1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 793 The Greed of Capital

The return of technology is not just a slogan for fun, but a consensus among Silicon Valley elites. Currently, in the international Internet, the only ones with the right to speak in the field of underlying technology, except Yuanxin, are Xinghai and Oracle, and the other technology giants have fallen behind. Among the many emerging Internet websites, most are from China.

Yang Yiwen took over the words and said seriously: Especially after reaching a consensus on 'the Internet is an innovative and creative field', the elites in the science and technology community suddenly discovered that they are not as good as the domestic ones in this regard... This is very difficult to let go. People accept it.”

Su Yuanshan took the teacup handed over by Ye Rudai, held it in his hand and pondered for a few seconds before suddenly smiling: What else?

Qin Si and Yang Yiwen looked at each other and smiled: Then some people on Wall Street think that we are cutting leeks on their heads, which is also unacceptable.

At this time, Su Yuanshan did not laugh, but he also teased: Well, Wall Street's spirit of being willing to gamble but not admit defeat is quite universal.

Next, Qin Si chatted with Su Yuanshan for a while [this chapter disappeared after I wrote it, so you can make up the content by yourself]. While Su Yuanshan listened, his brows gradually relaxed and he became much calmer.

If Yang Yiwen is the sword he places in Xinghai, then Qin Si is the spear he places on Wall Street - using capital means to gain profits is only superficial, and the real intention is to prevent Wall Street capital from forming a synergy.

Hmm... From this point of view, it might be more appropriate to call him a shit stirrer, but it's just a bit rude.

But in fact, what Xinghai Fund does is to attract certain capitals to form an alliance so that everyone can make money together. And it guides those friends in the traditional financial field to move closer to the circle of technology finance - and this circle, so far, is centered on him and Gates.

The traditional financial industry is moving closer to the Internet and technology. This process is irreversible. Even if a bank can choose not to be involved in the Internet industry, it cannot avoid the torrent of technology.

Su Yuanshan said softly: Let's talk about the outrageous theory of sectarianism: data can drive and dominate everything.

Qin Si pondered for two seconds, and suddenly his eyes lit up: Is this why you said three years ago that Oaktree Capital's biggest enemy was Capital One?

Of course, Qin Si doesn’t know how famous Capital One will be in later generations as the “First Gangster” – this is the first Internet financial pioneer to use data-driven application in the retail banking industry. At first, it was just a very inconspicuous company. The credit department of a small bank, after becoming independent in 1995, insisted on using data as the basis of finance, took the lead in completing personal loans and qualification review services without human intervention, and quickly became a top bank.

Almost all the financial directors of the numerous Internet financial companies in later generations are their disciples.

Yes. Su Yuanshan nodded: We have been involved in data, or big data analysis, very early, and it is still done by Pandora Labs. When we launched Kexin at the beginning of last year, we wanted to rely on Kexin's influence in Asia. , to quickly expand our data financial business - as you can see, Kexin has developed extremely fast in the past year, and in the final analysis, it is the credit of this data evaluation system.

But now, I'm not worried technically. The only thing I'm worried about is that this side will strangle me financially, which will be uncomfortable. Su Yuanshan sighed softly: You go and contact Capital One, and at most you can hold Morgan. Let’s see if we can complete the holding. If it can be completed, it will be the best. If it cannot be completed, then the next best thing is to complete the shareholding.”

Yeah. Qin Si no longer asked why and nodded without thinking.

Although he spends most of his time in Silicon Valley and Wall Street, Qin Si is familiar with all the businesses of Oaktree Capital, including Kexin Bank. He knows that in the past year or so, Kexin Bank has relied on business in the consumer loan field and Yuanxin throughout Asia. The rapid expansion due to the investment of enterprises in the industrial chain established by Yuanxin, coupled with the many account turnovers of Yuanxin's overseas business, makes its rise even more outrageous than Yuanxin.

Faced with this situation, Qin Si, as an investment giant, would naturally analyze the reasons. It's just that she analyzed it from the environment - Kexin was not only born with a golden key, but also because the Asian economy, which had experienced the financial crisis, was gradually recovering with the rise of the country.

Although the current domestic GDP is less than two trillion U.S. dollars, the contribution of mainland China's annual economic growth and productivity improvement to the entire region far exceeds her economic status - and when she As it becomes stronger and stronger, it will become more and more important and indispensable to surrounding areas, and will eventually form a huge economic core.

This is the charm of the rise of a super industrial country - this is the consensus of Su Yuanshan and his leaders.

——It is precisely because of this realization that we have called for the return of technology and strengthened intervention and leadership in the region. (Alas, really don’t block it anymore. The economic model and related strategies in this book are all based on opinions, open to the public, and not illegal...)

But technically, she never realized that the Pandora data assessment and risk control system launched by Kexin would have such great magic power.

However, she had always believed, oh no, she was superstitious about Su Yuanshan, and naturally she would not question Su Yuanshan's technical analysis.

“The greed of capital is that when the economic environment is on the upswing, it eats up all the profits, but when the economy is on the downturn, it is absolutely unwilling to spit out even half of it.”

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips, closed his eyes and sighed: There is only one reason to spit it out, it is forced. Sister Qin Si, please contact a few investment banks that have been severely affected, and we will provide support.

Qin Si was slightly startled: How to support?

Of course I will buy some Internet stocks - although I think Internet stocks still have room to explore.

...What about Gates?

Gates's judgment on the Internet is similar to mine, and he was even more radical than me some time ago. He obviously thinks that this is a counter-cyclical investment and bargain hunting. And in a sense, this Internet winter can also be regarded as a crisis between technology capital and traditional A watershed for capital.”

Su Yuanshan opened his eyes and said slowly: We must not become enemies of Wall Street. If we slap them in the face, we must give them a date.

Qin Si's eyes flashed and he fell into deep thought. But when she raised her head, she saw Su Yuanshan looking at her meaningfully.

After a moment, his expression straightened, and he immediately thought of what Su Yuanshan had just said - the greed of capital is that it will never spit out even a cent.

As a financial queen who can mobilize tens of billions of dollars in cash at any time, she is naturally a representative of capital.

Thinking of this, she smiled slightly, and all the hesitation and pressure were suddenly forgotten.


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