1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 775 Ten Billion Plan

(The last chapter was screened, and the introduction is as follows: Yuanxin held a meeting of executive directors to unify their understanding and convey Yuanxin’s urgent attitude upwards, and made a decision to provide targeted support and investment in the west market and take root first regardless of cost. 10 billion U.S. dollar plan. At the same time, Mr. Shan summoned Carly to prepare for Silicon Valley Xinghai to get involved in the communications industry - if it is more harmonious, I...! I will write an acrostic!)

——You can’t make any money, this is Su Yuanshan’s long-standing slogan. Moreover, as a high-end technology and equipment provider standing at the top of the supply chain, it is not suitable to go out and grab the terminal market personally, because only by dividing the interests among others can the cake get bigger and bigger.

As the number one female business leader valued by Wall Street, even if Carly is not influenced by Su Yuanshan, her status and vision determine that she can be clearly aware of this.

Therefore, when Su Yuanshan proposed that Xinghai get involved in the communications industry, although she did not explicitly refuse, she still accepted the invitation... The main reason was that in the past few years, she had witnessed with her own eyes the miracle that Su Yuanshan had planned.

She hoped that Su Yuanshan could convince her.

BOSS, our future development direction is highly consistent with Yuanxin. Carly took the coffee handed over by Chen Jing, thanked her, looked at Su Yuanshan, and said seriously: You can't ask us to sacrifice our Interests.

Ahem...you're right. Su Yuanshan laughed.

Carly has been in a high position for a long time and has grown older. After becoming a middle-aged aunt, her personality has really become stronger...

Hmm... Su Yuanshan likes it!

As a key step in his deployment in Silicon Valley, if the head of Xinghai is a submissive and personalityless professional manager... Yes, it will be beneficial for him to control Xinghai to cooperate, but in that case, when facing pressure and responding to crises, , it’s useless...

From now on, Carly's position in Xinghai and even Su Yuanshan's grand blueprint is irreplaceable.

Xinghai wants a female business leader who dares to force everything!

First of all, the development of Xinghai is not completely consistent with that of Yuanxin - Yuanxin's final plan is consumer electronics products under the mobile Internet system, while Xinghai's advantages lie in dual-core desktop and traditional Internet. Let me tell you, you don't like it From what I heard, we have to completely compete with Yuanxin in the mobile Internet and related industries... No company in this world can do it anymore. Therefore, there is only one path that Xinghai can take in the field of mobile Internet, which is the one it is currently taking. .cooperate.

Carly pursed her lips and nodded calmly after a moment of silence: Yes.

Su Yuanshan smiled again: Secondly, you are right... we don't have to make all the money.

Carly said immediately: That's what you said - I just agreed.

Haha, okay... That is, my attitude has not changed. It is true that we do not have to make all the money. After all, we are an upstream enterprise in the industrial chain and the builder of the ecological chain - but Carly, why do you think that , will operators such as AT\u0026T be 'naturally' our downstream partners?

Carly was slightly startled!

You yourself came from Bell Labs and know how great Bell Labs is.

——80 years ago, it was precisely because the president of AT\u0026T bought the research department of Western Electronics Corporation and established the independent Bell Labs that this miracle was created, which is known as one of the greatest laboratories of the 20th century. Here, more than a dozen Nobel Prize winners, tens of thousands of patents, countless products and technologies were born...

Moreover, even if the industry is now segmented, we can take the route of professional equipment and technology providers, but do you really think that communication operators, or the mobile communication field, cannot break out new industries? Then Why do we put our future on the mobile Internet? Why do we want to acquire HK Telecom and cooperate with so many communication operators? Do we really want to simply sell equipment?

Su Yuanshan looked at Carly: Since you said that the development directions of Xinghai and Yuanxin are highly consistent, why are they inconsistent in this regard?

When Carly heard this, she opened her mouth and wanted to say something but finally closed her mouth.

Su Yuanshan and Chen Jing looked at each other, with doubt flashing in their eyes.

But they didn't say anything, but waited for Carly.

In silence, Carly picked up the coffee and took a sip slowly.

Finally, she slowly and softly looked at Su Yuanshan with sincere eyes: BOSS, are you really not leaving a way out for yourself?

Carly continued: BOSS, whether it is Yuanxin or Xinghai, today's size is no longer the start-up small business a few years ago. There is no need and cannot be reckless to put all the wealth in a certain direction. Already...

Looking at Carly's eyes, Su Yuanshan instantly understood why Carly hesitated.

He took a long breath, shook his head and laughed.

Carly, this is not a gamble. Rather, this is the future.

Carly stared at him: How far is the future?

Not far.

How long is it not far away?

Ten years. Su Yuanshan looked back at Carly without hesitation: Carly, I have never told you my purpose of establishing Xinghai in Silicon Valley, right?

Carly pursed her lips and expressed her acquiescence in silence.

My purpose in establishing Xinghai in Silicon Valley has never been to put eggs in different baskets, nor to be a springboard for transferring technology, nor to be a tool to make money. But... when the future comes, Xinghai and Yuanxin can Connect XXX through technology and truly let technology serve mankind.

So, Xinghai and Yuanxin, in the final analysis, are not a competitive relationship, but a cooperative relationship. The closer the cooperation, the better the world and the future of technology will be.

Su Yuanshan looked at Carly and said slowly: I have always held shares in Xinghai, not because I am trying to control Xinghai. But, I need to use this fact to remind myself that Xinghai is also the carrier of my dreams and ideals. She is not Opponents, let alone enemies.”

I hope you understand this.



After sending Carly back to the hotel to catch up on jet lag, Su Yuanshan and Chen Jing walked slowly by the artificial lake.

The willow trees on both sides of the artificial lake have already formed shade. Even though the weather in July is already very hot, it is unusually cool under the shade of the trees. Everywhere you can see researchers from various independent laboratories enjoying the summer in the pavilions and discussing topics under the shade of trees.

There are even people rowing boats in the lake shouting.

Our place has almost turned into a park.

Well, isn't this what you're after?

Hehe, it's true. Su Yuanshan looked at those faces full of confidence and vigor with some envy. Frankly speaking, he also wanted to do this, so he took the team out for a walk when he had nothing to do to see if he could meet Yuri Stuck moment”.

//Eureka, it is said that Archimedes was so blessed while taking a bath that he figured out how to measure the volume of the crown, so he exclaimed in surprise: Eureka!, so he used Eureka to refer to a flash of inspiration. .

Chen Jing smiled slightly, folded her arms, glanced at the hotel in the back and said softly: Actually, for a moment just now, I thought what Carly said made sense. As soon as our fluids are healthy, we will start a tens of billions plan. In addition, this year’s scientific research funding has also increased, exceeding 10 billion. If this fails, it will seriously drag us down.”

Yeah...but it won't fail. Su Yuanshan nodded firmly: You must believe that after these two years, there will be a bright road ahead.

Hey! Chen Jing raised her head and glanced in the southeast direction, and said after a moment: Speaking of enduring, it seems that the two foundries on the island are about to be unable to survive. What are your plans?

We are not allowed to acquire, so naturally we have no plans. Su Yuanshan smiled slightly: Of course, technology is people-oriented, so naturally we cannot make our colleagues on the island unemployed. My two senior brothers and Liang Mengsong have been in contact for a long time. We want to set up a laboratory. Those who do research can go to Pocheng, and those who want to work in factories can go to Deyuan or SYD. As long as they are willing to move, there will always be a position suitable for them.

Chen Jing: ...

She had seen with her own eyes that Yuan Xin had been driving an excavator to dig out people on the island for the past six or seven years. Until now, the foundation had been dug up, and she hadn't waited for help from the lighthouse.

Moreover, the island's economy as a whole has begun to decline, which is not very sad.

Su Yuanshan raised his head and glanced at his wrist: Let's go and have dinner after get off work. I have to conduct an experiment in the evening.

Are you still doing experiments? Don't you go home to see your daughter?

...If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten. Su Yuanshan scratched his head and smiled sheepishly: It seems that he is indeed incompetent.

——Zi Zi returned to Silicon Valley, and the two elderly people took their granddaughter/grandson back to the provincial capital. Although they now live in Zi Zi's home in the provincial capital, Su Yuanshan's mother has retired long ago and has a lot of time to go to her in-laws' house.

The so-called saying that in-laws will become enemies after being together for a long time is not reflected in the two of you at all.

After all...their children are so outstanding, what else can a parent be dissatisfied about?

So after dinner, he went directly back to the city and stayed with his daughter and Ye Zi for half an hour. Then he successfully completed the task and returned to the science and technology park overnight.

Early the next morning, he accompanied Carly, Xi Xiaoding, and Tian Yaoming to visit Yuanxin for half a day, initially deciding on the next in-depth cooperation between the two parties in the field of communications, and also signed more than ten patent and technology licensing contracts. .

This... is probably regarded as Yuanxin's technology transfer to Xinghai.

Carly stayed in the provincial capital for a total of three days. In the following days, she visited the capital and Shanghai non-stop, and finally returned to Silicon Valley via HK.

Half a month later, Xinghai announced that it would acquire 75% of Sprint Corporation's shares with US$3 billion in cash and equivalent stocks, and gain actual control.

At the same time, Xinghai announced in a high profile that Sprint will adopt the CCMDA communication standard and is committed to bringing leading, high-quality, and diverse mobile Internet experiences to North America.

Less than a week later, Orange announced that it would accept a US$4 billion cash investment from Yuexin, of which US$2 billion would be used to develop the CCDMA business.

In early September, NTT officially announced the start of 3G network construction.

The country is not to be outdone, and pilot 3G services are being launched simultaneously in Shanghai, provincial capitals, capitals, special economic zones and other places.

In early October, at Yuanxin’s new product launch conference, the Yidoo4 series concept machine launched adopted the new YX07 architecture. The biggest highlight of this architecture is that it integrates simple 3D graphics acceleration functions.

In addition to supporting full-band 3G, Yidoo4 also has a built-in 3G Home application portal.

In 3G Home, users can easily complete operations such as recharging and customizing various value-added services, and these value-added services range from ring tones to multimedia messages to video calls.

In addition to 3G Home, the category Games has also been added to the new YOS app store.

And three games were launched on the first day.

These three games are Color Tetris, King of Fighters, and an RPG game.

In Su Yuanshan's office.

Hey! My hand is raw, my hand is raw.

Senior Brother Qin Weimin sat upright and clicked randomly on his mobile phone. In the end, he lost in the King of Fighters Project to Su Yuanshan, who was half lying on the sofa with a lot of time.

Qin Weimin is usually very mature and prudent - of course, he is getting older now. But once the game starts playing, he is always the one who can't help shouting the most.

Extremely devoted.

Brother, food is food, don't make excuses. Su Yuanshan put down his phone and smiled.

Go, are you able to get on the computer and play StarCraft?

...Well, forget it, I can't beat you.

Qin Weimin laughed loudly, put down his mobile phone, picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

After a moment, he said seriously: You are right, mobile phones are indeed omnipotent.

Is there a sense of crisis at Sony? Su Yuanshan looked at his senior brother with a smile - the 3D acceleration function integrated into the YX07 architecture processor was actually customized specifically for Sony's PSP. Unexpectedly, Yuanxin directly used it to make a mobile phone.

There is a bit of a crisis, but after all, mobile phones are still too expensive, and their positioning is different. Sony is not very worried.

Su Yuanshan nodded slightly. After all, even in later generations, when any mobile phone can game, there is still a market for PSP. This shows that there is indeed a market for professionalism.

And it's really inconvenient to operate. Qin Weimin picked up the phone again, pressed the screen a few times, shook his head and sighed: Otherwise, according to your game level, how could you beat me?

Su Yuanshan: ...

Brother, as you said, the capacitive screen from BOE will be released by the end of the year... Then the capacitive screen will be replaced. I wonder if you have anything else to say.

Qin Weimin was slightly startled: So fast?

Not too fast. Su Yuanshan smiled and breathed out softly.

——If we say what can be used to promote smart phones, then it must be killer and national-level applications.

And this application must be a game.

Just like the original Fruit Ninja.

It doesn’t matter whether Fruit Ninja itself makes money or not, but it perfectly demonstrates the characteristics of capacitive screen and multi-touch, and it quickly became popular around the world with its great viewing pleasure.

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