1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 797 If you have money, you can do whatever you want

the next day.

As a controversial zero-sum game market, the fluctuations in the stock market always make some companies happy and others sad.

Morgan, for example, firmly followed Su Yuanshan's footsteps. Not long after taking over, he began to follow Xinghai and slowly make moves from a high position. But later on... they still underestimated how powerful this wave of damage to technology stocks was. During the Chinese New Year season, Morgan smelled an opportunity from the Internet conference in the provincial capital, and began to continuously add positions, trying to buy the bottom...

It is definitely wrong to say that they copied the stock to the mountainside, but it is still a bit distressing that the stock price has nearly doubled.

Su! John Mark opened his arms to Su Yuanshan from afar.

Mr. Mai. Su Yuanshan stepped forward with a smile, called John Mark by his Chinese name, and hugged him—Da Mo's senior executives all had Chinese names. John Mark's name is Mack.

Let's talk in the office. John Mark turned around and led Su Yuanshan towards his office.

Three years ago, when the two of them met, it was Qin Silai who had to lead the way. Three years later, the two have already become familiar with each other through regular contacts.

And, more importantly, Su Yuanshan not only helped him successfully win the position of president of Morgan Stanley, not to mention driving away Pei Xiliang, he also completed beautiful joint investments with Morgan in many fields in HK.

——One thing that is not very well known is that John Mark is a member of the board of directors of CICC.

After sitting down, John Mark personally handed Su Yuanshan tea and looked at Su Yuanshan with emotion on his face.

As a veteran banker, it is his basic quality not to be angry or angry, but the more he looked at Su Yuanshan, the more he felt that this young man was amazing. He liked dealing with him so much.

Honest, forthright, knowing how to advance and retreat, and not cheating people - before the Internet bubble was about to reach its peak, Xinghai issued an early warning to the institutions that originally took over the stock, saying that both in terms of income and market value, it was already very high. stay awake……

But except for Morgan, the others didn't seem to listen much.

So, when the bubble burst and the stock price plummeted, everyone was confused...

Mr. Mai, I'll just tell you why I'm here. Su Yuanshan picked up the tea cup, took a sip and nodded in approval: This tea is good.

John Mark laughed and showed a bit of reserve: This is a gift from Miss Qin. I heard that it was obtained from a great collector in the mainland.

Great collector?

Su Yuanshan was slightly startled, and subconsciously glanced at the tea cup - Qin Si did take two cans of tea from him.

Tasting the familiar taste, Su Yuanshan coughed lightly: Of course Miss Qin can find good tea. Next time you come to my place, I will give you some.

Okay. John Mark nodded with a smile, changed his position and looked directly at Su Yuanshan.

That's it. Su Yuanshan put down the tea cup, pondered for a few seconds and then slowly said: Maybe you have heard the news, we plan to re-invest in Newbook.

If I heard the news thirty minutes before you came, then I have indeed heard it. John Mark chuckled: You came so fast that we didn't even have time to discuss it.

It's okay, the two of us are discussing the same thing now.

Hmm... John Mark nodded slightly, and his expression suddenly became a bit serious: Su, can I think that you are officially judging that the Internet is out of the trough?

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips, smiled and shook his head: First of all, let me correct you. As the head of a technology company, I never think that the Internet has entered a trough. Since the birth of the World Wide Web, it has entered a vigorous and high-spirited period. A period of development full of vitality. The so-called trough is just a swarm of chaotic capital, which makes the industry seem to speed up. When the capital discovers that the Internet has failed to meet their expectations, they feel that the Internet has entered a trough and a cold winter. .”

In fact, this is the cold winter of Internet capital. We, the technical people, do not bear this responsibility.

... John Mark was corrected by Su Yuanshan, an industry leader, and he was stunned for a long time and was speechless.

Perhaps only a technological elite leader like Su Yuanshan can throw all the blame to the greed of capital, right?

After being speechless for a long time, John Mark motioned for Su Yuanshan to continue.

Secondly, when we invest in the Internet industry - whether it is Yuanxin or Xinghai Capital, we are essentially building a technology ecosystem - from semiconductors to operating systems to software to the Internet. The combination of these creates a Information Technology Revolution.”

Wall Street can enter and leave at any time, but we are different. We are players in the game. We are the protagonists of this revolution - you said that football gamblers can leave, but can football players leave?

So, we have to keep buying us to win. Otherwise, we won't have the courage to continue playing.

Newbook is the representative, leader and flag of Internet portal companies. I won't say that it was incubated by us personally. Even if it was incubated by other companies, or jumped out of a stone, or replaced it with Yahoo, we would just As long as I hold a very small share of a company and it becomes a banner, I must protect it and not let it fall.

After all, on the Internet, Newbook is the main player...capital may not be optimistic about him, they can sell him, they can replace him with new players, or they can simply endure the pain and cut him off, but we who run the football business can't.

Su Yuanshan paused and finally said: So, Mike, when you are unable to continue to provide financing to Newbook to support it through the difficulties, it is most reasonable for us to come in.


John Mark listened quietly to Su Yuanshan's explanation. He tried to discern from Su Yuanshan's attitude whether this guy was sincere or whether he really smelled the rebound of the Internet...or, in other words, signs of a rebound in the stock market.

However, he was disappointed.

He couldn't see any expression of Su Yuanshan's emotions that didn't fit his expression.

It means that this guy really thinks so.

After a few seconds of silence, John Mark said softly: You mean, Nasdaq technology stocks will continue to slump in the short term?

Well... probably - you can see from the stock prices of Apple, Microsoft, and Xinghai that after experiencing shocks, companies with good profits are still favored. After all, it was a bit cold after last year's pouring of ice water.

Su Yuanshan said and picked up the teacup again.

Frankly speaking, he really didn't expect that Damo and his gang would still have the guts to buy the bottom... But that's right. Before, they followed Yuan Xin to kill all kinds of things in their hands, and they cut up the leeks they were traveling with without mercy. I wish I could kill them completely.

Currently, Morgan Stanley holds the largest share of newbook shares, accounting for about 8%, making it the largest shareholder. Then there is the founder team - because newbook adopts a VIE shareholding structure, although the entire equity has been sold and cashed out, it still maintains absolute control.

What is left are some institutions whose equity does not meet the standards for placards - this equity structure is very reasonable and perfectly demonstrates the equity structure after the stock price earthquake.

So, how do you want to operate? After thinking silently for a few seconds, John Mark asked again.

I will purchase the stocks of several of you at a premium at the same time, and then inject capital into newbook. This will not only ensure your income, but also bring new investment to newbook.

...How much capital are you prepared to inject?

Two billion.

John Mark couldn't help but take a breath.

——He is certainly not the kind of person who has never seen the world. The capital and transactions through his hands are not to mention 2 billion, but 20 billion.

But that depends on time and circumstances.

With the current Internet stock price like this, except for some bold venture capital investors, who would dare to enter an unlucky listed company whose stock price has hit rock bottom?

Su Yuanshan is lucky. Not only does he dare to buy back stocks, he also dares to inject capital...

Then, John Mark suddenly thought of Qin Si's comments about Su Yuanshan when he was chatting with Qin Si not long ago.

——Mr. Shan already has the richest net worth in the world, but he has no sense of consumption. His only pleasure is to build the ideal world in his mind.

This is... rich and willful?

How is it? Su Yuanshan raised his eyebrows at John Mark and smiled: I heard that you are going to merge with Chase... It is a time when you are short of money. Now Newbook's stock can be considered a loss-making transaction for you. ?”

...We are not short of money.

Ahem... then you are the major shareholders of Newbook, so show up with some courage and invest two billion US dollars to help Newbook tide over the difficulties.


John Mark continued to be silent for a few seconds before finally shaking his head: Su, I can't answer you right away. And personally, I think that maintaining consistency in investment with you is very consistent with long-term returns.


Now it was Su Yuanshan's turn to be speechless.

He finally discovered that the closer he was to Yuan Xin, whether it was capital or business, after following him, these guys immediately learned to follow suit...

But I can consider persuading our executives to give up half of my stocks to you. John Mark looked at Su Yuanshan and said seriously: Su, this is my personal statement and my statement on our friendship.

Su Yuanshan raised his head and glanced at the ceiling, mentally calculating his shareholding ratio.

Counting several other institutions willing to take action, plus Morgan Stanley's 4%, Xinghai's total shareholding ratio in Newbook will reach about 18%, plus the 2 billion in convertible bonds, it will almost reach 40%.

The remaining 50% is more...

Let's put it this way, you have to leave some soup for others, especially the leeks, which need to be raised.

...Okay, half is half. Su Yuanshan stretched out his hand and said, Happy cooperation.

John Mark stretched out his hand to shake his hand, but laughed: But I can't guarantee it.

Su Yuanshan didn't care, and smiled: It's okay, your prestige is at the peak of the sky now, what you say is the imperial decree, who dares not to listen?


John Mark shook his head and smiled helplessly.

But he also knew that what Su Yuanshan said was true.

Since the prediction of the accident in Russia at that time, John Mark not only established confidence in Su Yuanshan, but also established prestige in Morgan. With the harvest of international hot money in the HK defense war, and the subsequent joint investment with Yuanxin , plus surviving the dot-com bubble...

It can be said that no one from the top to the bottom of Morgan dares to question his judgment.

Pei Feiliang's loss was not unjust at all.



After bidding farewell to John Mark, Su Yuanshan stayed on Wall Street for another two days to make up for his relationship with the Wall Street bosses. After all, everyone’s business is business, just like playing cards on the card table. Someone always loses and someone wins. You can’t say a word to someone who loses money and someone who wins, right?

So what is it if you can't afford to lose?

Therefore, when Su Yuanshan met Buffett, the stock god who once said that Su Yuanshan was a magician never mentioned the past, but praised Su Yuanshan as a cross-industry elite and a star of tomorrow...

It's just that he is a son of man.

After finishing his trip to Wall Street, Su Yuanshan took a plane to Seattle.



In front of the Microsoft headquarters building, Bill Gates, wearing a very casual sweatshirt, stood at the door waiting for his arrival.

You actually came here dressed like this?

After jumping out of the car, Su Yuanshan looked at the suit he was wearing and was speechless. He punched Gates, and then the two laughed again.

Gates's eyes flashed with a small expression of satisfaction.

It seems that you have something happy today. Su Yuanshan waved his hand behind him, indicating to Wen Xiaoqian and the others not to follow, so that he and Gates could chat alone for a while.

The relationship between the two of them has already become extremely good, and there is no need to be so formal and businesslike at all.

No, the main thing is that you came here. Come, I will take you to play golf.

Goodbye...how can I go there dressed like this? Su Yuanshan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Then go to my house? Gates looked at Su Yuanshan with a smile and suggested again.

Faced with Gates' unusual behavior, Su Yuanshan immediately became alert: ...Bill, are you short of money?

...Do you think I am someone who is short of money?

Then I'm not used to your attitude. Su Yuanshan crossed his arms and looked at the other party with a smile.

Gates is nearly 20 years older than him, but it does not affect the communication and understanding between the two at all. From technology to the future, the two have amazing views and the same optimism.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be called a magic stick.

Because, I'm going to fire on you next. Gates chuckled and winked at Su Yuanshan: I bought Siemens' mobile phone business.

Su Yuanshan was stunned for two seconds.

After a while, he finally said Holy shit.

I understand, this sentence means fXck.

Then Fxck!


Mr. Gates, let me ask you, when did you start targeting the mobile communications market? Su Yuanshan crossed his arms and had an itchy face - although he did not own Microsoft stock, Gates was his husband and dog friend , watching him suffer a loss...

Su Yuanshan always feels weird.

Is it true that if you have money, you can do whatever you want?

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