1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 783 Godfather of the Internet

Su Yuanshan was silent for a long time again.

Brother Ding, Nasdaq is different from the mainland. Unlike us, it can issue additional shares as long as conditions permit. In the United States, the possibility of refinancing through additional issuance after listing is very slim.

I understand. Ding Lei said immediately: As long as many aspects need to be considered, if the targets of the additional issuance are Yuanxin and Xinghai, then it may not be impossible to obtain the consent of shareholders!

Mr. Shan, do you really not know or are you just pretending to be confused about your appeal in the Internet and the Internet field? Ding Lei, relying on his drunkenness at noon, no longer scrupulous about his words, said hastily: We all admit that the Internet a while ago It’s indeed overheated. But now it’s obviously not overheated, but overcold—it’s so cold!”

Su Yuanshan was stunned.

He stared at Ding Lei, and after seeing that the latter really thought so, he sighed and laughed.

Senior brother, do you really think that just by relying on me, Yuanxin and Xinghai, you can regain the confidence that Capital has lost?

When capital jumps into the mindset, all of Yuanxin's actions are seen as traps in the eyes of capital. After a pause, Su Yuanshan said slowly: You know what I mean.

Ding Lei opened his mouth and asked after a while: How much did you earn?


... Ding Lei sighed: I'm afraid it won't be less, and... it should be that Miss Qin has been shorting Nasdaq.

You see, someone has been shorting the Nasdaq, and you have guessed that it is Qin Si, and everyone knows that she is my person.

Ding Lei nodded silently: Yes.

So, it's useless to say anything now. People think that I, together with Gates and others, are cutting off Wall Street's leeks. We are also good at dancing, making some friends on Wall Street, and pulling everyone to make money together. Otherwise, believe it or not, the killer would have been there by now. Ambushed my office?

Su Yuanshan's words were purely joking.

But his joke made Ding Lei unable to laugh at all. He looked at Su Yuanshan, disappointment gradually rising in his eyes.

At this moment, Su Yuanshan suddenly smiled and said: Don't be disappointed.

Ding Lei was stunned.

Stay for another half a year. After half a year, I will help you persuade other shareholders to issue additional shares or convertible bonds. If you can't be persuaded, I will directly help you privatize.

Privatization? Delisting?

Yes, back to the embrace of Yuanxin. Su Yuanshan pointed to the top of the building: There is always a chair above, which is reserved for Internet leaders.

...Isn't there Brother Long?

The Internet Center provides basic and middle-tier services.

After a long silence, Ding Lei nodded slowly: So you mean, the darkest moment of the Internet will be next?

Su Yuanshan was silent for a few seconds, and finally smiled slightly: If you think I am a capital party, then don't look at what I say, but look at what I do.



In the evening, Ye Rudai ended her gathering with everyone, chaired a branch meeting and went straight to Su Yuanshan's office.

After becoming a mother, she became a little more mature. Her shoulder-length hair was tied back casually. Wearing an orange windbreaker and mid-calf boots, she walked into Su Yuanshan's office smartly.

Why are you here in the office? Su Yuanshan raised his hand and looked at the time. It was only eight o'clock: Did Tangdou call you?

No, I just wanted to come over and have a chat with you. Ye Rudai thanked Wen Xiaoqian and sat on the sofa. Seeing this, the latter decisively left the office and closed the door thoughtfully.

Haha, what are you talking about? You are a bit formal... Su Yuanshan said hello to Tang Wenjie in EM, got up and walked to the sofa, smiling and looking at her doubtfully.

Today... several of them actually came to see you with a bit of a pilgrim mentality. Ye Rudai bit her lip, frowned slightly, and said softly: But your attitude and behavior... don't look like an Internet person. godfather.

Pilgrimage? Godfather? Su Yuanshan couldn't help laughing, but seeing Ye Rudai's serious expression and Ding Lei's words in the afternoon, he slowly became serious.

Senior Brother Ding also said something similar. I thought it was Senior Brother Ding who thought so alone... I didn't expect that you all think so. Then I will make it clear that I definitely don't recognize this word. Moreover, in person You are too naive about capital.

Do you think you are a capitalist? Not a scientist? Ye Rudai's question suddenly became sharp.

For me, the two are not in conflict. I make money by relying on the advancement of technology. Instead of letting Wall Street cut leeks and purely pursue profits, it is better for me to cut leeks and invest money in the technology field - you should Do you believe what I say?


Still what I said last night, the Internet turmoil is not over yet. Newbook's stock price returns to the issue price, which is the price it should be at the current stage, based on the current business and profitability. By then, Of course I will help him.


Su Yuanshan looked at his wife and knew that the other party was indeed worried about the entire industry from the perspective of the industry, so he smiled and said: Yi Zi, don't worry. Newbook was incubated by Yuanxin, and it is a banner for the domestic Internet to go global and internationalize. , I will definitely not let it fall.”

Ye Rudai took a long breath: Okay, let me believe you for now.

Su Yuanshan was happy: What do you mean by temporary! How can the Internet that I have been advocating for so many years be the same as those fools on Wall Street?

...This is the first time I have seen someone dare to describe the capital elite of Wall Street in this way.

Haha, in the field of science and technology, I have the advantage.

Future development quickly confirmed Su Yuanshan's judgment. With the collective bearishness, Internet technology stocks finally fell to the bottom.

Since the announcement of the financial report, Newbook's stock price has fallen rapidly. By the end of January, it had fallen below $30. The market value has shrunk nearly twenty times compared to its peak. (Note: refer to Yahoo in history)

The collapse of the stock market has caused those companies that are looking forward to financing to gradually enter despair. Some Internet companies that could have easily been valued in the millions or tens of millions a year ago can now be valued in the millions or even hundreds of thousands. seize.

Countless Internet companies have declared bankruptcy.

And those companies that happened to raise funds before the bubble burst became the new kings. But how long they can last, no one knows.

On the last day of January 2001, Su Yuanshan took a business plane directly to the Shanghai Science and Technology Park.

The reason is simple. Deyuan's 0.13 micron process has completed the tape-out of the Along dual-core processor.



In the cold wind, Zhang Rujin and Liang Mengsong, wearing down jackets, stood at the door waiting for Su Yuanshan's arrival. For two workaholics, being able to stand here is a rare leisure.

Just a bit cold.

Meng Song, I heard that Mr. Cao has been looking for you? Zhang Rujin put his hands in his pockets and chatted with Liang Mengsong with a smile.

Well, we met last time. Liang Mengsong answered calmly - the last time the person in charge of UMC invited him, he didn't hide it at all. The story is not known to everyone, but at least everyone knows it.

It seems that the situation on the island has indeed followed the international situation. Zhang Rujin shook his head and sighed with a smile.

Their hometowns are opposite each other, and now when it comes to semiconductors on the island, they are not very sad for a while.

Especially Zhang Rujin, his initial hope was very simple, just to narrow the gap between the mainland and the island... But unexpectedly, after so many years, De was not only far beyond the island, but even more powerful. Occupying the entire Asia, and with the establishment of wafer factories in the country, the technology and production capacity of the entire Deyuan series are already No. 1 in the professional foundry field.

While this dream-like situation makes people sigh with emotion, it also makes people see the huge hope contained in the mainland.

But obviously... the island is not willing to admit defeat. Therefore, after XXX stated that the future would be XX, the island chose to fight.

For example, the poaching of Liang Mengsong this time obviously means to draw out the firepower.

The illusion of the semiconductor industry on the island has almost disappeared, and there is no way to turn it around. Liang Mengsong saw it accurately and said calmly: I have never seen a boss who is more willing to invest in manufacturing processes and technology than Mr. Shan. Moreover, Yuanxin’s financial group system is enough to allow Yuanxin’s chip department to develop new processes and technologies despite losses.”

Yeah... But Yuanxin is much more than that. Zhang Rujin looked at Liang Mengsong with a smile: Do you want to take a look at the executive board of directors?

Liang Mengsong was startled, but after thinking for a moment, he shook his head: The executive board has too many things to consider, and I don't have that much time - our cooperation with Dr. Lin here has entered the most critical juncture. Once completed, we will shock the world.

Haha, that's okay.

Zhang Rujin smiled and said no more.

Of course he knew that what Liang Mengsong was thinking about was not the executive board of directors, but the science and technology committee.

If in other companies, the highest goal of an engineering and technical personnel is the CTO, then in the large system of Yuanxin, the science and technology committee that is independent of the corporate department is the existence of the CTO that transcends the system company - in fact, Liang Mengsong is already the CTO of the company. The CTO is far away.

If he wanted to take a further step in Deyuan, his only position would be Zhang Rujin's chair. But Zhang Rujin is now at the age where he can shine, and Deyuan is in a stage of rapid expansion. Except for Zhang Rujin, everyone else really couldn't sit down.

Therefore, Liang Mengsong, who was hailed as a process madman by Deyuan engineers, had set his goal long ago to join the Science and Technology Committee.

That is the existence that reflects his value and status.

There are five people in front of the Science and Technology Committee, namely Xi Xiaoding, chief scientist of Farcore, Qin Weimin, founder of YX architecture, Tian Yaoming, founder of Farcore communication technology, Li Mingliu, founder of Farcore flash memory department, and Su Yuanshan himself.

Since the year before last, the number of observer members of the Science and Technology Committee has increased a lot, but until this year, there were only two more official members.

One is the head of NEWBee Labs, who has dominated Yuanxin's 3G technology and is leading 4G and even 5G technology. Even in a place like Yuanxin, Li Yinan dare to be called a genius.

One is Gao Xiaodi, the founder of the chip design department and the leader and designer of Yuanxin's 64-bit and dual-core architecture.

Especially Li Mingliu and Gao Xiaodi, because they are both in the Shanghai stock market, they have a lot of dealings with Deyuan, and they often get together for meetings. Therefore, knowing the details of these two people is enough to call them industry elites.

And they are the kind of industry elites who have created achievements.

Liang Mengsong felt that being in the company of these people was the greatest compliment to him.

After the two chatted for a while, Su Yuanshan's car slowly drove over.

Look, I said I could just come here alone, but it turns out someone else wants to be the tail.

Su Yuanshan shook hands with Zhang Rujin and Liang Mengsong while teasing Gao Xiaodi behind him.

Gao Xiaodi is also a guy who is not afraid of damaging his image. After shaking hands, he slapped Su Yuanshan on the shoulder and said cheerfully: I am here again to express my gratitude to my colleagues in Deyuan. Do you have any opinions?

No, I don't dare.

Everyone laughed heartily while walking towards the administrative building in the wind.

After sitting in the conference room, the secretary quickly brought the data report from the testing department.

The 0.13 micron + copper wire process can be said to be the most advanced process on the market currently. Even though Intel is half a year ahead of us, they started tape-out with SRAM, followed by the Pentium 3 processor.

Liang Mengsong introduced it while handing the report to Su Yuanshan: Compared to the previous 0.18 micron process, the improvement of the process also provides a friendly solution to the frequency and heating problems.

The only problem now is that Windows 2000's dual-core support is far from meeting the demand - this old man knows better than me.

Well, Microsoft is moving slower, so we mainly look at Apple. Gao Xiaodi said and looked at Su Yuanshan with a bit of resentment: Mr. Shan, you are the one who said WinOS will not be on the desktop.

Yes, I said so. Su Yuanshan chuckled. He knew that Gao Xiaodi was still a little bit worried about blocking his cooperation with Chen Gang. You want to fight with the X86 ecological chain and go to hook up with WinOS. Wouldn't that mean you surrender before taking action and find a way out for yourself?

Look, as the manufacturing process improves and patches are applied, won't the data look much better when running?

Su Yuanshan held up the test report and smiled extremely happily.

Indeed, the combination of 0.13 micron + dual-core + 64-bit declares that this Along900 processor is a well-deserved king as long as it is used in an operating system and environment suitable for it.

Moreover, the improvement of technology also makes it have extremely high potential, and it can easily reach the main frequency of 1.2G by adjusting the external frequency and frequency multiplication.

Gao Xiaodi chuckled. He immediately asked: When will it be officially released?

This... I have to ask Mr. Gates.

Su Yuanshan chuckled.

——Deyuan has just broken through the 0.13 micron process. Now, neither the production capacity nor the yield rate is enough to support its large-scale launch.

And even if it can be supported, the far core cannot be forced out without environmental conditions.

Yuanxin is not the kind of entrepreneurial enterprise that needs to release something new to maintain investor confidence. What it needs is to maximize profits.

What I want is the feeling that you can knock out Cyrix, AMD, and Intel with just one punch.

Of course, this does not mean that it will not be mass-produced.

——The process and yield rate both require orders, and Apple is also waiting eagerly.

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