1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 773 The heart of a giant in Chengdu High-Tech

Su Yuanshan was noncommittal to Mr. Ma's request to reduce Yuanxin's shareholding.

But from the time Mr. Ma brought a group of people here, he knew that after AIL missed the best market last year and the beginning of the year, the situation is now very dangerous - even for those who are most confident in the development of the domestic Internet industry. The Yuanxin capital has also begun to pay attention to inspections, instead of investing at will with a supportive attitude of generally casting a net as before.

If AIL misses out on the US$20 million from Yuanxin, it will indeed be difficult for AIL to find a way out.

Well, that's it, Teacher Ma, Lao Qiu.

After pondering for a few seconds, Su Yuanshan crossed his legs and placed his hands on the back of the sofa, assuming a broad-minded and domineering posture.

He looked at Ma Yun and Qiu Aihua sitting on the sofa opposite, with a smile on his face.

In the past few years, I have been working with Gates and Jobs to outline a picture of consumer electronics, IT, the Internet, and the future for the technology world and the world. To this end, the veteran elite of Wall Street Representative, Mr. Stock God also called us the three magic sticks. Maybe you have heard of this, right?

Ma Yun and Qiu Aihua looked at each other, and Teacher Ma smiled and said, Mr. Buffett doesn't understand the Internet.

Yes, not only does Wall Street not understand it, but how many Internet companies really understand it now? It's just an extension of the imagination of the predecessors. If we really want to say what the Internet will develop into, who can start from it? Essentially predicting? The development trend of the economy, the development speed of semiconductors, the popularization and improvement speed of communication technology, the explosive trend of production capacity, the speed of cost reduction, the penetration rate of PCs, the nodes of the mobile Internet, the degree of innovation of the Internet...

Su Yuanshan came out with a lot of words that could only be touched by standing at the top of the industry chain, which instantly made the two of them a little confused.

If there is any company in the world that understands the Internet better, it is Yuanxin - because we have established the model very early and are constantly moving forward - in the field of domestic portals , we incubated Newbook, and applied social software, we incubated EM, and later invested in Yanhuang, 258 Online, AOL and countless emerging websites. In Silicon Valley, Xinghai also invested in Yahoo, increasing its holdings Microsoft, invested in AOL, incubated Netflix, eso...

Similarly, in the field of Internet transactions, we have also invested in Amazon, eBay, and bay360 - which we also entered in the angel round a few years ago.

As for Internet transactions, whether it is B2B, B2C or C2C... before the Internet business fails to prosper to a certain level, or before moving towards the Internet of Everything, the logistics industry will always be the foundation. Therefore, Xinghai intervened in the Federation last year Express delivery. In China, the entire express delivery industry is single-handedly driven by Huayuan Mall... And what is the relationship between Huayuan's boss Zhang Ke and Yuanxin? I don't need to remind you, right?

Su Yuanshan looked at the two of them quietly.

The two of them were already deeply shocked.

Especially Teacher Ma, he clearly heard...Su Yuanshan was telling him that I had already started the layout for your Internet business a long time ago.

Logically speaking, Teacher Ma should have a feeling of a close friend. But now, he was a little frustrated.

But why didn't Yuanxin build an e-commerce website? Not even an Internet center? It's not that I couldn't bear to spend tens of millions of dollars, nor was it because we invested capital, nor was it because we didn't have talents or ideas. It was because... ...You, 8848, eBay... that's enough, I don't need to bully you.

The reason why I hope to get 49% is because I want to give you the right to operate and develop independently. On the other hand, I also hope to get more returns from you to make up for Yuanxin leaving the market to Your regret - you should believe that there are not many capital companies who dare to compete with me in the field of global Internet commerce to see who dares to burn more money, right?

Hearing this, Qiu Aihua finally came to his senses and laughed twice: Then who dares to compete with you...

They don't even dare to bet on when the Internet will rise again. To put it bluntly, countless capitals are now waiting to see Yuanxin's actions. Even if they dare to bet, the premise is that they see us sitting on the poker table. Dare to have faith.”

So, subsequent development, financing, etc... Teacher Ma, you don't need to think about it at all. Frankly speaking, you are one of the few people who can resonate with me. I believe in you, so I also hope you believe in me. .”

Teacher Ma's eyes widened and he looked at Su Yuanshan in astonishment.

Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded: I will give you an extra 20 million yuan, and the shares will remain unchanged. And I will follow you for any subsequent financing.

After hearing this, Ma Yun fell into deep silence, and stood up after a moment.

Mr. Shan, I personally am willing, but I still need to convince the rest of the team - we are a small company, so unity is very important, and I must respect their opinions.

OK, all right.



After watching Teacher Ma leave, Su Yuanshan withdrew his gaze, landed on Qiu Aihua's face, and smiled.

Mr. Qiu, don't tell me that you came here specially to accompany Teacher Ma...

Haha, no way. Qiu Aihua laughed, touched his hair, and sighed longly: But to be honest, Mr. Shan. My old classmate has never had stage fright. He has really been a teacher. His talkative skills are top-notch...but in front of you, he really has a bit of stage fright.

Su Yuanshan smiled slightly: That's because I understand everything Teacher Ma said. And I'm even more radical than him, so he has nothing to say.

Qiu Aihua: ...Indeed, you are far-sighted...

Don't blame me, Mr. Qiu. If you have something to say, just say it.

...Hey, I came here this time to hope that Yuanxin will support our development in the server business.

Su Yuanshan was slightly startled: Server? Commercial server?

Well, we have an idea... Qiu Aihua pursed his lips as he spoke, then lowered his voice slightly and said, We want to acquire Inspur.

Damn...he's quite ambitious. Su Yuanshan was really shocked.

As a domestic old brand, Inspur is not only a Hongmiao brand, but it is also the only professional server manufacturer in China that can handle it. Although after joining the WTO, it was a bit difficult to face international giants such as IBM, HP, and Dell. However, because of the close cooperation with Yuanxin and because the country is undergoing a comprehensive informatization process, some departments that need to keep confidential must purchase domestic servers. Therefore, they do not have any pressure to survive, and they are still living well. good.

Now, Chengdian High-Tech has just secured its top spot in the country, and not only is it followed by a series of domestic brands, but it also faces competition with foreign brands... How dare he expand his business?

We have discussed it carefully. When the Internet popularity enters a downturn, it is exactly the time for us to deploy commercial servers. As long as we survive the winter, the dawn of the future will be ours. Qiu Aihua looked at Su Yuanshan seriously: Mr. Shan , as the major shareholder of Chengdian High-Tech, you cannot ignore us.

... Su Yuanshan originally listened very seriously and was thinking seriously, but Qiu Aihua's last sentence made him smile bitterly: Are you rich? And the wave is not small, right?

Having said this, Qiu Aihua smiled conceitedly: Our sales last year exceeded 25 billion, and Inspur was less than one-tenth of ours.

Hearing this, Su Yuanshan breathed a sigh of relief. He has not paid much attention to Inspur since he learned that it has entered a rapid development channel in China. Now he heard that the annual marketing has reached 20 billion yuan... which means that Chengdian Hi-Tech has indeed carved a bloody road. Captured the fantasy market in history.

Good guy, what do I care about?

We contacted Inspur, but they didn't intend to sell it. Qiu Aihua said, spreading his hands: They are just relying on starvation to act like they are the boss... It's very embarrassing.

Su Yuanshan laughed: What you said is wrong. It's okay if people don't want to sell. How can you buy and sell by force? You don't want me to be Mu Renzhi for you, do you?

//Mu Renzhi, in The White-Haired Girl, the one who calls Yang Bailao to sell his daughter, the classic line The poor have tricks, the rich have conscience.

Hehe... Mu Renzhi sounds so ugly. We are not Huang Shiren. Qiu Aihua laughed sarcastically.

But... Mr. Shan, every company has goals. Our goals cannot reach Yuanxin, but Dell, HP, and IBM can still reach them. At present, in terms of hardware, our only puzzle is the server. If we If you want to independently research and develop, of course there is no problem with the support of Yuanxin. But if you want to compete with international giants and enter the world, you can no longer follow the steps and you must take a dose of tonic.

Inspur is our tonic - with Inspur, we can provide one-stop solutions for enterprises, whether it is after-sales or brand promotion, allowing us to stand on the same starting line as foreign giants as soon as possible ! Only in this way can we better expand overseas markets!

After finishing speaking, Qiu Aihua waited quietly for Su Yuanshan's response.

As Su Yuanshan's personal favorite, he jumped from the owner of a computer chain store to the head of a top IT company with an annual revenue of tens of billions. Qiu Aihua was extremely grateful to Su Yuanshan and spared no effort to I have learned a lot about Su Yuanshan.

He understands Su Yuanshan's ambition and preferences very well.

——In his life, Mr. Shan hated those domestic entrepreneurs who were short-sighted and fighting among themselves. What he liked most were those risk-takers who dared to reach out to the international market. If you don’t see it, Yuanxin’s policies for those mobile phone manufacturers who dare to go overseas are simply ridiculously preferential... Not to mention, they are just like an old lady using all their connections overseas to help promote the market and solve problems.

In a word, Mr. Shan likes companies that make money from foreigners the most.

Sure enough, when it came to standing on the same starting line as the international giants and entering the world... Su Yuanshan began to ponder.

After a moment, Su Yuanshan nodded slowly.

That's the truth.

Indeed, although we also have a server department, it is mainly a laboratory, established to promote the multiple applications of YX architecture. Currently, in the server field, it is indeed controlled by IBM, DELL, and HP... and Inspur... they have to rely on themselves It is indeed a bit difficult to bring our strength overseas.”

After three confirmations, Su Yuanshan made up his mind.

Okay, let me look at the matchmaking - but there is a premise. You need to come up with a promotion plan after the wave of acquisitions, and we need to make two preparations. Even if the acquisition cannot be made, you must have steps to enter the server field.

Su Yuanshan became serious as he spoke: Lao Qiu, if Inspur develops step by step, it can also have a place in the domestic server market. The reason... you are in this industry, and you know better than me.

Qiu Aihua looked solemn: Yes.

So, you have to remember your words. If Inspur is merged into Chengdu High-Tech, it will lose its competitiveness...

Mr. Shan, I promise you, it won't be!



Two hours later, Teacher Ma and Cai Congxin returned to Su Yuanshan's office together.

Ten minutes after communicating with Su Yuanshan, both parties readily agreed to an investment plan of 20 million U.S. dollars plus 20 million yuan in cash in exchange for 49% of AIL's shares.

During the subsequent signing, Teacher Ma did not even see the two nominal bosses of Yuanxin, Chen Jing and Duan Yongping... This made him realize that in Yuanxin's structure, Su Yuanshan's words were of real value. hundreds of millions.

In early July, Su Yuanshan went to Cong Province. After three days of communication with Inspur’s senior management, Inspur finally agreed to Yuanxin’s matchmaking and began negotiations with Chengdian Hi-Tech.

You asked Su Yuanshan how he talked about moving the tide?

That is of course... to understand with reason, to move with emotion, to clarify the attitude that when combined, both will benefit, and when divided, both will be harmed.

After all, in the domestic Internet industry, or... in the industries that Yuanxin can influence, de-OIM is a must. (Oracle, IBM, Microsoft) And if Inspur can enter Chengdian High-tech, catch the express train of Chengdian High-tech, and push Chengdian High-tech into a giant in advance, then even if it cannot achieve international competitiveness, at least domestically, the money will be Earnable.

After Su Yuanshan returned from Chong Province, Yuanxin's executive board held a meeting for the second quarter of this year.

There is only one main theme of the meeting.

——How to deal with the international situation that XXX will face after it is about to change its strategy.

——The second generation from XXX got the qualification. In his speech, he almost completely denied Mr. Ke’s strategy and attitude, saying that XX and XX are not a strategic partnership, but a strategic competition.

Judging from the feedback from all aspects, this tough-minded man seems to have a good chance.

Among Yuanxin's senior executives, Su Yuanshan was also wary of this man.

Today's meeting minutes will be submitted as internal reference. I hope everyone will speak actively but also speak cautiously.

Chen Jing looked at everyone with a serious face.

She is the rotating chairperson this year.

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