Kutaragi Ken's eyebrows twitched, and after a moment, his eyes lit up.

Seeing the change in his eyes, Su Yuanshan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

——It seems that Sony has not thought about the EyeToy project yet.

After all, if it takes several years to develop such poor planar motion judgment technology, then Sony is too low. The failure of EyeToy is essentially similar to headphones costing 80 cents, which is just a sound. Therefore, when Laoren used dual infrared technology to solve the problem of motion sensing accuracy and launched a series of indoor sports motion sensing games, no one remembered what EyeToy was.

So, since Sony didn't think of it, Yuanxin can do it.

The implementation method is very simple. For some games with simple actions, there is no need to provide a development interface. Just use somatosensory actions to replace the buttons - but I personally do not recommend this, because it is a bit sorry for our binocular recognition. Finally Fortunately, game developers are deeply involved and can perfectly restore the body-sensing movements.”

Su Yuanshan paused as he said this: Of course, I am a layman in the game, so you can consider the difficulty.

Kutaragi Ken nodded: What about the cost?

It shouldn't be very high, right? But if you think the cost is too high... we should have a cheaper solution. Su Yuanshan chuckled: Is dual infrared sensor obstacle avoidance cheaper?

Xi Xiaoding nodded with a smile: Yes, dual infrared, ultrasonic, and binocular cameras. Anyway, we have ready-made solutions for sensing and judging obstacles in three-dimensional space.

And I can guarantee that we are number one in the world and no one can match it.

Seeing Xi Xiaoding making the most awesome announcement in a calm tone, Kutaragi Ken opened his mouth and was speechless for a long time.

Susan, it's all your sudden idea. I originally wanted to talk to you about making a movie, but you messed it up.

After leaving Pandora, Kutaragi Ken kept thinking. As soon as he walked to the lakeside, he suddenly woke up when the wind blew him, and complained to Su Yuanshan with a smile.

Su Yuanshan spread his hands: You blame me? If you don't want it, then I'll make it into a game console and sell it myself. Don't worry, I only make somatosensory games, not your controller games.

Okay, I support you, let's play our cards! Of course Kutaragi Ken knew that Su Yuanshan was joking.

...Wait a minute. This was when Su Yuanshan came back to his senses: Did you just talk about making a movie?

Well, we plan to put Spider-Man on the big screen. Have Dingxin considered sending a supporting character? Kutaragi looked at Su Yuanshan with a smile.

If we say that seizing greater commercial interests and territory for Sony in the cooperation with Yuanxin is the first principle he has set for himself after taking office. So maintaining Sony's fundamental interests and staying awake is a lock added to this first principle.

Under these two principles, Kutaragi Ken promotes cooperation with Yuexin in various fields and insists on expanding Sony's areas of advantage. Now it has pushed Sony to a new height and has become the largest and largest brand in Japan and even the world. It is also the most successful electronics company.

Now that he had stayed awake, Kutaragi Ken naturally knew that the phrase it's not poverty alleviation that Su Yuanshan kept chanting was obviously intentional.

Su Yuanshan talks about friendship, but in his heart, he still talks about interests. It's just that because he is indeed a genius and can see further than others, it is difficult to guess his final intention.

For example, Sony Video, under the intervention of Mr. Akio Morita, Sony chose to believe in Su Yuanshan, which led to its rapid success today. With the popularity of MP3 and mobile phones, MP3.com, which had acquired many copyrights early on, has been increasing its profits at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming the most dazzling star in the current Internet winter.

It can be inferred from this that Netflix, which has the largest online film copyright library, is bound to be brilliant in the future.

Therefore, Kutaragi Ken couldn't help but speculate on Su Yuanshan's intention to mess with Dingxin Media.

But he couldn't figure it out after thinking about it, so he just gave him a favor - this guy has some nationalistic sentiments anyway, so if Dingxin Media sent two oriental faces into the movie, it would be a good idea to give him a favor, right?

What's more, the mainland's film market is also booming. Sony, riding on the lead of Yuexin, is overhauling movie theaters in various important cities. The appearance of Chinese actors in movies will be beneficial to the box office.

Okay. Su Yuanshan agreed: But I have a request...

any request?

I'll slip someone into the film crew.

Stuff someone? Kutaragi Ken blinked, very unbelievable - this guy makes millions every second, would he care about such a small thing?

He only had time to pay attention to it because Spider-Man's investment was over 100 million US dollars, which could barely be considered a big deal. In addition, he had actually negotiated the copyright in person, so he had time to pay attention to it. Otherwise... he would have been too embarrassed to mention it. stand up.

But Ken Kutaragi agreed readily: Oh, no problem. Do you have friends in the film industry?

Well, let's learn from it and give some advice on the modeling and depiction of oriental characters.

Su Yuanshan continued: When it comes to somatosensory games - I think you agreed by default.

Kutaragi smiled helplessly: Can I not agree? But the cost must be controlled, otherwise we will lose our competitiveness.

Don't worry, we will directly modularize the design to minimize the cost for you!

Su Yuanshan looked up at the sky and smiled: Let's go around to the cafeteria to eat. I'll treat you to a big dinner tonight.


The next morning, Ken Kutaragi was welcomed by Shi Dazhu and went to the software park to participate in a discussion with a game industry federation voluntarily organized by domestic game manufacturers. When leaving, Shi Dazhu told Su Yuanshan that they had a very cool idea and would elaborate on it when they had time... which made Su Yuanshan feel itchy.

After seeing the two of them off, Su Yuanshan got on a bicycle and went back to Pandora, where he found Xi Xiaoding and started chatting.

Xi Xiaoding stood up from his desk and sat down in front of the sofa.

Mr. Kudo is gone? Didn't he drink with you at the bar until midnight last night? I heard he was still drunk.

Well, this guy has passed the alcohol test. I can't drink him. Fortunately, Mr. Qin was right and won in the end. Su Yuanshan crossed his legs and said: Brother, the somatosensory equipment we talked about yesterday must be made as soon as possible.

Xi Xiaoding nodded and asked with a smile: It's no problem to make it, but I have a question, why don't you do it yourself?

Su Yuanshan chuckled: Because I have never thought about entering the game field personally. My promotion of the game industry has always been to alternate with hardware and spiral upward. This is true for PC, consoles, and even mobile games.

As he spoke, he took out his cell phone and muttered about who was calling so early in the morning.

But after seeing the call clearly, he was stunned for a moment, and then answered the phone with great confusion.

Hello Chen.

The caller was the secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Leader. Before Secretary Chen could speak, Su Yuanshan heard the leader's laughing voice coming from the side - calling him to prepare a treat.

Haha, Mr. Su, did you hear that? The leader is going to inspect your provincial capital tomorrow.

Let me tell you. The leader's voice rang on the phone: I'll take a walk around and learn about your industrial park experience. You'll be my guide. The main thing is to take a look at your cars. Don't bother me. Why? Sample?

Su Yuanshan looked at the phone with a smile on his face.

What else could he do? Of course he agreed wholeheartedly.

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