1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 788 From Singularity to Heat Death

The leader was Yuan Xin who arrived two days later.

Moreover, when he came to the provincial capital for inspection this time, he did not bring a simple vehicle with a simple outfit, but brought a group of people from information technology-related industries... Therefore, when he finally got some free time, it was already the afternoon two days later.

Oh, I only saw your side on TV and in reports. I thought the propaganda department picked up the good ones and said they were good for filming. I didn't expect to see it until I actually saw it, and I realized that the provincial capital has become like this.

The leader was sitting in Su Yuanshan's office. Through the window on the side, a cluster of high-rise buildings in technological blue stood like a jungle across the street, announcing to outsiders the development and vigorous vitality of this place.

In contrast, Yuanxin, on the edge of this steel jungle, has an aristocratic and indifferent temperament because of its earlier infrastructure and low floors.

At this time, Chen Jing had left, leaving Su Yuanshan alone, and the leader relaxed. He leaned on the sofa with his hands, crossed his legs, and sighed at Su Yuanshan with a smile.

Su Yuanshan was also very relaxed. Firstly, this was his office, and secondly, the leader was obviously here to take a look in a private capacity. There was no need to worry too much when he was behind the scenes. So he pulled up a chair casually, propped his arms on the chair, and cheered to the leader: Are you a little jealous?

I'm so jealous. The leader smiled without scruples: Shanghai has the advantages of Shanghai, and the advantages of the provincial capital... Well, you started in the provincial capital, this advantage is indeed quite big.

Hey, thank you for the leader's praise. We will definitely overcome the difficulties, keep up our efforts, and bravely climb the peak of science and technology!

Seeing Su Yuanshan's glib tongue, the leader couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, he looked outside again and said with emotion: Yesterday, I talked with the leaders of your province about the information industry. They said that this hacker war has spawned the development of the field of information security, but it has also increased the number of Internet companies. the cost of……

Su Yuanshan nodded immediately: Well, if the increased cost is used in the technology field, then the cost increase is worth it.

Yes, I think so too. The leader nodded: Information security is particularly important.

Su Yuanshan nodded again.

None of them talked about the installation incident before the Spring Festival, but they all talked about the chain reactions and thoughts caused by this incident.

The leader stood up and said, Let's go, take me for a walk.

Okay, but Yuanxin is very big. Which department do you want to see?

Whatever, high-tech department.

Then each of our departments is a high-tech department.

Look at what you can do... The leader was amused by Su Yuanshan: Don't make any noise, just wander around casually.

...That's okay, our employees rarely watch TV anyway, and not many people know you.

Haha, I'm not a celebrity, why do I need so many people to know me?

The two walked out of the office while joking.

Along the administrative building, Su Yuanshan led the leaders to the experimental building. Every time he walked through a department, he stopped to introduce the direction of the department and laboratory, and he only said hello to the employees he met.

The leader listened to his introduction all the way, quite like a tourist coming to visit.

At this time, there was a buzzing sound in the air, and the leader looked up curiously.

By the way, leader, do you want to play with a drone? Su Yuanshan immediately suggested.

Drone? Remote control plane?

It's essentially a remote-controlled airplane, but actually, it's much more advanced.

Su Yuanshan introduced the situation of drones all the way, and led the leaders to the elevator all the way to the Jingwei Laboratory on the top floor. After the drone laboratory was upgraded to an independent level two, Ma Mengqi was desperate to choose a good one. Floor, the reason is very good, they need an open platform to fly drones.

In Yuanxin's laboratory planning, only independent first-level laboratories can have their own industry and build laboratory buildings. For example, Pandora and NEWBEE Labs took two of the best pieces of land and built it into a magnificent building. As for the YOS laboratory, because it was a step late, the location chosen is slightly worse. It is close to the former optical experimental center and now the mechanical and physics laboratory. But the best thing is that it is located close to the mountain (earth slope) and close to the water (artificial lake diversion channel), which is extremely quiet.

When we got to the top of the building, we were greeted by a temporary glass room filled with various parts and equipment. There were four or five young engineers sitting in a row with their backs to the door of the building, looking at the vast space ahead. On the roof of the building, two companions were controlling the drone, chatting about the mountains.

If life feeds on negative entropy and uses information to fight entropy increase, then does artificial intelligence count as life? This seems to be Aisha's voice.

Ma Mengqi immediately retorted: Artificial intelligence obviously does not count. Computers essentially accept human information to resist the increase of entropy. Just like Maxwell's Demon, before Shannon proposed information entropy, who could realize that we are actually Maxwell's Demon ?If human information is removed, artificial intelligence will obviously die.

Then we assume that the entire computer system is a closed system with its own power. After removing human information, is it possible that the AI ​​system will automatically evolve life?

It means that this closed system, after removing human information, is relatively similar to the singularity state before the Big Bang?

At this time, someone else said: Since we have assumed a closed system, why not observe it?

Observation will cause the wave function to collapse.

Then your thought experiment is meaningless - unless the computer system continues to increase its entropy and then completes its heat death.

Hey, tell me, what will the system be like if it's really heat-dead? Boom?

What does system thermal death have to do with hardware? It's obviously a blue screen.

Everyone laughed.

Hey, tell me, is it possible that the computer was born without us observing it, but it died before we observed it - otherwise, why would there be inexplicable bugs?

Damn, your idea is quite unique, brother...

Su Yuanshan and the leader stood behind a few people, listening to their nonsense. Su Yuanshan was fine and listened with interest, but the leader was confused.

But he could understand that these outstanding scientific researchers were discussing artificial intelligence, life, and the end of the universe.

Looking at the backs of these people, the leader felt relieved for no reason and took a long breath.

Ma Mengqi heard a noise behind him, turned around and saw Su Yuanshan and Su Yuanshan at a glance. He quickly stood up and said, Mr. Shan.

Go on, I'm listening with interest. Su Yuanshan smiled and greeted the others, but after thinking about it, he still introduced the leader to a few people.

Haha, it's okay. You can talk about your business. If you're busy, I'll follow your boss for a walk. After shaking hands one by one, the leaders smiled and said, I'm here to see you.

Why are you talking about AI life? Su Yuanshan punched Ma Mengqi and asked with a smile.

“Let’s talk nonsense about how intelligent AI and drones can be.”

Well, where are we now?

It's time for the load test. Ma Mengqi pointed forward: After completion, we can start agricultural spraying - and Jingwei is invincible for poking a hornet's nest. I especially recommend that every fire brigade get one.

Su Yuanshan laughed: Not bad! Then fly over here quickly and let the leader feel good too.

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