1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 774 Throw away illusions

Because the matter was big, the executive board did not sit in the rooftop garden drinking tea and chatting as usual. While talking and laughing, they discussed the flow and direction of assets worth billions and billions. Instead, he returned to the conference room and started the meeting in its formal manner.

The candidate for XXX was decided last month, and at the beginning of the decision, Su Yuanshan and Chen Jing asked all executive directors to prepare plans and formulate countermeasures.

All the big bosses on the executive board were present, including Zhou Xiaohui, who also rushed back from Bangguo, and beside her sat Wen Xiaoqian and An Siying. The former was Su Yuanshan’s full-time secretary, and the latter was the assistant to the chairman of Yuanxin, human resources administration Vice President, Chief of Staff to the Executive Board.

The three of them were secretaries and were responsible for recording the entire meeting.

Because there is no hierarchy among the members of the executive board, the three of them sat on Chen Jing's right hand, which separated the hierarchy of positions.

Let me start first.

As a person with a background in science and engineering, I actually don't like to quote classics before explaining my views. After all, I don't have many drops of ink in my stomach. But I still feel that Mencius's words are extremely suitable for today's Yuanxin.

Be born in sorrow and die in happiness.

In the past eight years, Yuanxin was born out of the wave of reform and opening up and emerged in the process of globalization - there is no doubt that this is a fact in the context of the general environment.

Without the openness and cooperation of the past, no matter how hard we work, we would not be able to achieve what we have today.

So, when the current main relationship is about to shift from cooperation to competition... the challenges we will face will become intense. If you are not clear, you can refer to Niguo's semiconductors.

Of course, we are still far from the scale and share of Niguo Semiconductor back then.

Su Yuanshan took a sip from the tea cup and looked at everyone.

But one thing is that I have confidence in us, whether it is Yuanxin or the future of the country under our feet.

Everyone smiled.

If there is anyone in the scientific and technological world who can see many continents better, then Su Yuanshan claims to be second, and no one dares to say that he is first. He has persisted since eight years ago and has never wavered.

“In the past eight years, we have taken the lead in key nodes leading to the future, whether it is energy, mobile chips, LCD panels, communication technology, or mobile systems. Well... If there are still people waiting to see our jokes in the past few years, then with the continuous advancement of our 3G in the two pilot cities of Seoul and Hong Kong this year, as well as the follow-up of various applications and equipment, a little bit Anyone with a bit of technological awareness should understand that the path we are taking is the path to the future.

Therefore, we cannot pin our hopes of victory on the stupidity of our competitors. We should reasonably expect that we will face greater challenges.

After speaking in one breath, Su Yuanshan leaned on the back of the chair.

Let me also say a few words.

Seeing that everyone was still silent, Zhang Rujin coughed lightly and looked at everyone with a smile: I have worked at Texas Instruments for twenty years, so I may have some experience.

Five years ago, when I decided to return to China, my boss, Mr. Vincenti, told me that the technologies I mastered belonged to Texas Instruments. Therefore, he would not accept my resignation - even though Mr. Vincenti and I both There is a consensus that technology should serve all mankind.”

Later, with the mediation of many parties, Deyuan was finally established, and Deyi finally agreed to my resignation. However, we were stuck in the process technology until President Shan came forward - it is said that he fell out? To lighten the atmosphere, Zhang Rujin made a little joke.

Su Yuanshan also laughed: Almost, I haven't turned it over yet.

Well, you will know what happens next. With the support of Yuanxin's entire system, Deyuan has now become a leader in professional foundries. In the field of advanced manufacturing processes, we have already caught up with Intel, and we have also formed and mastered it. Our unique know-how.”

At the same time, domestic lithography machines and workpiece tables have gradually become competitive - we can proudly say that this is also the result of our support from Yuanxin.

Zhang Rujin looked at everyone with a smile: It stands to reason that we should be somewhat qualified to join that club? Right? But in fact... Including Acer, we apply to join the EUV alliance every year, but we are rejected every year. .The latest news is that Samsung may be included in the EUV alliance system.

So, everyone, Beacon's defense against us is not just for a day or two. It has always been like this. What we have to do is to constantly improve ourselves and use technology to speak out, so that we can get rid of constraints.

At this time, Li Mingliu nodded and agreed: Dr. Zhang is right. According to me... XX just can't stand us getting up. They just want us to take over their low-end manufacturing industry and become the consumer market they support. .”

Xi Xiaoding continued: But the progress of technology is not based on the will of any group of people. As long as we step into the technological high ground, unless they come up with more advanced technology, they can't even try to drive us down.

But the problem is that they can't come up with technology, but they can come up with policies.

The speaker was Duan Yongping.

As the CEO responsible for the specific business of the entire Yuanxin system, Duan Yongping is the person in Yuanxin who knows the overall business best. He is deeply aware of the situation that Yuanxin has faced in the past few years when competing with international giants.

Especially communication equipment.

Yuanxin's communication equipment, both in terms of hardware and software, is already comparable to those of the former giants, and can even be better controlled in terms of cost. But when Western countries promote it, there are still many obstacles.

In addition to the general arrogance of the Western world, there is also administrative resistance.

Chen Jing tapped her pen, looked at Duan Yongping, and asked seriously: What policies will there be and how will we respond to them?

Duan Yongping looked around the crowd and said calmly: I don't know what the policies are now, but I believe that it is impossible for us to sign an alliance like a certain country's semiconductor. Similarly, there is only one way to deal with it, which is to defeat our competitors.

Whether it's through technological leadership or cost control, as long as we eliminate our competitors, the world will be ours.

So, I suggest.

Duan Yongping opened his notebook as he spoke, glanced at it, and then looked at Huo Jianning, who had been taking notes with his head down: In every regional market, we must win and support at least one partner as quickly as possible— —Even if it’s only a very small share, we will go all out to help them become number one.”

Orange, for example, can be our role model.

When Huo Jianning heard this, he looked up and saw Duan Yongping, Chen Jing, Su Yuanshan and other big shots all looking towards him.

After a moment, Huo Jianning nodded slowly.

If we are willing to invest tens of billions of dollars and establish a service system comparable to YX stores, and provide one-stop services of software, hardware, and leading value-added content, then... we should be able to defeat our competitors.

Upon hearing this, Chen Jing quickly wrote down a few strokes on the paper.

The meeting continues, I called the roll call.

This executive board meeting lasted for two full days.

Each executive director with responsibility for a specific business and enterprise raised the specifics of his or her sector, as well as the deeper challenges.

Looking at these speeches, frankly speaking, Su Yuanshan was not satisfied.

Because even the most radical Li Mingliu could not imagine how shameless his opponent would be.

But Su Yuanshan can also understand - because now it seems that the other side does still want to face him. After all, the process of globalization is driven by the lighthouse countries, and global trade rules are also formulated by the other countries.

In a situation where the opponent wants to show off, the most likely possibility is that the other party will support the domestic high-tech industry, then create obstacles for Yuanxin's expansion, and finally use trade means to suppress Yuanxin in various ways...

You still don't have enough imagination. Walking side by side with Xi Xiaoding in the passage, Su Yuanshan sighed slightly.

“What’s not enough imagination?”

For example, making trouble unreasonably?

...Cold salad.

So, what Lao Duan and Lao Huo said is right, we must be willing to spend money and support one or two companies first. Su Yuanshan squinted and breathed softly: Now the 3G business is indeed a turning point... As long as we can provide If we build up the confidence to follow Yuanxin and then kill our competitors, then the world will be ours.”

Xi Xiaoding nodded with deep understanding: Europe has orange, but what about North America?

Su Yuanshan was silent for a few seconds and asked: What do you think of Xinghai?



A week later, Carly arrived in the provincial capital with her delegation.

As the chairman and CEO of Xinghai, the reception specifications for Carly were naturally set by Yuanxin - Chen Jing and Su Yuanshan personally greeted her at the airport.

The business car did not enter the science and technology park directly, but first walked around the science and technology new city, allowing Carly to have a good look at the names of the provincial capital and even the entire mainland's science and technology industry.

I haven't been here for about three years. Carly has become thinner recently, but she seems to be more energetic. She looks at the busy traffic and high-rise buildings outside the window with some emotion.

Isn't it more? It's been four years, right? Su Yuanshan asked Chen Jing with a smile: Mr. Chen, has it been four years?

Chen Jing chuckled: Anyway, it will take longer than you left Silicon Valley.

Speaking of Silicon Valley, there is indeed a new Silicon Valley atmosphere here. Carly kept nodding: Our provincial capital branch will be established soon - now it seems that it is indeed established a little late.

Su Yuanshan and Chen Jing looked at each other and smiled.

Indeed, Xinghai did not establish branches in the provincial capital from the beginning, but directly established branches in the capital and Shanghai, as well as the HK Cyberport - after all, there is the Yuanxin headquarters here, emotionally, Or perhaps in terms of talent competition, Xinghai is unwilling to become a direct competitor with Yuanxin.

Even more unwilling to become an existence dependent on Yuan Xin.

But as the provincial capital moves more and more towards the technological highlands, if Xinghai has not come yet, then he may not even be able to take a sip of soup if he comes again in the future - he will soon face a group of outstanding graduates from the new campus of Electrical Engineering. These people It all starts with robbing.

It's not too late. Our domestic talent pool has only started in the past two years. Su Yuanshan smiled and comforted: You come here and you just catch a group of outstanding graduates and IT industry employees who have just lost their jobs and gone bankrupt.

Carly nodded: Well, this is what I like!

Su Yuanshan and Chen Jing burst out laughing - in the cold winter of the Internet, there are many small companies that cannot survive. Do you think these people are incompetent? That obviously doesn't make sense. All we can say is that they were out of luck.

However, due to the black hole effect in the New Science and Technology City, the first-mover advantage is too great, so that the overall scene here is still prosperous.

The car drove into Yuanxin's headquarters, and then the three of them entered Chen Jing's office.

Carly, you are from AT\u0026T. You know that the communications industry is an industry where you sit back and collect rent.

After sitting down, Su Yuanshan looked at the other party seriously: Whether from an investment perspective or from the perspective of grasping the pulse of the future mobile Internet, it is a deal that will not suffer losses.

Carly was silent, and after a long time she slowly replied: BOSS, I understand the truth, but this is not in line with Xinghai's development plan - you once said that not all the money, we have to make money.

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