1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 796: Hating iron but not steel

Mr. Sanders looked at Su Yuanshan intently for a few seconds, then smiled slightly after a moment.

Su, do you know that if a chip company does not have its own fab, it is like a man without eggs.

Su Yuanshan: ...

Even you, Yuan Xin, still control De Yuan tightly, don't you? Sanders smiled again and asked Su Yuanshan.

Yuanxin did not control Deyuan.

Facing Sanders's teasing look, Su Yuanshan also laughed: Rather than saying that Yuanxin controls Deyuan, it is better to say that Yuanxin relies on Deyuan - without Deyuan, Yuanxin's highest-standard chips will not be tape-out. ——You don’t think that the factory next door will open and use the most advanced manufacturing processes along with it, right?”

Sanders was just stunned for half a second - of course he knew what Su Yuanshan said was impossible, but he quickly said firmly: No, no matter how nice you say it, it can't change the fact that Deyuan is influenced by you. So based on This fact, you have to convince me to give up the fab and choose to rely on Deyuan...well, you can't convince me.


Or, what solution can you propose? Sanders shook his head, but there was also a hint of curiosity in his eyes: I'd like to hear it.

Su Yuanshan said angrily: Since you are as stubborn as a cow, I have no interest in talking about it.

To tell you the truth, I'm still very curious. Sanders paused and laughed: Maybe I'll be moved after hearing your plan?

... Su Yuanshan was speechless again.

This old man is really his natural enemy... It seems that he single-handedly broke into IBM in a pair of red pants to discuss business, and turned Intel's instigation into cooperation. It was really not a lie.

Well, I actually hope that Deyuan will merge your GlobalFoundry department and Xinghai's Aztec department to form a professional foundry cluster in Silicon Valley. Only in this way can you, us, and Xinghai focus more on Only by focusing on the chip design field can we truly defeat Intel.

As for the competition between us, it will become a healthy competition that relies purely on ideas and directions, rather than like now, whoever masters the excellent process first will be able to amplify the advantage.

Listening to Su Yuanshan's talk, Sanders frowned again.

After a moment, he shook his head again: You can't convince me. I don't think Deyuan can be ahead in the manufacturing process for long.

Ah... old man. Su Yuanshan stared at the stubborn old man, sighed and shook his head.

Since the words were not conducive, he stood up and said, Okay, you can have the meeting. I'll go back and be depressed for a while.

Sanders: ...

Watching Su Yuanshan leave, Sanders frowned for a long time. After a while, he returned to the office and sat down.

Jerry? His deputy pushed open the door and looked at Sanders suspiciously.

In the technology circle, Su Yuanshan has very good connections - everyone has seen with their own eyes how this genius led Yuanxin to rise step by step since he was a teenager. Even though they are competitors and are very successful in business management, they rarely fall out in private, let alone cooperate in other fields.

Things like today's deal breaking down and walking away... have never happened before.

Well, it's okay. It seems that Yuanxin does feel a little pressure. Sanders laughed when he heard this: After all, their technological foundation is still a little short of catching up with Silicon Valley.


He hopes that we will spin off GlobalFoundries and become a professional foundry together with Deyuan.

Then... The deputy was stunned for a moment. He wanted to say that this should be a trend, but he swallowed his words when he thought of the old man's famous saying.

He obviously realized that after 0.13 micron, if the DUV light source wants to continue to explore, the cost will be higher and higher, until it reaches the limit. However, China's progress in breaking through 193nm is very slow, and it seems to have encountered a bottleneck. Sanders Smiling slightly, I thought of the jokes in the semiconductor circle.

Deyuan submits applications every year, hoping to join the EUV Alliance. And every time it was rejected without any suspense - just kidding, even when Intel wanted to bring Nissan in, it was blocked by the government, so it chose ASML, its obedient little brother. How could Deyuan, a mainland-based wafer factory, be allowed to come in?

Not to mention Deyuan, after investigation and review, even Texas Instruments was excluded.

Sanders said leisurely: And we have joined the EUV alliance.


Then you rejected him?




Back in the car, Su Yuanshan calmed down.

In other words, he was never angry, just a little disappointed.

It's a pity. If we can capture Global Foundry and integrate Aztec from Xinghai, we can control the foundries around the world.

Leaning on the chair, Su Yuanshan kept shaking his head.

Although he was wrong about Mr. Sanders' true thoughts, it did not affect the outcome - it was just a pity.

As he lamented, if Deyuan can complete the integration, then when the immersion lithography machine is formed, Deyuan will go crazy in Silicon Valley.

At that time, the immersion lithography machine and the dual workpiece stage will be enough to kill all enemies in the cradle.

Wen Xiaoqian looked back at him and then at the time: Then go home now?

Go to eso for a walk.


The driver drove to the ESO building. Su Yuanshan went up and sat in the reception room for a while. After Ye Rudai finished her meeting and got off work, he and Ye Rudai had lunch together.

In the afternoon, he visited HP again according to his scheduled schedule. Perhaps stimulated by Apple's release of a new dual-core MAC yesterday, HP quickly agreed to the processor order that it had been hesitating about before. This can be regarded as an unexpected surprise.

In the next two days, he continued to visit his previous partners and build relationships. It wasn't until Qin Si told him that the meeting had been arranged that he set off for New York.

In New York, the person he met first was Ding Lei.

I have made appointments with several of your current top shareholders. In the suite of the Hilton Hotel, Su Yuanshan and Ding Lei chatted about the next arrangements: Let's test the tone first to see if they are willing to let go or what... …”

Well, the main reason is that our current cash flow is about to dry up. Ding Lei looked calm on the surface, but his eyes were full of anxiety: Mr. Shan, we have already shut down a lot of business. If there is no more capital injection... I am afraid that we will continue to It’s going to be tough coming down.”

It's okay, I'll just take your convertible bonds. Su Yuanshan waved his hand and reassured Ding Lei: You have achieved global coverage in news services, which is a great advantage. Also. The Internet is a flag that challenges traditional media, and this flag alone cannot be matched by those who engage in television and newspapers.

Hearing this, even though Ding Lei had long been accustomed to Su Yuanshan's optimism and advocacy for the future of the Internet, he still couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and laughed: Well, it seems that I will listen to you more in the future, just listen to you. Say it, and I feel a hundred times more confident.”

Haha, senior brother...you were the loudest and loudest person in the Internet field back then. Why are you giving up now?

Ding Lei smiled bitterly.

Frankly speaking, in the eyes of others, he is a man who has reached the peak of market value and defeated Gates. But with the burst of the Internet bubble, everything disappeared like a dream. And he fell from the top to the bottom in an instant.

It is difficult for people who have not experienced it to understand this kind of mentality and anxiety - watching the market value shrink by thirty times, from the peak of nearly 140 billion US dollars to today's 5 billion US dollars, this gap would be replaced by a Those who are mentally weak may have already become depressed.

In comparison, the other two people who came from the original Yuanxin Internet Center are much better.

EM reluctantly completed its listing in Hong Kong, although it was also hit, and its stock price plummeted. But pony finally got the money in his hands! Now, with the funds raised from the listing, EM is completing its layout in various fields and is prospering.

Not to mention Zhang Xiaolong, the Internet Center was originally engaged in basic business, and it also had the cash cow of HK Telecom. Although the stock price was low, it did not affect its revenue at all, so much so that Zhang Xiaolong was ready to buy back the stock.

No more joking, let's talk about the next development.

Su Yuanshan looked at Ding Lei: Games are a good industry, especially online games, which will be the main growth point of future profits. You have two websites with extremely large user bases, Newbook and E-mail. As long as you complete a little conversion, that's The hen that lays golden eggs.”

Well, last month I had a chat with Lao Shi and others from the Game Industry Federation, and I planned to cooperate with them to bring outstanding online games to our agency for operation.

Operation is one aspect, and independent development must also be carried out. Lao Shi and the others are mainly based in China. Let's put it this way, the domestic game industry is still relatively heavily affected by Niguo. After all, they relied on Sony's PS series to succeed. So when it comes to facing European and American users, the things we make are a bit like making things behind closed doors.

Speaking of this, Su Yuanshan sighed slightly.

Giant and Jinshan launched the Mountains and Seas project five years ago. They are confident that they will find themes and standards from ancient domestic myths and history to create fairy tales.

After so many years, they also jointly launched the Mountains and Seas series of games.

But it is a pity that it has not been successful in the West.

Of course, it doesn’t mean it’s a failure—because it has achieved considerable success in Southeast Asia, especially in the Chinese area.

This can only be said that if we want to promote culture, we need to take our time and not be in a hurry.

But you are different. You spend half of your time in Silicon Valley now, and you have a green card, right? Su Yuanshan looked at Ding Lei and asked with a smile.

Ding Lei coughed lightly. He knew that except for Ye Rudai, who got a green card due to work, no one in Su Yuanshan's family had a green card. Even their children were born in HK.

According to rumors, many people here actually want Ye Zi to become a naturalized citizen.

Su Yuanshan didn't mind Ding Lei getting a green card, but continued: As a leading Internet company, Newbook should have done a preference analysis of people from different cultures and backgrounds around the world... Sigh... Okay... , it’s not too late yet.”

Okay, I'll make arrangements when I get back.

Yes. Su Yuanshan nodded and continued: And, I would like to ask... Ye Zi proposed to you during the Spring Festival that you want to move to the mobile Internet field. Why didn't you act?

After saying that, he looked directly at Ding Lei.

Ding Lei was slightly startled, and his expression suddenly became a little embarrassed.

During the Spring Festival, a group of them held a meeting in the provincial capital to discuss how to transform and survive the cold winter. At that time, Ye Zi proposed a move to the mobile Internet. Frankly speaking, Ding Lei was still a little repellent to Su Yuanshan at that time. ... and he always felt that it was not good for Ye Rudai to blatantly lead everyone to yell at Yuan Xin and cooperate...

Therefore, apart from participating in the NETlife project, he did not invest too much in the mobile WAP website.

After all... Newbook's life was already a bit difficult at that time, and there was no need to invest in such a place where there was no return.

Ahem, the main reason is lack of money.

It's not a matter of lack of money, but a matter of vision. Su Yuanshan stared at Ding Lei, his expression gradually becoming serious: You came from the mobile protocol department and know that mobile Internet is inevitable for development - unless you don't agree with me. judge.

Didn't I say I didn't approve of it?

Then why don't you move? You are the leading company, the weather vane...the boss. Su Yuanshan sighed with a bit of hatred: You don't move, now it's better, no one else will move.

The mobile Internet has no content, and its arrival will be delayed. Once it is delayed, it will affect all layouts. Su Yuanshan closed his eyes and took a few heavy breaths: You see, what I said is that its arrival will be delayed. , rather than not coming.”

This was the first time that Ding Lei saw Su Yuanshan so serious, and he immediately knew that his past resistance...may have really affected Su Yuanshan's expectations of him. After a moment of silence, he nodded lightly.


Seeing Ding Lei admit his mistake, Su Yuanshan breathed out again and his expression softened.

After all, he had placed his hopes on newbook.

As he said, Newbook has now become a leading company on the Internet, and has become a thorn in the side of traditional media in terms of news business.

As long as such a portal survives the cold winter and makes no mistakes or overturns, then when the mobile Internet era comes, it will only need an APP to take the throne again.

What are the headlines based on? Doesn’t it depend on content distribution? It didn’t even do content collection in the first place!

Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. It all depends on how the discussion goes tomorrow.

Okay. Ding Lei nodded, looked at Su Yuanshan for a few times and then stopped talking. Finally, he asked: What about...convertible bonds, how much do you accept?

How much do you lack? Su Yuanshan asked with a slight smile.


No joke, how much do you need?

Two billion U.S. dollars. Ding Lei took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and came up with a number.

Okay, I'll give it to you.

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