1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 777 The Internet’s road to self-rescue

The fifth floor of the exhibition center is the business center at night. Ye Rudai, Ding Lei, Pony, Zhang Xiaolong, Li Yanhong, Han Sui and others sat around a corner of the tea restaurant, chatting casually.

As a senior fellow student of Su Yuanshan and Zi Zi, Ding Lei naturally cares about the household affairs: Yi Zi, has Xiaodou learned to speak?

I just called her mom yesterday. Ye Rudai pursed her lips and smiled, flipping up her hair - she had cut her hair short since she returned to Silicon Valley. She looked neat and tidy, completing the transformation from a baby mother to a CEO.

That's okay - that workaholic Xiaoshan really shouldn't have called him first. Ding Lei smiled and sighed: You don't even have time to chat with us for a while... isn't that time squeezed out?

Mr. Ding, how can you be sure that Mr. Shan's presence today is not an extravagant time? Li Yanhong said cheerfully.

Well...it seems true.

——Su Yuanshan only came to attend the opening ceremony and then hurried back to the science and technology park, which disappointed many people. However, Huo Jianning, the strategic investment president of Yuanxin, stayed on, which can be regarded as a statement of attitude.

Now Huo Jianning is not far away communicating with the heads of several emerging companies that plan to enter mobile network services. From the looks of it, it seems that they can secure investment.

Ignore him, let's talk about us. Ye Rudai waved her hand, turned her eyes back from Huo Jianning, and said with a smile: Have you considered focusing on the development of mobile Internet in the past?

Everyone present can be said to represent the most well-known Internet companies in China so far. And their respective fields are almost all related to Yuanxin - especially Zhang Xiaolong. Even if the Internet Center becomes independent, he will also be the executive director of Yuanxin and one of the top strategic leaders.

Therefore, Ye Rudai opened her mouth and everyone understood her intention - Yuanxin's deployment and efforts on the mobile Internet were obvious to all.

Is this... what Mr. Shan means? Han Sui immediately asked first.

He didn't say, it was my suggestion. Ye Rudai looked at Zhang Xiaolong with a smile: Brother Xiaolong, you should know the prospects of mobile Internet applications and Yuanxin's determination better than I do.

Everyone looked at Zhang Xiaolong, who coughed lightly, smiled and nodded slightly: Indeed, mobile Internet is the overall strategic direction of Yuanxin. This can be seen from the fact that Mr. Duan is directly responsible.

Li Yanhong asked curiously: What is the manager responsible for?

General Manager Shan is responsible for the semiconductor business. Zhang Xiaolong answered simply, obviously not wanting to talk more about this topic, and continued: But the explosion of mobile Internet has two major prerequisites. The first is communication technology; the other is infrastructure.

For the former, we now have three major standards: CCDMA, WCDMA, and CDMA2000, which can match the Internet speed of ADSL. However, due to the involvement of many stakeholders, the overall progress is not fast, so there is Yuanxin in The purpose of the comprehensive promotion plan last month is to allow operators to accelerate the deployment of 3G networks and achieve a major acceleration in the deployment of the entire mobile network.

But the latter, in addition to base station deployment, is also affected by optical fiber projects and the bandwidth of the entire Internet backbone network... Fortunately, since our country has incorporated informatization into its strategic development direction, the current backbone network is being laid very quickly, and at the same time, the submarine Fiber optics are also being deployed in full swing - let me not talk about Qingdao and Shanghai. Just talking about Hong Kong, there are five Asia-Europe and Asia-US optical fibers being deployed. All this money is squeezed out by the Hong Kong government through gritted teeth.

So, according to our estimates, in as little as three years and as many as five years, the mobile Internet will have a major explosive period - and by then... Zhang Xiaolong paused as he spoke, and smiled proudly.

Our 4G technology has also been completed - according to the evolution plan, the theoretical network speed of 4G will reach at least 100Mbps! Mr. Ding, I remember that this speed was proposed when Yuanxin was still in Jiangdu Building, right?

Ding Lei was startled for a moment, then smiled slightly and nodded after being silent for a moment.

How could he not know...

In 1992, when he was still a junior in college, he brought a group of people to Yuanxin for internship, and was then assigned to the communications technology team at that time. There, in addition to learning and improving and writing code, he followed a group of people to imagine the future.

He remembered very clearly that Mr. Tian encouraged everyone more than once, saying that wireless communication technology is the future, that it can eliminate the existence of stupid and cumbersome modems, and that it can deliver one floppy disk or even one CD per second. science and technology.

Later, because of his wireless love for the Internet, he developed an email client, and was then entrusted with the important task of Su Yuanshan to establish the Internet Center...

Now eight years later, he has become the man who once defeated Microsoft and is also known as the pride of the country... But when he looks back on the past, he realizes that the awesomeness that Yuanxin boasted at the beginning is no longer the same. Little by little it becomes reality.

Although its own newbook is still the Internet company with the largest market value. But compared with the market value of hundreds of billions of dollars at its peak, it has now shrunk to less than 40 billion.

Yes, this is still a height that ordinary people cannot reach in their lifetime.

But when he heard Zhang Xiaolong say we, he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

——Yuanxin has reduced its shareholding in newbook to less than 5% and completed a large amount of cash out.

From the perspective of entrepreneurs and capital, Ding Lei agreed with Su Yuanshan's decision. Even putting him in Su Yuanshan's position, if he could make the same judgment about the Internet bubble, he would also choose to cash out.

But from the standpoint of being born far away, Ding Lei still feels grudges in his heart, or even always grudges.

Zhang Xiaolong did not notice the change in Ding Lei's expression. He continued: So, if we can enter the application field of mobile Internet in advance, even if it is not for the sake of encircling the land later, there will be one more story to tell!

Ye Rudai nodded with a smile: Yes, and don't forget, mobile phones are the best platform to complete payment and deduction! If we can think of a way to open up the payment channel with the operator, then we can easily to take money out of the hands of mobile phone users.

Pony, who had been listening carefully at this time, suddenly asked: Does this mean that we need to find additional paid items in the current mobile phone value-added services?

That's what it means.

Then... I think we can do it. Pony touched his glasses and chuckled: EM (easy message) has long planned to open a membership system, but it has been unable to find a good payment method. After all, the current online banking interface is not accepted by the public... It would be much more convenient if the fees could be deducted through the operator.

According to what you said, games are also a good way, and it's okay. Ding Lei also immediately drew inferences.

The game itself is fine. Han Sui added.

As a member of the Caotang Club, which occupies most of the domestic gaming industry, he naturally knows everything about it.

In the latest Yidoo, the three games all adopt the method of cooperating with operators to deduct fees. However, Mr. Shan feels that deducting fees for downloading is still not very humane - after all, operators are now powerful parties, and refunds are troublesome. Get a batch. Therefore, it is recommended that game developers make a free download and then try it before paying.

Well, this method is good. Zhang Xiaolong nodded with a smile: After all, we can be regarded as the pioneers of this model. Every step affects the subsequent enterprises, so we must be extra cautious every step we take. As for refunds... we The Internet Center will soon launch an online banking payment system based on PCs and mobile devices. By then, we will be able to make refunds conveniently.

You want to start PayPal? Ding Lei was slightly startled and asked immediately.

Yeah, but we're not called PayPal, we're called IPay, Intelnet pay, online payment, simple and clear. Zhang Xiaolong chuckled and said: It will probably be launched before the end of next month. We have already signed contracts with four banks. In theory, it can be used all over the world. ——Welcome everyone to come online.”

Upon hearing the news, everyone's spirits were lifted.

For a long time, it has been difficult for Internet companies to extract money from users' pockets. In addition to the cost of Internet access, not having a channel to spend money is also a long-standing problem.

But this really cannot be rushed... because online payment involves naked money. If it is not foolproof and is launched in a hurry, it will only bring disaster to online payment.

And even if it is launched, there must be a big NB company to support it. Otherwise, it will be just like PayPal. Although it is technically OK, because it is run by an entrepreneurial company, apart from Internet practitioners, ordinary users are simply skeptical. At the same time, there are very few banks that have signed contracts. Several small banks have signed contracts with the idea that beating children on a rainy day and being idle is also idle.

It is said that PayPal is now looking for someone to acquire it... I don’t know if it can be sold.

But the Internet Center is different. Not only is it backed by the big tree of Yuanxin, it is also the leader of HK Cyberport. It quickly won over Bank of Communications, HSBC, Bank of China (HK), and Kexin Bank—— A commercial bank invested and established by Oaktree Capital in Hong Kong.

Does your registration system require data connection? Ding Lei thought about it for a few seconds and immediately realized that this was not only an opportunity, but also a business opportunity. He immediately asked: You can use our email user interface. When the time comes, Log in directly, eliminating the hassle of registration.”

...It's not necessary for the time being. Zhang Xiaolong blinked and thought to himself, good guy, this is a matter involving money, and Ding Lei dares to expand territory: After all, it involves bank accounts... Now we still It’s better to be conservative.”

I think so, Li Yanhong said with a smile, We can think about how to launch a paid program - and it's very simple, very cheap, and not painful to use.

Hearing Li Yanhong's words, Pony on the side nodded subconsciously, thoughtfully: Indeed, we are engaged in value-added services, not a trading website - and I personally think that trading websites should also be small-scale Starting with high-quality, cheap products, users can try online payments with the mentality that they won’t lose much even if they are ‘scammed’. Then as long as they develop a habit and build up confidence, they can boldly make daily purchases in the future. I paid online.”

You guys are talking about daily consumption...I suddenly had a good idea.

Ye Rudai, who had been listening carefully, suddenly looked at everyone.

Everyone immediately stopped talking and looked back at her.

Do you think we lack a dedicated life service website?

That's the kind of thing... Ye Rudai frowned slightly, bit her lip, and described: For example, I want to find someone who can use the toilet. What should I do? Where can I find it?

When her voice fell, everyone's eyes lit up!

Zhang Xiaolong took the lead and said with a smile: I voted!



Yuanxin Technology Park, Su Yuanshan’s office.

He hurried back in a hurry, and naturally there was a distinguished guest in the office.

Uncle Yang, why didn't I see you at the venue?

Su Yuanshan personally served Yang Weichang tea, then pulled up a chair and sat in front of him. He looked at Yang Weichang, whose hair was already gray, with a smile.

It can be seen that Yang Weichang has been under a lot of pressure recently. Compared with before, he has a lot more gray hair.

But under great pressure, Yang Weichang's spirit was very high. He took the tea handed over by Su Yuanshan, shook his head slowly while blowing on the tea foam, took a final sip, closed his eyes and enjoyed it, and then slowly exhaled.

This tea is good.

Wen Xiaoqian, who was packing up documents at the side, blinked.

The Internet Conference is a matter for young people, and we old men will not join in the fun. Yang Weichang put down his tea cup and chuckled: Besides, how can we, who do menial jobs and collect rent, talk about high technology with others? Do the IT elites of the new world and the new future have a common language...

Harm! Uncle Yang, what you said is wrong. No matter how noisy the Internet is, we still have to rely on you to make a living. Seeing the old man making fun of himself, Su Yuanshan felt like a mirror - obviously, the main focus in the country is currently I still wanted to influence the Internet, so I made the momentum a bit big.

Haha, you still speak nicely.

What? Does anyone dare to speak nonsense in front of you?

That's not true, it's just that...some people are currently very dissatisfied with the Internet infrastructure that connects us. Yang Weichang sighed softly: You said that accessing the other party's network is more difficult than entering the bridal chamber. Does this blame us?

... Su Yuanshan understood.

Probably, maybe, maybe... it's because a group with deep foundation has been unable to obtain a mobile license, so it chose a product like PHS to access the mobile communications market, which is a curveball to save the country. Maybe they don't cooperate - or maybe it's because Connectivity itself is unwilling to cooperate...

In order to support China Unicom as an emerging force, the policy did not provide China Unicom with a landline license, but also provided wireless communications and broadband services. However, in reality, the interoperability between different broadband providers was not very satisfactory.

Well, it's not unsatisfactory, it's quite unsatisfactory.

And Su Yuanshan also heard that this someone should not be an ordinary user, otherwise Yang Weichang would not specifically say it in front of him.

But this is a matter of China Connect and Telecom... Yuanxin can't do anything about it. What's the use of Yang Weichang coming to him?

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