1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 791 Mr. Qiao’s true temperament

We are also going to adjust its series trademark and call it Mac Pro. Jobs sat across from Su Yuanshan and opened the chassis panel for Su Yuanshan to see.

Well, that's good. Su Yuanshan's attention fell on the chassis layout and he said casually.

But it would be better if it was called Mac Along. He raised his head and joked.

A smile appeared on Jobs's face: I have considered it, but in the English context, Along feels weird when paired with Mac - we do not plan to replace it until Along becomes the symbol of your CPU.

Okay, that's what you said. Su Yuanshan chuckled and focused on the inside of the chassis again.

It can be seen that even inside the chassis, Apple still continues its consistent modern simplicity style. In addition, in order to suppress the heat dissipation of the dual-core processor, a pure copper radiator is used, which is extremely luxurious - of course, it is a little worse than the water cooling of the G5 two years later in history.

But after taking a few glances, Su Yuanshan felt something was wrong: Huh? There seems to be something wrong with your air duct.

Air duct? Jobs raised his eyebrows slightly. He just glanced at the chassis and quickly understood what Su Yuanshankou meant by the air duct: Are you referring to the cooling system?

Well, after the processor entered the high-end and multi-core circuit, the power and heat generation also increased. Therefore, a group of Geek employees from Yuanxin began to set their sights on air circulation in the conventional cooling system after tinkering with overclocking. , they put forward the chassis air duct theory on the forum...

Su Yuanshan really wasn't relying on his memory to fool Jobs, but he actually saw it when he visited the internal technology forum.

Frankly speaking, at present, including server workstations, heat dissipation is more about brute force - either lowering the ambient temperature, or setting up a large fan to blow against it. Few people consider starting with the radiator, let alone the chassis airflow. Got it.

At this time, most of the radiators are to increase the fins and heat dissipation area, or to make the fan larger. If pure copper is used as the heat dissipation material, it will be really high cost and generous.

As for heat pipe radiators that are almost standard in later generations, we have to wait until multi-core becomes popular...

After all, today's processors have only come from the 486 and 586 eras. You must know that the 486 back then, let alone the radiator, could just stick a beer cap on it, and the effect of sticking a radish on it was even better.

Look, when there is no case fan installed to create negative pressure, the air inlet on your side comes from the bottom. It fails to form a reasonable channel with the radiator and the backplane air outlet, not to mention, and the graphics card blows over. The hot air will also flow to the air inlet of the radiator fan.

The principle of wind duct is naturally very simple, it just depends on whether you are aware of it or not. Following Su Yuanshan's explanation, Jobs quickly nodded: How much impact will this have on the temperature?

Well...according to the power consumption of Along750, it's about one or two degrees. If it's a hot day, it might be a little higher. Su Yuanshan said with a smile: If you are not particularly pursuing the limit and are particularly sensitive, the difference is actually not big.

Yes. Jobs nodded again: But future chassis designs do need to take this into consideration.

Su Yuanshan then praised the layout of the data cable, saying that many companies would copy this route.

Jobs naturally didn't care about other manufacturers copying it. The more other manufacturers imitated it, the more it showed that Apple still had the ability and influence to lead the industry.

We plan to launch new upgraded models for Mac Pro on a one-year cycle. After showing the inside of the chassis, Jobs looked at Su Yuanshan: Your processor also has a one-year cycle, are you sure?

Well, new models are launched every year, the core and process are upgraded alternately every other year, and then the architecture is upgraded every five years or so. Su Yuanshan roughly described the iteration plan of the processor department.

Sounds very good. Jobs paused and continued to ask: What about the YX architecture?

The YX architecture will be slightly faster. After all, it mainly provides general solution authorization.

Jobs then asked: When will you consider dividing it?

Su Yuanshan blinked and asked meaningfully: Has your psychological development reached the point where the YX structure must be separated before you can cooperate with us?

Jobs smiled and shook his head.

Of course he doesn't care.

As early as three or four years ago, Apple brought the remaining members of the original ARM team to cooperate with the FarCore YX architecture, and there are even groups still communicating at the FarCore Technology Park.

The team that withdrew, while designing chips for Apple's own needs, also provided a lot of excellent and reliable IP for the YX architecture - in other words, some of the licenses currently sold by Yuanxin are also Apple's profits. Although the income is only a small amount of money, it can also be considered as a contribution to the development and growth of YX architecture.

After laughing, Jobs looked at Su Yuanshan and said seriously: Just a few days before I sent you a letter, a department came to investigate our IP authorization for the YX architecture.

Su Yuanshan looked serious: What then?

No more. Jobs picked up the coffee, took a sip, and said calmly: I asked them to go back and study for two more years before coming back.


After being speechless for a few seconds, Su Yuanshan breathed out gently, smiled and gave Jobs a thumbs up.

——Although we know that no matter in terms of interests or aspects, the cooperation between Apple and Yuanxin will be beneficial to each other without any harm. But Su Yuanshan still wants to believe that this is because Mr. Qiao has a good relationship with him.

After all, Mr. Qiao has a really good temper.

Well, it seems that it's time for the YX structure to be separated. Su Yuanshan licked his lips, and his mind began to spin rapidly.

Regarding the YX architecture and the division of the X86 department, Yuanxin has always had plans. The main reason for delaying the separation is to use the strong cash flow within the Yuanxin system to support their early losses... To put it bluntly, even blood transfusions have to be carried out!

Now, the YX architecture has been established for a long time, and it is time to branch out.

Jobs smiled slightly: If you don't consider going public for the time being, let us know when we do the IPO.

Okay! Su Yuanshan nodded readily.

For the press conference the next day, Su Yuanshan and Ye Rudai arrived early.

Then... Ye Rudai sat in the middle of the front row, while he and Jobs stayed backstage to exchange words.

After all, as a heavyweight special guest, it would be a waste of Su Yuanshan's fame if he didn't go on stage to make a speech.

I will mention the processor twice, once to introduce the system and once to introduce the product configuration. After I introduce the product configuration, there will be a future upgrade and support plan. At that time, I will invite you to say a few words. . Jobs spread his fingers and reminded with a smile: I know you are very good at improvising technical problems, but you still need to pay attention to control the time.

Su Yuanshan laughed.

It seems his reputation for escaping off-script has spread throughout Silicon Valley.

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