1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 778 Citywide and Uber

However, Yang Weichang's next change of conversation shocked Su Yuanshan.

Tell me, is it possible for us to take down Telecom?

When he heard this, Su Yuanshan happened to pick up the cup. When he heard this, his hand shook and the hot tea almost spilled out. He stared at Yang Weichang with a look of disbelief on his face.

Uncle Yang, what did you say?

Haha, let me ask, can we take down Telecom? Yang Weichang put down the tea cup, put his hands behind his head, and leaned on the sofa. Although he had a smile on his face, his eyes could not hide the heat.

This means that he is really not joking.


Su Yuanshan also put down his cup, and even before his mind started to spin, he started shaking his head.

Uncle Yang, don't be joking. Although I don't know your investment plan, but... the foundation of the domestic Internet is built by telecommunications. Let's not talk about the laying of optical fiber, just talk about the data room... At present, 90% The above computer rooms are all telecommunications ports, how do you kill them?

And there is also the Yellow River to demarcate...the north is for you...

After hearing Su Yuanshan's direct rebuttal, Yang Weichang was not anxious and still looked at him with a smile.

Su Yuanshan had no choice but to show his hands and said: Then I will show my cards directly. You don't know the domestic situation. You two are state-owned enterprises. Although you are engaged in market competition, after all... you are all... right. What? Maybe one family will kill the other?

Um... are you done? Yang Weichang nodded slightly and asked with a smile.

That's it, but I can add it at any time. Su Yuanshan also chuckled: But I'm curious, what do you think? This idea came up?

After that, just listen to me.

To kill Telecom, we don't want to kill them at home, or in other words, we don't kill them in domestic business, but... we use our advantage of going overseas first to kill them.

Yang Weichang stared at Su Yuanshan and smiled slightly: I agree with what you said. For mass consumer goods and consumer business, the demographic advantage is very important, so we will definitely not shake the core of the domestic basic market. But we must also see that , the Internet has turned the world into a global village, and domestic Internet companies are increasingly launching foreign language versions - at present, the choice of Internet companies launching international network services is HK Cyberport.

But I think that in the future, whether it is the Internet or the flow of talents between the East and the West... it will become more and more open. And according to your vision, our country will also become the center of the world, or something else. one.

So, what do you think, if we take over all international bandwidth exports?

After hearing what Yang Weichang said, Su Yuanshan opened his mouth... and couldn't speak for a while.

He really wanted to tell Yang Weichang, mouth after mouth - ten million words are omitted here.

But now...because of the emergence of Yuanxin, everything seems to be developing into a more open situation.

After all, Yuanxin has supported too many Internet companies in China - in the early barbaric era of the Internet, creativity was the greatest and... the cheapest.

Nowadays, the provincial capital has already become a benchmark for Silicon Valley, and it is also true that domestic Internet companies are actively going global, relying on the newbooks and EMs.

The most important thing is that Yang Weichang's logic is right now - unless he, Su Yuanshan, denies his own vision, refuses to admit that the country under his feet will rise and become the center of the world in the future, and refuses to admit that the Internet will connect the world.

It means, do you plan to segment the user groups? Focus on international visits?

“I’m not talking about the main focus… the main thing is that we hope to take over the data equipment rooms of Internet companies and give Telecom a boost in salary.”

So Su Yuanshan nodded: Okay, I admit, this is indeed good. But Uncle Yang, I can't help you much.

Who said that? Yang Weichang laughed: The computer room technology needs you to implement it...


After hearing this, he finally understood that Yang Weichang originally planned to use his connections to greet Internet companies...

After pondering for a moment, Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and his mind kept spinning.

FarCore's domestic strategies are different from those abroad. Overseas, FarCore cooperates with China Connect as much as possible to go overseas and enter the world together. But in China... Yuanxin, as an equipment and technology supplier, still tries its best to be as balanced as possible.

For example, Telecom, Yuanxin readily cooperated with Telecom in its efforts to develop PHS base stations, and at the same time provided communication terminal solutions as soon as possible.

Not counting this, Su Yuanshan also directly greeted Zhongxin and Giant and asked Wang Chaoxin and Shi Dazhu to help support them. Frankly speaking, at the beginning, these two people did launch Xiaoxin with a supportive attitude. However, after more than a year passed, PHS users and the market expanded rapidly, making these two companies overjoyed...

Not to mention China Mobile - FarCore still has not settled the muddled account of supporting China Mobile in building base stations. The relationship between the two is very good.

Now Yang Weichang obviously wants to pull himself aside...

This... is absolutely impossible.

Uncle Yang, how about this? There is an Internet conference next door, and Zhang Xiaolong is also there...

Aren't you going to go?

I just came back and ran over again. People think I have nothing to do. Su Yuanshan chuckled: Uncle Yang, Zhang Xiaolong will definitely not refute your face.

... Yang Weichang coughed, looked at Su Yuanshan, sighed softly, and then smiled: It seems that Yiwen understands you.

Oh? What did Sister Yiwen say?

She said, you will definitely not mix with me.


Okay, but if you think it's feasible, then I'll be relieved. Yang Weichang breathed out again and said with a smile: As I get older, sometimes I want to do something, but I'm still a little worried that I can't see through it. Accurate - although everyone thinks that we can become a network connecting the world, I still can't make up my mind.

Well...it's okay, the general trend is the trend, the world is ours!

Well said, the general trend is the trend! Yang Weichang laughed and stood up: Then I won't disturb you, I will also go next door to take a look - is Xiaoye also next door?

Here, let me call her and ask her to pick you up?

No, I'll go there myself.

After sending Yang Weichang to the door of the office, Su Yuanshan returned to his desk.

The smile disappeared from his face, and after thinking silently for two minutes, he grabbed the phone and dialed Huo Jianning's cell phone.

Mr. Huo, the international Internet, or the overseas Internet, is essentially cutting leeks.

In the pre-Internet period, or the bubble period, or the concept period... these leeks were stock investors, capital who had not yet figured it out. But with the acceleration of the Internet process, Internet users all over the world are leeks. .”

In addition to promoting mobile network services, we should also raise a few more scythes that dare to go to sea.



That night, Ye Rudai went directly back to Su Yuanshan's dormitory in Yuanxin.

That is, two bedrooms and one living room, hotel apartment. But because he has lived here all year round, he has long had the feeling of home.

After taking a shower, he lay on the bedside with his head on his arms, smiling as he watched Ye Rudai sitting at the desk, sending and receiving emails, and chatting in the group.

Dair, I heard that you guys built a website with new features while talking and laughing?

Ye Rudai didn't look back: Well, I'm chatting with Senior Brother Ding and a few others - why don't you say a few words?

No, lest they say we show affection. Su Yuanshan smiled and shook his head: By the way, what is the function?

Life service function. Ye Rudai turned back and winked at him, smiling sweetly: We plan to limit the limit on both PC and mobile terminals at the same time. The PC terminal will use IP address destination, and the mobile terminal will use positioning and other methods to introduce the concept of earth map.

Hearing this, Su Yuanshan immediately sat up and said, Continue.

Seeing that Su Yuanshan was interested, Ye Rudai quickly tapped twice on the keyboard and closed the notebook. She squatted cross-legged on the chair, turned around and pushed hard against the desk, rolling the chair and herself to the edge of the bed. Su Yuanshan caught her arms and pulled her onto him.

Speaking of the quilt.

...Our idea is to provide typical B2C query services for lifestyle merchants. There are both map concepts and yellow pages website concepts. We can even introduce a similar evaluation system like zip2 - you know zip2, right? ?”

Yes. Su Yuanshan nodded: The founder's name is Musk.

Yes, do you know this person? Ye Rudai turned to look at Su Yuanshan.

Su Yuanshan chuckled and said in his heart, I know very well...

After this person sold zip2, he started X and com. Now he is working on PayPal. It seems that he is at the forefront of every step. He is a talent.

Yeah, I think so too. Ye Rudai nodded: I've met him twice, and he... admires you very much.

Su Yuanshan blinked: Is it admiration or recognition?

Haha... Ye Rudai laughed.

As a pillow person, she certainly knows what Su Yuanshan's entangled words mean - approval means that Musk is very arrogant. Admiration means that Musk is not as arrogant as Su Yuanshan.

It's better to admire me more. After all, you are so famous. Ye Rudai said this sincerely.

And, it's true.

Su Yuanshan's growth from the wonder boy to the genius entrepreneur he is today is obvious to everyone in the technology world.

Hey, this sounds comfortable to you - go on, what else do you think?

No, it's mainly the lifestyle category. The highlight is the combination with maps. And we all think that this is especially suitable for mobile Internet users - for example, if you hold a mobile phone and locate it, you can immediately find a place to eat near you. Where, where is the hotel, and you can also see reviews...even...

Ye Rudai suddenly closed her mouth as she spoke.

Su Yuanshan hooked her chin curiously: Why don't you say anything?

Ye Rudai winked playfully: Because it involves a very cool idea, I'm afraid you will steal my idea.

... Su Yuanshan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Ye Rudai smiled sweetly: Hehe, okay, actually, it is an extension of thinking centered on smartphones. With accurate positioning, we can even consider realizing two-way communication, for example, I want to take a taxi, You can see if there are taxis nearby - of course, the premise is that the taxi also broadcasts its location through the positioning system at any time.

Ye Rudai's eyes shone as she spoke: I think about it carefully, technically this is not difficult. What is difficult is the penetration rate of smartphones - especially smartphones that need to be equipped with positioning systems. At present, it seems Only the Yidoo series concept phones have a positioning system, right?”

Ye Rudai didn't notice that Su Yuanshan's eyes suddenly lit up. She only felt that the hand holding her suddenly became a little stronger.

what do you think?

Su Yuanshan did not answer directly, but asked: Have you been talking about this this afternoon?

Well, the main thing is to think about the future. But I didn't tell them this. Ye Rudai smiled and became embarrassed: I kept it a secret.

Yeah! Well done! Su Yuanshan laughed loudly: You are right. Once the map is moved to the mobile phone, there will be too many services that can be realized...

Navigation, shops, taxis, shared bikes...all the services that will become part of people's lives in the future are based on location and map services.

Ye Rudai can think of the prototype of Uber right now...

Well, he said that his influence was indeed very strong, and Ye Rudai had indeed gained enlightenment, and he was very pleased.

It's a pity that the penetration rate of smartphones is too low now. Ye Rudai curled into Su Yuanshan's arm and sighed with great regret: I don't know how long it will take for the day when everyone has a mobile phone in the future as you mentioned. Just come – turn off the lights!”

Almost. Su Yuanshan chuckled and reached out to press down the lamp.

Start rolling on the sheets.

The Internet Conference lasted for five days.

This “self-rescue” conference for domestic Internet companies was, in a sense, a complete success—it can’t be said to be a failure, right?

At the very least, Yuanxin has invested in many companies with real money and practical experience. It can be regarded as a rectification of the name of Su Yuanshan, the trumpeter.

But after all, after suffering a loss, capital is still wary of models that tell stories and concepts. Even though the theme of this conference is already focused on profit, capital still says that it will wait until you do it first.

Five days later, Ye Rudai returned to HK with the jelly beans, while Su Yuanshan went to the capital and went to BOE.

——If we want to draw a circle for the capital of Yuanxin system, then BOE is the weakest affected by Yuanxin—or in other words, Yuanxin’s influence on BOE is extremely limited.

However, in the layout of Yuanxin, it bears no less important responsibilities than the chip. Therefore, Su Yuanshan had to pay attention to it and keep an eye on it at all times.

For example, this time, good news came from BOE, indicating that the capacitive touch screen was officially completed.

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