1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 776 Standards for Smartphones

Uncle Qin, Uncle Xiaoshan. Didn't I disturb you?

The two were chatting when a young and handsome man poked his head out of the door.

Zhao Yan. Qin Weimin waved to Zhao Yan: Didn't you go home during the National Day?

I came back once. My mother dared me to come back. Zhao Yan opened the door and walked to the coffee table. His eyes lit up when he saw the mobile phone with the King of Fighters interface on the coffee table, but he immediately put it aside pretending to be calm. He raised his eyes and said, Uncle Xiaoshan, can you arrange some work for me?

Three years have passed, and Zhao Yan has grown as if he has eaten food. He is now close to 1.8 meters tall. Except for his childish face, he is tall and extremely handsome.

After studying at Yuanxin Yucai for three years, Zhao Yan's grades did not improve by leaps and bounds like the storyline, and he became a blockbuster... Not to mention the famous provincial schools like 479, even getting into the high school headquarters of Yuanxin Yucai took a lot of effort. .

However, as Sun Xihui's child, Zhao Yan can still be placed in the fast class even if Su Yuanshan doesn't say hello.

Similarly, as the child of Sun Xihui... Whether it is Sun Xihui or Su Yuanshan, the biggest expectation for this guy is not to hope that he will become a genius or something. As long as he learns to be a human being, that is the biggest comfort.

Now it seems that Zhao Yan has indeed gotten rid of his bad habits since he was cleaned up by Su Yuanshan.

Arrange some work for you? Su Yuanshan was a little confused: What do you mean?

My mother told me to ask you to do some work-study during my vacation... Zhao Yan dragged a chair over, then picked up the teapot and filled the two of them with tea: And I studied during the summer vacation. A little bit of programming…”

Su Yuanshan: ...

Qin Weimin: ...

After a moment of silence, Su Yuanshan laughed: Okay, I actually learned programming. But I don't have any work-study work for you. If you really want to experience life, go to your Uncle Fu and ask him to arrange a cleaning job for you. Canteen work.”

... Zhao Yan looked at the mobile phone and asked, Can I earn the money of a mobile phone?

You are thinking too much. Su Yuanshan had already seen this guy's intense eyes and laughed loudly: Unless you can get into the top ten of your grade this time.

Just say no... Zhao Yan was speechless for a while.

Well, it really doesn't work. It affects your study. Su Yuanshan looked at him with a smile: However, you just said you wanted me to arrange a job for you, and you also said you learned programming... I won't ask you about your programming skills. . If you can compile a tank game based on YOS, then I will reward you with a mobile phone... Well, the latest Yidoo mobile phone, the one that is not yet on the market.

Zhao Yan was so excited that he almost stood up, but within a second he realized... this was probably more difficult than the top ten in grade.

Su Yuanshan handed the phone to Zhao Yan and said seductively: You have to play it first. It's very easy to make up a game. You can just ask anyone - but there is one thing, you have to do it yourself.

Zhao Yan gritted his teeth, finally unable to resist the temptation of advanced electronic products, and took a deep breath: ...Okay.


After a while, the Capital Science and Technology Park called and said that the meeting had been arranged.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Yan took Su Yuanshan's notebook with ease, connected to the video conference and consciously exited the office.

Su Yuanshan and Qin Weimin sat on the same side of the sofa.

Qin Weimin looked at the only cell phone left on the table and said dumbly: This guy kidnapped the phone.

It's okay, let him play for a while, let's combine work and rest. Su Yuanshan laughed and didn't mind at all.

Zhu Yuanxin's voice came from the laptop. Su Yuanshan took out a microphone from under the coffee table and plugged it into the MIC port of the laptop to start the remote meeting.

This remote meeting of the design center mainly discussed the direction of the next generation of mobile phones, so Qin Weimin came to attend.

It can also be seen that this meeting is extremely important.

Mr. Shan, Mr. Qin. In the video, Zhu Yuanxin laughed twice: Then let's skip the opening and talk directly?

Su Yuanshan nodded slightly: Well, you tell me.

Well, based on this cooperation with game developers, we have tasted a little bit of sweetness. For the game itself, mobile phones are definitely a good new platform. And with capacitive screens about to be launched soon, the current resistance screen Many problems can be solved…it’s just a bit expensive.”

But we don't need to consider the cost issue. After all, as long as we mass-produce it, we can keep the cost down.

Well, when we promote advanced technology, we really don't need to consider costs for the time being. Su Yuanshan nodded again.

So, we plan that every generation of mobile phones in the future will be based on becoming a gaming platform - Mr. Qin, this will require more support from the SOC department.

Qin Weimin nodded: Demand affects the whole body. We can only say that we should try our best to update the architecture and improve the efficiency of the display core.

Yes. Zhu Yuanxin laughed: Then let's talk about the next one.

After discussion, we plan to integrate a GPS positioning chip into the next generation of mobile phones... By then, as long as it is matched with a map program, our mobile phone can become a walking navigator! This may bring a revolution to the functions of mobile phones. Sexual changes…”

Hearing this, Su Yuanshan's eyes suddenly lit up!

Good idea! Continue. Su Yuanshan paused and added: This is indeed a good idea. We want to promote the navigation system, but those car manufacturers are very troubled by various industrial standards, and the cost is very expensive... Just use the mobile phone, Look what else they say!”

Yes, we also took this into consideration before we planned to add the navigation function to the mobile phone. But we still need the support of the map company...

If the map company doesn't support it, we can do it ourselves. We have added this function, and it can be included in the promotional video.

Okay. Zhu Yuanxin lowered his head and made two notes before continuing: The next step is that we should consider starting from games and adding gyroscope sensors to mobile phones...

Listening to Zhu Yuanxin's continuous plans for the configuration of the new mobile phone, Su Yuanshan couldn't help but nodded, feeling a little relieved.

Yuanxin Design Center, the design aesthetic aspect... I won’t talk about it, that really requires talent, but when it comes to the expansion of mobile phone functions, there is no doubt that the design center understands it.

The solution listed by Zhu Yuanxin is completely standard for future generations of smartphones.

Moreover, Zhu Yuanxin’s plan is indeed this—he wants to use Yidoo to set the next “standard” for his peers. Let Yuanxin become the birthplace and leader of smart phones.

Su Yuanshan naturally fully supports this.

After the conference call, Su Yuanshan looked at Qin Weimin: Brother, desktop processors have entered the 5G era. How about you increase the bandwidth to 1?

Put aside overclocking for now, I want to get multi-core. Qin Weimin picked up the tea cup and took a sip, looking at Su Yuanshan with burning eyes: I have an idea for big and small cores, can you help me with my advice?



In late October, Ye Rudai returned to the provincial capital from Silicon Valley.

Before returning, she agreed to receive US$350 million in financing from Xinghai Fund—accounting for 40% of the current total shares of Xinghai.

This financing amount is actually not much less than the initial valuation of eso when it was listed, so everyone is happy.

And after receiving the money, Ye Rudai persuaded the two elders to quit, and at the same time began rapid expansion.

After returning to the provincial capital, she immediately participated in the second domestic Internet summit this year.

At the Software Park Convention and Exhibition Center, Ye Rudai stood on the auditorium stage, looking at hundreds of people in the audience looking at her. She exhaled softly, and then walked to the podium.

Although this Internet Summit is nominally in the name of facing the new century and looking forward to the future of the Internet, in fact... everyone who came to the conference knows very well that this is a conference for teaming to save ourselves, and it is also a conference for Capital confidence-building conference.

During the National Day not long ago, online sales, which domestic Internet companies, especially B2C companies, had high hopes for, did not achieve the expected goals... and even caused a bit of a stretch.

And as a result, as an emerging Internet industry base, the Internet in mainland China has been annihilated, which inevitably makes Silicon Valley capital afraid... Even those capitals and companies that originally had confidence in Christmas are also Everyone started to worry.

It was under this circumstance that she finally decided to accept Xinghai's supportive capital injection.

After all, ESO is no better than other websites. Search engines are the most typical Internet index websites. The more prosperous the Internet is, the better the search engines will live. The more depressed they are, the harder life will be.

It was precisely because of this that she was chosen as a representative to speak, and she did not refuse, and even obliged.

Hello everyone.

After a brief opening, Ye Rudai glanced at the center of the front row - Su Yuanshan was looking at her intently. She remained calm and looked to the back.

In the past few years, the Internet industry has been booming, rapid, and positive. It has brought indescribable experiences and changes to our lives, and we are convinced that it will continue to change our lives until it is fully integrated Our lives have become an integral and integral part of our lives, including food, clothing, housing and transportation.”

In the audience, Su Yuanshan was the first to applaud - this is his style!

Applause broke out immediately.

Ye Rudai waited for the applause to stop and smiled slightly: But now, we have to face the fact that funds are drying up - of course we cannot blame the investors for losing confidence, but it is undeniable that in the past Over the past few years, the confidence of investors and the dreams of our peers have combined to create a huge bubble.

Now that the bubble has burst, some people are looking down on us, and some even say we deserve it...

Ye Rudai pursed her lips and shook her head slightly: I have no intention of pointing out those people's fallacies, but we also need to understand that Internet companies should really reflect on it, settle down, consider the long term, and start with profitability. ”

In the past few years, the advertising model has been generally accepted, and the online sales model has gradually entered people's lives...

Listening to Ye Rudai's summary on the stage, Su Yuanshan's mind drifted to the other side of the ocean.

It has to be said that he somewhat underestimated the international impact of the current domestic Internet industry and enterprises - in the previous life, the domestic Internet bubble was extremely serious, let alone capital. Even Internet practitioners had never considered it. Profitability issue. I have always taken advantage of the trend to fool people into raising funds, then make data, tell stories, and finally go public...

So when the Internet bubble came, almost all the domestic Internet companies were wiped out, and then they were bought at the bottom by adventurous capital such as SoftBank and Sequoia.

I don’t know how much money those capitals have made by relying on domestic Internet companies.

But in this life, because Yuanxin's several funds in China have gone hand in hand, they have almost secured all the domestic Internet entrepreneurial companies in advance. At the beginning of the investment, they also focused on the direction of profitability.

In other words, the domestic Internet is actually far healthier than the Internet in previous generations.

In addition, there are many Internet companies going overseas, so... the domestic Internet has a much greater impact on the entire Internet industry.

For example, em, newbook...such as Zhalang...

The failure of the domestic National Day online promotion has obviously caught a cold in the West.

This shows that in the entire Internet industry, two strongholds based on the provincial capital Science and Technology City and Silicon Valley have been initially formed.

In other words, a weathervane.

In the next few years, what we can foresee is that the improvement of people's living standards is inevitable, and the penetration rate of PCs and even mobile smartphones will increase accordingly.

This means that the Internet is an absolute incremental market. Moreover, it is an incremental market on a global scale. This piece of cake will only get bigger, not smaller.

On the stage, Ye Rudai's speech continued.

With a mission, she wants to examine the capital, and at the same time, let the capital regain its confidence...

This job is really difficult.

Take our eso as an example - now our total number of searches every day is 250 million. Two years ago, this number was only a fraction. Excluding the growth in business and coverage, in fact, this also covers the growth in user demand. .”

Similarly, our online advertising business has also received very good feedback, which is especially beneficial to the brand awareness of the advertising party.

“As an Internet company, we should see that in addition to advertising, we can also provide users with knowledge, information, and thinking—all of which make up a rich and meaningful life in the user’s mind.

Ye Rudai finished her speech and walked off the podium amidst applause.

Next door to her was Ding Lei, who applauded and joked: Zi Zi, why does the tone of this manuscript sound so familiar to me?

Those who are close to ink are black. Ye Rudai smiled sweetly and sat next to Su Yuanshan.

Ding Lei smiled and shook his head, then smiled at Su Yuanshan who was looking over.

There was deep melancholy in his eyes.

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