1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 768 Haste makes waste

Not only does Su Yuanshan know that Windows XP, a classic operating system, will be launched next year, he also knows that in the second half of this year, Microsoft will launch a system called Windows ME.

How do you say something?

Microsoft's system, which is popular across generations - almost started here. Because WinMe was really awkward in terms of status and compatibility, so it was completely crushed by **P.

And Su Yuanshan also knows that Windows XP also has a 64-bit version, and it is a version specially launched to match Intel's Itanium processor. In addition to the version adapted to Itanium processors, Windows XP also has a 64-bit version adapted to AMD.

Speaking of Itanium, we must mention Intel's 64-bit architecture, IA-64. This architecture is a processor created by Intel based on HP's instigation and is completely incompatible with 32-bit systems. It is specially designed for enterprise-level commercial users. Its price is extremely expensive. It reflects the arrogance in Intel’s core.

But soon, the market slapped these two hard in the face.

Gone are the days when any technology or product could drive the market. Not to mention Intel and HP, even giants like IBM have been taught a lesson.

As a result, AMD then launched X86-64, which beat IA-64 to the ground and even whispered in Intel's ear - Sir, times have changed.

However, because AMD's Athlon 64 came out a little late, it did not catch up with the release of Windows XP, and there is no first-look image. In addition, 32-bit is not unusable... so it is not well known to the world.

Therefore, in this life, Yuanxin must get on the first train of XP.

Bill, I remember we talked about it a long time ago. The future of 64-bit systems and instruction sets is not too far away, right?

Su Yuanshan crossed his arms, pointed to the bench on the roadside, and sat down.

Gates also sat aside and looked at him seriously: Let's not talk about this first. Let's talk about why you said that - I mean, congratulations on the merger of Neptune and Orside.

...Okay. Su Yuanshan rolled his eyes in his heart, thinking that this guy is really stubborn...

That's right, I don't think that Windows 98 will be a system that is good enough to catch up with the pace of hardware development - in the semiconductor industry, Mr. Moore has a saying...

Gates looked at him like he was an idiot: Doubling the hardware performance in eighteen months.

Hehe... Yes, but what about win98? Although it is also excellent, compared to the stunning feeling brought by win95, it does not have much improvement, and it does not seem to take into account the rapid development of hardware. .For example, half a month ago, AMD launched the 1G Duron processor...

And the win2000 launched this time is obviously biased towards enterprise users, workstations and server systems rather than entertainment users. Su Yuanshan paused and sighed: Okay, actually I can guess what you guys are doing. There is also an operating system...

When Su Yuanshan said this, Gates was about to open his mouth... and immediately closed his mouth after hearing it.

WindowsME is specially prepared for individual users and home entertainment users.

But according to your test leaked version, it is just a simple upgrade of Windows 98, with no disruptive changes or innovations - to put it bluntly, it is still a bit conservative. And you are not a conservative person, you will definitely realize it right away. So, the new operating system should be bolder and more forward-looking.

So, when the Osaid and Neptune teams merge, the system they create will be a system that brings together your wisdom and foresight - will you be uncomfortable with me flattering you so unscrupulously?

Gates stared at Su Yuanshan for several seconds, and finally couldn't hold back and laughed heartily.

He laughed and pointed at Su Yuanshan, and stopped after a while: You must have something to ask me for, right? Are you short of money?

Su Yuanshan: ...

Okay, no joke, our processor using the X86-64 architecture has been successfully taped out. Su Yuanshan looked at the other party and said seriously: Bill, we have talked before about technical upgrades involving user habits and experience. Compatibility must be considered, so...

Wait, your processor was successfully taped out? Why wasn't it released?

Because there is no market for the time being, and we have been losing money, we don't expect it to bring profits immediately, so now we are just trial production and polishing the process technology - but that is not important. What is important is that our processor , has a very high degree of adaptability.”

But to truly make it a pioneer in bringing individual users to the 64-bit platform, you are the most important.

After a pause, Su Yuanshan added: We also want to make money from corporate users, but deep down, I hope that individual users will be given priority.

After saying this, he looked at the other party with burning eyes.

——He said this very cleverly.

In terms of overall business proportion, Yuanxin is undoubtedly a supply chain, or ecological chain company. However, Yuanxin's external publicity is exactly the opposite - Yuanxin has always said that it is a mass consumer products company. This is especially true in the West.

There is a mystery in this.

Because popularizing high-end computer products from the military and enterprises to the private sector is a heroic act that is highly appreciated by both capital and the public.

Why does Apple have so many fans even though it is in decline? The fundamental reason is that it breaks the corporate monopoly of high-tech products and allows high-end computers to enter the private sector.

In the same way, why have beliefs gradually emerged among Yuanxin’s user groups? Because Yuanxin is an enterprise that insists on applying the most advanced technology in the civilian field.

This gives the common people a natural sense of closeness.

——In Silicon Valley, whether it is Apple, Microsoft, or the emerging giant Xinghai, they are always demonstrating their purpose of serving individual users, serving individuals, and being people-oriented.

...(To put it more mysteriously, this is actually a concrete manifestation of neoliberal thought)

Gates frowned, pursed his lips, and did not give an accurate answer after a few seconds of silence.

Performance, parameters, let me take a look?




Three days later.

Of course, the processor department did not have to wait for Microsoft to launch a 64-bit processor as Su Yuanshan said... Well, of course, it is a fact that production capacity and yield rate are insufficient, and it is also a fact that Su Yuanshan is not in a hurry.

After Gao Xiaodi won the X86-64 and dual-core processor, he naturally entered his dream stage goal-Yuanxin's Science and Technology Committee, and quickly set the next goal, which was to defeat the CIA.

Therefore, he took the opportunity to come to the headquarters to communicate with the Linux distribution team in the operating system laboratory.

The east is not bright but the west is bright. Open source Linux is the best partner.

Lao Gao, I heard that you and Microsoft have officially hooked up.

Chen Gang and Gao Xiaodi walked into the office side by side. He poured Gao Xiaodi a cup of tea and raised his chin cheerfully.

He and Gao Xiaodi were both among the first batch of seniors to enter Yuanxin to develop EDA, but Gao Xiaodi was in the field of chip design, while Chen Gang was in the field of programming. Then Gao Xiaodi started working on chips, and his status rose along the way. Chen Gang, on the other hand, struggled for many years. It was not until YOS came out that he became the director of a first-level independent laboratory and finally made his mark.

Hai, what you said is right... everyone in the world knows that you are our first wife! Microsoft can only be regarded as a mistress. Gao Xiaodi was full of words, picked up the teacup, smelled it, and shook his head: You don't Can you get some good tea from Mr. Shan?”

His tea cans are made just like a double-blind test. Except for old tea drinkers who really love tea, no one can recognize it. Chen Gang said with a smile: If you don't like it, just don't drink it. This is three hundred yuan a tael for me. The Dahongpao.

Blow it, Gao Xiaodi said, but when he heard three hundred yuan, he still blew on the tea foam and took a sip.

Let's get down to business. Gao Xiaodi put down his tea cup and became serious: After communicating with Gates this time, I have a new understanding of Microsoft.

Oh? You said.

Microsoft will be hard to beat in desktop operating systems.

... Chen Gang rolled his eyes: Aren't you talking nonsense? Now in the field of desktop operating systems, Microsoft occupies more than 90% of the share... Does anyone else take the lead? Our WinOS market share, If you look at the entire PC market, statistically speaking, it can be wiped out...

No, I'm not saying that, but I am saying that Gates and Mr. Shan are working together. The two of them really intend to form a new alliance for individual users, especially home entertainment user platforms. Gao Xiaodi paused as he spoke. : Although it's just my guess, I think my guess is right!

... Chen Gang rolled his eyes again.

Haha, you don't want that expression. Gao Xiaodi chuckled: Look, the first step in our cooperation plan with Microsoft is to improve the API and optimize games and Internet applications... This is not for individual users. for what?

Well, if you say so, it's true. Chen Gang pondered for two seconds and then nodded: After all, whether it is our Linux server distribution or WinOS, they are all biased toward enterprises. and business users.”

So, if you want to defeat Microsoft. In addition to mobile products, I think you should make great efforts to improve the development environment. Mr. Shan asked me to come up with a follow-up promotion plan, so I thought about it. Instead of working with others, If I do it, I might as well do it with you.

We? You said WinOS

Yes! Gao Xiaodi looked at the other party with burning eyes: How about it? Let's launch a new platform?

Chen Gang was startled for a moment, then smiled bitterly: Don't make trouble, WinOS is based on the YX series platform, and the architecture is different.

Hey! If the architecture is different, it can be changed! Even Apple can cooperate with us, why can't you? Gao Xiaodi raised his eyebrows: Mr. Qiao has come over with the requirements a long time ago. Our 32-bit architecture The processor is tailor-made for Apple... holy shit.

Gao Xiaodi glanced outside and lowered his voice: It's confidential.

... Chen Gang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he immediately became serious: Is it true or false?

Really, I lied to you like a dog.

Chen Gang frowned, and after thinking carefully for a few seconds, he stared at Su Yuanshan: What is Mr. Shan's opinion?

I haven't told him yet, but according to Mr. Shan's tone, he will definitely support it, right?

It's hard to say. Chen Gang pondered for a few seconds and then shook his head: WinOS's system market share is too small and its influence is completely insufficient. Moreover, our laboratory is currently losing money... This year's R\u0026D funds have been very hard for us to obtain. Yes, there is really no room left to turn now.


How about you ask Mr. Shan? If Mr. Shan supports you, then I will ask Mr. Shan for money.

Gao Xiaodi rolled his eyes at Chen Gang and said, You won't go?

I'm busy.




Su Yuanshan's office.

After listening to Gao Xiaodi's thoughts, Su Yuanshan looked at the other party with interest. Gao Xiao was confused for the first time. He first looked down at himself, then took out his phone and turned on the front camera, giving himself a shot. Zhang - Yes, the Yidoo concept model has ushered in the dual-camera era.

After discovering that there was no dirt, Gao Xiaodi asked, Why are you looking at me like that? Give me a guarantee.

Su Yuanshan chuckled: No, Lao Gao, tell me, why did you think of letting WinOS support X86?

Isn't that what you said? We can't hang ourselves on a tree, we must fully blossom. Gao Xiaodi put down his mobile phone and raised his finger: Windows, Linux, AppleOS, WinOS. All four of them support our 64-bit. If we optimize multi-core, will our chances of winning become better?

Hmm...that makes sense. Su Yuanshan nodded.

Then I'll call Chen Gang right away and ask him to come over? Gao Xiaodi immediately grabbed his cell phone and was about to make a call.

But I didn't say I agreed.


Facing Gao Xiaodi's puzzled gaze, Su Yuanshan walked out from behind the desk, slowly walked to Gao Xiaodi and sat down in front of him.

Lao Gao, it's true that the idea of ​​full bloom is true, but there is one thing that is even more precious.

What is it?


It has been more than two years since the launch of Yuanxin notebooks, but the total sales volume has not exceeded 150,000 units - during this period, it also included a large number of centralized purchases from Yuanxin and related companies, as well as enterprises and institutions. Really in the retail market Probably less than 20,000 units were sold.”

But these 20,000 units have brought us a very valuable reputation and provided great help to Yuanxin's overall brand.

Su Yuanshan looked at Gao Xiaodi and knew that this guy really wanted to beat Intel now, especially in terms of market share...

But haste makes waste, and he understood this.

Yuanxin is a huge group, and the bosses between departments are veterans and have close friendships with each other, so cooperation and communication are extremely convenient.

If the content of the cooperation is positive and meaningful, then it is undoubtedly an advantage.

But if the cooperation projects and content... don't make much sense, or the returns are too low or negative, then this advantage will become a driving force for internal waste.

It is even very likely to cause a deviation in the development direction of the enterprise.

Lao Gao, we should keep an eye on the future. Don't care about this product and market. Let's wait until the Xbook brand becomes well-known, and then we will consider switching to the X86 platform.

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