1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 792 Farewell to fencing products

Su Yuanshan quietly sat into the venue.

The lights at the venue have long been extinguished, leaving only a huge screen - a white halo depicting Apple's logo on a black background. Below the Log is a countdown with more than five minutes left.

You still have to wait five minutes?

Ye Rudai asked Su Yuanshan in a low voice.

I don't know, probably, but he always likes to have little surprises and so on. Su Yuanshan looked back at the venue, and all he could see was the dark crowd.

Because it hadn't started yet, everyone was discussing in low voices. Su Yuanshan listened carefully and found that most of the voices were guessing what product this conference would be.

——If you have to find a consumer product company that does the best product confidentiality work, then Apple dares to say that it is second, and no one dares to say that it is first.

Even Yuanxin is a bit far behind - that's why Yuanxin has classified the Yidoo5 concept phone scheduled for October this year and the pad that will be released next year as top secrets, and its design department has almost adopted military management.

Many people guessed it was a new type of notebook, and many people guessed it was a PDA phone. Of course, there were also people who guessed it was a MAC...

With three minutes left in the countdown, Jobs strode onto the stage carrying a bottle of mineral water.

He looked at the countdown and shrugged: It seems I'm three minutes ahead of schedule, but it's okay. I can make it faster.

As he spoke, under the eyes of everyone, the countdown began to accelerate rapidly. In less than ten seconds, it accelerated to three minutes.

We can start now.

There was a burst of laughter from the audience.

Su Yuanshan was also laughing, but he was very moved by Jobs' process design - this inconspicuous little design directly pointed out the theme of this MacPro, fast.

Every once in a while, a revolutionary product is born that changes people's lives.

On the screen, the Mactinosh, born in 1984, appeared. When it appeared, the entire venue burst into warm applause.

Su Yuanshan was also applauding. There is no doubt that this is a sign of Mr. Qiao's status in the world.

We are very pleased that twenty years after its birth, it still retains its youth and passion.

The screen skips past Mac models in sequence. While showing Apple's design style, it also serves as a footnote for today's products - probably the Mac.

Two years ago, an old friend came to me and said: Hey, jobs, can you think of a way to make the computer faster? My guys spent half their time waiting for compilation.

I thought about it and told him, maybe you could have them fencing in the office.

As soon as Mr. Qiao finished speaking, there was roaring laughter from the audience.

There were many programmers who came to the venue, and most of them had seen the classic hand-drawn cartoon that seemed to be circulated from the Yuanxin Forum - outside the door, the boss shouted Working, come back to work, and inside the door were two little programmers. I was fencing and replied compiling, and then the boss replied: Oh, then continue.

Jobs smiled and said, I think it's time to give that friend a solution.

The G4 screen disappeared, and a brand new MAC appeared on the screen.

At the same time, the staff also pushed the prototype to the corner.

It is an incredible product. In addition to its superb beauty, it also has unparalleled performance.

As Jobs introduced, the design and performance of MacPro were demonstrated one by one. When it was mentioned that it was equipped with the world's first dual-core processor, the venue was silent for a moment, and then there was thunderous applause.

——The current dual-core processor is only available in the X86 architecture!

This means that it will be a personal PC that can coexist with Windows systems.

Today, our partner for this processor also came to the scene. Jobs looked at Su Yuanshan and smiled: I think it's best to ask him to introduce it in person.

Under the gaze of countless people, Su Yuanshan strode up to the front desk, shook hands with Jobs, and the two touched shoulders again as if they had a clear understanding of each other.

When Su Yuanshan appeared in the center of the booth, whistles and applause sounded again.

Welcome Mr. Su Yuanshan from Yuanxin. After finishing speaking, Jobs handed the microphone to Su Yuanshan.

Thank you. Su Yuanshan calmed down and looked at everyone in the audience with a smile.

Obviously, his appearance was quite surprising - after all, Mr. Qiao rarely invites special guests to press conferences hosted by him personally.

At the same time, Su Yuanshan himself is also mysterious, and his appearance this time is indeed quite surprising.

Before I took the stage, Mr. Jobs told me not to talk too much and not to accidentally say that we will continue to cooperate in the future.

Everyone in the audience was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

Su Yuanshan also paused and smiled slightly: I said how is it possible? We have to provide you with the latest and most advanced processors every year to make Mac the most advanced, fastest and coolest personal computer. This route is the highest of Yuanxin. It’s secret, even if you kill me, I won’t tell you!”

Mr. Qiao said, okay, then I believe you.

At the edge of the booth, Jobs shook his head and laughed, applauding with the enthusiastic and excited audience.

After everyone had laughed, Su Yuanshan introduced the future plans and arrangements of Yuanxin Processor and returned the microphone to Mr. Qiao.

In the second half of the process, Jobs began a real-machine demonstration. It can be seen that he is more willing to show the advantages and habits of MACOS than to improve the hardware. But since it has been said that this is the fastest personal computer in the world, it is obviously not possible to not take it out for a walk.

So he showed several test software tests that had been spread on the Internet, saying that MacPro lived up to its name.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the press conference ended. Su Yuanshan simply chatted with Jobs, then quickly got into the car with Ye Rudai and returned to the villa.

Qin Si has been waiting in the villa for a long time.

Six months ago, Chen Haoming and Qin Si got married in Silicon Valley, and then Qin Si also brought his parents over - now it was a bit inappropriate for the two of them to live in a villa.

But even though they moved out, they still come here to get together every week.

Sister Qin Si, senior brother Haoming hasn't come back from his business trip?

Su Yuanshan knew that Chen Haoming was on a business trip in Seattle yesterday and had a phone call with him.

Well, I can come back tomorrow. After Qin Si shook hands with him and Ye Rudai, they quickly walked to the second floor.

After walking up the stairs, Yang Yiwen also came out of the room next to her, making a silent gesture while walking cautiously towards the study.

After the four of them entered the study, Yang Yiwen closed the door, and Ye Rudai took four cups and prepared to make tea.

What's the situation you heard about? Su Yuanshan looked at Qin Si.

Hmm... not very good. Qin Si pursed her lips. Although she said so, her expression was relatively calm.

The current general policy does tend to restrict remote cores.

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