1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 800 The ill-fated mathematician

Miss Helen, who is that?

Well, he is. Helen chuckled and glanced at the man in the distance without leaving any trace.

He really looks a bit like a math teacher. Su Yuanshan refrained from looking back, but smiled at Helen, the waitress who was over thirty years old, but could still enjoy the adjective beautiful without hesitation: By the way, what's your last name?

Oh, my surname is Sun, you can just call me Helen.

Su Yuanshan nodded: Where is that teacher?

The surname is Zhang. And you are really right, Mr. Su. He is a teacher, and a university teacher at that. Helen chuckled and quickly filled the tea for everyone.

Qin Si ordered the food and handed the menu to Su Yuanshan. After Su Yuanshan waved his hand, the menu was returned to Helen.

After Helen left, Qin Si saw that Su Yuanshan looked a little unnatural, so he glanced over Su Yuanshan's shoulder at the teacher Zhang - the teacher's eyes had been following his girlfriend: Do you know this person?

Qin Si knew that Su Yuanshan had attended gatherings of Chinese students here. This circle was either big or small, and sometimes they might know each other by chance.

Well... I probably know it, but I haven't been exposed to it. Su Yuanshan lowered his eyes and breathed out softly.

Zhang Yitang, of course he knew.

The mathematician who proved the weakening conjecture of twin primes had a troubled and legendary life experience.

Hmm... The third person will not comment on some grudge disputes. In short, he was cheated a bit by his tutor and could not get a teaching position. Just two years ago, he was delivering takeout at a restaurant... He was already in his 40s and still alone. And this Miss Helen will be his wife from now on.

Then do you want to introduce me to Helen?

Qin Si saw that Su Yuanshan's expression was strange, and her curiosity became even more aroused - she had known Su Yuanshan for so long, but she had never seen Su Yuanshan like this.

Well... let me think about it first...

Su Yuanshan smiled, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

He had to admit that the moment he recognized Zhang Yitang, he did have the idea of ​​inviting him back, but then he thought of the interview with Zhang Yitang in later generations. Even if Peking University invited him back, he was unwilling to go back.

Of course, that was several years ago, and domestic universities, both in terms of atmosphere and treatment, were far from what they are now.

but now……

Let's put it this way, everything depends on someone taking the lead.

Since Su Xinghe took office as the president of Electronic Science and Technology, domestic universities have significantly accelerated their integration with international standards - a true academic integration rather than a messy face-saving effort for the sake of ranking. Take the Department of Electronic Engineering as an example. As of this year, the Department of Electrical Engineering has introduced more than double-digit foreign professors and has no less than three-digit number of international students. It has also formed a friendly exchange institute with the School of Computer Engineering of Nanyang Technological University. .

One point that needs to be emphasized is that the establishment of a professional friendly college with Nanyang Technological University is not because Electronic Science and Technology has the leg of this prestigious university ranked more than ten in the world, but because the two parties have similar levels in the field of computer engineering, and Singapore also has the development of IT. The industrial ambitions and the Electrical Technology + Technology New City hit it off.

This also shows that the School of Computer Science and Engineering, whose first dean was Su Xinghe, has developed rapidly in conjunction with Yuanxin and the Science and Technology Park for several years, and its level has become one of the first in the world.

The internationalization path of Electronic Science and Technology of China has undoubtedly given a guide to other domestic universities - even if the conditions are a bit harsh, not every university can breed a technology giant like Yuanxin. But there are no conditions to create conditions, and the thinking must always keep up...

Seeing Su Yuanshan's hesitation, Qin Si stopped asking any more questions.

Not long after, Helen brought a large basin of boiled fish to the table.

The boiled fish here is more authentic than those so-called Sichuan restaurants in Chinatown. Qin Si raised his chopsticks and said with a smile: We invited Wen Laier to have a meal last time, but he went to the anorectal department the next day.

Helen laughed: Is he the tall guy from last time? I think he's pretty awesome.

Everyone is happy.

He's pretending on purpose. Who told him to always be at odds with me? Qin Si said with a smile, seeing Su Yuanshan look back at the middle-aged man in his sight - the other man had already picked up a newspaper and started reading it. After hesitating for a moment, he looked at Helen: Helen, is your boyfriend Chinese?

Yes, it's from the mainland.

Then let me introduce you. Qin Si put down his chopsticks and said with a smile: We are all from the mainland. Maybe we can climb up to become alumni.

Seeing that her boyfriend was reading the newspaper intently, Helen hesitated for a moment, smiled and shook her head: Forget it, he's not very good at chatting, and his face is thin, unlike me.

It's okay, I don't have much face. Su Yuanshan suddenly exhaled softly and looked at Helen with a smile: Teacher Zhang, you are my senior brother... Well, forget it, I will go over and introduce myself.

After saying that, Su Yuanshan stood up.

Helen was stunned for a moment: Mr. Su is also from P?

Yeah. Su Yuanshan's expression did not change.

The two of them walked towards Zhang Yitang while talking.

Although Zhang Yitang was holding a newspaper, the newspaper was more used to block other people's eyes.

At this time, his thinking has shifted to the finite interval of prime numbers.

That's the good thing about number theory. As long as you keep your mind busy, you can be immersed in the ocean of mathematical truth anytime and anywhere.

Hello, Senior Brother Tang.

A voice that sounded like a smile sounded in front of him, accompanied by Helen's Hey, Old Tang.

Zhang Yitang quickly retracted his thoughts and newspaper, looking ahead with some surprise.

Let me introduce to you, this Mr. Su is your schoolmate... Helen was talking when she suddenly saw a guest coming in at the door. She said You guys talk first and hurriedly greeted him.

Alumni? Zhang Yitang looked at Su Yuanshan, slightly surprised. But when he saw the other person extending his hand, he was embarrassed to sit still and stood up with a smile.

After the two reached out and shook hands, Su Yuanshan immediately introduced himself: Senior Brother Tang, my name is Su Yuanshan. When I was in P University... I heard my senior brothers talking about you.

Zhang Yitang laughed: Oh, hello, Mr. Su.

Um...just call me Xiao Su, you are my senior brother. Su Yuanshan sat down smoothly.

Well, Zhang Yitang's performance made him realize one thing deeply again - every line is like a mountain.

In the world of physics, even if you are not involved in graphene, you are more or less familiar with Su Yuanshan's name. Not to mention the technology world, people who don’t know him... almost don’t fit into the technology world.

But in the world of mathematics, Su Yuanshan really has no reputation at all.

There is no way, she is the mother of science, Zhang Yitang is still involved in the top number theory circle in the mathematics circle. The kind that belongs to the top of the contempt chain...

After sitting down with Su Yuanshan, Zhang Yitang didn't know what to say. He just looked at Su Yuanshan with a smile - in the previous friendly eye contact between the two, he would never have thought that this young man was still an alumnus.

Su Yuanshan didn't say anything, but looked at Zhang Yitang with a smile.

Finally, Zhang Yitang insisted that he was a regular customer here and asked with a smile: Are you also from P Dashu Academy?

No, I am from the Institute of Physics... Well, to be precise, I have been communicating in the Institute of Physics for a while and am considered a fake alumnus. Su Yuanshan smiled sheepishly: I am actually from the Department of Electrical Engineering.

Zhang Yitang also laughed. He didn't mind Su Yuanshan pretending to be an alumnus: Oh, electrical engineering department? The one in the provincial capital?


So are you studying here now?

No, I came here on a business trip.

Oh, as for the physics major, I don't know what the domestic environment is like. But the computer and communications major in the Department of Electrical Engineering should be better.

Hmm... not bad. The physics in the Department of Electrical Engineering is indeed a bit weak, including mathematics. In fact, the basic theoretical subjects in China are not very good.

Yeah, it's a little bit worse.

But... it's still getting better. For example, the Physics Department of the Department of Electrical Engineering is quite cutting-edge now, but the Department of Mathematics is a bit poor.

How many more colleges does Chengdu have? Zhang Yitang was surprised.

... Su Yuanshan coughed lightly.


Yes, it used to be the School of Calculation, but last year it was changed to the School of Mathematics. It has both pure mathematics and calculus.

Oh, then I hope Chengdu will cultivate more mathematical talents. Zhang Yitang didn't take it seriously and chuckled: I heard that Chengdu is the fastest growing university of science and engineering in China and has cultivated technology companies like Yuanxin... ...I think he has strength.

Senior brother, do you know Yuan Xin?

Haha, you are right. Zhang Yitang laughed: Yuanxin has risen so fast and has become a world-class technology company long ago. Of course I know that.

Senior brother, you must not know that Yuanxin actually has an academy of mathematics. Su Yuanshan blinked and looked at the other party with a smile.

Zhang Yitang was slightly startled and looked at Su Yuanshan in confusion, only to see the latter stretching out his hand.

Senior brother, do you want to go back to China and take a look? Go to Yuanxin to take a look?

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