1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 770 Firm Faith

After Su Yuanshan said this, he hung up the phone.

Everyone present was stunned for two seconds as if frozen, and then quickly gathered around again.

Many people have begun to take out their mobile phones to check stock market information.

Shi Dazhu first glanced at Cheng Gongying and Han Sui, whose expressions changed slightly, then quickly stood up and walked to Su Yuanshan's side.

He noticed that Su Yuanshan had turned on airplane mode on his mobile phone. This small detail made him a little confused and made the situation even more urgent.

Mr. Shan, how did it collapse?

It's Monday local time now, and several big sales orders from technology giants such as Microsoft, Xinghai, Newbook, Dell, and Cisco have appeared on Nasdaq one after another, totaling about 50 billion... Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and spoke deeply. Take a breath.

History is such a fucking coincidence.

Historically, the Internet bubble popped on March 13th. A large number of orders appeared on the first trading day of the week, causing panic to spread.

This time, although March 13th was avoided, March 20th happened - history is always so strikingly similar.

Then... Shi Dazhu also took a deep breath: Is it a rapid decline or a slow decline?

Five billion US dollars were suddenly sold out in unison... Not to mention that Internet stocks themselves have serious bubbles. Even if there is no bubble, it will definitely bring shock to the entire technology sector.

Obviously some people will be unwilling to give in and hope to pull and operate it again. Su Yuanshan held the phone, smiled and put the phone into his trouser pocket.

Then Shi Dazhu immediately understood - if we want to list the most influential entrepreneurs in the Internet and even technology stocks, then Su Yuanshan must be the one most promising to win the crown.

Didn’t Buffett say it all? Su Yuanshan, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs, these three are the three magic sticks.

Su Yuanshan turned on airplane mode, obviously not wanting to receive calls from certain people or institutions at this time.

Everyone, sit down and let's discuss it. Don't worry.

Su Yuanshan looked at Cheng Gongying and Han Sui who had finished the phone call, their expressions had changed, and they had gathered around him. He glanced at the others and coughed lightly: Brothers, the cards have been shuffled.



That night, Su Yuanshan discussed with the others in the thatched cottage until two o'clock in the morning before leaving the roof.

As soon as I came downstairs, I met Wen Xiaoqian and Fu Zhenhua waiting in the lobby.

Your phone is turned off. Mr. Qin and Mr. Sun called. Mr. Ding also called... and Morgan... Wen Xiaoqian was completely sleepless now. She held Su Yuanshan's work phone and looked at it nervously. Su Yuanshan - She knew that Su Yuanshan's personal phone was never turned off unless he was on a plane. Now that it is closed, there is only one possibility, that is, Su Yuanshan is unwilling to answer the phone.

At the same time, she also knew that Su Yuanshan valued this Cottage Association extremely. No matter how busy he is, as long as he is in the provincial capital and has time, he will try his best to attend gatherings.

While technology stocks are all green, Caotanghui has been most affected.

Therefore, after she was woken up, she waited directly downstairs with Fu Zhenhua.

Well, it's okay. I'll go back one by one. Su Yuanshan nodded, greeted a few other people, walked into the elevator, and went up to his floor.

Xiaoqian, stay up with me tonight and help me keep an eye on Nasdaq. Let's make a plan.


That night, Wen Xiaoqian reported Nasdaq information to Su Yuanshan at any time, while Su Yuanshan answered the phone one by one and also inquired about the news.

He needs to make a judgment. Under the influence of Yuanxin, how will the bursting of the bubble be different from that in history? Will it be forcibly pulled up, will it plummet, or will it fall slowly like history?

And under these various circumstances, what benefits can Yuanxin obtain and whether it can be controlled.

No one dares to move now. Qin Si's voice sounded very calm on the phone: I have answered 10,000 calls before, and most of them are looking for you... I hope you can come out and say a few words.

Su Yuanshan laughed: I think too much, I will ban myself for three months.

Qin Si caught the time revealed by Su Yuanshan and immediately asked: Will it change after three months?

...I said it casually. Su Yuanshan was lying on the sofa, half-squinting his eyes, and smiled softly: Who dares to say anything in this situation? Fortunately, when Gates came to release win2000 this time, I didn't talk to him. Brag on TV, otherwise sooner or later the stock exchange will come knocking on your doorstep.

By the way, what's going on with other institutions now? Are there many short orders?

There are no empty orders yet. It's a coincidence today... Everyone wants to cash out, and they don't want to sell the market. Qin Si sighed: Now everyone is evaluating to see how the stock price will go. And even if If you want to go short, you may not be able to get the stocks... Brokerages also have to consider to what extent the stocks will fall, and whether it is more cost-effective to lend the stocks or to sell them quickly.

Hmm... Su Yuanshan nodded slightly.

Indeed, today's stock market crash is indeed a bit like a black swan, and all investors were confused at once. It's inevitable that everyone should be stunned for a moment - aren't we on the other side of the ocean not even sleeping? Not to mention the Nasdaq on a working day.

In this way, because of the special characteristics of Xinghai Fund and Oaktree Capital, if you go short on a large scale, the market reaction will be fierce. Su Yuanshan squinted and said slowly: But overall, in the next one or two years, Internet stocks will definitely It’s a downward trend. So, you control it yourself.”

Qin Si immediately said: You mean it can't be stopped?

Some people may want to push back, but as long as Gates and I shut up, we won't be able to push back.

Then you and Gates...

Microsoft itself is a listed company, and Microsoft has just released Windows 2000. It will definitely stand up. But I am different. I have to wait...

Su Yuanshan grinned: Copy the bottom.



As Su Yuanshan expected, Gates was interviewed as soon as he returned to the lighthouse country, reaffirming his confidence in the Internet and technology. So the stock market pulled up a little bit.

But because... the person who most advocates the Internet still hasn't spoken, the rise in Nasdaq's technology stocks is just a flash in the pan.

As a result, criticism against Su Yuanshan began to appear among investors - saying that he was actually a big liar.

Of course Su Yuanshan doesn't care about the voices of stock investors.

But he needs to care about certain people's voices.

In mid-April, he diverted from HK and headed directly to Singapore.

The person who picked him up was Tang Wenjie, who had been setting up camp here for two months before him.

Brother, are you used to being alone? Su Yuanshan and Tang Wenjie shook hands, patted each other on the back, and then got into the car.

It's okay, but the public laws here are a bit excessive. Tang Wenjie said cheerfully: Are you coming here this time to turn the tide?

You think too highly of me. Su Yuanshan smiled and shook his head: Even if I yell again, I can't take money away from investors and ask them to invest in Internet companies...

Then... Tang Wenjie clicked his tongue: Okay, I don't understand the Internet either. I don't know how it will develop in the future.

Su Yuanshan smiled meaningfully: Develop in a good direction.

The car enters the Science and Technology City along the highway.

Since the place is small, the area of ​​Singapore Technology City cannot be compared with that of provincial cities, or even the current Cyberport. It can only be said that the local government set aside a piece of land and built several buildings specifically for technology companies. Just move in.

After the big sign of Science and Technology City, the huge sign on the first building is Yuanxin Technology (Singapore) R\u0026D Center.

Afterwards, Su Yuanshan entered the R\u0026D center and inspected the work of the employees. After going through a process, he waited for the real guests he wanted to meet this time.

Or the master.

The current deputy leader of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong.

Mr. Li.

Mr. Su.

The two shook hands downstairs, and after reporters took photos, Tang Wenjie led them back into the R\u0026D center as a landlord.

Along the way, Mr. Lee Hsien Loong, accompanied by the two of them, visited the entire R\u0026D center just like an ordinary inspection, and also made supportive remarks on behalf of the government.

After entering the living room, Mr. Li waved away the reporters, leaving only his assistant and the secretaries of Su and Tang.

Mr. Su, this time the Internet industry was shaken by the Nasdaq stock crash... Mr. Li looked at Su Yuanshan, not hiding the worry in his eyes.

Singapore Tech City is a benchmark for the existence of HK Cyberport and is an important measure taken by Singapore to lay the economic, technological and talent foundation in Southeast Asia. At present, including infrastructure, more than three billion US dollars have been invested... and a brand new Technology Boat Building is being renovated.

This money cannot be wasted!

Mr. Li, that's why I'm here this time. Su Yuanshan pursed his lips with a serious expression: As the founder of a technology company, I have a deep understanding of the future of technology and the future of the Internet derived from it. Confidence and attitude have never changed.”

Mr. Li is obviously not satisfied with Su Yuanshan's slogan-like answer.

The HK Cyberport was built first and has been in operation for nearly a year. Dozens of well-known technology companies have already settled in. It has also caught up with the morale of the peak of the technology wave. With the help of capital from all parties, Hundreds of micro and small technology companies were hatched at once...

Of course, it now seems that there is a high probability that this capital may be lost. And we don’t know how many of these incubated companies can survive, but at least the HK Cyberport brand has been established.

But even before Singapore's title of Technology City was unveiled, it was slapped in the face.

Because of the turbulence of Nasdaq in the past month, companies that had signed contracts to enter the market have started to wait and see, and investors have also tightened their pockets.

Under such circumstances, the Science and Technology City, which was originally scheduled to open on May 1st, is a bit of a joke.

Okay, I admit, the 20th of last month was indeed a bit of a black swan. After all, the sales orders were close to 6 billion at once, and there was no collusion, and no one was shorting in advance... Su Yuanshan sighed , showing a feeling of loss.

But I also admit that we have always been wary of the Internet bubble. Su Yuanshan continued after a pause.

He knew that if he didn't explain the matter clearly, Mr. Li might really hate him in the future.

When Mr. Li heard what Su Yuanshan said, his expression became slightly better and he nodded slightly.

But we are wary of Internet bubbles mainly from the capital level. In fact, while we are cashing out stocks such as Newbook, we have also been investing in and supporting emerging technology companies, including Internet companies. In this regard, although Yuanxin No financial report has been published, but we can be seen in the bulletins of many small businesses.

Mr. Li nodded again.

After all, Su Yuanshan told the truth.

Moreover, this drop in the stock price of the IT industry has not only affected Internet companies and the software industry, but also the communications industry - for example, the market value of Yuanxin's Internet Center was as high as 300 billion Hong Kong dollars at its peak, and has now fallen by almost half. Come down. At the same time, HK Telecom's share price also fell by one-fifth.

If Yuanxin is really the one who changes everything, then the deal with HK Telecom cannot be done at all. In other words, we should cash out our Internet Center shares as soon as possible.

And according to information from various parties, in the past six months, Yuanxin has indeed focused on supporting and investing in small businesses and entrepreneurial enterprises...

Mr. Li looked at Su Yuanshan: So what are Yuanxin's plans next? And...how to restore investors' confidence?

Su Yuanshan pondered for two seconds and then said slowly: We are a technology company, but at our core, we are a semiconductor company.

Semiconductors are the foundation of the current Internet, IT, and PC industries. Therefore, no matter from any angle or for any reason, we must strengthen our confidence and belief, and persist in following the established route. Su Yuanshan looked at each other, Sincerely: Mr. Li, we are not an investment company.

Mr. Li was slightly relieved when he heard this.

Su Yuanshan's words indicate that Yuanxin Technology Park will definitely not leave.

Sure enough, Su Yuanshan's next words were.

We will increase investment in the Singapore Technology City and strive to build a large-scale R\u0026D center with more than 5,000 people here.

Mr. Li was startled when he heard this!


Su Yuanshan nodded: Semiconductor.

What about...the Internet and IT?

Su Yuanshan sighed lightly.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. At present...when HK Cyberport already has a foundation, if the Science and Technology City wants to catch up, it will have to pay too much.

Investors are not engineering students like us who just go straight to technology. They need to consider the direction of the wind, while we only need to consider the progress of technology.

So, even if the CEOs of several of our technology companies take turns taking the stage, they will only get one sentence: Liar!

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