1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 790 Common Hope

Ye Rudai has just returned to Silicon Valley, so of course Su Yuanshan is going.

Moreover, the slogan of the return of technology has been shouted here, and many actions have been taken, so we have to be cautious.

Of course, Yuanxin has been preparing for rainy days since half a year ago, but we still have to move around when we need to, and we still need to communicate when we need to communicate. More importantly, Yuanxin must make its voice heard in Silicon Valley.

On March 25, Su Yuanshan successfully arrived in California. This time, Ye Rudai and Yang Yiwen took her son to greet him.

Modou, how old are you? Su Yuanshan looked at the little guy who had been raised fat by his mother. He knelt down and pulled him into his arms.

My name is Tang Jun. The little boy did not refuse. He raised his head and looked at Su Yuanshan seriously: I am three years old.

Su Yuanshan was particularly satisfied with Maodou's smooth Mandarin, and deliberately teased: Oh? Why do I think you are only two years old?

After two years old, you are three years old. The little guy explained seriously.

Well, okay, principled, he is a three-year-old man! Su Yuanshan laughed and stood up, trying to lead the little guy into the car, but unexpectedly he broke away and ran to his mother's side.

Seeing the soft look on Ye Rudai's face, Yang Yiwen blinked at her: Miss your daughter?

Yeah, but I can do video.

Take it over, I'll take it with you. Yang Yiwen touched her son's head and said with a smile: Let the two brothers and sisters have more contact, so that they can have a good relationship since childhood.

Su Yuanshan immediately became alert: Sister-in-law, what do you want to do?

Yang Yiwen was startled, then understood what this guy meant, she glared at him dumbfounded, and scolded: Hey, who said you want to give birth to a daughter and ask for protection? Her brother won't know her by then, how can she be protected?

After listening to the conversation between these two people, Wen Xiaoqian and others present could no longer bear it and started laughing.

It seems that even a person like Mr. Shan must protect his daughter!

Uh...hehehehe. It's okay, we'll take care of it ourselves! Su Yuanshan smiled sarcastically, took Ye Rudai's hand, and got into the business car in a blur.

The next day, he showed up at Apple's headquarters on time. After a tour accompanied by Jobs, the two returned to Jobs' office.

Before Jobs could make him coffee, the office door was knocked open, and his secretary brought in a brand new computer.

Su Yuanshan was stunned when he saw the appearance of this host.

——He almost blurted out G5.

Jobs had been paying attention to Su Yuanshan's expression. When he saw Su Yuanshan's shock, he secretly smiled with great satisfaction, like a child showing off his success in front of his friends.

Little did he know... Su Yuanshan's shock came from... the shape of this MAC was too familiar to him - because he owned one and it had been with him for three years.

However, the MAC he used is still based on the powerPC architecture, and the processor is the famous PowerPC 970 (G5) - this processor is derived from the Power4 series originally used for servers and workstations, because the PowerPC architecture is the best in the field of desktop PCs86 Forced into a corner, only APPLE is still supporting it. Therefore, G5 can be regarded as the last ditch effort for the PowerPC architecture.

Therefore, the G5 in history was extremely powerful, and even fortunately it was water-cooled, making it the most powerful desktop PC at the time.

But now... with the changes in history, this MAC should have a smooth generation name again.

On the coffee table, the silver body indicates that it is made of aluminum alloy, and the smooth lines fully demonstrate Apple’s industrial design concept. Whether it is the jack or the interface, they are all cleverly hidden, reflecting the Minimalist in style.

It will be the fastest personal computer in the world. Jobs leaned on his waist and looked at the host condescendingly, with a proud look on his face: At the same time, it will also be a pioneer in bringing personal computers into the 64-bit era.

Well, it's also... our hope. Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile.

If it were another person, such as Gates, he would inevitably tease him and say that this processor is the king. But Mr. Qiao’s character should be a little bit different...it’s better not to make noises when people are happiest.

What's more, Yuanxin has taken too many roads that should have been taken by Apple...so much so that Apple is now forced to refocus on the PC business.

No matter how thick-skinned Su Yuanshan is, he still feels a little guilty when facing the suffering master.

However, compared with the same period in history, Apple's revenue situation is really much better - before the iPhone made Apple glorious again, Apple had actually become synonymous with a niche, and it was said that it relied entirely on the success of the Ipod. It's not an exaggeration to live on, and that will be after the new millennium.

But now, because Yuanxin has forcibly promoted the popularization of flash memory particles, Apple has intervened in the music player market earlier. At the same time, it has also actively embraced the YX architecture and regained the PDA market. After realizing that Yuanxin’s YOS system After realizing the superiority of handheld mobile devices, Apple decisively redesigned the PDA-OS system, specifically for use with PDA, Ipod and other handheld devices.

It has to be said that without Yuanxin, an area where the spoiler would end up personally, Apple can really do whatever it wants.

In today's PDA market, Apple's shipments have accounted for 20% of the total share, ranking first. At the operating system level, Apple's PDA-OS, coupled with a number of YOS companies such as Sony and Samsung, together have exceeded 90% of the market share, completely cutting off the hope of other handheld mobile device systems.

From this point of view, Apple and Yuanxin are both collaborators and competitors, and they are also the distributors of the main cake in the market.

It was precisely based on the success of these two products that Steve Jobs had the confidence to abandon powerPC.

Choosing X86 means that MAC is no longer like the past where you can only use MAC OS and have no other choice.

It also marks the stage where Apple computers will move from closed combination of system and hardware to independence of hardware and software.

Therefore, it must have higher hopes for Jobs.

And Su Yuanshan...naturally hopes that by riding on Apple's train, he can establish the industry impression of Proudong dual-core, only fast but not broken as quickly as possible.

After all, both Intel and AMD have announced their respective dual-core processors at the beginning of the year, and even Xinghai is not far behind, saying that it will also launch a 64-bit dual-core processor in May.

It’s just that… there are no comparable products on the market right now.

Everyone is hyping about it, but the real chapter has never been seen.

Therefore, Apple’s new products are destined to attract the attention of everyone in the PC industry.

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