1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 771 Teacher Ma’s call

(Note, the previous chapter was blocked. The general idea is that Mr. Shan ended his trip to Singapore, went to Siam, then discussed cooperation with the leaders of Shinawatra, and finally returned to Hong Kong.)

——Just wait!

Ye Rudai's attitude reveals the true situation and thoughts of all Internet companies after a month of hard work.

In fact, this is exactly the case in history.

Boiling is the best way to survive the cold winter. Regardless of whether it is the capital market or the Internet website, in history, anyone who bet that this stock price crash is just a routine adjustment has almost lost everything in the end. And those companies that were afraid of storing grain for the winter ushered in spring after a few years.

But now...Su Yuanshan doesn't want eso to survive.

In the conception and layout of the Internet, eso is the Google + Baidu of the future. It cannot give any opponent a chance to rise.

After pondering for a few seconds, Su Yuanshan slowly shook his head and looked at Ye Rudai firmly.

Yi Zi, you should understand that in addition to being a tool website, search engines are also the traffic distribution portal of the Internet...

Ye Rudai also looked at Su Yuanshan firmly and interrupted him: I know, so Li Yanhong's team established the adwords pay-per-click advertising system as early as last year. The latest progress is that it will be completed in about three months. It can be officially launched just in time for the domestic National Day online sales promotions and the Christmas in the West - in the past month, our industry has held several online and offline conferences.

After a pause, Ye Rudai continued: What the Internet industry needs to do now is to show results so that investors can regain their confidence.

Su Yuanshan and Chen Jing looked at each other again. Su Yuanshan seemed to be asking for help, while Chen Jing was expressing some emotion. Obviously, Chen Jing could see that Ye Rudai, the girl who came to Yuanxin as an intern, After becoming a wife and a mother, I am now obviously mature and looking at problems from a higher perspective.

Eso, of course, has no worries about surviving the cold winter. However, as eso is the basic service website in the Internet industry, and Ye Rudai is the godmother of search engines, they naturally have to consider the development of the entire Internet.

In other words, she can't just sweep the snow in front of her door just because she has Su Yuanshan as her husband and Yuan Xin as her backing.

But Chen Jing also knew what Su Yuanshan was thinking - this guy... was silent.

So she sighed secretly, smiled sweetly and said: Yi Zi, having said that, have you considered that our attitude is also a reflection of the investors' attitude?

Ye Rudai was stunned when she heard this.

Chen Jing smiled again: I have been working with Mr. Shan for so many years, and my ears have become calluses when he talks about the Internet. If you don't believe me, if you ask any senior executive of Yuanxin, they will definitely answer this. Moreover, We have also discussed Internet thinking at meetings many times...

Ye Rudai bit her lip when she heard this.

She really had to admit this. Su Yuanshan had been preaching to her ears, saying that the career she was doing would last for generations, and she did say that she should have an Internet mindset.

But in the past, I tended to think that Su Yuanshan was fooling himself... to cheer him up.

Let's do this, how about we wait a moment. Su Yuanshan saw that Ye Rudai's attitude was a little relaxed, so he immediately struck a chord while the iron was hot: How about I just wait for you for half a year? - Hey! I shouldn't have introduced so many businesses to you.

As soon as he said this, Ye Rudai and Chen Jing both laughed.

Ye Rudai glared at him lightly, and finally nodded: Well, the main reason is that our current cash situation is still good. If we can explore a way to pay for advertising, it will also be beneficial to the entire Internet industry.

Then she said: Now that it's all said and done, please do me a favor and ask Sister Qin Si to contact us and have a talk first... so that we can stabilize our emotions.

——Obviously, because I have stayed in Hong Kong for a long time and refused to go public during the hottest period of the Internet last year, there are currently some unstable voices within eso.

The current structure of eso is also learned from Yuanxin, that is, it is centered on the founder team surrounding Ye Rudai. However, Ye Rudai has not released her shares yet, which means that she currently has more than 50% absolute controlling interest in eso's structure.

Su Yuanshan didn't like to use the most vicious speculation to speculate on people's hearts, but Ye Rudai relied on a woman's sensitivity to notice that this was probably because someone within the founder wanted to take the opportunity to shake her leadership position.

This suddenly made her a little angry.

Frankly speaking, before last year, she really wanted to quit and not want to be so tired... But after she became pregnant and gave birth, her resilience seemed to be stimulated all at once...

The so-called mother is strong.

Little Sugar Bean is her child, so why isn't eso her child?

Now someone wants to stir up trouble and say that she is not worthy of being eso's mother... Then of course she can't bear it.

Seeing that Ye Rudai finally agreed, Su Yuanshan blinked and took a deep breath - this wife has too much self-esteem, and it is indeed a troublesome thing.

Of course it's no problem! I'll tell Sister Qin Si right away - I'll answer the phone.

Su Yuanshan took out his cell phone as he spoke. Just as he was about to dial, the cell phone buzzed.

He looked at the name on the caller ID and was stunned for a second.

Then, without hesitation, he pressed the call button and took the lead in saying hello while smiling.

Hello, Teacher Ma.




AIL88 Headquarters.

Even though she was chatting and laughing with Sun Zhengyi before, and even eloquent, after dialing the phone, Ma Yun couldn't help but become a little nervous.

The Eighteen Ironmen present also looked at him nervously.

Then, when he heard the slightly unfamiliar voice calling his name first, Ma Yun didn't know what was going on, and his nervousness suddenly became less tense.

Hello, Mr. Shan, I'm Ma Yun.

Well, Teacher Ma... I've been waiting for this call from you for many years.

Su Yuanshan's hearty laughter came over the phone, which made Ma Yun even more relieved.

After a brief reminiscing about old times, Ma Yun went straight to the topic.

Mr. Shan, after four years of development, we have reached a certain scale. If you are free...

Well, if there is no time to meet in person, I guess there is no time to talk on the phone. Su Yuanshan still smiled on the phone: Just tell me what you think, and then tell me how much it will cost.

... Ma Yun was shocked by Su Yuanshan's directness, but he also knew that the person he was talking to on the phone was known as a stickler for advocating the Internet at the time, and some of his comments were even more radical and bold than his own.

So Ma Yun no longer hesitated and started chatting with Su Yuanshan on the phone.

He started with the fact that the Internet must be the future, then talked about domestic economic development trends, and then talked about the prospects of Internet business...

Finally, he told Su Yuanshan on the phone.

Mr. Shan, our idea is to make it easy to do business in the world.

After saying this, he glanced at his companion in front of him and waited for a reply.

Everyone at AIL, including the girl at the front desk, was extremely nervous.

The reason is simple: AIL has reached an extremely dangerous juncture.

The current domestic Internet commerce is led by 8848, followed by eBay, Amazon and other pioneers born in Silicon Valley. In front of these big guys, whether AIL wants to do B2C (business to individual) or C2C (individual to individual), it is the younger brother among younger brothers.

If you want money, there is no money, if you want people, there is no one.

Although AIL has achieved certain results in B2B (business to manufacturer), it seems that if B2B cannot be converted to B2C, then the traffic alone will be enough to put AIL at a natural disadvantage.

——Domestic companies are not even willing to buy genuine operating systems. You expect them to pay extra information fees on B2B, even if it is even more difficult than the sky.

It can be said that now that traffic (visits) is the mainstream, B2C is the king - 8848 has verified this.

This small company, which was founded in January last year by just a few people and tens of thousands of dollars, has made a leap in just one year by leveraging the B2C concept and the east wind, and has been able to obtain various financings.

It would be a lie to say that AIL is not jealous.

And AIL is not without opportunities. Just in March, SoftBank Sequoia extended an olive branch, and Mr. Ma was ready to agree... But unexpectedly, just one day before signing, the Nasdaq stock market crash occurred.

So this month has been the most difficult moment for Teacher Ma.

Although half a month later, SoftBank still expressed its investment intention, but both the shares and the investment amount were greatly reduced.

The investment is discounted, but the difficulty of carving a way out of the territory of 8848, eBay, Amazon and other big players is not discounted!

Therefore, after Sun Zhengyi offered 10 million US dollars and 49% of the shares, Teacher Ma thought of Su Yuanshan.

There was silence on the phone for five seconds.

These five seconds were so long in the eyes of everyone at AIL that no one even dared to take a breath.


Well, that's good. Su Yuanshan laughed after pondering for a few seconds.

In this way, give me an accurate estimate of how much you want.

During the phone call, Teacher Ma breathed out softly: In the first round, it will be about 20 million US dollars - Mr. Shan, this is actually the result of our previous negotiations with SoftBank.

Where are the shares?


Well, then I will give you 20 million US dollars and 49% of the shares. Su Yuanshan squinted and smiled: I only have one request.

After two seconds of silence on the phone, Teacher Ma asked, What's the request?

You complete what you just said and make it easy to do business in the world - make the business world-wide.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yuanshan laughed when he saw Ye Rudai and Chen Jing looking at him: Am I very straightforward?

It's very straightforward, but with the 20 million investment, shouldn't you discuss it with me? Chen Jing pursed her lips and looked at Ye Rudai again: Even if you don't use Yuanxin's name, you should discuss it with Ye Zi .”

Uh... Seeing the two of them, Su Yuanshan coughed and raised his hand: Okay, then it counts as my private money?

It seems that someone has quite a lot of private money. Ye Rudai looked at him with a smile.

Ahem... spare me, you two. This Teacher Ma is really a ruthless person. Su Yuanshan smiled and then said seriously: It doesn't matter that 8848 is in full swing now, but as soon as the money is burned out, it will be over.

Ye Rudai nodded slightly: 8848 is indeed taking the route of burning money to expand its influence and popularity. Last year, they were indeed favored by capital. ... At the meeting last month, 8848 also focused on whether they could achieve results during National Day and Christmas, and They have a lot of confidence.”

Their confidence is sufficient, but it doesn't mean that capital is confident. And you know who has the initiative now? It's in the hands of the people!

To put it bluntly, no matter how big the Internet industry is, as long as the people's minds have not turned around, it will be a bubble, and that won't work!

Su Yuanshan waved his hand and gave the Internet under the current bubble a suspended death sentence.



Chen Jing left HK first, while Su Yuanshan stayed in HK for a few more days. As one of Yuanxin's technology leaders, he appeared at various summits and gatherings to cheer up Internet companies that were in dire straits and let them get through it.

It wasn't until Ye Rudai was put on the plane that he returned directly from HK to Shanghai. I met with the visiting Mr. Qiao in Shanghai and finalized the cooperation between the two parties on Mac.

——Yes, Mr. Qiao has great ambitions. Especially after reading the parameters and evaluation of Yuanxin's dual-core 64-bit processor, my ambitions are even greater.

——He hopes that Apple can take this opportunity to transform the X86 architecture and directly win the market share of the operating system.

In this regard, Su Yuanshan can only express his blessings - except for him, no one knows what Windows XP will be like when it is born next year.

Even Gates himself doesn't know.

In early June, Su Yuanshan returned to the Science and Technology Park.

Xiaoshan, come to my office when you get back. I have a surprise for you.

Just after returning to the science and technology park and entering the door, Su Yuanshan received a call from Xi Xiaoding.

Su Yuanshan held the phone, looked in the direction of Pandora not far away, and smiled: What's the surprise?

Stop the ink, you'll know when you get here. After Xi Xiaoding finished speaking, he hung up the phone unceremoniously. Su Yuanshan was left holding the phone like a fool.

Wen Xiaoqian, who was twisting her bag on the side, pursed her lips and smiled: That's why Mr. Xi dares to be so arrogant.

...Yeah! That's right! I'm giving him face!

Having said that, Su Yuanshan turned around and went out without hesitation, walking directly towards the laboratory building through the sky corridor.

He knew Mr. Xi very well... He was a person whose dopamine threshold was higher than his own. Ordinary small breakthroughs in technology could not bring him pleasure at all.

I don’t know how this guy can sit still.

He walked quickly into the gate of Pandora. Along the way, he met several Niguo engineers who greeted him, as well as engineers with Western faces - international techno-technism. This can be regarded as a major feature of Pandora.

All the way into Xi Xiaoding's office, Su Yuanshan heard someone introducing in blunt Chinese while still at the door, and there were also tut-tutting sounds.

He opened the door and saw about a dozen engineers of various nationalities and colors surrounding Mr. Xi's desk, which was wide enough to be a bed.

On the desk, a mechanical arm was showing off its power and making a sizzling sound.

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