1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 799 Chinese Restaurant in Changdao

The main purpose of Su Yuanshan's visit to Seattle this time is to tell Gates to directly add dual-core support for the Yuanxin Along series processors in the first version of XP.

As far as he knew, although the other two companies had launched dual-core products, neither the technology nor the drivers were perfect.

Since the first launch of the 0.18 micron Aolong dual-core last year and the successful tape-out of 0.13 micron, Yuanxin has been the fastest in both the theory and implementation of the dual-core architecture. Whether it is MAC or Linux distribution, Yuanxin is vigorously promoting it.

But for the Aolong processor to really stand up, we still have to look at the main battlefield of Windows.

Su Yuanshan came over because Gates told him in his email that the official version of winXP would be released in June. But then this guy came and told him something was wrong...

But he has always been a decisive person. After realizing that there was indeed something wrong with the XP kernel, he immediately continued to grasp the theme: There is no problem in delaying the launch. What I want is that the first version will support alongX2. I want to get Your own admission.

...Actually, you can release the driver yourself.

Maoxian, is it the same thing if we release the driver and your built-in driver? Su Yuanshan looked at him with a puzzled look on his face.

Of course, despite the expression on his face, he probably guessed something in his heart.

He knows Gates very well. This guy is the most orthodox WASP ethnic group and has the spirit of an Anglo-Saxon.

The Wintel alliance is not dead yet.

Not to mention Gates, even if he and Gates were to switch positions and he was in charge of Microsoft, he would be unceremonious when facing opponents like Yuanxin who have both cooperation and competition in the future field. Take action and drag down a certain area of ​​Yuanxin to avoid being completely restricted by Yuanxin in the future.

Both of them are the kind of people who can distinguish between personal relationships and business development.

Today, his confrontation with Gates has been reflected in all aspects.

In the field of desktop computers, Yuanxin has been developing Linux to fight Windows from the beginning. It has suddenly supported Linux and developed winOS... This does not count. Now it has reached a cooperation with Apple, which means that Apple and Yuanxin has already sounded the clarion call to attack Microsoft in the two fields of traditional desktop computers and notebooks.

Needless to say, in the audio-visual field of users' living rooms, Yuanxin's paradise plan is directly comparable to the Venus plan. For this reason, Su Yuanshan even did not hesitate to acquire HK Telecom... Of course, Gates is not a vegetarian, Xbox is Microsoft A clever trick to restrict Yuanxin + Sony.

At the same time, Microsoft acquired Siemens' mobile phone business, marking the beginning of a head-on challenge to FarCore in the mobile phone market.

All of this, to put it nicely, stems from the fact that Gates and Su Yuanshan have the same astonishing judgment and vision for the future. To put it mildly, it can be understood that Gates is a little afraid of Su Yuanshan.


Bill, in the X86 field, I must kill Intel. You must believe in my determination. Su Yuanshan stared at Gates, who had an unnatural expression, and said seriously: I remember telling you, but of course it's possible that I forgot. As I said - my only formal job at Yuanxin is as an X86 architecture designer.

From beginning to end, Yuanxin's desktop processors have been advancing under my design.

Gates' expression gradually turned to surprise.

After confirming that Su Yuanshan was not lying to him, he fell into a long silence.

At the same time, Gates also thought about how Su Yuanshan's Wonder Boy came to be ten years ago.

——It was in full view of everyone that he completed the feat of designing a chip from scratch. And this record has not been broken yet.

——Su Yuanshan, he has been a genius in chip design from the very beginning.

After a few seconds, he took a long breath.

I promise you.



Two days later.

Long Island, New York, a famous wealthy area.

This is the first time Su Yuanshan has been a guest in Qin Si's home.

The reason why I put home in quotation marks is because she does have many advantages in this kind of industry... But in her words, she is not used to living there. She still likes to live in the small villa in Silicon Valley.

Su Yuanshan didn't know how true or false her words were, because judging from the smell of this villa, she quite liked living here.

After all, she is the financial queen of Wall Street, so living on Long Island is perfectly normal.

Would you like some Chinese food tonight?

After talking about the contact with several shareholders of newbook, Qin Si looked up at the time, asked Su Yuanshan, and finally raised his chin towards Wen Xiaoqian: Xiaoqian, is there anything you want to eat?

I don't care, it's up to Mr. Shan. Wen Xiaoqian smiled and the fight was quite straightforward.

What about Brother Fu? Qin Si asked Fu Zhenhua, who was standing aside admiring an ancient sword from the Middle Ages - Su Yuanshan even called Fu Zhenhua Brother Fu, so she was naturally embarrassed to call him too harshly.

Sichuan food, Mr. Shan likes it too.

Well, okay...Actually, I wanted to say it's casual. Su Yuanshan never answered because he really wanted to eat something...Chinese food here in the United States is really hard to explain if you can't find a good restaurant. It's better to buy the food yourself. do it yourself.

Okay, I know there is a good Chinese restaurant, I will take you there.

Qin Si was very mobile and went back to the bedroom to change clothes. Su Yuanshan changed into casual clothes when he got home.

After the four people walked out of the villa, Qin Si and Su Yuanshan got into different cars. She led the way, and soon they stopped next to a Chinese restaurant.

It was still early, Qin Si walked into the door with ease, and a waitress who looked to be in her early thirties immediately greeted her with a smile: Miss Qin.

Helen. Qin Si greeted with a smile: It seems we came earlier.

Miss Qin comes at the right time - are these three your friends?

Well, yes. Is there a quiet place?

This way.

Seeing Qin Si and the waiter chatting animatedly in Chinese, Fu Zhenhua couldn't help but nod and said softly to Wen Xiaoqian: It seems authentic. The waiters all speak Chinese.

Wen Xiaoqian disagreed: Maybe people think that we are all Chinese before we speak Chinese. There is an environment here, and it should be easy to learn English.

Su Yuanshan smiled and said: That's not necessarily the case. Some people just have a headache learning English.

At this time, Helen, the waitress who was leading the way, turned around and smiled when she heard this, and said in agreement: This gentleman said it so well, I'll die if I can't learn English.

Haha, yes, I don't know much about it either. Su Yuanshan joked: It's hot to speak English.

Haha, what do you call sir?

Oh, my surname is Su.

Well, Miss Qin, Mr. Su, and two more...

Seeing that the waiter was optimistic and cheerful, Fu Zhenhua and Wen Xiaoqian also reported their surnames.

Well, this seat is the best. You guys sit down first and I'll get you the menus. Also, what would you guys like to drink?

Watching the waitress named Helen leave briskly, Qin Si smiled slightly: I always like to come here to eat, and I get to know her as soon as I go back and forth. She is quite cheerful, and her English is really bad, and most people can't understand it. Fortunately, she is here. There are mostly Chinese people eating here, so it doesn’t have much of an impact.”

Well, it's pretty good, and quite courageous. Wen Xiaoqian held her chin and blinked: Just because I don't know the language is enough to kill me, and Mr. Shan even asked me to learn Russian... Oh my god, I majored in science, but he forced me to become a liberal arts student who mastered five languages—including Russian, that’s six.”

Are you proficient in six languages? Even Qin Si became curious: So powerful?

Uh... just grasping, China, Ni, England, Germany and Russia... Wen Xiaoqian said and glanced at Su Yuanshan sadly, with a look of anger on her face but she dared not speak.

Su Yuanshan naturally didn't care.

Since 1996, Wen Xiaoqian has basically been following him. When Zhou Xiaohui went to SK to serve as CEO, she directly took over Zhou Xiaohui's previous tasks.

Of course, there are differences between her and Zhou Xiaohui - Zhou Xiaohui was the assistant to the chairman, a serious executive - Su Yuanshan once held this position. And she is just the secretary to the president and the director of the Mountain Office.

After so many years of contact, Su Yuanshan discovered that Wen Xiaoqian and Zhou Xiaohui were very different...

Maybe it's because her family background is pretty good, or maybe it's just her nature. Wen Xiaoqian is indeed qualified as a secretary, but if she wants to be truly trained into an executive like Zhou Xiaohui who looks at the overall situation, I'm afraid this girl is really not the right one.

So he set tailor-made learning goals for Wen Xiaoqian and asked her to be his secretary.

The fact that you can master five foreign languages ​​proves that you are a fake science student. Su Yuanshan glanced at Wen Xiaoqian and chuckled: Besides, you are a finance major... What kind of science major is finance?

This sentence immediately made Wen Xiaoqian angry. She said anxiously: Mr. Shan, let's talk about it, why isn't finance a science subject? Dealing with numbers is not a science subject?

The Department of Mathematics also deals with numbers. Can you chat with them? Su Yuanshan chuckled: I can't even chat with them.

...Then you're not a science major either.

I study condensed matter physics theory, majoring in science.

You're cheating.

Everyone laughed.

Here Helen also came over with a menu and teapot, and while pouring tea for the four of them, she smiled and said: I heard you talking about science and mathematics from afar. I think men in the mathematics department generally don't like to talk.

Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded: Well, they generally like to use their brains. Isn't there a saying that if you apply sexy to a mathematician, then it must refer to the mathematician's brain.

Hey! What Mr. Su said is so good. Helen looked back and laughed: My boyfriend kind of means this. It's a pity that I can't understand it.

When she turned around, Su Yuanshan also turned around and saw a middle-aged man in his early forties sitting in the corner seven or eight tables away.

This man wears glasses, has a Chinese character face, and a simple smile.

Looks like a simple county teacher...

Still teaching mathematics.

Su Yuanshan saw that the other party was also looking towards him, their eyes met for a moment, and after they both smiled, he turned back.

But after a moment, he was startled.

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