1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 794 Crossing the River by Touching Ni Country

Not long ago, I had a long chat with a leader and received some information.

Su Yuanshan picked up the tea cup, took a sip and said softly: The development of science and technology is an established national policy and a long-term national policy. It cannot be shaken or retreated. This is... a sentence he brought to me.

Hearing this, Qin Si and Yang Yiwen breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

This sentence means that if Yuanxin really encounters clear targeting, the higher-ups will naturally not sit idly by and ignore it.

In fact, according to various sources, especially Kutaragi Ken's last visit, Su Yuanshan increasingly feels that the plan for a certain regional independent trade area may be accelerated.

Su Yuanshan smiled: After all, if you want to talk about Yu Qi Chu, being good at dancing, making money in a low voice, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger... these abilities, I would be ranked second, and no one would dare to be ranked first.

In the technical field, we have support, opportunities for mediation, and the mainland market to protect us. But for overseas capital, we can only rely on ourselves.

Su Yuanshan took a long breath as he said: Now we can only take one step at a time and see one step at a time. Old M is a typical example of being unreasonable and unforgiving - oh no, he is unreasonable and will not forgive others. Damn it!

Qin Si laughed and nodded with deep understanding.

She has been exposed to all kinds of capital on Wall Street for the past ten years. In the past five or six years, she has entered the circle of top Wall Street agents. She knows the virtues of these white gentlemen very well. This group of people is driven by profit at their core, and they have absolutely no concept of being too good or too bad.

The four of them chatted until late at night before going back to their rooms. Su Yuanshan couldn't sleep because he drank several large cups of tea and was jet lag. After taking a bath, he simply leaned on the bedside and closed his eyes to rest.

Snap, Ye Rudai turned off the roof light, sat on the edge of the bed, and pushed him aside with her butt.

She had just taken a shower and was wearing a large T-shirt as pajamas. The air conditioning temperature in the room was very suitable, and it was not cold at all.

As soon as Su Yuanshan stretched out his hand, she naturally shrank into his arms.

You don't even lie down in bed, what are you thinking about?

Su Yuanshan opened his eyes and looked at Ye Rudai who was as gentle as a kitten under the bedside night lamp. He gently twisted her hair, rubbed it with his fingertips, and said softly: I was thinking that I should Where to draw the line.”

Of course he knew that in just half a year, with a boom, everything would get better.

The so-called national destiny in later generations is really no joke.

But Su Yuanshan did not dare to place all his hopes on this accidental event in this historical necessity - the former is a materialist description of the macro state, and the latter is unpredictability at the micro level.

The butterfly wings have been flapping for so long, and Su Yuanshan is too worried that he has ruined the process of history.

Therefore, it is inevitable to be fully prepared - he also hopes that this time the targeting of Yuanxin will wake up some people in the country - even if only the employees of Yuanxin wake up, it will be of great help.

Then where is your bottom line?

Split the two processor divisions.

...I heard that the departments of Senior Brother Qin and Senior Brother Gao are losing money as a whole, especially the X86 department. It seems that they have lost several billions?

Well, X86 has been losing money for a long time. As for RISC-YX, if you count the self-shipped volume, it actually made quite a lot of money. The so-called losses are mainly due to the several large laboratories run by senior brother... Senior Brother Qin... He really doesn’t regard money as money.”

And the loss is also due to the low licensing price. Now the YX architecture has completed the monopoly of the streamlined instruction set market... If it is still under Yuanxin, of course I can continue to stick to it. Once it is split, the only way is to increase the licensing fee to cut off the leek. ”

Wouldn't that cause protests from the partners?

What do partners have to protest? Just pass it on to consumers. If they want to compete head-on with FarCore's YX architecture chips, they must separate the YX architecture from FarCore, just like EDA.

Ye Rudai smiled sweetly: Consumers are really unlucky.

Haha, isn't that what capital does? You spend money to monopolize first, and then collect rent. Su Yuanshan laughed at himself: Yuanxin has inevitably moved towards monopoly, and I can be considered an unscrupulous capitalist.

How could you say that about yourself? Ye Rudai punched him lightly.

Although she knew that Su Yuanshan was making fun of her, in the textbooks she had studied since she was a child, the term capitalist was not a good word.

Well... we are not unscrupulous, but kind. We participate in the development of the western region, undertake one-on-one poverty alleviation, and do charity everywhere... By the way, Brother Rui is currently working on the Hundred Schools Project. Do you want to give you a Rudai? building?

Hundred Schools Plan? Ye Rudai looked at Su Yuanshan with a puzzled look on her face.

Building teaching buildings for hundreds of schools can be regarded as a way for us to participate in the development of the western region. Well...it is estimated that 200 million will be spent to build teaching buildings every year, and 100 of them will be built...

Ye Rudai didn't notice that a relieved smile appeared on Su Yuanshan's lips.

If other historical events are still accidental, then the energy accumulated by the movement of the earth's crust is not transferred by personal influence, or even by influences on the surface of the earth.

When he insisted on establishing his headquarters in the provincial capital, a large part of the reason was that he hoped to use Yuanxin's influence in the west to prepare for the disaster as much as possible in advance.

But when Yuanxin developed and he got rich, he really didn't know how to get it - he couldn't just be a stickman anonymously and go out to predict an earthquake, right?

Therefore, when the development of the western region was launched as planned, Yuanxin actively participated in it, and since the person in charge of Yuanxin's charity department was Wang Rui, Su Yuanshan persuaded Wang Rui to build a school directly without any effort.

And thanks to God, a 6.7-magnitude earthquake occurred in Niguo last month. While grieving, a Niguo engineer working at Yuanxin also came up with a genius idea - since earthquakes cannot be accurately predicted, However, it can be accurately measured, and it takes time for seismic waves to cause damage. So can a system be designed to place detection and acquisition devices in multiple places where earthquakes may occur? Once the seismic waves are collected, emergency operations can be carried out immediately through the system. broadcast? Even ten seconds earlier can save a life.

This idea was proposed on the forum. Su Yuanshan did not see it immediately. Instead, Chen Jing saw it and directly pushed it to Su Yuanshan on EM and asked him if it would work...

——Two years ago, a major earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 occurred on the island.

Then, Su Yuanshan appeared on the forum and replied personally, saying it was feasible.

——He couldn't remember how long ago Ni Country started to engage in earthquake early warning, but he knew that Ni Country was the origin of the early warning system, and the effect was remarkable, and the time must have been before 2008.

Then, just cross the river by touching the country of Ni.

And in this life, Su Yuanshan still has an advantage.

He can integrate the early warning system directly into the push system of Yuanxin YOS.

Okay, I have to see Mr. Sanders tomorrow. Go to sleep! Su Yuanshan recovered his thoughts and was very happy.

I haven't decided what to call it yet!

What name?

Didn't you say you wanted to build a teaching building... Rudai Building sounds too different.

Uh... then think about it slowly. Su Yuanshan shrank into the quilt, closed his eyes, and fell asleep with a smile.

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