1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 781 After the Millennium

After listening to Ma Mengqi's thoughts, Su Yuanshan was stunned for a long time.

Combining robotic arms to drones is indeed the direction of the future, at least one of them. Not to mention anything else, just the idea of ​​​​Ma Meng is enough to support the research of several laboratories.

Lao Ma, it's not easy to tighten screws at high altitude.

Didn't you also say that? It's so powerful that bricks can fly. As long as the drone can fly, as long as the robotic arm can be controlled dexterously - if one doesn't work, can two be used? Can two of them be too heavy and be used with special-shaped, special-purpose robotic arms? If the torque is too high, can I use the drone to use the robotic arm as a lever, and the drone applies force? Or can I fix the robotic arm first, and then do the work?

Ma Mengqi was frothing at the mouth: If it doesn't work, how about changing a light bulb or something at high altitude? And in life, I can use it to throw away garbage, right?

...Okay...Okay, okay. Su Yuanshan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Ma Mengqi said firmly: So, there must be application scenarios, and they will increase and be discovered as the market expands.

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips, nodded with a smile, and then picked up the drone, which obviously had a strong hand-made atmosphere, and looked at it seriously.

Ma Mengqi also looked at him seriously and nervously.

First of all, I agree with your judgment - drones will definitely become a trend and create an industry in the future, whether for military use, industry, agriculture, commerce, or personal consumption.

Su Yuanshan put down the drone and looked at Ma Mengqi.

Ma Mengqi was startled when he heard this, and then he was overjoyed: Then...

Listen to me. Su Yuanshan waved his hand: Therefore, your current hand-made workshop production method is obviously not feasible - since it will become an industry, then as a pioneer, you must consider the industrial chain. form.

Uh... Mr. Shan, we can't be considered pioneers. Ma Mengqi felt a little embarrassed when he heard this, but then he raised his head: The current four-axis drones, except for our laboratory, Only Draganflyer is making it. But I’m not bragging, Draganflyer sells for more than two thousand US dollars, but it’s not even half as good as Jingwei’s.”

Jingwei - the internal name of this drone.

Have you compared it? Su Yuanshan asked.

Well, a year ago, all the toys we made were more advanced than it, not to mention Jingwei, whose flight control has already taken shape. They are still in the primary stage of taking off and landing aircraft models.

Okay - so, I suggest you redesign the modular design. Because only in this way can we quickly boost the market.

Okay! Ma Mengqi nodded immediately.

Have you thought about it? Which ones can be modularized? Su Yuanshan asked immediately.

Uh... Ma Mengqi was stunned for a moment and then thought about it seriously.

First of all, the shooting system. Su Yuanshan didn't have time to wait for him to think about it, but pointed directly at the camera: The shooting system can be designed in a modular way - let's take a note of it.

Ma Mengqi opened his mouth and said in shock: Mr. Shan, don't look down on me - you want to dictate the code to me?

Su Yuanshan smiled slightly: Since you want to be the boss, you must believe that a good memory is not as good as a bad writing.

... Ma Mengqi was speechless for a few seconds. He reached out and took out a signature pen from the pen holder where he had inserted it several times. He then stood up and took out some printing paper next to him: You tell me.

The shooting system focuses on sports and is compact and lightweight. It can not only be mounted on a drone, but can also be installed anywhere - you can go to the design center to get some experience. They have experience in designing law enforcement recorders. .”

As Su Yuanshan spoke, he watched Ma Mengqi write on the paper.

Hmm... I have to say, this guy's handwriting is indeed a bit bad.

Su Yuanshan saw that after Ma Mengqi finished writing, he circled the words sports and light.

So he smiled slightly and continued: Have you ever thought about it, Old Ma? This sports camera may be able to create an industry chain.

Still thinking, you continue.

...Secondly, the flight control system can also be designed in a modular manner. Since you are ambitious, you must take into account the needs of different user groups at different price points. Similarly, after modular and componentized design, after-sales problems will also arise. It’s easy to fix.”

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and said slowly: Then, in the field of personal consumption, it is difficult to popularize it now - although Jingwei's concept is very good, and now this product is also very suitable for 'playing'. But it needs a comprehensive market Transformation is still not very popular. Therefore, I suggest you that the current direction is mainly towards functional drones. For example, you said that we should focus on agriculture, high-altitude photography and other commercial scenarios... Well, you said that it can be combined with robotic arms. It can be studied as a cutting-edge technology.”

Then, the accuracy issue you just mentioned... Unfortunately, the accuracy for civilian use is about this. Su Yuanshan spread his hands and looked helpless: As far as GPS is concerned, at the beginning of this year, President Ke signed an order to cancel it. SA interference in civilian GPS.”

Ma Mengqi opened his mouth: Even if SA is cancelled, the error is not small.

Su Yuanshan smiled slightly: How about you get me a positioning system that meets your accuracy requirements, and I will be responsible for calling you up for free.

Ma Mengqi: ...Boss, stop joking, talk about business.

So you go hug Mr. Tian's lap. Their laboratory has been optimizing RTK. The current error seems to have reached 50 centimeters. Internationally, it is considered a very advanced solution.

All right……

Finally. Su Yuanshan looked at Ma Mengqi, half-smiling but not smiling: Besides, you seem to have forgotten what I told you last time.

What are you talking about?

UAV formation, swarm control.

Ma Mengqi opened his mouth and was speechless for a long time.

After holding it in for a full five seconds, he said angrily: We haven't progressed to that point yet.

Then come on.

Su Yuanshan pointed to the printing paper in Ma Mengqi's hand: List it down and think carefully about which ones belong to the market application field and which ones belong to the technical research field. After thinking about it, write a laboratory establishment report.

Hearing this, Ma Mengqi was startled again, and after a moment he was overjoyed: Is the laboratory going to be upgraded?

If you can give specific plans and topics, I will find other people to talk to.

Seeing the surprise in Ma Mengqi's eyes, Su Yuanshan immediately added: But at most level two, don't even think about level one.

Haha, I am self-aware, so I will leave some thoughts, leave some thoughts...

Ma Mengqi laughed loudly and stood up.

Then... Mr. Shan, shouldn't my level allow me to move?

...how old are you now?


12 is 12, so where does that zero point five come from?

The director of the independent laboratory is naturally half a level above him, hehe...

Su Yuanshan: ...

At least give me one of the functions you mentioned just now.


Seeing Ma Mengqi floating out of the office happily, even without his heels touching the ground, Su Yuanshan couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

But then, he called Xi Xiaoding and Tian Yaoming respectively and explained Ma Mengqi's needs - since the drone has been hatched, and Ma Mengqi also has ideas and a flexible mind, Then he naturally wouldn't mind pushing with all his strength.

Especially when it comes to the combination of drones and robotic arms, even Mr. Xi was full of praise, saying that the combination is very useful. At the very least, it is full of capabilities and can drive drones. Develop in the direction of industry.

Time entered November, and the leadership change of the Lighthouse Country began. In the following month, after slightly dramatic statistics, the facts proved that Su Yuanshan's judgment was right.

After entering the end of the year, Christmas online sales, which was the final expectation of the Internet industry, failed to meet expectations.

With the final conclusion of the lighthouse country's election statistics, the Millennium Calendar has finally turned its last page.



The Department of Electrical Engineering is still the old dormitory.

Xiaodou, come and hold me.

Age is not forgiving, and Zhang Xiuyun is now in her fifties. No matter how well-maintained she is, she still has a few gray hairs on her head.

As soon as Su Yuanshan and his son and Ye Rudai returned home, they talked about the current situation of the IT industry. She couldn't understand what she heard. Seeing the little jelly bean running around in Su Yuanshan's arms, she simply hugged the little girl over.

Grandma hugs. The little girl was already one year old and was just learning to talk. In addition, she was usually carried by her grandma and grandma, so she stretched out her hand from Su Yuanshan's arms without any hesitation.

Zhang Xiuyun hugged her granddaughter, kissed the little girl on the face, and said with a smile: I'll take her for a walk, and you can talk about yourselves.

Su Yuanshan joked: Mom, are you going to show off?

Hey, you guy, why don't you let me drop by?

... Seeing his mother go out with her child in her arms, Su Yuanshan smiled and hugged Ye Rudai: Believe it or not, Mom must be holding our girl to show off.

Ahem... let's get down to business.

Professor Su Xinghe's hair has long been gray, but his spirit is getting stronger and stronger. When he saw the little movements of his son and daughter-in-law under his eyes, the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes smiled so much that he could pinch an ant to death.

Well, let's talk about it, it's the darkest time before dawn. Su Yuanshan looked at his father and chuckled: Dad, you are engaged in education. In fact, you don't have to consider the current situation of the Internet and IT companies at all... Electrical Engineering and the like The only goal of a high-level university is to move in the direction of technological progress.”

Whether it will affect students' employment or not, that's not your concern at all - that's the technical school's concern.

Well, that makes sense. Professor Su Xinghe nodded slightly: But education cannot be separated from the real industry, right? What's more, the technology industry has developed significantly, and even the technology of some giant companies is better than what is mastered in universities. , the topics covered are even better...

Hehe, thank you for your reward.

...How could I praise you?

Aren't you talking about us? Su Yuanshan laughed: If nothing else, in terms of industrialization and theory, our numerous laboratories are no worse than those of the Electrical Engineering Department.

Professor Su Xinghe shook his head and laughed: Xiaoye, this person is so thick-skinned, why do you like him?

Ahem... Let's be serious here, dad. What's the current domestic ranking of Electrical Engineering? Is it second only to T University in terms of engineering?

Su Xinghe nodded reservedly: Yeah, almost.

What about internationally?

Su Xinghe smiled and said: If you publish a few more nature articles, we can surpass T.

Su Yuanshan: ...

Seeing Su Yuanshan's rare deflation, Ye Rudai couldn't help but burst into laughter, but she also knew that Su Yuanshan was very busy all day long, and her father-in-law had to force him to publish the first issue... This was indeed a bit... difficult for others to do. .

But she can understand it - because Su Yuanshan can understand it.

Becoming the principal of the Department of Electrical Engineering actually means that Professor Su Xinghe has given up the opportunity to produce academic results in front-line scientific research. For someone like him who doesn't worry about anything and is even a bit academically obsessed, he may be able to accept other people's fooling for various reasons, but if he wants to gain fame and reputation, that is absolutely unacceptable.

And Su Yuanshan, as everyone knows, the genius recognized by the world, is his son.

Professor Su Xinghe naturally hopes that his son can make achievements in academics and live up to his talent - you know, that is a field where he has the opportunity to get a Nobel Prize!

This is the simplest hope of a science and engineering man obsessed with technology.

But no matter how understanding she was, Ye Rudai still had to help Su Yuanshan speak: Dad, Brother Xiaoshan is busy.

Yeah... But no matter how busy you are, you can't waste your brain, especially your thoughts. Su Xinghe looked at his son with a little distress, and said with a smile: So I will recruit two outstanding graduate students for you this year. You are in Graphene If the field has any ideas, leave it to them.”

Well, okay, I will become the disciple who accepts the mantle.

That makes sense. How old do you need to be to accept a disciple?


That night, Su Yuanshan and his wife stayed at home, and Xiaodou was handed over to her grandmother, which created some opportunities for the two people who had been separated for a long time.

After turning off the lights, Su Yuanshan started to move. Ye Rudai grabbed him and said, Don't move.

Su Yuanshan chuckled: If you don't move, that's a bastard.

Ye Rudai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and whispered in Su Yuanshan's ear: Seriously, Brother Ding is coming to the software park tomorrow, will you go?

Speaking of Ding Lei, Su Yuanshan reluctantly let go of the soft hand in his hand and sighed.

As domestic online sales during National Day and Christmas failed, or failed to meet expectations, the resulting chain reactions followed one after another.

It stands to reason that the impact on Newbook will be very small, but in fact, as the leader of Internet portals, Newbook will prosper and suffer losses along with the entire Internet.

At the beginning of last year, Newbook's stock price reached its peak of $500 per share, with a market value of hundreds of billions, beating Microsoft.

As the bubble burst in March last year, Newbook's stock price has been in the doldrums. After that, the Internet industry's self-rescue behavior finally pulled it up a little, returning to more than 200 shares.

However, the failure of Christmas Internet sales once again hit the confidence of capital.

These days, Newbook’s stock price has plunged again. Now it has fallen to less than 120 US dollars per share. Compared with its peak, the market value has evaporated by nearly 100 billion.

Senior Brother Ding is really worried now.

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