Yuanshan and Qin Si were.

This private room is close to the street and can have an unobstructed view of Long Island at night.

After briefly introducing himself, Qin Si winked at Wen Xiaoqian, took the slightly cautious Helen and went shopping, leaving space for the three men.

Two senior brothers, the three of us must be the same people who don't believe in fate...

Su Yuanshan smiled self-deprecatingly as soon as he opened his mouth: But today is indeed a coincidence.

Zhang Yitang and Tang Puqi also smiled at the same time.

Let me first introduce the overall scientific research environment in China. Indeed, I do not deny that in the past few years, some utilitarian sentiment has generally dominated scientific research projects. Especially in scientific research in basic disciplines... there is a strong emphasis on academic results first.

But this kind of thinking will be counterproductive when used in purely theoretical fields and basic subject fields.

Therefore, since the year before last, the Department of Electrical Engineering has begun to provide biased support to basic subjects. Yuanxin also established the Academy of Mathematics last year. At the same time, it has reached cooperation with various departments and laboratories that are biased towards theory and are not easy to produce results. . To put it bluntly... Yuanxin is here to spend the money.

There is only one purpose, which is to get basic disciplines and basic science back on track. This is not as rumored by the outside world. It is to prepare for the Nobel Prize or something, but to truly lay a solid foundation for the development of science and technology.

Senior Brother Pu Qi should have received the invitation, right? Su Yuanshan finished speaking in one breath, then looked at Tang Pu Qi and asked.

Tang Puqi and Zhang Yitang were listening carefully. They nodded when they heard the words: Well, I plan to go back to China this year to take a look.

No need to read, believe me... When Yuanxin was born, it was a testing ground for a group of idealists. Now all executives, whether in business or scientific research, including myself, hope to use Yuanxin Our efforts have made domestic scientific research, technology, and even all industries in the world become better and better.

Tang Puqi smiled bitterly when he saw Su Yuanshan's determined tone, which meant Don't even think about it, just follow me.

Mr. Shan, I am here to take care of the family...

It's okay, everything can be arranged. Su Yuanshan then looked at Zhang Yitang: Senior Brother Zhang, too. You can go to the Department of Electrical Engineering, Yuanxin, Academy of Mathematics... the provincial capital, HK, the capital, any place.

——Before the “Technology Return” slogan was shouted at last year’s election, Yuanxin had implemented the plan to return talents.

In other words, Yuanxin has been implementing the return plan, but it has been implemented more vigorously in the past six months and has received strong support from the country.

Frankly, the efficiency of the execution, the scoring.

For students who have studied abroad in the past few years, the return rate has increased exponentially. With a turtle job in hand, whether they are in enterprises or institutions or working in companies or big factories, they are very popular and are looked upon highly.

But for those people who studied abroad before the 1990s and achieved certain achievements...

It's a little difficult.

On the one hand, there is the XX factor, but more importantly, these people have been living outside for so long, some have been naturalized, and the worst have obtained green cards for various reasons.

This green card... will be very popular for at least the next ten years.

At this time, the mainland wants these people to give up their green cards, give up their connections, and bring their families back...

Put it this way, unless you have great ambitions or great feelings, it is unlikely.

It cannot be assumed that everyone has great feelings and ambitions. What Yuanxin needs is not their feelings and ambitions, but their abilities.

Therefore, the best solution that Yuanxin can provide compared to the green card is to help them settle in any place.

Such as HK, such as the capital, such as Shanghai, such as the provincial capital.

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