1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 785 Awesome Invention

The Spring Festival passes quickly.

Nasdaq is so amazing.

In other words, no one knows what those imaginative investors are thinking - during the hacker war between the two sides, Internet stocks even climbed up a little.

Perhaps it was this hacker war that made investors realize that the Internet is becoming more and more closely connected with life.

Of course, this kind of shock is just a flash in the pan, because capital still has not restored confidence in those Internet companies that have been listed. Since you Internet big guys have said that the Internet is an era of creativity, why not enter the angel round? Instead of choosing to invest in new startups with unicorn potential, you have to hang yourself on your old trees?

Therefore, during the Spring Festival, it is also a year since the Internet bubble was burst. Let’s not talk about foreign countries, at least in China, taking advantage of the New Year, a large number of Internet companies either stayed in place or sold their products at extremely low prices. It was given to owners who were not short of money - most of these people who were not short of money were telecommunications companies in various places.

But even if Internet companies fail to survive, young people with ideals and technology can always find a place to go.

The traditional Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, and the emerging Tianjin, Shenzhen, Sichuan, Guangdong and Hangzhou, these cities that have focused on the rise of science and technology in recent years, there is always a job waiting for you as long as you are willing.

Moreover, the wave of the Internet has never died down because the previous wave has receded. Encouraged by a lot of capital, countless emerging, application-oriented, pragmatic IT companies have emerged one after another, trying to find a way out of the trough.

The state is also very supportive of this situation... so much so that... the state has begun to crack down on piracy.

In fact, as early as 1998, GWY promulgated Several Policies on Encouraging the Development of the Software Industry and Integrated Circuit Industry, and in 1999 it formulated the Action Outline for Revitalizing the Software Industry (2000-2005). But because of the Internet bubble last year, the entire industry was suddenly confused, so there was no follow-up.

Now that the bubble has been squeezed, and the IT industry is moving in the direction of software transformation, the country has finally made up its mind. At the beginning of the year, the Copyright Office, together with the Ministry of Information Industry, the Ministry of GA, and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, formulated the Work to Combat Piracy of Software Implementation Plan of the Arrangement.

The special attack will start on June 1 and last for three months. This time period also shows that the country is really a thief.

When Su Yuanshan received the news, he just smiled.

On March 15, Ken Kutaragi paid a low-key visit to Yuanxin.

His visit this time was considered a routine one, and his purpose was to come over to brag, talk about future development, and summarize his experience.

Naturally, Su Yuanshan accompanied him throughout the whole process.

I heard that you are going to comprehensively crack down on piracy? Kutaragi Kento is middle-aged and has made a lot of money. He and Su Yuanshan are walking in the science and technology park where the grass is growing and the birds are flying, with their hands behind their backs, looking very much like a division-level cadre who came to inspect.

Su Yuanshan naturally knew what this guy was thinking, and he smiled slightly: Don't think about it, I can't control it. The average consumption level of the people in our country is not enough to afford software products priced according to the consumption standards of developed countries... It can only be said that with It is still useful to use a crackdown attitude to build awareness of genuine products among those with spending power.”

(Note: Everyone can afford the genuine subscription to this book...)

Yeah, but at least it's a good sign. Ken Kutaragi chuckled and looked at the Pandora Laboratory aside: Go and visit?

Let's go. Master Su Yuan followed the guests and walked into Pandora.

Since the cooperation with Yuexin, Sony and Yuexin have exchanged hundreds of teams of engineers and designers. Pandora is an important laboratory where Sony employees gather. Even at that time, half of the team that jointly developed the robotic arm left to go to the Special Administrative Region. After building the factory, there are still many Nifang employees here.

Judging from the performance of the meeting, Kutaragi Ken really didn't inform the team leader here about his trip. It seems that this guy really treats Toxin as a nursery.

Kyuta-kun, Mr. Yama, you are here just in time. We have just completed a great invention. The Sony engineer who came after hearing the news was called Ikeda. After the previous person in charge, Matsuda Fujio, went to the special zone to work at the factory, he succeeded Matsuda. Became Sony's team manager in Pandora.

Oh? Then go and have a look.

Okay, Mr. Xi is here too.

Kutaragi Ken glanced at Su Yuanshan and happily followed his subordinates to the innermost room of the laboratory.

As a mechanical laboratory, the Robotics Laboratory has its own separate big factory filled with various materials and tools.

As soon as Su Yuanshan walked to the door, he saw a group of people surrounding the workbench and shouting excitedly. Xi Xiaoding was standing alone in front of a wall, and he was still moving his arms.

Seeing the three people coming, Xi Xiaoding laughed and raised his hand to Su Yuanshan: Hello, you two.

As he waved his hand, the robot on the workbench also made the same gesture of waving hello.

When Su Yuanshan saw this, he smiled first, then was stunned for two seconds, stared at Kutaragi Ken's back and laughed meaningfully.

As we all know, it was Nintendo's Wii that set off the climax of motion-sensing games.

But it was the man in front of me who really took the lead in incorporating motion sensing into the game.

——EyeToy, this motion-sensing control device built on the PS2, did not make any waves.

Because its somatosensory accuracy is really bad...

Well... there is only one reason.

Because EyeToy only has one eye.

The controller only has two buttons, which control the opening and closing of the claws respectively. Xi Xiaoding introduced while letting the crowd disperse, then moved his arm, controlled the robotic arm to move sideways, then opened his claws and clamped the workbench He then straightened his arm and handed it to Su Yuanshan: How is it?

Su Yuanshan held the pencil and clapped his hands.

However, although he was applauding, his eyes kept falling on a small control box in front of Xi Xiaoding.

Binocular camera?

Well, the binocular camera and the Eyelink 3D system were originally used to avoid obstacles for drones. Later, Misha thought that it could be used for human body induction control of the robotic arm... Then everyone worked hard for a while, and finally it was The system was completed, and the algorithm of the binocular system was also upgraded.

Xi Xiaoding walked to Su Yuanshan. Just as Su Yuanshan was about to reach out, he handed the controller to Kutaragi Ken: Kutaragi-kun, stand next to the wall and try.

Okay! Kutaragi Ken's eyes were itching for a long time, and he had even begun to think about how this thing could be used in many places with complex and dangerous scenes. Hearing this, he didn't refuse. He took the controller and took a look at it before standing next to the wall.

Then...he cheered and had a great time.

Seeing Su Yuanshan shaking his head.

Obviously, Kutaragi Ken doesn't realize that this thing can be used to play games.

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