1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 786 Kill Xbox

After leaving the laboratory, Su Yuanshan, Xi Xiaoding, and Kutaragi Ken went to the coffee shop on the third floor and found a seat facing the sun and sat down.

Somatosensory simulation, does it require the degree of freedom of the robotic arm? Ken Kutaragi picked up the coffee, his thoughts still lingering in his mind.

Theoretically, if you want to logically perfectly reproduce the function of a human arm, you must have seven degrees of freedom, that is, seven joints. But in fact, if you just complete the replacement task, you don't need that many. Especially Generally, we use multi-step methods to replace industrial robotic arms. Because industrial robotic arms execute programmed logic, there is nothing wrong with this. Xi Xiaoding smiled and explained a few words: Perhaps it can be handed over to the AI ​​control system in the future. , find the best logic for yourself - this is also one of the goals of our current AI team.

Kutaragi Ken blinked: It means that through AI, you can directly issue the final command, and then let it choose the method and path of implementation?

Yes, there are already bionic groups working on human arms and robots. The general direction is to complete the instructions through training and then use the optimal solution.

Kutaragi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly sighed: Xi, it's amazing. I'm still wondering whether it can replace the Canadian arm.

Su Yuanshan and Xi Xiaoding looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

The Canadarm is an extension robotic arm used on the International Space Station. It is said that it will be launched into space this year. According to the relationship between the United States and Canada, let alone the robotic arm developed by China and Canada, even if it is developed by the United States, it will have to Let people go to heaven.

What's more, this is a laboratory product. If you really want to scale it up and achieve practicality, you still have to work hard.

At this time, Kutaragi Ken also realized that he was a bit too ambitious. He smiled and did not continue, but changed the topic: Susan, Microsoft's Xbox is coming out. What do you think?

Su Yuanshan blinked: I see with my eyes.

Kutaragi Ken: ...

Su Yuanshan knew that his joke was indeed not funny. After thinking about it, he said seriously: Jiu Duojun, the user living room market has always been Microsoft's focus, and it is also our focus.

Although we and Microsoft have cooperated in many fields, we also compete in many fields, and the living room war has already started - but we did not expect that Gates would secretly poke at him. Another game console has been developed under Project Venus. This also shows that our judgments are correct, and the user's living room is indeed an extremely important market in the future.

What Su Yuanshan said is a bit deceptive. Although Microsoft has done a good job of keeping secrets, how could Su Yuanshan not know about the famous Xbox...

What's more, there are already signs that Microsoft is going to enter the game console market - Gates has approached Kutaragi Ken a long time ago, hoping to install a Windows system on the PS2 - the purpose is to expand his operating system platform to the living room, and ultimately Occupy all platforms.

But Kutaragi Ken rejected it without much thought.

Because the PS2 chip was determined very early and uses the YX architecture. Then the only operating system platforms that can be chosen are Linux and WinOS... Ken Kutaragi obviously does not need to offend Yuan Xin for Microsoft - Su Yuanshan is so vindictive!

After being rejected by Sony, Microsoft still didn't give up and found Nintendo, which was being suppressed by Sony. It even wanted to acquire Nintendo for a time, but it didn't expect that Nintendo was even tougher than Sony...

Okay, if you don't cooperate, then I will do it myself.

So Xbox started doing it half-hidden.

And Su Yuanshan is right, this indeed proves that Microsoft attaches great importance to the user living room market.

Ken Kutaragi nodded slightly: Microsoft's slogan is that Xbox will be an epoch-making product... I just don't know how big a disturbance they can make.

Well, we have to understand that Microsoft's game console must be equipped with a Windows system, so the processor must be X86, or simply put, it must be Pentium III. But which one to choose now? , we don’t know yet—my guess is, it’s P3-733.”

Kutaragi Ken: ...

Haha, it happened to be born one iteration later than semiconductors. It is inevitable that the configuration will be more advanced than PS2. And according to my understanding of Gates, this guy is really willing to spend money... so there is no problem in using Pentium 3.

It's just that he was a little conservative in the choice of GPU and cooperated with NVIDIA... Well, Nvidia followed him, which means that DirectX dominates the world in multimedia interfaces, and there is no loss at all.

Su Yuanshan laughed and cursed a few words before saying seriously: But PS2 cannot be taken lightly. Microsoft has always been a strong and respectable opponent.

Yes. Kutaragi Ken frowned.

He rose from the position of game console, so he naturally does not want to see the game console market being robbed. Therefore, this time he came here, in addition to visiting Yuanxin, he also wanted to communicate with domestic stand-alone game manufacturers to deepen cooperation.

Su Yuanshan saw Kutaragi Ken frowning and joked: Kutaragi-kun, it seems like you don't have the confidence to defeat Microsoft?

Haha, don't consider your opponents mentally retarded, that's what you said, Su-san. Ken Kutaragi chuckled, shook his head and said, If Microsoft's intervention in the console field can make the market bigger, let's kill the other company... That’s naturally the best thing.”

Then you kill Microsoft, right?

Kutaragi Ken smiled and nodded: Yes.

Well... then I have an idea. Su Yuanshan winked at him: Gates has always wanted to compete with me for the living room, so I will step in and kill them both. What do you think?

Ah? Kutaragi Ken was startled when he heard this, and blurted out almost subconsciously: Not very good!

Su Yuanshan laughed heartily.

Only then did Kutaragi Ken come back to his senses. Su Yuanshan made a joke to himself while he was distracted.

Susan, stop joking.

Well... I'm not joking, but Kudo-kun, you know, I really value the living room market, and I really hope to win it together with you.

After laughing, Su Yuanshan said seriously: My previous idea was that we would launch the park project and compete with the NAIS project in terms of film and television content. Then you would be responsible for the game and entertainment content to compete with Nintendo.

The film and television content has your interests, and the game console has our interests. This is the model that best suits the interests of both of us.

Kutaragi Ken nodded.

After so many years of cooperation, Sony now attaches great importance to its cooperation with Yuanxin. The most important point is that Yuanxin has always been able to master the degree - to put it bluntly, everyone makes a fortune together.

For example, the simplest mobile phone.

Whether it is a Yuanxin mobile phone or a Sony mobile phone. The chip baseband must be telecore, the lithium battery must be cable core, the LCD panel must be BOE, the camera must be Sony, and the operating system must be YOS...

Even the production location is the same as hell, they are all produced in the Hongyuan foundry...

It can be said that in addition to different design concepts, the two parties have a high degree of overlap in the supply chain.

This relationship has formed a huge intertwining of interests for both parties, and it can indeed be regarded as a model of transnational cooperation.

Therefore, there is really no need for Yuanxin to personally intervene in Sony's field and damage the relationship between the two parties.

However, it now seems that if we do not change our thinking and create new game models, then the market for PS series consoles will be cannibalized in the face of homogeneous competition. That is for sure.

So? Kutaragi Ken immediately became serious.

As an old friend for many years, he knew that Su Yuanshan would usually give practical solutions at this time.

So, let's help you get a peripheral.

What peripheral?

Somatosensory simulation. Su Yuanshan turned to look at Xi Xiaoding: What if human movements were not used to control the robotic arm, but to control the characters in the game... Wouldn't it be beautiful?

(Note: Please stop talking about beautifying Sony... When I started writing this book, there was no insult to China... And cooperation with Sony is a choice that has been simulated many times before I started writing, because only Sony can To make up for the shortcomings of Yuanxin, such as the early international influence, such as the later audio-visual industry, and cultural influence, these will gradually unfold in the future. At the same time, it also allows Yuanxin to integrate Asia while retaining its advantages and pinching its neck. The best choice for the industrial chain.)

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