1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 784 Historical accident is inevitable

The leader seemed not to hear Su Yuanshan's words and continued to ponder. After a moment, he nodded slightly.

The ground is fine.


Su Yuanshan blinked, and an unpleasant thought arose in his heart.

Sure enough, the leader thought carefully and said the next sentence: But since you said that the impossible triangle of environment, energy, and development was proposed by you, I would like to trouble you to make a detailed report on these three.

The leader stared at Su Yuanshan and said seriously: Xiao Su, you know, we are in a testing period of continuing to deepen reforms. We can learn from the experience of developed countries, but we must also avoid the pitfalls that developed countries have stepped on. We cannot pollute first. The call for post-treatment and pollution-side treatment has been talked about for more than ten years, but in reality, sometimes for the sake of development, we have to choose to compromise.

Everyone from top to bottom is anxious about this matter now. If, as you say, a new track can be opened up, it will undoubtedly be a new direction and path for the development of the entire national economy.

Now the higher authorities attach great importance to the opinions of front-line enterprises like you and respect your development model. I just hope that you can give more experience, solutions and choices, so that our country can continue to make great strides forward!

Listening to the leader's heartfelt words, Su Yuanshan took a breath and nodded solemnly: Since you said so, I don't dare to refuse. I will prepare when I get back.

The leader laughed: You took the trouble.

Don't dare. Su Yuanshan waved his hands one after another.

Of course, Su Yuanshan was full of joy when he took this job. The relationship between him and the leader is a pure gentleman's relationship. Each other knows where their respective lines are, so it is particularly pleasant to chat.

So he then had an in-depth chat with the leader about the future opportunities of clean energy. Su Yuanshan believed that the reason why developed countries are so anxious to speak out about environmental issues is that in addition to the fact that environmental problems are indeed serious, they are also It is easy to reach consensus and gain the right to speak, and it can prevent the development of developing countries and stabilize the world structure...in addition to these clichéd schemes. Another very important point is that currently, in terms of clean energy, Western developed countries have an absolute advantage in technology.

For example, wind power generation and solar photovoltaic power generation are new energy technologies that are less difficult to implement than hydropower and nuclear power and are more popular. The West is currently leading the way.

If the technology monopoly of the West cannot be broken, then when global energy is tied up and forced to shift to clean energy, countries with backward technology will have to hand over all the benefits brought by development to technology monopolies to gain opportunities for sustainable development.

This is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst.

Fortunately, in the terminal field of clean energy, China has stepped in early.

Starting from the involution of mobile phone batteries caused by Yuanxin, and then to the advent of various digital products, today's lithium batteries have been widely accepted by the market, which has the meaning of ending nickel-metal hydride batteries in advance.

Today, Suoxin has firmly occupied more than 60% of the world's lithium battery shipments, and has maintained a technological lead of at least two to three years.

What is visible to the naked eye is that with the opening of new tracks for all-electric vehicles, the advantages of Soxin will be further amplified.

Moreover, it will also contribute to the ever-popular environmental theme.

When the time comes, it will depend on whether the West will throw stones at others.



The calendar turns quickly.

One month later.

Yuanxin held its last executive board meeting before the Lunar New Year.

This meeting was chaired by Su Yuanshan.

Any change in history starts from the subtleties.

Su Yuanshan opened the meeting with a famous quote from nowhere. He looked at the crowd and was filled with emotion.

The new Lighthouse BOSS is already online. In just one month, it has directly rejected the Kyoto Protocol. At the same time, it also shouted the slogan Now we are facing various threats and increased the JF budget.

Now that we have entered globalization, there is a saying that when Old M catches a cold, the world gets a fever... Because of our close trade with Old M in the past few years, we are the most directly affected. Now they are beginning to impose new unilateral policies. Doctrine, shouting slogans to return technology...

Su Yuanshan laughed and shook his head: I really can't help but admire this kind of courage that dares to go against the great era of science and technology.

Carter was sitting next to him. He was originally very serious, but after hearing this, he couldn't hold back and cursed in a low voice.

Everyone laughed, but there was still some anxiety.

The reshoring of technology means that it will become difficult for technology companies to license technology and patents. Unilateralism means strengthening trade protection and improving the competitiveness and market share of domestic products.

As long as these two goals are set, all combination punches can be achieved.

For example, anti-dumping lawsuits are launched against some products and tariffs are raised. For example, they can raise the banner of anti-monopoly and directly impose fines. Another example is to use the big stick of intellectual property rights and directly ban products from entering the market...or even if it is troublesome, just find a reason to start a sweat war.

But he walked his Yangguan Road, and we crossed our single-plank bridge. No matter what, the great era has arrived, and we just need to follow the established route step by step. Su Yuanshan paused, and said with a smile: The Spring Festival is coming soon, I First I wish you all a happy New Year.

Xi Xiaoding asked with a smile: Are you saying goodbye a little early this year?

It's okay. I'm going to HK during the Spring Festival this year. It's warmer there. Su Yuanshan picked up the tea cup and took a sip: Okay, no more nonsense, let's discuss this year's industrial arrangements.

Last year, our big strategy was to seize the high ground in the communications field. Over the past few months, the results have been good. Orange has fully begun to deploy 3G networks in the European market. Although the current total market share has not achieved explosive growth, But the most valuable thing is that it has led to a trend among young people of using mobile phones to surf the Internet and listen to music.

Huo Jianning smiled reservedly after hearing this.

Coupled with HK and Bangkok, we now have three experimental fields. I believe that starting from this year, NTT will also see the changes and benefits brought by the 3G network and accelerate the deployment.

As for China, China Unicom will also start centralized deployment this year...

Su Yuanshan glanced at the notes in his hand, and when he was about to introduce it, his personal cell phone suddenly buzzed.

He took out his cell phone and planned to press it down, but he saw that the name on the caller ID was Wan Yongliang. After thinking about it, he pressed the answer button directly.

Lao Wan, we are in a meeting.

Just now, something happened on the southern sea.

Su Yuanshan was startled subconsciously: What's the matter?

It's a plane crash.

Su Yuanshan was stunned, and then he understood that what is called historical accident is actually inevitable.

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