BOE Industrial Park.

After the National Day, the weather in the north suddenly turned cold, and the mood of autumn was very strong.

Wang Dongsheng walked with Su Yuanshan and Zhu Yuanxin in the park. Seeing that Su Yuanshan was a little afraid of the cold, he asked with concern: Mr. Shan, do you want to put on an extra coat?

No need, I can still bear it. Su Yuanshan put his hands in his pockets and looked around the park. Hearing the words, he smiled and said, I heard that someone from Bang Country came to learn the scriptures. Why didn't I see anyone?

Zhu Yuanxin, who has been here for a long time, laughed when he heard this and said: Mr. Shan, the SK people are in another laboratory. Besides, they are all yellow people. Even if you are walking on the road, as long as you don't speak, you can't tell them apart... …”

That's right. Su Yuanshan chuckled, turned and walked along the woods towards the laboratory building.

Since the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997, has been flexing its muscles with the support of the 910 Plan and has been striving to expand counter-cyclically. In order to promote LCD panels, has also established a Liquid Crystal Display Association , almost using a semi-administrative order to force the domestic TV industry to move in the direction of LCD panels.

Now two years have passed, not to mention the remarkable results, at least, BOE has won the market share of LCD panels.

But one thing to say is that what BOE has acquired is mainly the midstream panel production technology. In the upstream basic materials field, it currently has to cooperate with Niguobangguo.

Of course, BOE's technological breakthroughs in the application field are also coming very quickly - thanks to the two parties, Yuanxin and Sony, no one is easy to fool.

For example, this time the capacitive touch screen.

At present, the control chip has just been sent for tape-out. At present, I can only use the FPGA chip to demonstrate it for you, and the driver is relatively simple. For specific application scenarios, application developers still need to work on it.

Wang Dongsheng introduced them as he walked and brought Su Yuanshan and Su Yuanshan into the laboratory.

There were already people waiting in the laboratory, and there was also an old acquaintance, Futoshi Karasawa.

Tang Ze, are you responsible for driving again? Su Yuanshan greeted him with a smile.

Yes, Mr. Shan. Since the last time he recognized Su Yuanshan, Tangze Erxiong's status in BOE has increased. Now he is not only the director, but also has a very high technical level. Naturally, the treatment is definitely not the same. There will be less. So much so that he brought his family to the capital to settle down, and he has been urging his brother to come too.

Then I'll wait and see. Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile, greeted the others one by one, and then stood in front of the workbench.

An approximately eight-inch IPS LCD screen is placed next to a laptop, and then connected to an independent driver circuit board using a data cable, and finally connected to the laptop.

Karasawa Nixiong opened the test software on his laptop and clicked on the LCD screen nearby. A coordinate immediately lit up on the test software interface, and at the same time, the coordinates were left in the log column next to it.

Mr. Shan, do you want to try?

Okay. Su Yuanshan was not polite and pressed down with all five fingers, followed by a quick slide.

The test interface faithfully left the trajectory of his finger movements.

Su Yuanshan rowed several times in succession, and after noticing that there was almost no deviation in the track record, he kept nodding: Not bad, awesome!

Hearing this, all the engineers who had smiled on their faces but were still a little uneasy since he came in finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially Karasawa Erxiong, he exhaled without any concealment.

——In the eyes of these engineers, Su Yuanshan not only represents the need for cooperation with Fang Yuanxin, but also represents the highest vision and level of the entire technology circle.

Being able to get his approval means that it is indeed... awesome.

Lao Zhu, come and try. Su Yuanshan took a step back, made room for Zhu Yuanxin, and stood together with Wang Dongsheng.

Well, okay. Zhu Yuanxin had wanted to try it for a long time. Ever since Su Yuanshan poured out his bitterness to him, saying that the stylus + resistive screen was an anti-human compromise, he didn't think anything about it at first... Use it later. I feel more and more unhappy, so much so that I am looking forward to the capacitive screen.

Seeing Zhu Yuanxin blindly clicking everywhere on the screen, and then leaning down to check the screen condition, Su Yuanshan smiled: The glass screen is indestructible - By the way, Mr. Wang, who did you use for this glass substrate? Corning or Asahi Glass?

Asahi Glass.

Hmm... Su Yuanshan nodded, pondered for a few seconds and then asked: Isn't there any support in the country?

Yes, Luo Bo. But Luo Bo... is still a little behind. Wang Dongsheng shook his head slightly: We want to use cutting-edge technology now, so we can't shrink the materials. Besides, we are not qualified now... to attract brother companies.

Well... Su Yuanshan nodded again: Yes, there is really no rush in the field of materials. If we have a chance to fly, we must fly first.

After finishing speaking, Su Yuanshan looked at Zhu Yuanxin again, smiled meaningfully and said, Old Zhu, what do you say?

Very good, but what about the cost? Zhu Yuanxin looked back at the two of them: If the cost of this thing cannot be reduced...then it can only become a concept product.

“The cost will be discussed later.”

After wandering around several laboratories and understanding the progress of cutting-edge technologies, Su Yuanshan and others returned to Wang Dongsheng's office.

After the three people closed the door, they should talk about specific issues.

Mr. Shan, the cost is indeed very high. Wang Dongsheng said sternly: This capacitive screen is no better than ordinary panels. Although it seems to be able to replace the application scenarios of resistive screens, we all know that in theory it is the same thing, but in fact It's another thing - resistive screens also have advantages, but the cost alone makes them difficult to replace. After all, not all devices are used in large quantities like smartphones.

Yeah... I understand. Su Yuanshan nodded slightly: So we have to find a way for the capacitive screen.

Zhu Yuanxin immediately said: Smartphone is one.

What else? Su Yuanshan asked.

Um... Zhu Yuanxin was confused by Su Yuanshan's question. After thinking for a while, he said: Car navigation system? Car or aircraft-mounted operable smart TV?

Su Yuanshan chuckled: What else?

...Anyway, it's just a place that needs a display and needs to be operated. Zhu Yuanxin chuckled and said, Or replace the laptop's display with a touch screen...


Hmm... He brought Zhu Yuanxin here, really hoping that Zhu Yuanxin could have a flash of inspiration and fix the tablet computer. But now it seems that people's creativity is still restricted.

And for now, it is true that consumer electronics have not reached the stage where tablet computers are needed - even if there are prototypes of tablet computers in history, they are actually either like notebooks or PDAs.

After pondering for a moment, he slowly shook his head: I have an idea - thinness and lightness are the evolution of all electronic products. Whether it is notebooks or our smartphones, they will all evolve in this direction.

Zhu Yuanxin nodded in agreement: So this time, we handed over the notebook to the design team from Niguo. The leader is Okamoto-san. He is the chief designer of the original Toshiba notebook, and his ideas are consistent with ours.

Yeah. Su Yuanshan nodded: But there is a contradiction in the middle. We are constantly pursuing the display area of ​​​​information - for example, why are TVs getting bigger and bigger now? Let alone TV manufacturers, just Even panel manufacturers use the ability to spit out large panels as a gimmick, Lao Wang, don’t you think so?”

Wang Dongsheng chuckled: Yes, the larger the area, the more content and information can be displayed, the richer it is, and the stronger the expressiveness.

So, you see... Although the mobile phone is portable enough, due to the screen size, it still displays too little content. It is almost enough for entertainment... If it is really used for work, it is almost meaningless. So it is still used for work. A notebook, and the notebook must be of a certain size.”

Su Yuanshan said as he grabbed the magazine on the side.

Wang Dongsheng was slightly startled when he saw this. He didn't know what Su Yuanshan was going to do, but Zhu Yuanxin understood Su Yuanshan very well. When he saw this, he stood up, took a pen from the pen holder on his desk and handed it to Su Yuanshan.

But laptops are not portable enough - they are heavy if they want to ensure battery life, and they cannot guarantee battery life if they are light. But if battery life cannot be guaranteed... what can you do for an hour or two? Moreover, laptops are still too strong in fixed-location office attributes. . The most suitable scenario for it is to carry it from home to work, then put it on the desk, plug it in... rather than taking it out anytime and anywhere.

So, if we can find a balance between laptops and mobile phones, and make a real electronic product that can satisfy both portability and content there a market for it?

It doesn't have to be too big...

Su Yuanshan was about to draw something in the magazine as he spoke, but when he lowered his head, he saw a story book. So he immediately put down the pen, picked up the story book, and said with a smile: This size will be fine.

Wang Dongsheng and Zhu Yuanxin looked at the thirty-two-inch storybook at the same time—about nine inches.

After a moment, Zhu Yuanxin stood up!

Mr. Shan is awesome!



Audi left BOE and headed towards Yuanxin Capital Science and Technology Park.

Zhu Yuanxin and Su Yuanshan were sitting in the back row. Since getting in the car, he has said nothing and stared straight ahead without blinking - obviously, he was looking at the air.

Because in his words, once an idea comes to mind, he doesn't want to wait any longer.

When Su Yuanshan saw this, he naturally didn't bother him. He just chatted happily with Wen Xiaoqian in the passenger seat - and Zhu Yuanxin could still pick up the conversation occasionally, so he was a genius who could multi-task.

Back at the design center, Zhu Yuanxin convened a meeting with the middle management without stopping, and then completed the tablet computer project as quickly as possible - according to the original plan, he should have held a design meeting for the Yidoo5 smartphone and reported it to Su Yuanshan reported. As a result, the plan report could only be postponed to the next day.

That night, Zhu Yuanxin went directly to Su Yuanshan's courtyard residence in the Science and Technology Park and discussed with him the appearance, specifications, and requirements of the tablet computer tentatively named XPad.

Mr. Shan, I have to say that it would be... such a waste if you don't come into the design field. Zhu Yuanxin kept moving his index and middle fingers to spin the pen, indicating that he was still in a difficult mood, and joked with a smile. : And in the afternoon, we thought carefully about it. The birth of Xpad will directly segment the demand-as long as there is a desire for electronic products, it will definitely fall into our product chain.

Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile: Yes, that's the truth. And we can also break it down a little more and complete the entire product chain...

For example, a smart watch, right? Zhu Yuanxin also said with a smile.

Huh? Yes, the concept of smart watches is good... Su Yuanshan said with some surprise: Who thought of it?

During the meeting today, what Lang Gaoliang thought of was along the lines of segmentation and full product chain you just mentioned. But for now, even if the watch can access the Internet and even if it can be installed with the system, it seems that There aren’t many application scenarios…but you might as well consider one.”

Well, yes, in the age of science and technology, the most fearful thing is the unexpected. As long as you think of it, what can't you do? - Are there any good ideas?

That's a lot, but there are a lot of nonsense, such as smart lights, smart refrigerators, washing machines, etc... On the other hand, smart TVs connected through the Internet, we think it should be okay, but we must also take into account the current situation of the industry. Don't design it by then. , As a result, the so-called intelligence can only be used as a decoration, which is just a joke.

Su Yuanshan nodded: Well... yes, take your time. We are the industry leader and have taken the express train of the Internet, so we have plenty of opportunities to try and make mistakes.

That's right. And as far as XPad is concerned, we have also considered a variety of application scenarios today. Zhu Yuanxin said, opening the notebook, looking down and smiling: For example, e-reading - Xpad is the size of a book anyway. , just right for reading.”

Yeah, that's right. What else?

It is also possible to surf the Internet. At least the experience is much better than that of a mobile phone. In addition, its mobile display performance is a highlight in itself, and it can explore too many application scenarios.

Of course, the more important thing is that it is light enough and convenient - and according to our simple calculations, under intensive use, it will definitely have a battery life of more than five hours.

As he spoke, Zhu Yuanxin raised the paper notebook in his hand: For example, now, I can throw away the notebook and show you an XPad.

Su Yuanshan laughed, shook his head and said: Let's talk about the tablet first, let's talk about the mobile phone - you said the same thing as Hua'er last time, how is it now?

As soon as he mentioned this, Zhu Yuanxin immediately became energetic.

He unzipped his laptop bag, opened his laptop, woke up the system and clicked on the blueprint.

Currently, we agree that this is how it looks.

The original design looked terrible, but it was immediately obvious that it was a sandwich structure.

Su Yuanshan blinked and did not express his position first, but asked directly: Who designed it?

“Alan from the Silicon Valley team.”

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