1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 789 Artificial Intelligence in Yuanxin

Ma Mengqi said hello, and the engineer who was testing in front took back the drone. After seeing Su Yuanshan, he trotted towards the glass room.

Only then did Su Yuanshan see a notebook filled with logs placed in front of where Ma Meng was sitting.

We hope to be smarter, um... or more stupid, and put a few commonly used functions directly into the control panel. Ma Mengqi looked at Su Yuanshan's notebook and added for him.

Well, you do need to consider the fool mode when launching it to the market, but you also need to leave enough room for intervention.

Su Yuanshan nodded and looked at the somewhat shy Russian guy Misha. He smiled slightly when he thought that this guy was just experimenting with his imagination: Misha, just now you said that the end point of a closed system is heat death?


Actually, I don't quite agree - at the very least, we can still expect Poincaré to return.

Huh? Misha's eyes widened.

Su Yuanshan laughed, patted the Russian guy on the shoulder, and extended his hand to invite the leader to the rooftop platform.

Leader, if you click this control button, you can spray water from high altitude.

Ma Mengqi installed a spray bottle modified from a water gun on the drone and guided the leaders to control the drone to take off.

The leader did as he was told. After tapping hard on the screen, he saw a water column shooting out from the water bottle in mid-air.

Haha, this seems to be able to extinguish fires? The leader was very playful and clicked one after another, and the water cannons in the air filled the water one after another.

It's a bit difficult to put out the fire, but it's definitely no problem to ignite it. Just change the watering can to one that sprays gasoline. Ma Mengqi chuckled and said: What we are currently considering most is agricultural use. When the time comes, it will cooperate with our system. Spraying can be done automatically in farm fields.”

The leader nodded and immediately became interested: Can you demonstrate?

We still have to wait a few days. We are customizing pesticide spraying boxes.

Oh. The leader felt a little regretful. When he saw the one-click return prompt and thought of what Su Yuanshan and Ma Mengqi had just talked about, he couldn't help but said happily: Can this automatically land with one click?


Okay, then I'll be this fool first. The leader exerted a little force, and saw the drone in the air quickly adjust its attitude, slowly move towards the roof of the building, and finally land steadily.

Okay, it is indeed convenient enough! The leader laughed heartily: If it is true that pesticides can be sprayed quickly and accurately as you said, then modern agriculture will definitely create a new model - how much does it cost?

Su Yuanshan and Ma Mengqi looked at each other and replied with a smile: We are currently preparing to build a factory. We have not yet carried out large-scale industrialization, but according to estimates... the cost of parts alone will be tens of thousands.

Hearing this number, the leader subconsciously took a breath, but when he thought that this thing could lift dozens of kilograms, he couldn't help but sigh: Indeed, not to mention the intellectual development cost behind the system, just such a high load capacity, The power can’t be smaller, and the motor can’t be cheap—it’s an imported motor, right?”

Yes, the current domestically produced motors in the extremely high-end field are not even close. This kind of industrial-grade high-end products must use imported motors. Su Yuanshan knew what the leader was lamenting. After a pause, he smiled and comforted: But we will also launch personal products. For consumer-grade products, domestic motors will be able to do the job by then.”

The leader immediately became happy when he heard this: How much does a consumer-grade product cost?

A few thousand dollars, I'll give you one as a gift after the first batch of products comes out.

Su Yuanshan saw that the leader had some conditioned reflexes when he heard the word send, so he immediately added with a smile: Don't refuse, just treat it as a toy - I also gave you a CPU.

Haha, okay then, I'll wait for your toy to be released on the market.

Reluctantly putting down the remote control, the leader said goodbye to Su Yuanshan and everyone went downstairs. While walking, we talked about the market prospects of this drone.

When Su Yuanshan said that the target of plant protection drones is mainly large-scale farms in developed countries such as Europe, America and Japan, the leader recognized it and said that seizing the international market first and gaining the right to speak is a sign of the success of an excellent product.

After the two visited for a while, the leader sat down with Su Yuanshan in the pavilion. He was filled with emotion as Su Yuanshan explained the main directions and progress of the two nearby laboratories, Pandora and NEWBEE.

I didn't expect you all to be so deep in the field of artificial intelligence.

Well... in terms of artificial intelligence, we really need to move faster. Not only in the global field, at least in promoting practical business circles, we are moving fastest. When it comes to artificial intelligence, Su Yuanshan said He was quite proud: Because of our special relationship with the Department of Electrical Engineering, the heads of several scientific research departments are currently teaching in the Department of Electrical Engineering. Even I have to lead graduate students again this year.

The leader looked at him with a smile and made no secret of his appreciation: If you didn't tell me, I would have almost forgotten that you are already a professor - and the youngest professor at that.

Hehe, false reputation, false reputation... Su Yuanshan said a few words in a very perfunctory and modest manner, and then said: Artificial intelligence is a big field. We are currently trying to subdivide it into practical applications and have also set a path for the future.

Oh? What road?

Quantum computer. Su Yuanshan glanced at Pandora and said with a smile: Quantum computer has been proposed in the West for a long time. Our country has also mastered many theories based on their experience, but few have actually practiced it... We plan to be the first to do it. Chew this hard nut.

The leader clapped his hands and laughed: Okay! This is the kind of spirit you want!

Well, in addition, we plan to cooperate internationally and organize an artificial intelligence summit to showcase our and Dianke's advantages in the field of AI. This can be regarded as... making a small contribution to internationalization.

Listening to Su Yuanshan, he was like a child showing off a toy in front of his peers, introducing himself to Yuanxin's many projects without any scruples, especially the projects that are leading in the world; and seeing the pride and elation on his face, The leader also kept smiling.

This guy is really enjoying the beauty of technology.

Until it was getting late, Su Yuanshan's mouth was dry as he talked.

Okay, stop it. Didn't you say you'd like to treat me to dinner? The leader pointed to the horizon with a smile: The sun has gone down.

Haha, let's go to the cafeteria.

Well, the canteen is good. Let's continue chatting after dinner. Tell me about your car. I want to take a look tomorrow.

No problem, it's guaranteed to be bright...it will make your eyes brighten up!

Su Yuanshan was talking and laughing, and walked with the leader to the staff who had been standing in the distance for a long time.

Then, he saw that Wen Xiaoqian took out his mobile phone again, glanced at the number and looked embarrassed - in order to accompany the leader without being disturbed, Su Yuanshan threw his mobile phone to Wen Xiaoqian.

What's wrong?

Mr. Shi has made two phone calls...

What's his emergency?

I asked him and he didn't tell me. I said you were with a guest, so he said he would call later and let you take some time...

Su Yuanshan was slightly startled, but then he smiled.

Lao Shi obviously guessed who he was accompanying.

After pondering for two seconds, he turned around and asked the leader: Boss, do you know about Giant's Shi Dazhu?

Yeah, I know, what?

I guess he wants to see you.

Well. The leader was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: Since I can make two calls to your mobile phone in a row, I must have a close relationship with you. Let's get to know each other.

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