1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 782 Seven Giants

How many of you are there this time?

Su Yuanshan asked after putting his hands behind his head and sighing.

The only ones in the country are Senior Brother Ding, Brother Xiaoma, and Lao Wang.

You mean, there are also foreign ones?

Well, Jeff and Jerry are coming too. Ye Rudai said softly: The CEOs of Amazon and Yahoo. And Chen Kao from Asia.com.

Su Yuanshan silently counted, Newbook, EM, 8848, Amazon, Yahoo, Asia Online, plus eso... These seven companies basically include all fields of the conceptual Internet. There are portal websites, search websites, e-commerce, and regional comprehensive websites.

Obviously, these Internet giants gathered in private because of the continued decline of the Internet.

Seeing Su Yuanshan's silence, Ye Rudai continued: Actually, the original plan was to get together at Cyberport to discuss it, but both Senior Brother Ding and Brother Xiaoma said they would come to the provincial capital... you know.

Su Yuanshan sighed again.

Oh, I'm not a god, and I can't take money from investors and institutions...

Well, actually I also think that your too many comments will have a bad impact on your personal image. Ye Rudai also sighed: For example, Gates has been keeping his mouth shut recently.

Haha, he has no time now. He has been working hard on the Venus Project and started working directly with our paradise project... But now it seems that he is a little unable to do it.

...is it Sun Guoqiao who is in charge?

Yeah. Su Yuanshan hugged Ye Rudai and said with a smile: Let me tell you something, Lao Sun, a humble person, actually hooked up with He Wei.

Ah? Vice President He from the marketing department?


Ye Rudai was speechless for a long time: Vice President He is so eloquent, how did he catch up with that stuffy Sun Guoqiao?

Then you have to ask him.

Then I really have to ask when I get back to HK. Ye Rudai shrank her neck, closed her eyes, and murmured: Then you can take care of the children at home tomorrow, and I'll go over and get together.

...Forget it, let's go together. After all...except for 8848 and Yahoo, I have shares in all the rest. Hehe...

...Big capitalist!

I am over-flattered.



Su Yuanshan slept until half past eight in the morning.

There was no nanny at home, so my mother and Ye Rudai were having breakfast, while Professor Su was entertaining the grandson in the living room.

Su Yuanshan leaned against the door frame, feeling satisfied when he saw that both the furnishings and the atmosphere of the home looked like ordinary people's homes.

Xiaodou, call daddy, lazy daddy, get up. Professor Su Xinghe raised the little girl's hand and gestured, but unexpectedly, the little girl broke away on her own and called Daddy to Su Yuanshan.

My daughter still understands me. Su Yuanshan was overjoyed. He walked up to his father in a few steps and was about to pick up his daughter. Unexpectedly, the little guy immediately became unhappy again. He turned around and grabbed her grandfather's neck.

Seeing Su Yuanshan open his hands and looking defeated, Professor Su Xinghe laughed heartily.


After breakfast, the two simply tidied up and went down the stairs. Downstairs, Fu Zhenhua had been waiting for a long time.

Brother Fu, have you had breakfast? Su Yuanshan greeted with a smile.

You've already eaten. Seeing the two closing the door, Fu Zhenhua slowly started the car and drove towards the outside of the school. As soon as he left the school gate, a black Mercedes-Benz business car followed closely behind him.

Seeing the business car behind him in the rearview mirror, Su Yuanshan couldn't help but sigh: Brother Fu, you are now the logistics director, you can just arrange a driver for me - how can a director still be a driver? ?”

Fu Zhenhua chuckled: I don't trust them if they drive. Besides, I can't do anything else besides driving. Being a director is just a name, but if you really have to sit in an office, wouldn't that be a dead meal?

Okay... As long as you like it. Su Yuanshan smiled helplessly: But just by the word vegetarian meal, you are a cultural person - how can you not sit down in the office?

Several people in the car laughed at the same time.

By the way, Mr. Shan, where are you going?

Science and Technology Park.

In order to avoid being noticed by others, the party was held directly on the top floor of the Yuanxin Administration Building.

Because of the New Year's Day holiday, Su Yuanshan and his wife did not bother anyone else, but waited directly at the entrance of the administration building. As for those people entering the gate... With Ding Lei's face, there is no problem in getting in.

At half past nine, Ding Lei led a few people directly into the administrative building.

Among these people, Jeff Bezos and Jerry, whose Chinese name is Yang Zhiyuan, as well as Wang Juntao and Su Yuanshan from 8848, had not officially met, so after a few introductions, Su Yuanshan led everyone directly to the roof.

Since the sunroom on the roof of the administrative building was used as the venue for regular meetings of the executive directors' meeting, a lot of equipment and appliances have been added to the upper floor, and there is even a small bar.

You guys sit down and chat for a while, and I'll make you some tea.

Since it was an informal business meeting, Su Yuanshan did not ask overtime employees to come up. Instead, he did it himself and served a group of people as a master.

It's just... no matter how casual he behaves, except for Ye Rudai, Ding and Ma, everyone else is always a little restrained. It wasn't until he made himself a cup of tea and sat next to Ye Rudai with the tea cup that everyone looked at him.

Haha, don't look at me, just chat. I am Mr. Ye's family member today.

Mr. Shan... Ding Lei endured it and smiled bitterly: We still hope to listen to your opinion.

I really don't have any useful opinions. Su Yuanshan looked around, exhaled softly, and then smiled: Except for Netflix, you basically represent all the businesses of current Internet companies. I I have confidence in the future of the Internet precisely because I know that there are outstanding founders, pioneers, and entrepreneurs like you... and you are the professionals in your field. If you really want me to say that, I can only Say, I believe you.

As soon as Su Yuanshan's high hat came off, everyone could no longer lower themselves and started chatting about how to survive the cold winter.

In the cold winter of the Internet, the one that has survived the best among these companies is actually Amazon - because it has specific business support and was established earliest.

When Jeff Bezos founded Amazon, Xinghai almost used every opportunity to force the angel's arrival, turning Bezos's $300,000 start-up capital into half a million. In the subsequent financing rounds, it has maintained its dominant shares.

After it went public in 1997, Qin Si teamed up with Xinghai to continuously increase its holdings, and finally began to reduce its holdings around 1999... In total, Xinghai made more money from Amazon than from Newbook.

However, although Amazon has the most nourished life and the smallest drop in stock price, although it will not be unable to survive when investment shrinks, its global expansion has obviously been slowed down.

For example, this time, Bezos came here to participate in this summit discussion, and also to look for opportunities for expansion and cooperation in the mainland.

As a waiter serving tea and water, Su Yuanshan heard the unified opinion of these people after listening for an hour - obviously, these Internet pioneers who usually talk about their ideals and slogans have now achieved The consensus is to compete in an orderly manner under the current situation, while strengthening cooperation to make the Internet pie bigger.

Su Yuanshan was indeed quite emotional after hearing this.

Excluding the companies that did not come and the European Internet companies, among the current top players in the Internet industry, it is true that domestic companies have a say.

Rather than being like the same period in the previous historical time and space, the domestic Internet can only thrive at home and be beaten outside. Almost all business models are copied from foreign countries.

In addition to the existing industries, I think it is imperative to add new Internet applications. Ding Lei, as the CEO who stands at the top of global portals and the initiator of this gathering, said more and more No reservations: For example, blogging, for example, integrating with games, these may be ways.

As he spoke, he looked at Su Yuanshan. Seeing that Su Yuanshan was still nodding slightly, he finally couldn't help himself: Mr. Shan, say a few words.

Very good. Su Yuanshan chuckled.


No, it's really good. Su Yuanshan looked at the crowd. He knew that Ding Lei dared to express his thoughts here because everyone present was either not related to the new business he mentioned, or the traffic was not as good as his. He was afraid, so he smiled and said: The liberation of individuality has become a trend now, and the Internet is the best channel to show individuality.

Bolg, if I understand correctly, it should be a personal homepage log that was born a long time ago, right?


At this time pony suddenly interjected: We have tried launching a personal website, but the response so far is not good, and in the long run, the free model is a bit difficult.

Well... two different things. Relatively speaking, a personal website is independent, or isolated. Su Yuanshan pursed his lips, picked up the tea cup and took a sip before looking at Pony: Personality and independence, isolation are two concepts. , there should be no confusion.”

Ye Rudai thought for a while and then added: Behind personality is expression and recognition.

Mr. Ye is right... Therefore, the essence of blogging is actually socialization and recognition - if your personality is not seen by others, what is the difference between it and Jinyi Night Walk?

Su Yuanshan's words made everyone think deeply. After a moment, Ding Lei's eyes lit up: Does this mean that blogging can form a new social circle?

It's not a social circle, but...if you want to do it, you must give it traffic. Let your opinions be highlighted, let your personality be publicized - and ultimately form a circle of recognition.

In addition, games are also a direction. I remember that several years ago, Brother Ding, you had envisioned online games. Nowadays, the game industry has obviously embarked on a fee-based path, and major publishers have begun to lay out online games. …This is obviously a monetizable direction for those of you companies that have mastered the Internet user base.”



At noon, Su Yuanshan sat in the east seat and invited everyone to eat on the second floor of the cafeteria. In the afternoon, everyone saw that he didn't talk much anymore, so they all chose to leave.

Su Yuanshan was also happy to see the results and planned to return to the office and work overtime.

After reducing their holdings at high levels in the past two years, Xinghai and Yuanxin now have a lot of cash in their hands!

Except for the investment in the semiconductor industry in the past two years, all the money he has prepared is for the Internet industry!

But today, his performance does not mean that he has no confidence in the Internet, nor does he want to help these people... but that it is not yet time.

Even newbook currently has a market value of more than 40 billion U.S. dollars. Even if Yuanxin wants to help, the money cannot be spent.

And most importantly, Internet stock prices are far from bottom.

In the second half of the year, there is still a disaster waiting for everyone...

At that time, it’s time for Yuanxin to truly get the bottom of things. Now he can only continue to invest in angels and incubate new companies.

But not long after he sat down, the door rang twice and was pushed open.

Ding Lei appeared at the door with a complicated expression.

Su Yuanshan sighed subconsciously in his heart, and then smiled: What's the matter, senior brother?

Xiaoshan, if you call me senior brother, I won't call you Mr. Shan.

Ding Lei walked to the sofa and sat down directly.

Seeing this, Su Yuanshan also walked out from behind the desk and sat down facing Ding Lei.

Xiaoshan, Newbook is not mine alone. She is the hard work of everyone in the Internet Center. Ding Lei looked at Su Yuanshan, his face was a little red, and there was still a faint smell of alcohol in his words.

Su Yuanshan nodded slightly: Yes, similarly, she is also a representative of the domestic Internet entering the international Internet.

So, Newbook can't fall. Ding Lei stared at Su Yuanshan, with a mixture of determination and gloom in his eyes: The financial report will be announced soon.

Su Yuanshan was suddenly shocked: Your financial situation is very bad?

Ding Lei pursed his lips, sighed and nodded.

Su Yuanshan fell into silence.

He once thought about giving up Newbook - because in the long run, the rise of ESO and EM is unstoppable. Coupled with subsequent emerging applications and the arrival of mobile Internet, the decline of traditional PC portals is inevitable.

Just like the decline of Yahoo - did Yahoo do something wrong? No, it's just that they haven't caught up with anything, they haven't done anything.

And now, although Ding Lei and Yang Zhiyuan are sitting together, everyone knows that these two people are actually enemies... It's just because of the current common crisis that they sit together with each other.

How bad is it? Don't tell me I'm going bankrupt.

We are not going bankrupt, but we are on the verge of layoffs, and at the same time we need to shrink our expansion.

... Su Yuanshan was silent again.

The main problem lies in the acquisition of Ehome.com. In order to integrate the community at the beginning of last year, we directly spent 1.5 billion in cash to acquire Ehome, and then... joined the national army in 1949. Ding Lei sighed.

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