1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 795 Let go, old man

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Su Yuanshan opened his eyes on time.

I saw that Ye Rudai had already gotten up and was sitting at the desk, typing on the keyboard, and snickering from time to time.

Huh? Didn't you say you would arrive at the company early today?

Ye Rudai said yesterday that she would arrive at the company early today to deploy the next phase of the key project - eso online translation, and specifically sought Su Yuanshan's opinion.

Su Yuanshan naturally strongly supports this kind of function that will be released sooner or later, even though it seems to be a big deal for many translation software.

Moreover, according to Su Yuanshan’s chauvinistic thinking on the population of a large country, Chinese, English and Chinese are the key points and must be firmly grasped. At the same time, he also made an extremely harsh suggestion - he asked Ye Rudai to find professional and reliable translators to translate all the famous poems and songs in history into multiple languages, and to establish a special database to allow foreigners to translate them anytime and anywhere. All can accept the baptism of great poetry.

This suggestion made Ye Rudai dumbfounded. However, she also feels that this can be done when there is no shortage of money, and it is always good to have standards.

Well, it's mainly because someone in the group posted an interesting idea early in the morning.

Huh? Which group?

In Mr. Xi's student group - Although she has only interned with Xi Xiaoding for a few months, Ye Rudai still regards herself as Mr. Xi's student, so it is not surprising to appear in Mr. Xi's group of students.

Unlike Su Yuanshan who was busy all day long and only taught two graduate students, Mr. Xi has always tutored graduate students, and there are quite a lot of them. Now the division is huge and can be called the number one sect in Yuanxin.

Yesterday, Zhou Wanwan went to a professional class for President Xi. After the class was over, there were people who skipped class, and there were also people who took roll call. She was so angry that she thought about it all night. This morning, she said that she would work on a special project on facial recognition, and she would personally take charge of it. , let’s see who dares to skip class and answer questions…”

Pfft... Su Yuanshan was getting dressed, and he became overjoyed when he heard this: Hmm, this is good, Zhou Wanwan is great! You should reply to her and say that I support her! Do it now.

Then I'm back?

Go back! Su Yuanshan put on his clothes, jumped out of bed, and laughed: But to be honest, if we really want to stop skipping classes and are too lazy to take roll, she might as well get a fingerprint punch-in machine.

“Isn’t the time card machine a bit excessive?”

You guys...actually it's more exaggerated, but I like it. Su Yuanshan walked behind Ye Rudai and took a look at the chat history. He saw that someone in the group was already saying that he had a new partner...

Face recognition is also one of the topics of deep learning, and it is also a topic with long-lasting influence. It is indeed possible to set up a special laboratory. Hmm... I will tell Mr. Xi later.

After washing up, Ye Rudai had already gone to work, and Su Yuanshan simply tidied up, had something to eat, and then took the time to go to AMD headquarters.

When he saw those red letters, Su Yuanshan felt a little emotional.

——A few years ago, he and the old man stood on the same front to fight against Intel's hegemony! And when he started anew long ago, he surrendered to Intel...

At the beginning, they still maintained a tacit understanding in marketing and marketing, and tried to completely force Intel from high-end, high-end and low-end product lines. But now... they have given up cooperation and are fighting independently. Even in the market They also fought so hard that they became red-eyed.

Especially in the Asian region, AMD, Cyrix, and Yuanxin, these three companies all focused on cost-effectiveness in the face of Intel's strength, and fell into rounds of involuntary involution.

Therefore, compared with history, AMD has lost a lot of its market share to Xinghai and Yuanxin during the same period, both in terms of its brilliance in resisting Intel and in terms of market share.

And because there are more enemies, today's Intel has less reliance to do whatever it wants compared to the same period in history, which indirectly leads to Intel's mistakes...fewer.

——The simplest example is that after realizing that Itanium's 64-bit was not good, Intel decisively chose to be compatible with YX-64.


Mr. Sanders still has not retired, and thanks to his background in sales, he can fight on the front line of the semiconductor chip field at the age of sixty-five. If you count from the moment he entered the semiconductor industry, he is already a solid veteran.

Now his hair is all white, but he still looks high-spirited, just a little more robust.

Standing at the door of the office, Sanders stretched out his hand to Su Yuanshan first.

Jerry, long time no see. Su Yuanshan hurriedly stepped forward, held Sanders' hand tightly, and said with emotion: Someone said you were going to retire a while ago, but I said it's impossible...

Of course it's impossible! Mr. Sanders raised his eyebrows: At least I won't retreat until I see three points in the world.

Su Yuanshan laughed and followed Sanders into the office - as early as when he and Sanders met for the first time, he told the old man about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Now I see the old man opening his mouth to say that the world is divided into three parts. It seems that he has received the influence of the Three Kingdoms.

After sitting down, the two chatted politely for a while and then each drove away the secretary, leaving only the two of them talking.

If you come to see me as an old man as a courtesy, then I can only stay with you for half an hour. Sanders glanced at his watch and smiled: If you are willing to wait for me for an hour, then wait for me After the meeting, I can treat you to lunch.

Oh...what if it's not a courtesy?

Then I'll postpone the meeting.

...You're being too superficial now, aren't you?

Su Yuanshan was quite speechless. Mr. Sanders's personality was very similar to his in some aspects. They both blatantly played rogue...well, they were not annoying.

Okay, actually I'm here to discuss business.

Are you ready to acquire us?

Su Yuanshan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Just when he was about to say stop choking, he suddenly saw the half-smiling expression on Sanders's face, and he immediately realized that this old fox really choked him on purpose.

So he smiled and said: Okay, you make a price.

You came to buy it, you pay it forward.

Ten dollars.

Okay, pay.


The two joked all the time, but in the end it was Su Yuanshan's turn to be embarrassed because he really couldn't come up with cash.

Okay, Jerry, let's not joke around. I'm really here to talk business.

you say.

What do you think of Deyuan's development in terms of manufacturing process and technology?

Huh? Of course... Sanders looked at Su Yuanshan, the playfulness on his face disappeared, and then seriousness rose.

Of course he knew that Deyuan's rapid development was rare.

Let's put it this way, compared to the model between you and Intel, the model of professional chip design + professional foundry, which one do you think can reach the limit of... the manufacturing process faster?

Sanders frowned.

He had to admit that the young man in front of him had unrivaled vision.

Su Yuanshan sighed softly: Let go, old man, Deyuan is the future.

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