1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 780 The powerful bricks fly away

Since it is a design sketch, there will naturally not be too many details - to be precise, it embodies the most original beauty after putting aside all packaging. In figure painting, it is bone.

Su Yuanshan nodded slightly.

He was naturally very satisfied, but he just didn't know who this Allen was: What is this Allen's work experience?

Speaking of this, Zhu Yuanxin became confident and smiled: From IDEO - to be more precise, he is an initial team member of ID Two and is currently the head of the Silicon Valley design team.

Su Yuanshan was really shocked when he heard this.

Founding member? You mean the member who created Grid Compass 1101?


Su Yuanshan laughed: That's really awesome.

After the design industry moves towards professionalization and commercialization. When it comes to rankings of awesome commercial design consulting companies, IDEO and Frog Design are generally tied for TOP2.

The former designed the first mouse, the first notebook, and the first PDA, while the latter designed Sony's Trinitron color TV, Apple's Macintosh computer, etc. - it can be said that in the field of industrial design of electronic products , these two guys are at the level of Grandmaster.

Since Yuanxin established a dedicated design center, it has done a lot of studying and imitating the products and concepts of these two design companies - frankly speaking, it is not a shame. Moreover, even if Yuanxin established a design center with the concept of nurturing an excellent domestic design center with international public aesthetics, it also cooperates with these excellent design companies.

Wow, this is great, Zhu Yuanxin was able to recruit the veteran from ID Two.

Tell me how you dug it? Su Yuanshan became interested.

You'll get familiar with it after working together a few times. Zhu Yuanxin chuckled: We couldn't find a good breakthrough point with the last Xbook laptop, so we handed it over to IDEO - you know.

Su Yuanshan nodded. He did know this. After all, he had always valued the design center, and the task he gave the design center was to create products rather than design products. The former focuses on function, performance, and concept, while the latter is more aesthetically pleasing.

Therefore, for Yuanxin's mission-based products, the design center usually acts as Party A's father and leaves them to top commercial design companies to complete, and then learns and imitates them themselves.

Zhu Yuanxin continued: The person in charge of Xbook at the time was Allen, and we talked several times during the docking. I graduated from CAFA, and my undergraduate degree was in Chinese painting, and I later switched to design. Allen was very surprised, and asked why our products looked so good. Less than ZG elements.”

Su Yuanshan coughed: How did you answer?

Zhu Yuanxin smiled slightly: Technological products do not respect national boundaries.

Su Yuanshan also laughed: Hahaha! Well, technological products do not respect national boundaries. At least as far as appearance is concerned, its aesthetics can only bear the responsibility of style, but not cultural communication.

Yes. But Alan is very interested in ZG culture and elements, and we became friends as soon as we went back and forth. I also helped him design a Ming Dynasty-style chair... He was very satisfied.

Of course, the more we got in touch later, I discovered that our concepts on the future development of technology products are also very similar. In other words, he agreed with the concept of Yuanxin products. So I tentatively dug him.

As a result... I recruited him and brought my team here.

After hearing what Zhu Yuanxin said, Su Yuanshan nodded: Since he likes ZG culture, why don't you let him come?

He's the person in charge there now. Let's sit tight first. By the way, I met Mr. Chen when he went to Silicon Valley last month...

Well, please let me know when he comes over, and I'll take some time to meet him. Su Yuanshan breathed out and looked at the design drawing of the sandwich structure with a smile: With this structure, since we are going to make a real It is a revolutionary smartphone, so it must be full of enthusiasm and strive for the highest design award.

Okay! I'll tell him later.

After chatting with Zhu Yuanxin for nearly two hours about the configuration and functions of YOS, Zhu Yuanxin said goodbye and left, and Su Yuanshan went to wash up.

Here Wen Xiaoqian was also helping him pack up the manuscripts he had just printed out and kept. Wen Xiaoqian picked up the manuscripts and read them carefully for a while, and couldn't help but admire: Mr. Shan, foreign monks can indeed recite sutras.

Haha, only by facing the gap can we catch up and surpass. Su Yuanshan wiped his hands and hung up the towel to dry - in this courtyard, the inner room is the bedroom and the outside is the study room.

Su Yuanshan returned to the desk, opened his notebook, and sighed casually: But such a great person came in. Under the current structure of Yuanxin, I didn't even know...

Wen Xiaoqian blinked: Does this mean?

This means that Yuanxin is indeed getting bigger and bigger. Su Yuanshan crossed his fingers and sighed again: I used to be able to find time to go to the laboratory in person, or at the worst, I could take a look at the experimental report and provide guidance. But now , let alone experimental reports, even if I read literature every day, I am almost running out of time - I used to be able to read one article every night, but now I can only read a few pages. This cannot be read in one go, what is the difference from half a large size?

...Ahem, Mr. Shan.

Okay, this metaphor is a bit vulgar, but it is indeed true. Su Yuanshan flipped through the calendar and kept shaking his head: Tomorrow morning I will inspect the design center and listen to the report, I will meet with the department leaders in the afternoon, and I will go there the day after tomorrow. The wafer fab in Tianjin, and then Inspur will also have to take a look.”

And my dad also signed me up and will take care of graduate students next year...

When Wen Xiaoqian heard Su Yuanshan's rants, she couldn't help but laugh out loud, and joked: He who can do the hard work - are you leading a doctorate or a master's degree?

Doctorate. For master's degree, unless you are a genius...otherwise it will be troublesome. Doctoral students should be more relaxed.

...In fact, when studying for graduate school, the main thing is to look at the resources of the instructor. Your resources are so good...so you can bring them with you.

Yeah... So, my father doesn't regard his son as an outsider. And he also stipulated that I must publish a top issue within three years - he really thinks that the top issue is written by me.

Ah... there is only one kind of heroism in the world, which is to still love life after recognizing the truth of life.

Su Yuanshan opened his laptop after saying this inexplicable sentence.

Wen Xiaoqian: ...

Three days later, Su Yuanshan ended his trip and returned to the Provincial Science and Technology Park.

Not long after arriving at the office, Ma Mengqi heard the noise and rushed over.

Naturally, he still held the drone in his hand that he regarded as a treasure.

Did you install surveillance cameras in my office?

Su Yuanshan has always been in contact with Pandora's talented people as a leader of the Science and Technology Committee, so he is not as gentle and polite as he is when he contacts corporate leaders.

Well, everyone in the R\u0026D department still does what he does.

Hey, no way, I spent money to find out. Ma Mengqi also blurted out, sat down on the sofa, and put the drone on the coffee table.

The enemy is in the office! Su Yuanshan sighed as he walked out from behind the desk.

Despite this conversation, Su Yuanshan's eyes were always on the drone, and his eyes were shining.

Ever since Ma Mengqi established an independent laboratory, he hasn't paid much attention to it - he can't pay enough attention to it.

After all, as a talent that Mr. Xi is optimistic about, Ma Mengqi deserves to be entrusted to him.

It has been more than a year since Ma Mengqi took out the prototype. What Su Yuanshan knows most is that after the May 8th Movement last year, some mysterious departments from above entered Ma Mengqi's laboratory, maybe made a request, or maybe took it away. Technology... In short, some mysterious departments have taken a fancy to drones, a new type of aircraft.

Putting aside the progress of the mysterious department, the appearance of Ma Mengqi's current drone is already very close to the consumer market drones of later generations.

Tell me about the parameters.

There's nothing to say. It's only about one thousand meters now, and it's still in an open area. Complex terrain, especially complex urban terrain, requires consideration of anti-interference. We have a team working with NewBEE Labs to find a solution.

Ma Mengqi picked up the remote control and drone, and walked to the window next to Su Yuanshan's puzzled eyes.

Mr. Shan, let me give you an awesome show.

As he spoke, he opened the window with a bang and threw the drone out right under Su Yuanshan's eyes.

Almost at the same time, there was a loud buzzing sound, and after the drone fell less than thirty centimeters, it took off again in an instant!

Ma Mengqi turned back proudly.

Su Yuanshan opened his mouth in surprise.

Who said that? As long as the force is strong enough, even bricks can fly into the sky.

Ma Mengqi controlled the drone and returned to the office, landed steadily on the floor, and leaned against the window, feeling proud.

Su Yuanshan blinked hard several times and coughed again before he came back to his senses.

Frankly speaking, this kind of operation, which was common in later generations... appears now, which is indeed a breakthrough.

And it really confirms Ma Mengqi’s words, strength is so great that bricks fly.

How many sensors have been added? What's your next idea? Su Yuanshan picked up the drone and asked Ma Meng to sit back on the sofa.

A lot has been added, not to mention the gyroscope, mainly the barometer, accelerometer, magnetometer, and GPS - but these are not important, Mr. Shan. Ma Mengqi licked his mouth and said The face is proud: Algorithms and systems are the most important! Just to get the seamless switching of control postures, we spent a full three months!

Su Yuanshan nodded: Thank you for your hard work, what next?

Then, after installing GPS, it can automatically return when it detects that the control signal has weakened to avoid losing it - but the current GPS positioning is very inaccurate and always conflicts with our obstacle avoidance system.

Well... the current civilian-grade GPS does have a bit of a deviation... It is said that it is considering adjusting the accuracy. At the same time, our navigation satellite will soon be launched into the sky - and then what?

Then? Then if you can't get me some navigation satellites, we can only use sensors and image recognition to achieve another cool function.

Ma Meng raised the drone with his right hand, stretched out his left hand, and looked at Su Yuanshan with stern eyes: Mr. Shan, one day, I want to make it possible for my old horse to fly if it is thrown out, and it can fly back if it opens its hands!

Okay! Su Yuanshan slapped his thigh and laughed: That's what I think too - tell me, how long will it take?

Before the end of the year, this recognition algorithm seems simple, but it is really difficult to implement. Especially we want to achieve motion recovery...

But even so, can it be launched on the market?

After finishing speaking, Ma Mengqi looked at Su Yuanshan with bright eyes.

From the initial interest, to the establishment of an independent laboratory, and now hundreds of people working hard for more than a year, if it cannot be launched into the market and marketed, then Ma Mengqi will definitely not accept it.

Although he loves technology, he is also willing to stay in the science and technology park and write code all day long for the sake of technology, while doing other things. But he didn't say that he didn't want to see his product put into production.

How do you say that? Technology changes the world.

A man in science and engineering who loves technology naturally hopes to change the world with his technology.

Meeting Ma Mengqi's eyes, Su Yuanshan nodded slightly, but after a moment he asked: Old Ma, it's no problem to put it on the market - someone will definitely buy it. But think about it, how can we make it really attract people's attention? In other words, besides flying as a model aircraft, what else is its highlight?

Of course, aerial photography is one aspect. Military use is another aspect - but we are for civilian use.

If you want to launch the market, you have to think from the perspective of an entrepreneur. Not from the perspective of a laboratory director who relies on the power of bricks and flying piles.

After finishing speaking, Su Yuanshan leaned on the sofa and waited for the other party's answer.

Seeing Su Yuanshan's serious eyes, Ma Mengqi quickly calmed down.

Although he is a member of the R\u0026D Center series, he is not the kind of nerd who can only do experiments and write code - otherwise he would not have built this drone out of hobby.

Therefore, he knew that Su Yuanshan hoped to launch each laboratory into independent departments and enterprises.

The CPU department is a typical example.

In addition to having its own market and business departments, the CPU department even has its own marketing department. It can be said that with just one order, it can split independently like a multi-stage rocket anytime and anywhere.

As for this independent laboratory, as long as it achieves marketization, it can be directly branched out and become a commercial enterprise focusing on drone research and development.

Therefore, he considered the application scenarios.

First of all, let's not talk about military matters. It is definitely useful - even if it is used under the banner of civilian use, it can also be used in the military.

Su Yuanshan nodded: Yes, but we can't promote it, let alone use it as a selling point.

As for civilian use, it can also be used for documentary shooting, movie shooting, and news shooting. Ma Mengqi pursed his lips: Although the current camera accuracy is not enough, we have a complete flight control system that can make various sizes. , products come in different shapes and even different shapes.”

For example, once its load capacity reaches a certain level, it can replace agricultural aircraft and be used to spray pesticides. Ma Mengqi said solemnly: If the positioning accuracy is high enough, we can even spray pesticides automatically.

Even if a robotic arm is added to it, it can also perform unmanned operations at high altitudes - such as tightening screws.

In short, there is nothing that is unimaginable and impossible to do.

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