1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 798 There is a small problem with XP

Su Yuanshan's words are nonsense.

He and Gates are kind of like... what later generations would say fall in love and kill each other? Anyway, the better the relationship, the more ruthless the competition will be.

Well, it's the same with Mr. Qiao.

Therefore, he is fully aware of any move by Microsoft...

Not long after Yuanxin led a group of people to start the YOS Alliance, Microsoft actually launched winCE1.0 very early as promised. However, compared to Yuanxin's professionalism and rapid development in the field of mobile devices, Suddenly, there was no trace of WinCE soon - Su Yuanshan remembered that about two or three years ago, Siemens seemed to have used wince for a while, and there were no other waves.

Among the current mobile phone operating systems, YOS is the undisputed leader. The top flagships include Yuanxin's Yidoo, flagships include Sony and Vidoo, and the high-end ones include Sony, Samsung, Giant, Zhongxin, NEC, SK Shine... and so on.

Next is Symbian. Since the launch of Symbian 1.0 last year, Nokia, Ericsson, and Motorola have also shouted slogans for smartphones... And with the inherent influence of these mobile phone brands, Symbian's market is gradually rising. .

Well... In the field of smartphones equipped with operating systems, Symbian's share can reach about 20%.

Then Su Yuanshan actually knew that BlackBerry was also established, and was secretly holding back his efforts in an attempt to make a fortune in the smartphone field.

And after understanding and staring at these systems, Su Yuanshan knew that none of these people could fight. The only thing that can pose a slight threat to YOS is IOS, which has not yet been released.

The reason why it is a little bit is that YOS is essentially similar to the more open IOS.

Are you scared?

Obviously, Gates did not realize at all that he was in the mobile field and was actually just a little brother in Yuanxin... Instead, he looked at Su Yuanshan narrowly, feeling quite complacent.

Su Yuanshan was speechless for a while.

But he understands.

——Geniuses are like this.

Well, it's a bit of a threat, but not a big one. Su Yuanshan shook his head frankly: Currently, YOS has formed a preliminary application ecosystem, especially the developer platform...

Can it be more complete than the Windows development platform?

Ah...Bill, I know what you think. Su Yuanshan was speechless for a while and then sighed: You must have realized that in the next few years, the market for handheld mobile devices will further expand and enter an explosive growth period. period...then you can compete with YOS just by eating the explosive period growth.

Gates was not surprised that Su Yuanshan could come to such a conclusion and judgment, and nodded with a smile: Although you didn't say it, I also know that the hardware is about to usher in a stable and mature node, and the performance of the mobile processor is also sufficient to support Mobile systems enable more and more wonderful applications.”

Yes, by the end of this year at the earliest and next year at the latest, the 193nm ARF lithography machine will reach the end of its optimal efficiency and touch the edge of the 65nm process - although the process can be improved again through multiple exposures, the process will become complicated. Incomparably, the cost will also rise exponentially. It is foreseeable that if the 193nm gap cannot be overcome, then the 65nm process will be the end point of most semiconductor products. This will greatly improve the process and reduce costs.

After Gates nodded, he looked at Su Yuanshan: I have heard that the semiconductor industry is indeed a bit trapped in the light source. It is said that things are not going very smoothly - what about you?

Us? Su Yuanshan coughed lightly: Our foundation is too weak... Even the Arf technology has just matured. Let alone promotion, we have to rely on procurement from Acer... And that's it, but This triggered a lawsuit from IBM, claiming that our Arf infringed on their patent.

Su Yuanshan really didn't lie when he said this. Even if Yuanxin is willing to invest, Shanghai Jingguang still lags behind others in technology, and Arf can only fill the domestic gap.

After opening up abroad, macro-core lithography machines will naturally not use backward products...

Fortunately, in the past two years, the state has provided a little support, coupled with the forced promotion of Yuanxin and Deyuan, the technology has slowly caught up, and Zheng Zhenchuan has been used at least.

Today's macrochip has made a comeback with its dual workpiece stage and has become a big player alongside Nikon and Canon. Of course, because Arf lithography machines started slowly, the main force of the factory is still Krf, mainly for domestic and foreign customers. Those fabs that do not require high manufacturing processes provide high-quality, stable, and efficient Krf lithography machines.

Then come on.

Gates can only say that he knows a lot about the semiconductor industry. He couldn't talk to Su Yuanshan, so he stopped going further.

He led Su Yuanshan to wander on the lawn and changed the topic to the future of the Internet.

Su, what's your understanding of centralized computing?

We? Let's go to the server side, and we don't call it centralized computing, we call it cloud computing. Su Yuanshan put his hands in his trouser pockets, matching his suit, but he had a different temperament. Hearing this, he smiled and said: Basics of the Internet The development of facilities will inevitably lead to the concentration of data, which will lead to the processing, analysis, and calculation of big data... This is something we have started researching a long time ago.

Is it a seat?

Well, what about you?

We are doing it as a research institute.

Then you probably won't be as fast as us... Su Yuanshan chuckled: We have already put it into commercial use.

Huh? Let's talk about it.

Like children showing off their toys, the two of them talked about the progress of their respective laboratories, but soon they felt that it was not interesting and got back to basic subjects.

At this point, Su Yuanshan is no longer Gates' opponent.

After all, Microsoft is uniquely positioned to recruit talents from all over the world for its use. And Yuanxin... Although Gates also admitted that Yuanxin's current achievements are already brilliant, and the atmosphere of the science and technology park is definitely not inferior to Microsoft, the relatively backward environment still prevents talents from all over the world from getting there. determination.

It can be said that Yuanxin is supported by domestic talents and talents who have returned from studying abroad.

Take your time...it's no use worrying. Su Yuanshan took a broad view, and slowly walked towards the glass building with Gates.

By the way, I want dual-core support for the first batch of Windows XP releases.

Su Yuanshan stopped, looked at Gates and said seriously.

Gates blinked, showing a slightly embarrassed expression.

Bill, don't look at me like this. I know your strength too well... As long as you are willing, you can do your best to support us. Su Yuanshan coughed: Any reason you give will be ignored. It’s an excuse.”


You don't really want to make excuses, do you? Su Yuanshan pretended to be surprised.

Ahem...there's something wrong with XP.

what is the problem?

In terms of kernel, we originally planned to launch it in June, but now it seems that it will be postponed.


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