1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 769 Winter is coming

The path that Yuanxin is taking now is somewhat similar to the path that Apple is taking.

The Xbook series notebooks are similar to Apple notebooks, relying on the advantages of exquisiteness, beauty, specialization and excellence to slowly expand their base. In this strategy, the WinOS+RYX (Risc-YX) platform is the basis for maintaining this differentiated advantage and is unshakable.

Su Yuanshan is even more convinced that as YOS, which has the same roots as WinOS and becomes popular due to the rise of smartphones, will definitely drive the exchange and rise of the Xbook platform in reverse.

Not to mention that BOE has achieved a major breakthrough in capacitive touch screen technology. Once capacitive screens are mass-produced, that will be the real rise of smartphones and even tablets.

Today's smartphones are far from smart due to the inconvenience of operation and the backwardness of mobile Internet infrastructure and environment. And only Yuanxin's Yidoo series of concept phones, as well as other high-end mobile phone brands such as Motorola, Sony, and Xinghai, have launched PDA phones with full resistive touch screens + cameras + mobile operating systems.

Gao Xiaodi came here in good spirits, but did not return disappointed. Before leaving, he very foolishly selected a jar of tea that Su Yuanshan had hidden at the back of the cabinet.

Hmm... Then Wen Xiaoqian quickly took another can from her office and put it in.

To be honest, which jar of tea here is the best? Su Yuanshan looked at Wen Xiaoqian fiddling with it and suddenly became curious: They all said that coming to my place to get tea is like a lottery, I don't know. Have they finished it - or have they finished it for me?

The tea here has long been the most expensive similar tea available on the market...

... Then there is a price difference, right?

That's true, but this is the most expensive one. Wen Xiaoqian dug a few times, pointed at a jar of mediocre tea and winked at Su Yuanshan: Mr. Shan, you just need to remember that your name is Uncle So-and-so. Or call the boss’s guests, as long as they don’t have any special requirements, the tea I make will be the best and most expensive.”

Su Yuanshan was speechless for a while: Well, it seems that drinking coffee is more convenient.

Oh, by the way, during the Chinese New Year, the Java branch sent two boxes of special coffee. It was said to be some kind of cat poop coffee... Do you want some for you?

...Forget it, you take it and drink it.



After rejecting Gates' invitation to visit the capital, Su Yuanshan was dragged by Shi Dazhu, who seized the opportunity, to attend this year's Caotanghui gathering.

To this day, almost every company affiliated to Caotanghui has opened a branch in the software park. Due to the strong convergence effect of the software park in the provincial capital and the government's desperate support, many companies have even moved their headquarters here. side.

Of course, because many of Caotanghui's companies, such as Jinshan, Giant, Sunshine... these are also well-known companies in their local area, the local government will definitely not be willing to let them go. So nominally the headquarters is still there, but the main business has been transferred to the provincial capital early.

There is no way, who makes the provincial capital have excellent soil for both talents and industries.

Therefore, it is much more convenient for everyone to get together.

The top floor of the Giant Building.

Among the twenty-some people, except for two who were unable to come to discuss business overseas, the rest were all present.

Mr. Shan, please bring your little princess here sometime so that we can have some luck. Shi Dazhu first sent out a circle of cigarettes, then put down his cigarette and sat down next to Su Yuanshan.

Su Yuanshan couldn't laugh or cry: What kind of luck does she have?

Liu Xiang from Midstream International raised his chin and said: The luck of reincarnation.

Hahaha, that's right! Being born into your and Mr. Ye's family is not something ordinary people are lucky enough to have.

Su Yuanshan also shook his head and agreed cheerfully: Well, we have to wait ten years to see how her studies go. If she doesn't study well, she will probably regret it.

Someone on the side nodded in agreement: Well, indeed... although I think my son can live a good life without studying, but if he really can't study, I will probably have to whip him.

So everyone chatted about their respective descendants, and also joked about a few diamonds.

Of course, everyone finally talked about the current Internet and software industry.

Here, two companies have already completed their listings, and both operate portals. One operates Yanhuang Online, and the other operates the portal website 258.com.

The CEO of a listed company is naturally a well-known figure outside. But in Caotanghui... It's a bit too much to say that it is a passerby, but compared to software companies with strong profitability such as Giant Kingsoft Midstream International, it is still a bit worse.

Not to mention that Yuanxin is not on the market.

Lao Cheng, how is your stock price? Shi Dazhu asked, looking at Yanhuang Online's boss Cheng Gongying.

I didn't pay attention. There shouldn't be much change. Cheng Gongying was in his early thirties and was extremely low-key. Hearing this, he smiled and replied: Anyway, the prices of technology stocks have been rising this year. We can be regarded as the rising tide lifts all boats, and we are riding on the same trend. .”

Laocheng's stock price is very good, and its market value today is almost three billion dollars.

It was Han Sui, the CEO of 258, who took the call: We are having a serious fight with Zhalang.com in the field of online communities and video chats, and the stock price is actually a bit lower.

Cheng Gongying said with a smile: The stock price is fine, Zhalang.com must be destroyed.

That's right! Zhalang must be destroyed! Han Sui laughed.

No one smiled.

Zhalang.com is one of the emerging Internet giants in China. It started by imitating Newbook, focusing on accurate local news and information. Now in China, it is even about to steal Newbook’s traffic... I have to say, It's a really fierce group.

Newbook, Zhalang, 258, Yanhuang Online, Dog Walking Network... there are only a few well-known portals in China. As members of the Caotang Hui, Cheng Gongying and Han Sui naturally share the same hatred and hatred, so they should kill Zha Lang first.

Well... Shi Dazhu pondered for a few seconds and then looked at Su Yuanshan: Mr. Shan, do you think Internet stocks will maintain such a good momentum this year?

Su Yuanshan looked at Shi Dazhu with interest. When he saw the other person looking at him sincerely, he couldn't help but smile: What? Are you planning to go public or invest in a website?

No... I just think it's a bit dangerous. After speaking, Shi Dazhu looked at the crowd.

Although there are only two listed portals present, Caotanghui has established angel funds at Su Yuanshan’s suggestion very early. These large and small venture capital and angel funds are also the core competitiveness of the provincial capital software park. one.

To put it bluntly, everyone is inseparable from the Internet.

Recently, the appetite of Internet companies is getting bigger and bigger, but profitability is still a big problem. The speed of burning money is really a bit fast.

As Shi Dazhu spoke, he listed out the expenditures of Internet companies that he had summarized.

His final conclusion is that if we cannot find a sustainable profit direction within three to five years, then just burning money... this is really a bit overwhelming.

After all, capital ultimately depends on the price-to-earnings ratio, otherwise it will just be a matter of beating the drum and passing on money.

After Shi Dazhu finished his analysis, the bosses of the two listed websites didn't say anything, but looked at Su Yuanshan subconsciously. They know that as the president, Shi Dazhu has always been very active and thinking about these things, and his analysis is not unreasonable.

The problem facing all Internet companies now is to find a profitable direction.

And the reason why I look at Su Yuanshan... is entirely because Mr. Shan's vision has always been NB, there is no doubt about it.

What do you mean? Su Yuanshan saw everyone looking at him. He first sighed for Shi Dazhu's vigilance, and even thought about it. If Shi Dazhu came to take charge of Yuanxin, as long as he didn't mess around, he might not be able to do it. They did worse than Lao Duan and Chen Jing.

I'm not sure. After the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates six times, Nasdaq is still so confident, which is a bit confusing... Moreover, I always feel that it is a bit unreliable to rely solely on storytelling to finance development. Speculation still has to fall on industry.”

And we all know that there is still a long way to go before the Internet can become an industry. Let's not talk about anything else, let's talk about advertising... At present, Mr. Ding's monthly advertising income is only a few million US dollars, which is completely We can’t make ends meet – and this is by far the most profitable business imaginable.”

Shi Dazhu shook his head as he spoke and looked at Han Sui and Cheng Gongying: Old Han, Old Cheng, we are all brothers here. I just want to remind you that you still have to improve your performance early, really.

Cheng Gongying nodded, convinced: Brother Zhu is right, but sometimes you can't help yourself. Internet fees are so expensive now. If you don't grab users, if others do, your traffic will be gone. There will be no visits. , everything is gone. Right, Mr. Shan?

Well, that's the truth. Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile.

But he immediately added: But I also agree with what Lao Shi said, everyone must be prepared to actively expand profitable businesses.

As soon as he said these words, Cheng Gongying and Han Sui immediately became serious.

The Fed's logic of raising interest rates is correct to be negative for the stock market. The main reason why the Internet has bucked the trend is that...the Internet is essentially tied to the advancement of technology. At this stage, there is a consensus in the technology community that we are experiencing a crisis. The climax of the new industrial revolution.

Shi Dazhu immediately added: Information technology revolution.

Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile and continued: Based on this understanding, it is inevitable that investors will have confidence - not to mention that there will be a large number of retail investors following suit.

But overall, the revolution has begun... but the climax... Su Yuanshan squinted, shook his head and said softly: I personally think it is far from being reached.

Cheng Gongying and Han Sui looked at each other, and they were a little nervous.

The two of them started out by developing software for government departments. Then they found the right time to build a website. It was a smooth journey. They successfully went public last year and received a lot of financing. Now they are preparing to spend money to show off their talents. when……

As a result, Shi Dazhu and Su Yuanshan poured cold water on them one after another...

So, it's right to prepare for a rainy day. Su Yuanshan paused: Just follow our example! We have all started saving cash now to prepare for the winter.

As soon as these words came out, not only Cheng Gongying and Han Sui, everyone became nervous.

Even Shi Dazhu was stunned. He immediately asked: It won't be that serious, right? Is it a semiconductor winter or a depression in the technology field?

Shi Dazhu came from a background in Hanka and software, and later developed mobile phones. He is very familiar with the semiconductor winter.

Semiconductors are experiencing cyclical winters, so it will take a few companies to come out and offer sacrifices!

Perhaps both. As far as memory particles are concerned, the price is already very low. And there is obviously some excess capacity.

Su Yuanshan sighed secretly as he spoke - to be honest, he also anticipated the impact of the butterfly wings brought by Yuan Xin.

Because of the rise of Yuanxin, which later brought about the birth of domestic photolithography machines and domestic dual workpiece tables... coupled with the continuous launch of wafer fabs by domestic companies, compared with the same period in history, the current semiconductor industry's production capacity There is a big improvement.

If I had to say how much it had improved... Su Yuanshan made a rough estimate and found that it was more than doubled, 6 or 70%.

As a result, the semiconductor winter has come earlier than in history.

At the very least, the signs are coming earlier.

But for the future of the entire industry, and the future of technology... this is a good thing.

The semiconductor winter is bad enough for semiconductor companies to go bankrupt, but for the entire industry, is it not a big increase in users?

If there are no chips at bargain prices, if semiconductor products are still out of reach, and a computer still sells for 10,000 yuan, then there is no future for the Internet.

This... is difficult to handle. Shi Dazhu clicked his tongue and frowned tightly.

The products definitely won't make much money, so we can only provide services. Su Yuanshan looked at everyone and smiled slightly: So, this is actually good news for the game industry.


As Su Yuanshan finished speaking, a circle of more than a dozen people looked at him.

These people are all big guys in the gaming industry.

The PC industry will definitely usher in a shock, and then computers will gradually enter thousands of households. Su Yuanshan looked at the setting sun with a smile, paused and said: When the portal website cannot expand its profitability, everyone might as well play games. .”

Liu Xiang of Midstream International was the first to come to his senses and laughed: When it comes to games, we still have some confidence.

A group of people also laughed: That's right.

So, everyone started talking about the game again.

Su Yuanshan also joined in with a smile.

That night, the traditional program prepared by Shi Dazhu was roasted whole lamb. A group of people drank from large bowls and ate large pieces of meat, and it was soon early in the morning.

Just when everyone was getting ready to leave.

Su Yuanshan's cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

After answering a few words, he frowned deeply and looked at Shi Dazhu, who was whispering to Qiu Bojun.

Old Shi, please wait a moment.

Shi Dazhu immediately looked at him.

Nasdaq Internet stocks are beginning to collapse.

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